News Briefs – 01/04/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Be sure you check out Lin Wood’s feed either at twitter here, or in the twitter brief (archive is here, just in case twitter starts deleting it) (also in non-twitter format at Vox Day), where he lays out how our intelligence agencies would find people up for powerful positions, take them to a room, give them a gun, and a child just kidnapped off the street, and make them rape and then murder the child on video, before they were allowed into that powerful position. Some think he is trying to get them to sue for defamation, because he has evidence to back it up, and it is very telling nobody will sue him. The way it works, they would consider media even more powerful than politicians, since they could blow the whistle live on air with no warning, so you can guess about Don Lemon, Fredo Cuomo, Jonathan Stelter, Jake Tapper, and all the others. I told you advertising is a meme, news is not profitable, and there is no reason to pay an anchor millions per year, when there are thousands of ambitious competitors who would do it for $100K per year plus the cache’. This puts a slightly different angle on Q’s assertion there will be a suicide weekend. In light of this, it makes sense they would kill themselves. It also explains why all these people are willing to destroy themselves long term, to stand up against Trump now. They have no choice. Lin even has an activist who studied it who was gangstalked, and said Pence must have known about it happening in his state. Wood also reveals one of Jovan Pulitzer’s tech experts who is helping with the voting fraud just had five rounds fired through the window of his daughter’s bedroom. How do you think they knew which window was his daughter’s bedroom? I’ve told you, everybody in the game gets an observation post, usually next door, and their local coverage is assigned – and everything they gather, from schedules to house plans goes in the file.

A page with an interview of Dr John Hall about his research into Gangstalking, as well as the local news story about the young lady in Texas who was a target, had her home broken into repeatedly, and her food drugged, so she could be raped/gangraped by her gangstalker network. He has been swamped by people who all say they are under it, and they almost all notice their coverage in their late thirties or early forties. I am not sure why they wait until that age, instead of coming on hard when their victim is young and less steady on their feet, but it feels significant. Perhaps until then they are assessing if they can covertly divert the individual, and it is at that older age destiny begins to manifest, as youthful exuberance and adaptability briefly overlaps with the force of will from maturity. Maybe if their target has not been totally derailed by that point, they need to derail them by force. Or maybe, if as Dr Hall asserts, this is an MK Ultra- experiment of a pilot program they intend to roll out more widely at some point, they are testing how an adult, set in their belief in freedom with age, can be brought to heel under the concept of an all powerful Gestapo-like government, accountable to nobody, with no rights or Constitution to speak of. Perhaps a younger test subject would not be as useful as they may prove more adaptable than those of us older and more set in our ways.

Regardless, we are at the precipice. One of two things will happen in the near future, and one of us, or the other will have a rough ride. In option one, Biden is sworn in, and this program will continue until at some point in the future it goes national and we are all aware we are under it. Nobody will be safe, and women will simply wake up raped, and Police will be helpless, probably themselves fearing the wrath of the Antifa gangs in their patrol zones, who will be the overt shock troops of this. Option two, come Jan 21st President Trump still holds office. If so, Q has sworn that there will be a rider to classification programs, whereby classification will be barred for information involving illegalities by the government. Which means the entire NSA database will be subpoenable in a court of law for any records revolving around communications, geolocations, and other intelligence related to this program. And they have it all. Which means this will all come out, most likely in minute detail. The lawsuits will be impressive, and probably the biggest redistribution of wealth ever seen in the nation. I’d expect a similar upheaval criminally as well for all of the leadership. I don’t see how the nation just blows past a program which is essentially something you’d have expected to see cooked up by Mengele and the Gestapo Nor would I expect a scenario where this young girl has to see her rapists in the local grocery store each week, free and clear. And then you will have retributions. If I was the father of that young girl, and the names and addresses of her rapists were public record, there is nothing that would stop me. And by then, the surveillance net will be down, those who were a part will probably be watched for any signs of it reassembling, and citizens who know what it looks like will be constantly on the look out, so it will not be coming back. And even if her father was caught, in a warehouse, with the remains of fifty victims, and one still alive and limb-less, squirming, and saran-wrapped to a workbench Dexter-style, there will be a lot of people like me, who wouldn’t convict him of jaywalking in a million years, even if we had never seen this thing. After the net comes down, we will be living in an exciting world, and there will be some taking full advantage of it. The future will be wild – and free.

Peter Navarro points out not only can Vice President Pence give a ten day extension to the certifying of electors, he can also extend the Jan 20th inauguration, if necessary due to electoral malfeasance and any need to investigate. I think it unlikely, but not impossible. Below you will see Georgia Courts are delaying a slam dunk case to decertify the electors. I assume the logic goes, if they delay and Biden takes office they can just dismiss with no consequence. And if they delay and Trump launches the Insurrection Act, then they can hear it and do what is necessary to save themselves. Perhaps there might be some case like that where delay could rope in a few more recalcitrant actors.

James O’Keefe just said they had undercover agents in Georgia for months. The first video will drop tomorrow morning.

There is a chain of emails here of unconfirmed provenance which were published back in 2017, which purport to show that Mike Pence was part of a clique of RINO GOPe who plotted against Donald Trump in 2016 during the primary, and which ultimately forced Trump to take on Pence as VP instead of Trump’s first choice, General Michael Flynn, in return for Ryan not just killing Trump’s nomination outright by allowing GOP delegates to vote for whoever they wanted on the first primary balloting. Tough to say if these are real. There would be enemies trying to sow division with something like this. On the other hand, Flynn would have been a more natural choice for VP, the machine was unusually eager to get rid of him, this might explain Lin Wood’s tweets, and it was an early window into just how coordinated the Republican Party was with Cabal’s interests.

Paul Ryan says, “Efforts to reject the votes of the Electoral College and sow doubt about Joe Biden’s victory strike at the foundation of our republic.” Also, “The Trump campaign had ample opportunity to challenge election results & those efforts failed from lack of evidence.”

A good article here, the net sum of which is there is a slam dunk case covered here, filed by team Trump, which the Georgia Court system is just not assigning a judge or date to, in the hopes time will run out, Biden will take office, and the whole thing will be moot.

After the allegations that 42,000 people voted twice in Nevada, a judge ruled that Trump’s team should inspect the voting machines, but they were instead given a tour of the facility.

Author Larry Schweikart, who is fairly plugged into the Republican Party’s pro-Trump-clique, says “I don’t think a GA desertification is far away, possibly before the 6th. Where we need work & activism is MI & PA.” It is either the truth, or what Trump’s people want us to assume.

President Trump speaks to 300 state legislators from AZ, MI, WI, PA and GA in zoom call, urges them to decertify ‘unlawful’ election results.

WaPo FakeNews headline – ‘I just want to find 11,780 votes’: In extraordinary hour-long call, Trump pressures Georgia secretary of state to recalculate the vote in his favor.’ The reality was President Trump laid out all the hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes, and said if they found even 11,780 of them, he would win.

Data scientists show that Georgia data reveals 17,650 Trump’s votes were removed, and another 12,173 were switched to Biden.

President Trump sues Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger over the leaked phone call.

White House planning to refer Brad Raffensperger WaPo leak to Secret Service for investigation under national security grounds of the Espionage Act. I wonder if a Chinese agent told him to do it. Trump might get evidence of that under discovery is he sues.

Over a year before the election, Georgia’s Secretary of State Raffensperger published a technical manual with every route needed to hack and control each technical component Dominion uses as well as adding an actual vulnerability to get hackers started.

President Trump tells Raffensperger that “vote scammer and hustler” Ruby Freeman was behind 18,000 fraudulent votes in the suitcase scandal alone. A very specific number, maybe relating to very specific intelligence.

New video shows Dominion’s Eric Coomer admitting their voting machine systems are wireless and support all networks.

There will be no remote voting in the House. Chinavirus infected members will vote from a plexiglass enclosed area.

Mitch McConnell offers to support $2000 stimulus checks in return for helping to tank Trump’s opposition to the electoral vote certification.

Arizona Republican Party says there is a big update tomorrow at 9 AM.

A Hunter Biden email associate is on Biden’s Justice Department transition team.

China’s new defence law expands power of its military headed by Xi Jinping.

Kenosha is prepping for protests when charging decision comes in police shooting of Jacob Blake.

This video is going around on 4Chan, where a supposed doctor they are interviewing has strange glitches in his video which might be indicative that the video was deepfaked for some reason. Some think the current COVID narrative is so bogus they can’t find doctors to come on and talk about it so they cooked up a script and had a newsroom intern read it while a deepfaked face was laid over their template. The hairline jumping around is weird at the end. Anything is possible these days.

As COVID admissions surge, states are conflating patients hospitalized ‘due to’ and ‘with’ virus.

Pelosi reelected as House Speaker in tight vote.

Prosecutor asks judge to preserve Robert Kraft massage parlor video evidence, citing pending civil case.

Chicago ends 2020 with 769 homicides as gun violence surges. They are purging all these spots where they don’t need all the Democrats, by making them unlivable, so the residents will migrate out and turn other states blue.

Democrats are looking to turn Georgia blue due to mass immigration that has increased their voting blocs.

A Tel Aviv neighborhood was evacuated when the ground suddenly began heating up and emitted steam due to “trapped energy” from an unknown source. Could be geologic, or somebody was using a nuclear tunnel boring machine, which was melting the ground in front of it and glassing it into the walls as it moved, but it began to run too shallow.

Mexican authorities said they are studying the case of a 32-year-old female doctor who was hospitalized with seizures, difficulty breathing and a skin rash after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

Black Lives Matter and MAGA activists team up against the mandatory vaccine bill in NY.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler admitted his policies in dealing with Antifa anarchists failed, and he asked for federal and state assistance in dealing with the lawlessness. Now that the election is over.

Satire/Humor site Babylon Bee headline – Biden Releases Controversial New Memoir ‘If I Rigged It’

Fall college enrollment plummets for 1st-year students.

84 Reps want to keep the ability to carry guns in Capitol, say DC is unsafe.

Rep. Matt Gaetz says, “We’re not going back to the Bush’s and the Cheney’s … I’m a Donald Trump Republican.”

Trump to give Devin Nunes the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Over 70% of Republican voters want their lawmakers to be more like Trump.

Spread r/K Theory, because Biden did rig it.

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Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
4 years ago

On the Georgia SoS leaking the call to WaPo: I saw on Twatter that the President has two lawsuits against him, one state, one federal. The call was supposed to be a “confidential settlement call”. Leaking it was illegal. If anything, this President is too patient and longsuffering. Most of us would not have objected if he’d rounded them all up and used a firing squad a couple years ago. But now we have Lin Wood dropping about Satanism, pedophilia, and blackmail, so I guess the Great Awakening is accelerating.

4 years ago

I think it is quite likely Lin Wood is controlled opposition. You might find his actions during his lawsuit against CCP insider Elon Musk over his ‘pedo guy’ comments interesting.

> Blackmail targets are approached with a gun, a child, & a camera. The target is ordered to rape the child on video. The target is then ordered to shoot the child on video.

This is total idiocy. Blackmail targets would be approached with a spike in their drink and a beautiful 16 year old.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

The beautiful 16 yo is step 1 on the enrollment process. As you climb up the ladder, things get worse & worse.

4 years ago

Examples of Cabal sponsored cultural and legal trends:

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
Reply to  info23
4 years ago

At the 5:00 mark part of it is likely Cabal rigging the US with financial explosives- so if we’re “bad” or Cabal loses control they can rig the U.S. (also Canada) to blow up, financially. Putting millions of U.S. workers on the street, amid Covid lockdowns no less, would cause alot of extra pain, and probably a 2008 style house of cards collapse.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs

Hath not a Christian eyes? Hath not a Christian hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, heal’d by the same means, warm’d and cool’d by the same winter and summer as a Jew is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what should his sufferance be by Jewish example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

4 years ago

If winning the minds is a science, winning the hearts is an art form, Trump is a Rembrandt. His canvas MAGA-KAG.
Don’t need a Q post with Lin L Wood around these last days of cabal. Interesting thing is Lin Wood is telling the truth, unless, as Vox Day said, the cheese fell of his cracker, even then, a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Always figured #Pizzagate and #BillClintonIsAPedo connects them all be their undoing, it does, ots too vile to be kept secret, simply too many involved, and cabal created these public figures who can not be unseen. Somethings once seen can not be unseen, patterns of evil can not be broken once understood.
Cabal loses this Warr, can not see how they can win, its over, at least their attempt to reach their final objective, no matter what all, their cover is blown, plausible deniability just got a kick in the nuts, pretty difficult to run a covert world size organized crime syndicate when your crime victims see how depraved, what kind of auto-degenerates you and your organization are, and they are all implicated, no yellow media’s getting them out of this. Even pulling the plug won’t change the truth. So much for distracting from Jeffery Epstein didn’t kill himself with a chink lung aids bioweapon attack. The withdrawal of consent pertaining to it has reached critical mass.
The God-Emperor was not fucking around when he said people weren’t ready for the truth of what these people are. As he stated they are stone cold corrupt. Us good folks aren’t and thats a fact jack, its sounds corny to say it, its the contrasts which people notice, the truth is taken in degrees, people come to it on their own. Things have changed after this latest stage, their election coup, there’s a reason why 80 million people voted for Trump, attempt to take the same thing from each of us 80 million folks, get bagged red handed, yeah, “elections have consequences” indeed, nothing like causing the people you intend to enslave and genocide to be ready to accept the truth how truly disgusting evil you are, don’t matter who you are, nobody likes being taken for a sucker and made a fool of.
So yeah, people kind of become manifest, they tend to not so much accept the truth they begin to look for the terrible truth. Human nature. Preference cascades like this are next to impossible to stop, don’t leave a lot of options for your cabal, never mind its cabal who caused the whole thing. They own this. It can’t claw back the withdrawal of consent its created, cabal doesn’t have a leg to stand on now. It kept pushing and pushing, went too far, this kind of things takes on a motive power all its own, nobody can stop such a thing. Trump might be able to, he sure isn’t, the 6th, DC when 2 million or more folks show up, should be a defining moment, thats as it should be, people becoming manifest, no doubt it was in the plan all along.

4 years ago

WS Lind’s final sentence is great.

Read his VICTORIA! don’t know how many times. Allegory. Some parts in it are worth savoring, they never grow old.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

“The celebrated French far-Right intellectual Guillaume Faye passed away in March, after a long battle with cancer, but not before leaving us a literary parting shot that deserves to be a bestseller. In his final book, Faye explores the demographic, cultural, political, and military degradation of France, drawing sobering lessons for the West as a whole.

The book makes a number of stark and terrifying predictions that, when all current trends are taken into consideration, have an overwhelming probability of coming to fruition. Foremost among these predictions is that the West is now almost certainly destined to convulse with a savage and intense civil war (both civil and internal, both religious and racial) without parallel in the history of mankind. With all the dark candour one might expect from a dying man with nothing else to lose, Ethnic Apocalypse, or as it was published in French Guerre civile raciale (A Racial Civil War), is perhaps the most brutally frank, bitterly scathing, and searingly honest accounts of the current trajectory of the multicultural West that I’ve ever come across. The reader searches the text for euphemism, finding none.

There are no evasions here; no duplicity in nomenclature. Faye doesn’t speak of cultural differences, or religious incompatibilities. He has little time for talk of assimilation and integration. The problem, he declares, “is neither ideological nor even religious in nature, but, in fact, anthropological. And so is the solution. The coming war will involve people who have nothing to say to one another and who should never have been made to live together.”[1] A little over 50 years after Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech, Faye’s book is both a nod to Powell’s prescience, and a chronicle of the nascent ebbs and waves of a crimson tide that now seems fated to engulf us all.” – Andrew Joyce

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs

There’s no such thing as a “racial civil war” just a war between distinct nations occupying the same polity.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

>”There is no racial civil war”

Disagree. Especially today, where you see open state backed anti-White propaganda and discourse going all around, you can bet your ass that any scenario of civil war is going to end up dividing people along racial lines for the most part, even if it doesn’t start as a racially motivated conflict.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

OK, I just understood what you meant.

Allow me and the womper bois to play a song for you:

Another Dave
Another Dave
4 years ago

Sorry, but Lin Wood is most likely compromised at this point.

He has been making increasingly outrageous claims for weeks without providing any evidence.

My assumption is that Intel is feeding him huge piles of BS in order to smear Trump by association.

Another tell is that Twitter hasn’t banned him yet. Intel wants to use Lin and his drama to smear anyone remotely interested in investigating election fraud.

From here on out, take everything that man says with a huge grain of salt, unless he proves otherwise by presenting hard evidence of these wild claims.

Anything short of that is disinfo meant to hurt Trump.

Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

if trump was displeased he’d say so.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

Also to “debunk” all of his prior claims. If his current claims are “debunked” and real cabal kompromat surfaces later (along the lines of Hunter’s laptop) then many a normie will think they have already been proven false.

This is likely a poison the well strategy, so a “partial hang out” later will do no damage.

Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

Lin Wood…. even though I very much want to believe everything he tweets, is making some enormous unforced glaring errors. errors that any half-bright player at that level ought to know not to make. VD points this out today: 1) the best way to wipe out the crawly things living under a rotted log is just to flip the log over, and let them die in the light. what’s up with all this supersly stuff? just flip the log over. but no… 2) counting on the bad guys to take the hint and see The Light and just give up is just plain stupid. this ain’t a hollywood movie, and if the last 60 years have taught us anything, it’s that *the bad guys won’t go away until forced.* but no… and lastly, my take: 3) Wood is putting himself in the exact same box Trump/Q team put themselves in: when you croon, “it’z coming!” over and over again for 4 years, eventually people just stop taking you seriously. and why should they? nothing you predict/promise/threaten ever comes to pass. any brand-new lawyer should know better. a big-timer likeWood should absolutely know better. for that matter, so should Trump/Q Team.

as for 200,000 sealed indictments that never get unsealed? like a little kid threatening to run away and go live somewhere else. BFD.

well, I’ve put up with it this long, I can go another 15 days. but is that really how a successful general should leave his troops feeling? why is morale – as in morale boosted by public trials of DS scum, followed by long terms in Gitmo/public hanging – why is morale always overlooked? why is it not important? _God_ gets to demand blind faith. men must (occasionally) deliver results.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Much of what Lin is tweeting about is largely true, and serious researchers have been saying as much for decades.

The problem is the timing of this, Lin’s lack of proof, as well as his loose attachment to the struggle to reveal election fraud.

Most importantly, some of what he is saying is patently ridiculous, and simply tarnishes the entire post election effort, which gives further ammunition to the DS and the MSM.

Again, I assume some Intel operation is feeding him generous helpings of truth mixed with BS, which is SOP for Intel, and helps them track how and where any particular operation is heading and how it will impact public opinion.

Lin may still feel he is doing the right thing, but by endlessly spouting off without any proof of any kind… well, it looks crazy as hell.

Twitter is being told to let him squawk so that he can burn Trump by association.

Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

it’s real simple, for Trump, Wood, Sidney, Rudy, and anyone else connected to them: the time for loud (repeated)(again and again) warnings and and ‘OK now, One Last Chance!’ and shooting blanks is looooong past. the enemy is trying to destroy us. destroy the USA. destroy Christianity & western civilization. and they’re using live ammo.

quit fucking around and shoot to kill.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I think, like Wikileaks, Lin sees value in not dropping it all just yet. You’re right; I’ve seen nothing from the media and this would be a PERFECT chance for them to showcase a loon. They live for this. But complete silence.

Also, Mike Flynn Jr. responded by offering to get the information to GEOTUS. He clearly doesn’t see Lin as crazy.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I think I understand what Lin Wood is doing. He is not trying to communicate with the general public. He is, instead, communicating directly with Cabal.

Without the data dumps, only Cabal knows how accurate Wood’s descriptions are and what his evidence really is. If he is at all accurate, then Cabal has a problem even if Wood never reveals anything. They have to monitor not only what he is writing, but what everyone who follows his channel is writing as well, whether on twitter, facebook, youtube, bitchute, etc.

Lin Wood is stretching Cabal’s resources by forcing them to monitor what Wood is saying, because what he is saying is true. They are doing this because Wood has become an accurate gauge of public sentiment on these particular matters: blackmail, bribery, and criminal acts against children. Cabal calculates that Wood is capable of shading perception and reality in ways that can prove troublesome to them and in ways they cannot dismiss.

Consider the problem for an authoritarian conspiracy that generates an enormous amount of propaganda. You still have to have accurate channels of information that tell you the truth about public sentiment, otherwise you make the mistake of believing your own lies.

This is why Wood has not been deplatformed. He is an accurate channel of information about public sentiment. The more he writes, the more attention he gets, the more influential the sentiment, the more Cabal resources have to be dedicated to monitoring and tracking, the more adjustments have to be made, which eats up more resources. Cabal has to guard against lone actors taking out one of their assets or other measures that they cannot simply not account for.

Cabal is forced to take seriously what others can dismiss because the risk is real. This makes them less effective against Trump on the election front. After all, no one needed evidence of Trump pissing on Russian hookers for the charge to be believed.

Wood is in the same position.

Reply to  ardwoll
4 years ago

Remember, Mueller was the Left’s version of Q: Any day now Trump is getting impeached, arrested and indicted…until that never happened.

This kind of disinfo is not unusual.

4 years ago

This video is going around on 4Chan, where a supposed doctor they are interviewing has strange glitches in his video which might be indicative that the video was deepfaked for some reason.

Those aren’t encoding glitches. Definite deepfake.

4 years ago

Very interdasting thread from VD’s comment section about the roles of MI and SOCOM:

4 years ago

cabal’s created a monster its out of control. Unintended consequences; when you normalise all the taboos, violate peoples codes, create a state of universal deciet, the inverse takes over when you try to control the energy of thought, instead of giving it a blowoff escape valve, you create a state where the extreme truth become the new normal. When you double down on the double down in attempt to control what you made uncontrollable, plausible deniablity turns around and starts snapping its jaws at your systems of control, shit starts to come unglued, and the classic reference to elites with not enough fingers too many leaks in the damn of the power structure, a cascading failure series, is underway.
Lin Woods expose of globo=pedo on twitter is not even an extreme of an extreme. Thats a real fucking problem for cabal, pandora escaped, faust is taking a hand gallop on a apocolypse horse, options begin to dissolve quicker than they can be employed, gets too far away from cabal its like a draft in a firestorm, self feeding and increasing.
I’ve windered for awhile if this is Trump et all’s main intent. The whole globo=pedo thing is a true beast, this dark vile thing, its hunger for victims begins to take on its own power to free itself of the last leash holding it back, cabal’s need to keep it in the shadows which gives cabal its center of power and control.
Thing is the beast is cabal, or cabal is the beast, who knows which and at what point really? Nothing so foul was going to remain in the shadows, and no doubts its been the dark thing lurking on the fringes of cabal’s darkness its spreading.
Be some pretty calculating shit Lin Wood’s part in this is to open the cage holding cabal’s beast in check, the timing could not be more opportune what with the confluence of so many counter cabal elements and threats. The yellow media doesnt have the depth its lacking the ability to throw the required cloak of plausible deniability it would take to control the public revelations of the human child slavery and sacrifice in the name of raw naked power. There just isn’t no such thing as a little bit of mostly not child sex trafficking/murder of a cabal of degenerates and their system of extortion control and lucre. A totalitarian world order of rapine and pillage. An extreme of all the extremes, thats power, easy to put 2 and 2 together, Linwoods words about the depravity regarding the cold blooded use of children as the ultimate weapon of coersion and control have a certain symmetry, they have no hollow ring to them, they fit too easily into the blank places to be arbitrary tools of ulterior intent, nor arbitrarily cast aside, I mean even normie’s have tribal and primal instincts you just dont do this insane shit to children, in fact what Lin Wood is telling about fits so well into the puzzle of unknown unknowns you got to reef like there’s no tomorrow on them to bust them loose. Things once seen can’t be unseen.
Q and Trump are giving cabal the rope a dope, keeping cabal on their heels cabal’s been in a state of catch up, always reacting instead of dictating the course of events. To me this is how you loosen the fuckers maniacal grip on the levers of power. As any self respecting tyrant knows instinctively they lose that grip on the levers its game over, so quickly the fat lady dont even get to sing. Thats the nature of cabal’s power. And who really knows what it requires not just to rip cabal’s grip from its grasp on those levers, but the timing. Unless, as you keep saying AC, they are inside cabal’s network in real time. This would explain some apparently key observables.
If there’s a master key observable, its The God-Emperors appearence of a leader who is of the utmost position of confidence in a desirable future outcome and Not a POTUS who is stepping down at the end of his term. You cant get anymore obvious about it. Never mind the obvious efforts of providing key cabal actors paths of redemption thru doing the right thing. You don’t do that from a position of weakness unless your a master bluffer, and Trump’s offers to do the right thing aren’t his master of the troll gig, its true to character acts of his trademark of causing the least harm through postive action. Thats like the mark of Cinccinatus, Geaorge of the Wash statemanship, a kind of later day stoicism. How could one better put the coup actors in the perverbial moral delimma of Faust & Petard or the final honorable out of falling on ones sword.
Never mind, the worst of these insects, one of them violates the code of once in you never get out, the rest do what all such rats do when they know the jigs up. Accept your already dead or the total rout of abandon ship. Every cabal rat for itself. Cabal is paralized, only the most depraved degenerate sycopaths go down taking everyone everything they can down with them, some lust for Armegeddon, the ultimare no limits no controls sadism. Seriously, you can kidnap a kid cold off the street, at gunpoint you force your target to rape and kill the child, while you watch? Thats no longer a human thing you are, your the mark and tool of the beast, you have attained the max depravity,, and all it infers. Same for the Adrenal-Chrome jukies like hillary stalin clinton and angela beria merkel. When your coopted inside that circle you know the deal with Faust you made. Some no doubt dont need to be blackmailed. Its the source of the worst phsychopaths among a cabal of phsychopaths and megalomaniacs, like Gates, fuckerberg, obots red diaper baby brigade, kamel=toe and romney, total assholes like Shaheen, murkoski, toomey and decepticons like turtle, Ryan and romney, they even appear demonic these days, the spector of the ghost of they thought they could not lose of cabal past is a knawing rat trying to eat its way out of their cerebral cortex. You can see the demon in them just under the human skinsuit trying to surface, looks like the demons who violated God’s edict no demons on his childrens Earth in the movie Constintein, to my eye.

Its going to be incredible when they are vanquished. A world without this evil permeating everything dangling over our necks, always wondering if everyone you see is one of the insects from the cabal hive collective, like no more living movie of the body snatchers.

There’s sublime scene in William S. Linds VICTORIA when one of the hag’s of poohlitical correctness crawls out from its slmy rock, shows up giving a lecture at Dartmouth, and the central leader of the States of Secession, sets up and commands a cohort of Roman Legionnaires, sword and and and javelin, bar the doors of the lecture hall and kill every single of the audience and the intellegentsia attending. It’s this act of rightful vengence so horrificly beautiful I felt like I was there, wearing The Whole Armor of God myself.

Lind is presient. As Men of The Christian West there must as needs be great pirpose in such acts against this existential enemy thats cabal, to rid God’s green Earth of our mortal enemy, from Canada to Iran, Venezuala to China, we can never be safe from what they are without the retribution and vengeance Lind speaks to. But our internal domestic enemies, there is a special just desserts for them, their betrayal and treasons, their insidious violations of our codes our foundational precepts their cold vicious genocides of our way of life the violations of our culture, the very protections they hide behind yet deny us, hellmouths disiples, there’s a special place in hell for their ilk. None can remain to reinfect our civilization. May be its our lot as human’s, maybe its better for us in the larger scope this enemy within matasticizes through history’s corcle route, its really AC’s r/K Selection doing its thing, may be thats a good thing, maybe the hand of a higher power at work part of a grand design, a kind of ultimate hybrid vigor, because somethings up in no uncertain terms, every pass thru the crossroads of Armeggedon selects out the best of our race of Men of The West, its what saves us just when all seems lost, and we come out the otherside of the tribulation better stronger wiser and as its begun only in the tiny time frame beginning in 1609 in Jamestown, increasingly the dignity of being Freemen, the evolution of Liberty. Maybe this needs to be forged in fire and blood and great existential struggle, may be cabal is a kind of gift to our Freeman race, it sure makes sense, for why else could we be trated as such a threat to evil and its tyranny, all most of us ever wanted, all we ask for is simply to be left alone.
Ask yourself how is this a threat to anyone or anything? A threat such, where those who see us as threat act to genocide our civilization our culture, genocide all traces, from our history to the tiniest truth of us?
All’s I can figure out with zero doubt is we must be on the right path. Its pretty profound stuff, so much foretells of something someplace on this course Liberty and our dignity as Freemen of The West we find something makes whatever it takes to stay on the path worth everything. What matters most. certainly our enemy is so horrified by something its stopping at nothing to keep us from reaching that place and what awaits us. And perserverence, prudence, our indomitable audacity and will is the prime target the enemy attacks, just as there are thise who attack such notions and insights as what Im trying to convey here.
I think there is an inner Zeigiest, a confluence of thought and spirit, of hearts of resolution, an awakening of indomitable nature. Its as pure and as grass roots as it gets. So much so its eclipsed the ideas of rule of law, of what is proscribed with ink on parchment, and reaches into the very crux of the elemental things which make is free men, that its cause, and in doing so we create a bond, solidarity, out of common cause, the stuuf which all that ink and parchment was translated into sanctions for men, that naturally they are flawed in their form in ink and parchment, and this Zeigeist is liberty redirecting itself, its searching for other forms to take on our mortal plane.
Ya know, a man like LeVoy Finnicum, Andrew Breibart, Trump, cabal has to take down. It cant help it. A guy like LeVoy, Randy Weaver, they are the the embodyment of the ultimate threat to cabal, and as LeVoy did, as only one who is such the max threat, is maybe because he, they, know they are that ultimate great warrior threat, that somebody has to die first. Not just anybody. Though none who die with his face to our mortal foe and his heart given unto something larger than self, is never waste. It is The Sacrifice. Love has no Man as for another he will go to his death to save his brother. Thats LeVoy Finnicum when he stepped out of that truck, and it is cabal’s demons, their most foul themselves who killed LeVoy.

I think Lord McCauley said it best in his lays of ancient Rome, Horatius At The Bridge, which depicts the Warrior Virtues responsible for founding Rome’s Republic, thus the blueprint for The Men of The Christian West. LeVoy Finnicum embodies Horatius’s courage in the face of fearful odds, for False Sextus is no fable who #BillClintonIsAPedo and all the vile bastard represents and embodies certainly is no streach of truth. I truly hope the sonofabitch is feeling quite mortal right about now;

“…thus spake Horatius, the Captain of the Gate:
‘To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his fathers
And the temples of his gods
And for the tender mother
Who dandled him to rest,
And for the wife who nurses
His baby at her breast,
And for the holy maidens
Who feed the eternal flame,
To save them from false Sextus
That wrought the deed of shame?

4 years ago

As far as lin wood goes, I really don’t know much about him to make a proper judgement on him as a person. That said, as insane as the accusations are I had come to believe that things like this were occurring long before I had ever even heard of Lin Wood. I for one don’t find it “shocking” in the sense that blackmail and cremation of care type ceremonies have been getting more widely known since pizzagate. If you know where to look, you can find plenty of circumstantial evidence. For one example, a “child clown sex slave” skit made by Will Ferrel and these two other guys for Cartoon network. I did an almost frame by frame analysis of the symbology of these skits in the following article:

As Q said, symbology will be their downfall. These particular skits were especially egregious, but once you know what to look for you see the symbology and references in pretty much all entertainment, more so in stuff more recent.

A family member was watching a david spade film “The last missy” and as I was walking through the room the main MK ultra like main actress said something like “Are you stalking me? Are you going to rape me and leave my murdered body in a gorge? Cause I am down for that.” Not exactly what she said, but that was the gist. Is that really supposed to be funny? Is it more of an inside joke for those who took the deal? I don’t think normies would laugh at that.

Anyway, there are lots of examples of these people getting in good with TPTB making all sorts of sleazy jokes, that probably aren’t really jokes. James gun, for example,

Here are links to a few documentaries that pre-date pizzagate and deal with the same issues:

This topic is actually pretty important so I went ahead and made a short write-up.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

I’ve looked into this long enough that my assessment is, Lin barely scratched the surface. He probably shocked a lot of people who have never heard of this before, but I saw his tweets this morning and thought “I already know that, Lin.” Those who think he is crazy but won’t ask if he could be right and look it up are probably beyond help. But then, they’d probably look it up on Google or CNN and conclude Lin is crazy because surely those sources would tell you if it were true.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
4 years ago

I suppose its possible that he is working on an elaborate distraction, or is meant to take a fall later to discredit the information, but even if that is the case it is a high risk strategy. Plenty of people, such as myself, have made legitimate efforts at exposing this stuff. Other people much more than myself. Just bringing the ideas into the public consciousness opens them up to find more thoroughly demonstrated info which could then backfire heavily. I tend to think cabal wouldn’t go that route unless they were truly desperate, but honestly they may be that desperate at this point.

I think I saw a rumor that his former business partners had a recording of him claiming to be the second coming of Jesus or something, but there isn’t any proof that he said that. If it is true, I think it is actually a common distortion to initially have very confused impressions and feelings when a person first has a transcendental experience. That is, when they first open the gateway and personally experience oneness with all creation. Indians call it a kundalini experience. Part of that is realizing since every part of the creation is the creator, you feel like you are god. Which is true since everything is, but its not true also because you aren’t more special than any other part. If there isn’t enough humility that leads to some confusion initially, kind of like what happened to David Ike. In fact, if that rumor is true then it was the exact same response to the experience by both of them.

The thing is, that sort of experience could be radically transforming to do the right thing no matter what, like exposing elite child sacrifice at the risk of his own life and the life of his family. So I don’t know about wood personally, I do know that pedophilia and sacrifice is common among the elite, however.

4 years ago

regarding cabal initiation, might there be different actions required for different jobs/levels? rumor is still out there Obama shot a US soldier.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

he’s a bifurcated personality. one part gutless homo pervert and conniving politician, another part Manchurian-style programmee. there’s been stuff all over the net about a pic of a turbaned resident zerobama holding a gun. the complete pic/film would reveal what he may have shot.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Not many things would surprise me about Obama.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

The banker guy is Ronald Bernard.

Hepcatt 2
Hepcatt 2
4 years ago

Peter Navarro points out that Pence can stall like this, or delay like that…

JFC, we’ve been doing this shit for 4 goddamn years now. Deadline after deadline blown through, always with the most ingenious excuses, with lots of non-specific non-promises that ‘we can still do that at a later date.’ Of course nothing happens, and now this chickenshite.

Shit or get off the pot, Don. Every day you fuck around and don’t do what needs done, more people are hurt and more lives are destroyed. Small business owners, for example. Children in the clutches of organized political pedo cartels for another. The only people who go in for 4-year foreplay are freaks and losers.

4 years ago

What do you think the over under is on this fucking slant eye being a Commie spy?

4 years ago

Claimed to be a quote by Adam Weishaupt. Having searched a number of accounts I find no evidence for or against the supposed author. The historical records and accounts of Adam’s attempts to create a higher order and new branch of Free Masonry is a tale of complex conflicting intrigue, jealousies, power struggles, religious conflict, gossip, slander and internal politics, never mind all the conspiracy fiction written on the subject. There where two schools of thought, one was the societies associated must be free and open, strive for moral qualifications of merit rather than station and wealth status, and never undermine Christianity, the other is based on only carefully vetted and selected members come from high social stations and commanding wealth, who would be capable of choosing the moral and spiritual course of western civilization, in no way as so simply stated for either, as the squabbles and search for primacy within this offshoot of Freemasonry and its conflicts with long establish lodges and the constant bickering over the 3 first degrees and special higher rites of Masonry. Its a real cluster fuck of big fish in small pond syndrome, and of conspiracies, conflicts with religious and spiritual imperatives, everywhere. And everyone involves seems to have their own agenda within the hierarchy. Weishaupt seems not much different in most respects, except for being singularly the force behind an Illuminati branch of Free Masonry. Seems not a lot has changed. Not to mention outside perceptions and persecutions that secret societies in general where seen by the powers that be as up to no good, and many where proscribed, outlawed even tried for sedition and treason. Even going underground and the roots, the actors behind the French Revolution and the Jacobins. Looks like nobody can ever be sure, its fucked up like a soup sandwich.

But its a most interesting comment who ever wrote it, regardless of it provenance if it has any it speaks to the darker nature of men with power who aim for more raw naked absolute power, as old as man himself. Just add your favorite political corruption conspiracy, cabal, and organized crime syndicate, there you go. One can read in just about any pet conspiracy desirable, its fertile ground, not unlike newspaper horoscopes, one size fits all plausible deniability and political dissimulation, kind of like a certain swamp and its effects when it comes to actually doing its sworn duty as representative governance, and being held responsible personally, a real fucking pig in a poke, any good principled RICO statute prosecutor and public hangings would go a long way to relieving our good folk selves of the SOB’s:

“Monetary and sex bribery was to be used to obtain control of men already in high places in various levels of all governments and other fields of endeavor. Once influential persons had fallen for the lies, deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati, they were to be held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail, threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and physical harm, eve death to themselves and loved members of their families.”

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

GA and the ATL are key. note that the monthly maps/files of sealed indictments have no tabbed info for the N fed district of GA. it’s hot. CNN HQ, fulton county etc. vote fraud and trafficking and more.

4 years ago

Wood sure seems to have some Crusader in him, just his success at getting King Kyle out of lock-up, saving him from a hit most assuredly to have been put out on him if the words of Soros’s AG project tool is any indication.
And Wood put a pretty decent financial wack upside the head of a number of yellow media organs over the whole fake indian with a tom tom cabal tool professional victim stance/false flag/narrative whiteteenageboyzraycialsupremacistbybirthbad clusterfuck.

Assuming Lin Wood isn’t some incredibly complicated comped insect or cabal agent provocateur counter psy-op, In my book the guy walks the talk. There sure ain’t many willing to risk the cabal dirt nap out in the unprotected wild. Like to get Sidney Powell’s honest straight take on the guy, if we can’t trust that amazing Lady we are all seriously fucked.

4 years ago

In general not much to argue about. There’s a 6 year running palace coup, topped off with a patently clear election coup attempt by both vast structured cabals of domestic and foreign enemies working in concert bent on destroying my country and way of life never mind I’m certain I’m on a list for liquidation, not that they have a chance of fucking with me if I got a damn thing to do with it, and I do and I plan on it.
Winning. Just to make that stone cold clear. The fuckers have created a monster in Men like myself. I take it kind of personally. Lot of Men like me we don’t back down we don’t quit.

The organized corruption and treason within my government makes whats crystal clear super nova grade brilliant. Nothing or no one has anything worth more than a bucket of warm spit to the contrary.
If Wood is a cabal insect who gives a flyin’ fuck. Dime a dozen in these days. I find it the height of absurdity with all the shit going down, cabal would risk creating a narrative false or whatever, turning even more American’s aganst themselves? Who the fuck are you fooling? Cabal going to expose themselves as satan worshipping auto-degenerate baby rapers traffickers and killers? You got to be shitting the rest of us. Or plumb fucking retarded.
It’s what Tom Clancy coined as “Clear & Present Danger” going on. you all are trying to overthrow and take over The USofA, with all that implies, and cabal sends out a ambulance chaser, a private lawyer, to play yellow media wackamole with organized child raping and baby murder narratives?
Do you know how ridiculous that is at face value?

And you all making comments Wood is op-for really need to clean up and put some polish on the concern troll act, do you know how fucking lame you come across?
You guys could not be any more obvious using those cookie cutter lines. They was only ever effective psy-op SOP’s on the die hard denial normies and freshly awakened. You all tell on yourselves something terrible. The big tell is you all only show up to refute subvert and misdirect, when the approved narratives are required because a couple regular folks hit on dangerous thoughts, and thats all you got, its not disagree to agree discourse its blatant attack by way of put down of any comment which threatens the truth about yourselves and your masters, you all got zero constructive discourse to add, the bit of cover is disengenious ar best, token blah blah, and the plausible deniability dissimulations follow a formalized mind fuck pattern. It’s pretty basic social engineering technique.
Some of you use multiple comment avatars, but you have personal tells recognizable across an array of comment threads you frequently work. There’s some other tells that are dead giveaways but I’m not going to do you extra by letting out what they are. They are most useful when they are kept close to the vest.

Always wanted to ask you guys if you ever have doubts, any remorse, for what your doing? I mean your selling out your fellow American’s, your definite Quisling’s, traitors, no small number of you swore the sacred oath, violating that alone puts you guys in a special category, its double jeopardy, its all really treason when you get down to nuts and bolts.
But its not even that I’m curious about, whats down in your hearts, you would make the Faustian bargain, what is it lured you and you had to fulfill, satisfy, to meet up with the devil at the crossroads. What deep down character defect is it? I mean, nobodies perfect, we all make poor choices at some point, but there’s galactic grade poor life choices, ones you really have to commit to, shit most folks wrestle with something fierce even if they would never take the plunge.

Is it money, power, is it hatred all consuming? I accept what I see, its a special kind of treason, without you guys cabal ain’t possible, your their trained minions and sycophants. You perpetuate the cabal. You do realize you are special kind of slave class, whats in you to become a willing slaves? Servants to overlords who are the epitome of the psychopath.
Do you suspect when your no longer needed you will end up taking the dirt nap, because you can’t be trusted, by ones who invented systemic organized betrayal, you sold out your own kind, your betrayers forever, in cabal’s eyes you can never be trusted, you already sold out once.
You do consider, think about, its very likely the idea you all could not lose, will be the reality you made some real bad life choices, like in the tiny small hours of the night, shits gonna get real bad for you and your compatriots. And where can you run to, hide. When this all comes out there’s so many of you there is no hiding. No nice protections you hide behind now, yet deny all of us the same, maliciously, with intent.
Is it all worth it buddy?
Will the promised rewards balance out, worth the price on your eternal soul?
There’s some things you can’t take back, like bullets, and using babies, children as weapons, tools of the trade, to be sent to and broke down like a cow or hog by the cabal’s organ-leggers, after their living little souls are extinguished. Honest to God blood money. It goes in the kitty, you get your pieces of silver that way. Lucre made from all those tiny souls. Of course, not before their blood is siphoned off by the globo=pedo-vampires needing their boot of Adrenal-Chrome. You understand there’s no redemption for some things right?
There be a lot of friends down there with you, there’s at least that.

4 years ago

South Korea’s Military Dispatches Anti-Piracy Unit To Gulf After Iran Seized Tanker

4 years ago

Saudi Arabia Lifts Its 3.5 Year Economic Blockade Of Qatar In US-Brokered Deal

4 years ago

Putin Pushes Plan To Roll Out COVID “Immunity Passports” In Russia

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago