News Briefs – 01/04/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at




I like to try and get one mind-expanding/shocking article in each brief if possible. This is that article. That is too coincidental. Why him? why Baghdad? What are the chances, at that exact moment? Anons are thinking somebody in Cabal’s intel got wind of the Soleimani operation, and had the New York Times do this piece, hoping Soleimani would see it, realize it was too coincidental and thus was a message, and alter his plans to travel to Baghdad where he was about to be hit. This is how they communicate. Fortunately either they were just too late, Soleimani missed the article, or Trump leaked it at exactly the right moment to expose whoever was involved and show us the treachery, without upsetting the operation. If so, message received.

NY Times tweets out video of Soleimani reciting poetry. Presumably to emphasize how he was an austere religious scholar.

NY Times does a strangely revealing piece showing how the Impeachment effort appears to be originating with a lot of the elite Defense contractors, who feel Donald Trump’s hatred of wastefulness is bad for them.

I told you yesterday, I thought it possible a video of a black guy on a subway assailing Jews was produced with all Cabal domestic assets, as part of our media, which is really just one big controlled psychological operation by an intel op running PsyOps against the American public. After wrapping that brief, I stumbled on this video which was recorded from a liveshot of a SpaceX Space Station resupply launch. In it SpaceX was supposedly blasting a SpaceX rocket into space, when what looks like a mouse ran across the rocket, which either showed it was not in space, and that it was a very small rocket, or that somehow mouse like-debris was being blown around like mice in zero atmosphere on these multi-million dollar pieces of machinery:

Immediately after that on the live feed, they cut to another shot of another engine as you can see the first time he shows it above, so we did not see where it went after that, and it felt like somebody in the control room did it purposely. If it wasn’t a mouse and the shot was real, why would such an expensive piece of hardware have massive pieces of loose flotsam just shifting around as it flies? And what would be propelling it, given it is supposed to be in space, without any atmosphere? Here is what is fucked up. This looks like a mouse running across a supposedly actively firing rocket in space. Let’s say it isn’t, but it really looks like it. Why do I not see anybody pointing to it and making fun of it. The humor factor alone should have it on every news show. At least a few semi-respected websites should broach it, since it is all over youtube. But nobody will touch it. Just a few of the usual suspects who say whatever happens across their radar, all of whom have micro-audiences by what we are told are the standards of a web-celebrity.

Lets do a quick spacebread for the archives, just to show why some of us think it is at least a possibility much of what we see on the TV might be faked, even if they have gone to space:











Coming Sunday will be a look inside Jeffrey Epstein’s jail cell when he committed suicide. Saw this on TV. It was laugh out loud funny. His cell was loaded with enough sheets for “many, many people,” a pen, an electrical cord, and they weren’t supposed to move the body or disturb anything given he had died a couple of hours before he was found, but they scooped him up anyway and hustled him to the hospital, destroying the crime scene. Also, at the link’s video, the expression on the reporterette’s face when she says the video of his cell door was “corrupted” was funny. They all know.

Cabal has been using Impeachment to stall, obviously. I had foolishly assumed it was just buying time and hoping something like a meteor or earthquake would happen, but in retrospect, an organized Iranian attack in Iraq that killed American soldiers/diplomats and drew us into a war with Iran, or perhaps more likely, a planned attack in Iraq that caused us to kill an Iranian leader to thwart it, which would then “justify” a major terrorist attack on the US mainland by Iran’s sleepers/terrorists, might be the perfect plan. The terrorist attack would ostensibly offer a reason for why President Trump would be “endangering National Security” if he released every American’s FISA files, or in any way threatened the domestic surveillance apparatus, and we’d be tied up in war, giving Cabal even more time to try and regain control. If they faced anyone other than the God-Emperor, I would be worried.

On the next one, traveling in medical vehicles is standard operating procedure for insurgent targets operating in opposition territory, and likely means Trump would have been double sure of who was in the ambulances before pulling the trigger:

Chris Wallace says Bush and Obama didn’t take out Soleimani out of concern over Iran’s response. Or was it they all worked for the saem employer?

Flashback: Iran’s Soleimani hired a Mexican cartel associate to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador on U.S. soil. I wonder if that ambassador was caught talking to Military Intel and Q in the early days of the Plan. At some point they had to feel out the Saudis before launching the Storm.

Flashback: Soleimani helped plan Benghazi. The article notes, Benghazi housed an NSA listening post which would have been monitoring Cabal Ops in that theater. You wonder if Benghazi was part of the CIA/Cabal vs NSA battle we saw in so many other places. That whole story sounds off, making me think the CIA chief of base allowed that attack. He heard of the kidnapping plot targeting the Ambassador, he had the Iranians under coverage, and then his surveillance team just backed off, and they had no idea where those Iranians went. The Iranians were separated from their surveillance, and he wasn’t suspicious it was a ploy to get free from their coverage, he accepts the story, and then he just lets his guard down. He has a kidnap attempt on an Ambassador and he doesn’t bother to verify where they are? That it was a ploy is the first thing I would have thought, and I would have maintained heightened alert for weeks, if not months. Then they had no other way to track the Iranians once they were separated from their physical surviellance? No overhead surveillance from drones, planes, or satellites, on an Iranian team they knew in advance planned to attack an Embassy and kidnap an Ambassador? They had no domestic assets to ask? No covertly installed remote camera networks on intersections like I would assume they blanket in areas where they operate for longer than a month? No trackers on cars of local militants who may have been involved, that could have been activated and checked? All they had were a couple of locals they asked to drive behind the team, and once they lost contact they were blind to that level of a threat? That is how you or I would run the operation, our first time doing it. An agency with literally decades of experience would know to have multiple layers of surveillance and tracking. It would not be their first rodeo. I think at least, the local CIA operation allowed that attack, maybe to take out that NSA listening post and hit NSA. I was going to do a streetview surveillance detection analysis in Benghazi, which I am fairly sure would have shown the google car being followed and watched everywhere by Cabal’s embedded network, but unfortunately, there are no streets mapped there by the google car.

Obama launched 2,800 strikes on Iraq and Syria without congressional approval.

The recent U.S. air strike that killed top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani will send a strong message to Iran’s key ally, the Chinese regime, according to a China expert. Another expert says it is a powerful message to Iranian dissidents as well.

Ted Cruz pushes a Senate resolution praising Soleimani mission, daring Dems to oppose it.

Tim Kaine introduces resolution to block any war with Iran.

Iranians thank President Trump for killing Soleimani using the hashtag #TnxPOTUS4Soleimani.

Democrats are furious Pelosi and Schumer weren’t included in Iran briefing, but Lindsey Graham was.

The Deep State may have used a FISA on one of Giuliani’s associates to spy on him as he served as the President’s lawyer. If they have in essence 825 million wiretap warrants under FISA, as the numbers indicate, in a nation of 300 million people, imagine how dense the coverage is up there in DC, where so many have contact with lobbyists, and foreign dignitaries, and so on. Giuliani probably has twenty or thirty connections that have produced warrants to spy on him already.

Conservative Tree House’s latest has this unbelievable paragraph“Now consider, earlier today U.S. House of Representatives Legal Counsel, Douglas Letter, argued in court it would be a possible remedy -for a conflict between branches of government- for Speaker Nancy Pelosi to order an armed “gun battle” between the House and the United States Department of Justice. Yes, this actually happened.” Does she feel that holds for plebes as a legal remedy as well? If not, why not? Something has to change. Government was always on a trajectory of change, either full despotism, which is all that could keep us together, or a full split by any means necessary.

The judge in Hunter Biden’s paternity case will issue an order of paternity, making Hunter legally liable for support of the child, since the DNA test came back positive.

Mother of sexually abused boy band singer accuses Disney, CAA, Hollywood Records, LAPD, DA & industry elites in pedophile ring & cover-up. Pretty amazing account from inside that machine, of them dragging the little kids from party to party, and both men and women at each party dragging the boy into back rooms to molest him like he was a sex toy. Of course unsaid is that I will bet every party location was filled with cameras in the back rooms, those people knew, and it was a way of showing Cabal they would always be loyal, because they didn’t care if Cabal had total blackmail on them. Indeed they would give it to Cabal so Cabal would promote them to higher, and more powerful positions. I’d assume no Storm is complete unless all of them are dealt with at some point.

Knife attacker in Paris shot dead by Police. May have been wearing a suicide vest by some accounts.

Muslim population of England passes the three million mark for the first time as the numbers of Christians continues to decline.

According to the Census, China is sending more immigrants to the U.S. than any other country.

Scientists put a human intelligence gene into a monkey. They claim they improved short term memory. Presumably more to come.

Bloomberg on the hero who shot the Texas Church Shooter, says dismissively, “It’s the job of law enforcement to carry guns that kill. We just can’t “let” the average American have guns in a crowded place…gun control saves lives…”

Over 100,000 DACA applicants have been arrested for charges including murder, rape, and DUI.

FBI released a massive vault of Scalia files, but there was nothing in them, other than background checks vouching for him, and the investigation of some threat that turned out to be satire. Some wondered if the release might have been a message to someone.

Arizona Republicans introduce bill allowing for private border wall construction  

Warren Buffet derides SJW companies wasting shareholder money on social justice issues. Could he possibly not see it is all Cabal trying to advance the Cabal agenda at all costs? Might Buffet not be Cabal?

On Thursday the U.S. government began sending asylum-seekers back to Nogales, Mexico, to await court hearings that will be scheduled roughly 350 miles (563 kilometers) away in Juarez, Mexico.

Judicial Watch finds 2.5 million ‘extra’ registrants on the voting rolls. They are constantly churning away on the voter fraud issue.

Another media outlet in financial difficulty as Trump’s economy is on fire and Trump has got everybody glues to screens watching the exciting news, which you would think would have media companies rolling in dough compared to a few years back:

Is this next one the end of encryption?:


Spread r/K Theory, because Alexa says Q-anon is real.

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5 years ago

It’s not a mouse, it’s a chunk of ice that builds up on the turbo machinery as they chill it down prior to engine startup that then breaks off and gets caught on the turbopump exhaust duct until it either boils off from the temp or slides down the helix and falls off like this one did.

I’ve seen this exact same thing on several SpaceX launches, and they don’t cut away from it before it falls off. Sometimes the chunk rides it out on a part that isn’t hot enough to boil it off and then comes free and floats about randomly when the engine thrust goes away.

Owen is remarkably dense when it comes to explanations for things he doesn’t want to believe in.

I love the guy, but he has zero knowledge of how anything highly technical operates, so he defaults to either “it’s magic!” or “it’s fake!” depending on whether he likes or dislikes the thing in question.

He’s a master rhetorician, and I’m glad to have him on our side, but he’s also often a prime example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect in action.

He has no idea that turbomachinery has to be chilled before use and this is usually done by blowing a liquefied gas through it (IIRC SpaceX uses liquid oxygen), which causes condensation and thus ice coating on the outside, so when that chunk of ice breaks off, he jumps right to the most rhetorically effective jab he can take at space travel (which he has a royal hard-on for, for some reason), which is “Oh, look, it’s a mouse on their mock-up stage!”

It’s perfect rhetoric, combines humor with a strong throwback to previous jabs about the moon landings being faked, and heaps of derision. The man is a master.

I just wish he’d use his powers for something less retarded than bitching about space flight.

Of all the things he could latch onto….

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago


5 years ago

AC, I believe we’re watching a slow reveal being executed by Trump and Team Q as they take this war to the Cabal. I keep faith that the fake Democrat Russia/Ukraine dramas, outrage about terrorist deaths, false flag shootings etc are exploited for our benefit and only highlight the treason and corruption of our elites.

I’m left wondering how does this movie play out? Let’s say 85%-95% of the US population finally awakens to the reality, what then for the America we are left with? If it’s obvious that our entire society has been corrupted in a real covert war against heritage Americans over the last two, three, or four generations – do they not have a right to get their America back? Talk about reparations. If our culture has been secretly and viciously destroyed by treasonous acts of Congress, immigration laws, educational curricula, do we try to make right? How do we do that? Do we politely ask 100+ million people to GTFO of our country? Do we accept what’s been done as a fait accompli and say everyone was fooled and deserves a second chance? Do we maintain a United States of 50 states or secede and divide into multiple countries and regional alliances? In a newly realistic age it’s likely we divide by race, religion, etc. Perhaps that happens but we politically structure as a confederacy.

While we’re figuring this out, I can only imagine the shitshow in Europe where they’ve imported millions of muslims, and the Cabal has had the People by the throat and impotent for generations.

The Reveal or Great Awakening is going to be global in scale and Russia and China cannot escape it. I suspect (hopefully) that Putin is on-board with Trump and may play a crucial, pivotal role in our war against Cabal. China is so unbelievably surveilled already. It is the greatest threat to our heritage culture. On the other hand, if leadership there can ever be won over China would be an implacable foe of Cabal, and Cabal may finally be denied safe zones anywhere.

Q said after Saudi Arabia and North Korea, Iran was next. It appears that may now be in play. If these denied safe zones for Cabal are shut down, China is left confronted by a new reality. Does it tolerate and support Cabal and the Beast within the CCP/Triad mafia, or do patriots there turn on it and finally free the Chinese people to join a civilized humanity?

I’ve traveled the world. I’m convinced of the inherent decency of human beings everywhere. Also, I’m realistic about racial and cultural differences. We are tribal – genetically and culturally. r/K is also real and can’t be ignored. Therefore we need to structure our political divisions and systems accordingly.

AC, I think you’ve said before that a cunning, psychopathic organization like Cabal would have to evolve in human society, sooner or later. In an indifferent universe it is a natural mutation that selects for successful procreation. Our best option in coming years may be only to instil and maintain a cultural awareness and vigilance about this threat. That is where I believe we need full transparency – the Truth. In order, to protect ourselves in future.

Of course, if the Truth is that we are merely the playthings of an exponentially superior alien race then the above is moot. In that case, let’s hope our “Awakening” is ultimately benign and we are united on a new, higher plane of spiritual knowledge and existence. Either way, for me, there’s a place for God and for our faith in him in his grand design.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Huck
5 years ago

” I suspect (hopefully) that Putin is on-board with Trump and may play a crucial, pivotal role in our war against Cabal. ”

You can count on this. There’s a reason why the Establishment/Media/DNC hate Putin so much, and it has absolutely nothing to do with their concerns for the rights of random dissidents in Russia. When you look at the intensity of the attacks on Putin and how spurious/ridiculous/contrived that they are, it points to something. I doubt that anyone has sincere fears of Russia invading the west in conventional military terms. So the fear must be based on a different kind of threat that is going unnamed.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

i hear ya, but if cabal thinks u are a threat, they have no issue with scuttling any deal, by red-flagging you without telling you.

Red Sunset
Red Sunset
5 years ago

There is a dead Soleimani Twitter parody account which is pretty funny:

5 years ago

It seems that Iran has raised the flag of war.

In my view:

1, We should use another drone to blow up just the flag–and reject their declaration. (We may be the only nation in history powerful enough at this point to reject a declaration of war…)
2. Give them a warning not to raise it again.
3. If they do, take out another leader each time it happens.
4. As they run out of commanders (and/or politicians) telling them to put the flag up, they’ll stop.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anon010420
5 years ago

The real question is ANY of the things they say about Soleimani true? If they’re all lies should our response be the same? I don’t trust anything the war machine puts out.

“…As they run out of commanders (and/or politicians) telling them to put the flag up, they’ll stop…”

Israel did this to Hezbollah. Killing all their leaders. Now they have a really smart leader who kicked their ass in the Lebanon war. Do we want to do the same? Maybe we’d be better off with the leaders they have now.

The best plan of action is to leave these crazy people alone and invest in nuclear power plants and electric cars. I bet it would be orders of magnitude cheaper.

5 years ago

The US has denied responsibility for the strike on the medical vehicles

Earlier on Saturday, Iraq’s PMF had said further air strikes near camp Taji had killed six people and critically wounded three. The attacks hit a convoy of medics, not senior leaders, the grouping said.
Iraqi state television had said they were U.S. air strikes but the U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State later denied any involvement, saying it did not conduct any recent attacks near the camp north of Baghdad.
“FACT: the coalition … did not conduct airstrikes near Camp Taji (north of Baghdad) in recent days,” a coalition spokesman said on Twitter.

More at:…064506899.html

5 years ago

From the Free Republic Q community:

Qanon post #1320

Q !2jsTvXXmXs No.68
May 8 2018 18:44:19 (EST)
Today, EVIL lost control / leverage of Iran.
Today, POTUS took control of Iran.
Today, w/ pending sanctions and military action(s), POTUS will gain more ammunition / intel against THEM.
Suicide watch.
The deal kept Iran quiet.
The goal was to keep POTUS in until impeachment / term end.
Bigger than people can imagine.
Treason is 1/10th.
Ask yourself, why are they panicking?
Ask yourself, why is UK, France, and Germany so involved?
Trips to the WH?
What are they hiding?
Why is HRC in NZ?
Is NZ part of 5 Eyes?
Why is that relevant?
Suicide watch.

Qanon Post # 1320 – 1-3-2020

5 years ago

I came back later in the day to watch these but they’re not playing.

Also, it’s clearly a mouse, not ice.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

“…Also, I thought the symmetrical ears and the movement was more mouse-like than a block of ice, but who knows…”

It looks like a mouse to me too. It does look sort of vaporish like ice melting into vapor but it sure looks like a mouse….I went back and looked at it real slow and you can see the mouse body is really vapor from the ice chunk rolling towards the bottom (of the picture).

I’m very pro space program. Very and I have spent a lot of time debunking the “we didn’t go to the moon” debunkers. I’ve never ever seen a single one of their criticisms that couldn’t be easily answered but these space station clips are shocking. I have no way to say this is not NASA fakes unless the actual video is really not from NASA and it’s doctored.

There is a space station up there. Could it be the space station is uninhabitable and they refuse to tell us? There’s always been a problem with space habitats I’ve worried about. Fungus, bacteria, yeast, mold, etc. Without a large biosphere to balance all this stuff I could see how a whole habit could be covered in one, or all, of these to where the whole thing is completely useless. Look at all the crooks and crannies in the space station. How the hell would you clean it if some sort of mold took hold. Mold is hard to kill.

The rot in this country hadn’t really set in when we went to the Moon but I could see them lying about the space station as damn near everything is a lie in this country now. The worst thing about it is if there’s some sort of problem, covering it up means you’ll never fix the problem at all.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

If you can “easily debunk” the moon landing stuff, then please address Ralph Rene’s work at your earliest convenience. All the other Moon Hoaxers made errors here and there. As Ralph Rene’s personal friend I grilled him on whatever details in his book didn’t seem probable and he filled me in. Rene’s material is airtight. There was no moon landing.

I have never seen a moon landing unbunker do more than wave their hands and make claims without addressing the real evidence, or worse, inventing new lies out of whole cloth.

5 years ago

Libya MPs call for break with Turkey over military deal

5 years ago

Put me down for a $100 on the DOJ boys.

So many possibilities and a built in lose/lose for the government…….

IRS auditing you?
Haven’t paid that parking ticket?
Road toll fines?
Red light camera fines?
Politician broke their campaign promise?

Judge…….I choose trial by combat.

Reply to  Bman
5 years ago

Bringing back dueling would do a lot for politics, imo.