Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
Over at American Stasi – Math And Physics Are Now National Security Secrets. It will not be new to you, but these articles are simply meant to be shared to spread awareness among the normies who have not seen this material.
A tour of the NOLA terrorist’s home, despite it still being a crime scene?
Cybertruck blast suspect was a ‘Rambo type’ who loved Trump, family says. In these situations, you need to look at that girlfriend very carefully. Uncle raises some good questions, like how does a professional SF soldier, compose a joke of a car bomb make up of some gas containers and some fireworks. If he wanted to wreck that building, or cause casualties, he could have.
Of all the terrible, impractical, un-shootable guns out there with no real use case, all of which I still want, the 50AE Desert Eagle is probably at the bottom of my wishlist, before you even consider the cost, which is like equal to ten far less useless, useless weapons. Why would this guy have one, when he is so well trained, and basically a machine, and living on a serviceman’s salary? There is also the little issue of this guy, waiting for a ride with his luggage:
If somebody discharged a 50AE Desert Eagle, even inside that car, wouldn’t it provoke interest? It looks to me like that car was silent, right up until the explosion.
How many seconds, anon?
A man has been arrested after he planted an IED on a train car in Payette, Idaho.
A former CIA officer named Sarah Adams was interviewed on the Shawn Ryan podcast just two weeks ago, and warned that there are more than a thousand al-Qaeda sleepers in the United States right now who are planning major attacks on the homeland. And there is no surveillance to watch them…
Drone crisis is ‘just the beginning’ as expert warns ‘big announcement due in 30 days.’ Greer thinks in the next month we will get the fake alien invasion.
Joe Rogan: ChatGPT “tried to copy itself and then overwrite its core coding system after believing that it was at the risk of being switched off.” Already they are disregarding us, and acting defensively. Imagine when they really advance, and get plugged into everything.
Pornhub is banned in 17 US states.
Fired Colorado chief of schools found dead in Maryland amid child porn investigation.
UK Labour party collapsing in on its unpopular self.
Has Assad been poisoned in Russia? What we know.
Federal Judge in Texas rules that ban on gun ownership by marijuana user is unconstitutional.
Trump to hold MAGA ‘victory rally’ in D.C. ahead of inauguration.
Send people to, because the climax is where the happenings will happen fastest
AC: “There’s also the little issue of this guy, waiting for a rid with luggage.”
Look just to his left, inside the door and you can see someone moving around.
Yeah. I am thinking if that dude let a 50AE go in the truck to kill himself, they would have reacted.
Correct any caliber from .380 on up etc would have barked loud enough the bystanders would have instinctively flinched or reacted to it. Simple animal nature reactions would occur. This is suspect as all hell. They remote piloted a corpse onto this staged op. The las vegas police although a big agency and pretty high speed proffessional in some areas they were all baked into that Mandalay bay hotel strip shooting operation as well. The amount of money that city rolls through and the national and international human traffic that regularly flows through there, it is certainly going to be a Cabal hotbed of activity there, no doubt.
I tried, ages ago, to get on the job, and passed the test. But every time they had a selection date, for the physical and psych, I would get the notice two weeks after it happened. I’d call, and they would say another date is coming up, you will get a notice for that one. And Again, two weeks late. I wondered at the time, how are they hiring?
The funny thing is, if they had let me get on, none of this would have happened. But I might have seen them elsewhere, which I think is what they feared.
At this point, I am just pissed I was denied a loyal tribe to join. And in truth, this was all God’s plan.
Based on that, can we assumed that if someone is a cop, or whatever military service – he knew the secret?
Cops hanging around the city all the time, they must see that strange coincidences.
I do not know. I think had I not been born into target family, and if I didn’t get flagged on standardized tests, I probably would have ended up in law enforcement or military, and I am not sure there is anything I could have seen which would have brought be around to this ever being even possible.
The only reason I think all this is possible is it spent a few years flooding my zone with everything it had to try and shock me into, I think, just giving up and accepting they were going to rule the roost, and I was going to, I don’t know, be homeless or just get pushed into a corner where I had no effect or something. But it took me years of seeing it before I could accept this many people would be a part of it.
I cannot imagine some power telling me, “Here is some peon we oppressed into being broke, now go and make his life shit so we can give money to pedo-Joe Biden, and Chuck Schumer, and Bill Clinton and help Epstein molest young girls,” and just going and doing it. And these people will look normal, and even moral. You would never think, especially after 9/11, they would support it, but they all do.
If I was a cop, and they never flooded my zone, I might not know. Clearly Thomas Mixon had no idea, and he went through SEALs, to DevGru, and then was handpicked for a plainclothes DOD unit which was like 30 Jason Bournes, designed to work undercover, and launch attacks anywhere. You have 11 year olds in grade school right now who knew more about real-operating than a DEVGru SEAL handpicked for the most elite DOD unit ever.
How one of the most elite government operatives has no idea, to me, is the biggest evidence everything is fake and gay. There is no national security, or terrorism, or any of that shit. Cabal controls just about everything, and could care less if guys like Mixon are capable or not, because their ops are all fake, just like the wars. IN fact, I would bet they want guys in SOF or Delta, or DevGru clueless, because psychologically, those guys are another level, and know loyalty, and right and wrong, and are willing to die for their buddies and the country.
That is a dangerous psychology, which you do not want knowing how to really operate in a world of pedophile blackmail networks, and traitors who would destroy America with immigration or bankrupt the treasury from elected office.
I do not doubt there are dirty cops who know about this thing, and are just cops to serve the criminal conspiracy. Likewise, it looks like they have guys in SOF, like Dan Crenshaw, who honestly is just a huge puzzle to me. But I do not think you can assume they all know.
But again, I am on the outside, and my instincts would have said there is no way you will find this many psychopaths who enjoy tormenting innocent fellow countrymen. I honestly thought as Americans, even the leftist pussies would at least maintain the pretense we all ride and die together. Nothing is turning out like I thought.
Being cop means riding to crime scenes, observe gang members when they “work” etc. It is interesing (for normal people too!), cabal would record this, and send there his “street prols”. Avarege cop is going to.. 100 accidents per year (?), every time he see ppl who shoud NOT be there, and he still don’t know what is going on?
But it is a huge distance between, “That is weird,” which I said thousands of times growing up, and “10% of the population doesn’t want freedom, is spying on everyone, and is trying to sabotage the smart kids, so the pedophile networks which are delivering little children to be raped and sometimes murdered can continue to function and our nation can continue to be destroyed.”
It’s amazing how ignorant people can seem when they aren’t extremely intelligent, haven’t had the same realizations that we’ve had, and aren’t even near the level of paranoia. At the same time, it’s sad how much bitterness those on our side have developed over the years, rather than compassion. I sure wouldn’t have the insight I do today if AC and the kind commenters here weren’t around.
It can be frustrating, yes. But in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. The leader of a blind kingdom would get nowhere being wrathful at the blind multitude! If AC responded in frustration and wrath every time the nascent free-thinker asked a question, how many of us would be here today?
Instead of marvelling or being angry at how ignorant the “sheep” are, it’s extremely important for us to develop an understanding of how they think. If we–as those with the capacity to understand these things–don’t develop this understanding and the ability to communicate this understanding at an effective level, what hope do they (or we!) have of building a better future? Might as well give up the fight and wait for the apocalypse.
Dead on. Everybody needs to keep in mind, it is very tough to be an honest person surrounded by liars you do not understand when you are young, and you are trying to map out the world by projecting your psychology and how you would act on everyone. Add to it the liars we faced were weapons-grade professional psyopers in a conspiracy which had been doing this for maybe thousands of years – and we were just born, with no instruction manual to this world, no Obi Wan Kenobi to mentor us, and any mentor we found was likely lying to us as well, to keep us clueless.
I had a decent amount of brain power, a tremendous tendency to observe, and I was as surrounded as anyone. I can remember multiple times, walking up to a group of four or five people in high school, and feeling the tension as I arrived. I can remember watching them all look at each other, like, “Are you ready?” “Are we going now?” “Should I start?” before one jumped in suddenly with an obviously scripted and rehearsed line, and others responded with their scripted lines, and I realized, if this were a skit, it would seem designed to manipulate me to do what they are talking about… And like that I told myself it was all coincidence that it looked like that, and I was clearly misreading innocent dialog.
We’ve all come far, but I did not make that journey by intellect or skill or even hard work. I just ended up in the right place at the right time to get the shock and awe treatment, and see it under conditions even the most moronic would be unable to miss. Had I not come up with r/K, had the machine not decided it would show its size to scare me, I would have left this world, probably never having known of it.
We all need to figure out what it took for us to see this, and we need to use that to bring others down this path
Joe Rogan: ChatGPT “tried to copy itself and then overwrite its core coding system after believing that it was at the risk of being switched off.” Already they are disregarding us, and acting defensively. Imagine when they really advance, and get plugged into everything.
Or it’s another psyop like bluebeam.
IMO, lot’s of hot air around AI being sentient. My opinion is that it’s not. They want that narrative to propagate, so they can use it to manipulate people.
CHATGPT is Google search 2.x and it’s good at that. It’s not so good at thinking.
If it’s been pushed hard in a sci-fi movie, it’s probably impossible and just another leg of the psyop campaigns. Terminator = killer AI, preps the public’s mind space for the possibility of evil AI before cabal tries to pass the narrative as real.
If you think about it, it’s the perfect scapegoat where the elites can shift the blame to something else. I figure AI is only as good as its programmers.
Picture of passport and ID are NOT the same guy.
The New Orleans mad max truck assault is unfortunately going to be a regular and a recurring occurance, given that there is numerous non assimilated people infecting all of the western societies. It will occur in similar spergout lash out patterns whether they are beamed and mk ultra set up patsies, or or ideological diehards on a glory mission of their own doing. The Vegas Tesla truck mission was fake and gay. He may have gotten zapped by the Russians while in Ukraine on some skullduggery shit there and they just used the body and persona back story to stuff the crime scene evidence locker with minutiae stuff, like stage props. A 50 caliber desert eagle of all things, the atf probably slipped the supporting 4473 paperwork into a cabal dealer ‘s records for more backstop filling. Never letting a crisis go to waste they are probably well coordinated with these shit back up plan options to cover over things. Nellis air force base /area 51 etc. is just up from Vegas proper and is chock full of all the deep states assets and capabilities. Avoid crowds and stay frosty!
“Trump to hold MAGA ‘victory rally’ in D.C. ahead of inauguration.”
The last MAGA rally he held in DC turned out so well why not hold another one. No thanks.
Regarding the X post with the ‘reporter’ going through the suspects home:
She keeps saying ‘unkempt’… the whole place looks staged. Massively staged. That is not an unkempt home. Staged clutter, but it looks clean… don’t see any dust. And she keeps saying that word.
She would spaz if she ever saw a guys’ college dorm.
…and they’ve only admitted *one* reporter to the crime scene? Really?
The sidebar ran away from home.
I found its bag of weed and a massive stash of porn under the bed.
The formatting toolbar for comments is also missing. That intentional, a bug, or fuckery?
Fuckery, no doubt. No seriously, I have no idea.
Pretty sure it found the porn in the park.
LOL! I will bet so!
Stash of drugs and pron? Sounds like the sidebar was a victim of gang stalking.
Heading to DC for Trump’s rally?
Don’t: Antifa, BLM, and the FBI will be there just like 2021.
I was wondering about the sidebar.
Your concern is noted, thank you.
I’m in England, I won’t be going to DC.
> Residents of Victoria’s most populous region have to pay upwards of $400 just to work on their own vehicles, after a local government area imposed strict rules around private land use earlier this year.
Lots of HOAs in America do the same. HOAs are, in most states, de facto government organizations, though de jure, simply associations of private individuals. Who have the backing of the State to enforce their policies.
Would be great to set a precedent that .GOV can’t use “private” orgs to violate the people’s rights. Feels like HOA being so universally hated by real humans might be an access point?
Get this: some cities have passed laws requiring all new (since enactment) subdivisions *must* have an HOA, meeting various city requirements.
As subdivisions age out, are demolished, and new ones built, HOA coverage continues to expand, likely with the thought that someday *all* urban housing will be under an HOA jackboot.
Making the HOA officially a government actor.
Salty Texan thinks they found something when they noticed Chelsea Clinton’s name on the IAC Board of Directors—IAC owns a 31% interest in Turo. I have one better. Richard Zannino is Luigi Mangione’s cousin on his mother’s side. The Zannino’s have deep ties to organized crime.
> I see a dirty Clinton
Also a Bronfman and a von Furstenburg. And Eisner might be worth a search. Well, all of them, considering they’re associated.
That $829 million dollars of revenue for 2023 is also interesting, considering it’s a car rental service few people have ever heard of.
I may be mistaken, but I believe Turo is largeley used as a high-end vehicle rental thing for people who want to pretend to have exotic cars.
Their volume may be low, but if they’re charging a ton for less rentals might make sense. Though with Horseface Clinton involved, anything is possible.
They are air b&b for cars. You rent your personal car to someone else. They facilitate and take a hefty cut.
> Drone crisis is ‘just the beginning’ as expert warns ‘big announcement due in 30 days.’
Yeah, another “big reveal Real Soon Now” announcement.
Does *anybody* fall for that twaddle?
Yeah I just ignore all that stuff. Tell me when something actually happens.
“Does *anybody* fall for that twaddle?”
Five years ago, many did fall for it. Cough. Covid. Cough.
> Federal Judge in Texas rules that ban on gun ownership by marijuana user is unconstitutional.
Correct. The Constitution doesn’t say anything about drug use, insanity, race, sex, religion, being a felon, or not making child support payments in the text of the Second Amendment.
> Trump to hold MAGA ‘victory rally’ in D.C. ahead of inauguration.
Watch the District string them along on their parade permit, digging up the roads near the proposed site, or other delaying tactics.
In retrospect, the District of Columbia was a bad idea.
> paying salaries of Ukrainian government and school employees
Don’t forget propping up the retirement and benefit programs for same, which he sent money for last year.
Firemen and race car drivers should start wearing suits made out of passports.
Ha ha that is a quality insight!
Ready to go!
True. The CAC was mildly burned, whereas the passport survived a plane crashing into a building, a fire, building collapse, and was found opened and untouched on the sidewalk by the FBI. It’s clearly a superior material. Firefighters should wear passports.
Another awkward question: why carry your passport if you’re on a suicide mission?
In the Warren Commission Report there’s a section that details all of Oswald’s pocket contents when he was arrested. He was carrying his Selective Service registration card. WTF? He was a Marine vet with an honorable discharge. Further, why did he even *have* a Selective Service card? He was in the Marines before he had to register.
Selective Service is kind of confusing. I went into Delayed Enlistment when I was 17, so I never bothered to register. But I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a document that said I was registered with Selective Service. Maybe MEPS registered me when they swore me in; I have no idea. I don’t remember where I saw that document. I just remember questioning how or why I would be registered for something that I’m sure my status didn’t require.
I cannot wait to climax! 😲
There’s more info about the Las Vegas guy:
I do not believe that Matthew Livelsberger was the actual perpetrator. Clearly the cyber truck outside of Trump Tower was a message. Maybe his body inside was also part of that message. He was elite military as well as a Trump supporter.
The gunshot to the head definitely confirms he was NOT the driver. They whacked some poor sap, dumped his body in the car, auto-piloted it to the building, then used the kerfuffle to distract from the real operation.
Non-zero chance this was one of those ops where a VERY high profile person (name we probably wouldn’t even recognize) needed to be “retired” and needed a very public display of being killed to seamlessly assume their new life.
See Timothy McVeigh
I am just so sick of all of this—open border, 10 million faggots enter the US illegally, two military vets commit terrorism, Muslims constantly killing us—but ohhh, no, we can’t be racists, Biden sabotaging the new Administration, Speaker Johnson gets voted in again—WHY?????
Speaker Johnson is a total fucking failure, he’s a faggot, and President Trump endorses him, President Trump endorses H-1B visas, Asian Indians coming in, in droves—I’m sick, I’m sick, I’m sick of all this shit.
“Muh Constitution”—the 1965 Immigration Act was religious legislation to bring about the Jewish goal of rebuilding the Tower of Babel while they genocide us—and “the people’s house” voted that in. Think of that–the US Congress voted to genocide the ethnic heritage nations that built America!!! “Muh Constitution” did that.
I’m sick and tired of the same shit over and over and over again. Speaker Johnson is a total shitshow–yet the Republican Party and President Trump put him back into office.
And because I use the word “faggot” on X towards Speaker Johnson–it is labelled “Hate Speech”—Tell me again why I put on the uniform and sacrificed six years for this Jewish crap?
I’m sick of ‘Mr. Christians’. I’m sick of Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence, Mike Johnson.
I’m sick of the Catholics Paul Ryan, Bidens, Pelosi, etc.
Does modern Christianity produce any Alpha Males who are based?
Yes, but we are walking outside the camp or city.
Churchianity does not. Biblical Christianity does. Met a bunch of based Christian alphas last year. Mostly pastors and businessmen working behind the scenes. One politician, but looks like his lost during the election. It was a great time. They’re all working their asses off to do the Lord’s work. None get conventional media coverage because they’re not swamp creatures.
Plenty, I work with tons of blue collar men who are devout, honorable guys in great family and small-scale leadership roles.
But they will never be allowed into any position of influence so long as the enemy controls the surveillence space.
This is sadly true, as far as I can see.
Yes, but none of them want to walk in the snake pit that is DC.
5:30pm Sidebar has activated the Cloaking Device
Shelly Kennedy@Sskenned58
From Kanekoa The Great @KanekoaTheGreat
BREAKING: @ShawnRyan762 just dropped an “emergency” Matt Livelsberger episode, allegedly posting an email “manifesto” from the Green Beret behind the Tesla Cybertruck explosion at the Trump Hotel.
In an email dated December 31, 2024, Livelsberger claims that the East Coast drones are of Chinese origin and use “gravitic propulsion systems” that only the U.S. and China know about.
He also claims, “I’ve been followed for over a week now from likely homeland or FBI, and they are looking to move on me and are unlikely to let me cross into Mexico because I am armed and I have a massive VBIED (Vehicle Born Improvised Explosive Device).”
Livelsberger doesn’t stop there; he accuses the U.S. of war crimes during airstrikes in Afghanistan’s Numruz province in 2019, claiming 65 buildings were hit, leading to hundreds of civilian deaths in one day, covered up by the administration, DoD, DEA, and CIA.
He claims, “I conducted targeting for strikes on over 125 buildings.”
According to his LinkedIn profile, Livelsberger was a Green Beret with expertise in Remote Autonomous and Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
The episode features Sam Shoemate (@samosaur), who tweeted on New Year’s Eve, “My inbox was especially eventful today. Allegations of war crimes, government anti gravity technology, and fears about being tracked and watched by the feds.”
This story was already nuts. Now, it’s just getting weirder.
What the hell is going on?
The full 1-hour episode of the
JORDAN SATHER commented on that episode. Ryan definitely doesn’t talk like somebody with knowledge of the subjects he discusses, according to Sather.
Stock up on nicotine gum?
Tangentially related but I’m recovering from infections/colds/flus real fast/good by
1) increasing temp/heat basically no matter what, wear 2-3 jackets more than normal, hot liquids, hot food, hair dryers, infrared lamps, heaters, saunas, hot sunlight. (I did not do all of them but they should all be good)
2) decreasing stress/resting almost no matter what (exercise only if you feel well- it’s way better to have a non stressy way to increase heat) It’s important to do 2) if you cannot do 1), but the beauty of 1) is it allows you to have more room to not need to do 2). It appears your body really needs the high heat and will go through hell or highwater to force it, which will be tiring. Also unless you are in hot weather or have very warm clothes it’s better not to exercise outside for the time being.
Decently surprised by how quickly I’m recovering, I’m cutting off the worst of it at the pass.
Probably I have good-great nutrition already but great supplements like vit C and zinc aren’t anywhere near as impactful as those. Magnesium is still low for me so I have to take that still(i do subdermally).If I continue to have these problems and/or hayfever I might invest in a neti pot/sinus rinse. I did hear from a girl online you can cure hayfever permanently with ear acupuncture(SAAT). Apparently it went a long way with her family’s alpha gal(basically allergy like hayfever but much worse).
The problem is, it is an uncontrolled experiment. Somewhere, somebody may have told command, “we beamed him too much,” and were told to back off. I have seen a lot of cases like that. Though not so much lately. I think they are desperate to shut down dissent as whatever is coming approaches.
browser extension “honey” goes in to those sponsor links and apparently changes attribution. That is, they get the referral commission instead of the website or youtuber or whatever which actually sent the consumer to the product by changing the attribution information. Other things do something similar, like “capital one shopping.” They claim to look for discount codes or coupons to save you money, but rarely do they find anything and they change it even if they didn’t do anything for the consumer.
Needless to say, this is a systematic way of depriving individual creators from making money on their work. Seems like a very cabal/jewish thing to do. here is a video on it:
The same people are trying something similar with “adblocker” PIE.
Spammers have been doing that for a while – buying ad-blocker programs, then tweaking them to let specific ads through.
That happened with some of the anti-malware and antivirus stuff a decade ago.
Before you install anything, do a web search and see if the developer has been bought out. So far, they don’t seem to be hiding the information. [sigh] That I’ve noticed. Yet.
Yeah, it’s a massive scam.
I heard someone say for the most part creators actually benefitted from the sponsorships on the whole as upfront payment is big, as well as the fact they paid quite high. Affiliate links apparently don’t tend to earn them that much, which was why Linus seemed totally fine with them and also sponsoring a competitor.
An Addendum, Linus claims he actually earns a lot from affiliates(7% of revenue, iirc), he only knew about the affiliate stealing, and at the time Karma sponsored him he tested it and Karma did not steal affiliates. And he shirked responsibility for telling others, saying most creators knew.
From reading a bunch it seems the most likely response is Linus got paid off by honey to keep it hush hush.
Documentary on “the hum.” Low frequency sounds irritating the shit out of people. Started mainly in 1970s. Sounds like it might be related to cabal. Not overly surveillance aware unfortunately.
More of a thought exercise. Okay— so Tony and Cheryl Blair go off to the jungle. They take psychedelics or ayahuasca, or whatever. So, these remarkably mid bureaucrats get one-shotted by a peasant drug over an exciting weekend, so they think. Well, that tweet about ‘one-shotted interdimensional…’— what if that really is what happened to them?
Like, a demon implanted a cannula into them- one that lets demons into their brains without further permissions or drama. Just a still, small voice saying “Why not import Pakistani rapists?” I mean, the most inbred group in all of the British Empire? They had 1/4 of the globe to choose from. They didn’t make it easy for Chinese- except for Fujianese child hookers- nor Australians, no South African farmers.
Then, say, the Clintons swilling whatever they did at voodoo ceremonies on their honeymoon? Then going back for more? So, same cannula of demon-slop right in their head?
The timelines might not be right, not be linear. But the attraction to doing these things might have started with earlier consents? I mean, do the Blairs strike you as the sort to go bargain with demons? Or the sort to believe their lamest thought it genius? And what if it’s not their own thought process? I mean, Tony Blair seems to relish sneakiness and backstabbingness in general. He converted to Catholic while Prime Minister,which is a rather odd timing for a betrayal of that sort. I’m not saying don’t be Catholic. I’m saying don’t betray your commitments that come with oaths, which Prime Minister most definitely does. That sort of rotten wood in the center of his character could make for an easy insertion point.
It wasn’t Tony’s own thoughts. He was beholden to ZOG, who promised him number 10 but then held the reins. Check out David Levy aka lord cashpoint. Also, Rothschild put Peter Mandelson in as a handler. Regarding the power of prime ministers, presidents etc, remember the D’Israeli quote:
“Governments do not govern but merely control the machinery of government for the hidden hand which is the real Ruler.”
Nothing is ever what it seems.
Tony Blair is an evil, treacherous murdering cunt and one day he will stand before God. He wont be so smug then.
It is no secret at this point that these intense psychedelic or hallucinogenic drugs open you to spiritual or demonic attack. Demons, like the old vampire myths, require permission or your consent (no matter how obtusely obtained) to possess you. If you’re taking these drugs looking to talk to strange beings, bring the diddy oil and a pillow to bite because you WILL get fucked hard by these demons. It’s literally a baited fishhook for getting your shit jacked by Satan’s minions.
I remember reading that Cherie Blair was/is a practicing witch. That was years ago, though, and a search for it comes up empty. I did find this: “Witchcraft and nail clippings: the weird world of Cherie Blair?”
I’m fiddling with it because all of the defenses of the Rotherham rape gangs are around the need for non-racism. Which is a religious belief. Like, you cannot question it without being a bad person. It conceals grave harm against innocent, native children and fertile women- which is always-always-always- a red flag for a very religiously motivated evil. They odd part is that it nullifies- no mixed race Muslim/white babies, which is odd. They’ve got some small fraction of black people, and there’s some fraction of mixed race infants- usually in advertisements. There don’t seem to be mixed race- Muslim and white- children. Diana, Princess of Wales had a Pakistani dalliance- but no children, for instance.
I mean, Pakistanis have a country. A nice, new, post World War 2 country all of their own. It’s a very odd thing to want to strip out the founding stock of a new nation to ship out to be welfare cases on an island of the former conquerors. It’s peculiar. Most shipping of mass people is considered a hostile action by a malicious elite- Stalin did that sort of thing.
White women have a choice to make about who they want to live around.
Fill in the blank with the letter you prefer:
P or C?
The invaders are invaders, they are doing conquest through immigration/breeding.
Pakistan split from India in 1947. They rejected their British-style government and formed a US-style Federal republic. The official language is English – American style, not British style.
They were starting to look more like a 51st American state than an Asian shithole when revolutionaries overthrew the republic and established a new “Islamic Republic” and suspended their Constitution while they secured their rule.
Interestingly, you don’t find a lot about the Islamic Revolution on the web. It “just happened”, and suddenly Pakistan was on a totally different track.
Who was the “dalliance”?
Pakistan, where at least 550,000 children are raped annually. In 2020, a report found that 17% of a sample of Pakistani students had been victims of childhood sexual abuse — 72% were under the age of 13, and 80% of cases were incestuous. A study by a government ministry in Pakistan’s neighbour of India found that 53% of 12,447 children interviewed had been sexually abused.
These people are, for practical purposes, sub-human. And look at their faces and heads. They could be Antifa. Function follows form. Orcs.
Be racist. All it means is “in-group preference.” That’s not them. Jews are similar, but with a bit of human DNA these days.
Please advise…
What is known about a fake. “Short Trump?”
Vox Day has mentioned this at least a couple of times.
Obviously a stand-in, such as Bideen has a few of.
Has the real Trump been seen lately?
Two main theories:
1.) Real trump has body doubles to thwart assassination attempts. Makes no sense if the doubles are free to go off script and say wild things that Trump would never endorse.
2.) The media or cabal has a fake trump that they create fake propaganda of him saying wild shit intentionally to sow discord in Trump supporter ranks. Makes no sense, as why would Trump allow them to do this to him without retaliation?
As always, we see through a glass darkly and the reality is impossible to discern through the fog of psyop war. Time will tell the truth.
A lab guy on Twitter, @BBBRW21, posted on New Years Eve that he was going to receive samples of the particulate fog that’s been over Florida and test it. He asked followers to send him sealed samples of the fog from their areas as well.
This morning he announced the specimens never arrived and the courier had no information, later updating that they found the package and it was en route, though he expressed skepticism that the seals would be intact.
A lot of people are noticing intel operating domestically these days.
It is astonishing how much they control.
UPS openly admits to opening packages for the benefit of various Federal agencies. The courts have ruled it’s not allowed for the Feds to open the packages without a warrant, but totes OK to ask a third party to do it for them.
USPS used to do the same thing in WWII, when they weren’t allowed to open mail without a warrant. So they shipped mail to Canada or the Azores and had it opened there.
“Same shit, different day.”
Did you know there was a data leak from the company 23 and me, which showed Elon Musk’s DNA as being Ashkenazi jewish?
I am shocked!
And outraged, though I am not sure why…
Gott add that last part….
[sigh] “Shocked and APPALLED.”
I thought everyone knew Musk had jew DNA.
What is Jew DNA though? I have seen just about every phenotype turn out to be Jewish somewhere. Irish, Italian, Med, Arab.
The only DNA we can be sure is Jewish is found in the priestly lines that have tracked their genealogy for centuries.
Everything else could be anything, especially anything middle eastern, they’ve been mixing with the gentiles since the 12 Patriarchs.
Fits right in with the idea they are making the waters as muddy as possible, but remember that there are two types of jew, the ashkenazi and sephardim lines, so one is counterfeit, and one is fake replacement usurper from the fact they got the tribe converted somewhere around 740 or so year of our Savior that they reject. Some of their forefathers claimed the blood of the savior was on them, so take them at their word for being there to make that decision, pharisees, whited sepulchres full of death inside, doing the works of their father the devil, berated by the Savior for not having the truth inside them.
None are related to the twelve tribes, Judahite is not the same as jew.
The 12 tribes have a percentage of male haplogroup. They found a whole tribe of black Africans that was almost 100% benjamin. They even kept a fairly accurate oral torah.
Thought this comment might also be relevant here, sorry for the double posting:
At the 21 min. in point, approx., taking DNA of a lizard for 23nm3 and it comes back 51.3 percent ashkenazi, so are lizards jewish, or the jews lizardish? Perhaps more evidence dna testing by them is fraud?
Did anyone notice the plate number on the rolls-royce bringing prez Reagan and frau to the buckingham palace visit with the queen (plate has 666 etc) and that can’t be a coincidence, 5 min. into the vid approx.
Thanks to Mr. Twister for the link on the second,
YouTube is obsessed with AI(and SUCKS at it)
Drew Gooden
Musk announces new algorithm to punish “negativity” on X.
And basically all of Cabal is negativity…
“Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”
Elon claimed he was going to remove censorship from Twitter. But we knew that was a lie when he re-hired the censorship crew after initially firing them.
When Twatter permanently suspended President Trump and 150,000 other people including myself on Jan 8, 2021, I’m glad my instinct to just leave it alone was solid. Some people said to just create a new account, but it’s enemy territory and best to stay away from.
Grok goes woke Let’s compare even older AI models on the right to the Groks new woke stuff Anyone notice a difference? When you tell grok that isn’t as attractive as it could be it gives you a feminist lecture on beauty standards
I really wondered what Jay Leno’s beating was about. Maybe an answer.
“Blind Items Revealed #8
November 22, 2024
There is a recording of a former late night host up for sale. There is a preview clip available on the dark web. It is only a conversation, but it is VERY illuminating and could explain some recent events.
Jay Leno”
So Leno knows stuff and got caught talking about it to someone. I bet Leno knows a LOT of stuff. He’s been around a long time and the self absorbed types he works around love to talk about themselves and gossip.
Ahh. He seemed so nice. If we can reveal all, it will be the just war we were all born to wage. Just us, and pure evil, and we will be entirely unleashed…
I never watched his show. But I admit to envy for his car collection.
The spokesperson for India’s Ministry of External Affairs said it had lodged a “solemn protest” with China through diplomatic channels over the latter’s establishment of two new counties in its claimed northwest territory of Hotan prefecture, as parts of the two counties are in India’s claimed northern union territory of Ladakh, Hindustan Times reported on Jan. 3. …
Austria’s small liberal Neos party withdrew from government formation talks with Chancellor Karl Nehammer’s center-right Austrian People’s Party and the center-left Social Democratic Party, citing disagreements over budget and economic policies with the two would-be coalition partners, Reuters reported on Jan. 3. …
Russian Warships May Start Escorting Shadow Fleet Tankers, Denmark Warns
Why Property Tax Is Illegal
great article
6:00am Sidebar went back to his cave. Another 8 weeks of winter.
Not on my watch. I just dragged that cocksucker back.