Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
Today we begin with a shoutout to one of the more impressive authors out there, Giuseppe Filotto, whose page at Amazon is here, with a sizable library of titles. A little bit of his bio:
Giuseppe Filotto was born in Italy but has lived for many years in both Africa and Europe. He has been involved in martial arts from childhood, achieving a 2nd Dan black belt in Shotokan Karate-Do (WSKF), and worked as an armed close protection services operative for several years in South Africa. He has been training in Systema, the Russian Martial System, exclusively since 2003 and established Way of Systema in 2009, which remained the largest Systema organisation in London, where he taught and trained until 2014 when other commitments meant he handed the organisation and the teaching to others. He is a qualified clinical hypnotist and author and has worked for over 30 years in the financial and legal aspects of construction services. He has lived in Italy, Nigeria, Botswana, South Africa, and England and travelled to many other countries. After being briefly an atheist, then an almost life-long Zen-Agnostic, he had a very unexpected Road to Damascus moment in 2013 and after a few years of intense study was baptised as a Sedevacantist (aka Catholic). He has written non-fiction books on diverse topics in which he invested years of study as personal curiosities, these include The Face on Mars (1995 – non Fiction about the planet Mars, updated and re-issued in 2014); Systema – The Russian Martial System (2011); Believe! (2019 0n Christianity/Catholicism/Sedevacantism); Reclaiming the Catholic Church (2020 on the history of the infiltration and near destruction of Catholicism). He also has written several SF books and RPG Gamebooks. You can find out more about him at his online blog:
His substack is here, and he is not giving you the bullshit Cabal narrative take, but rather is pointing his readers to the realities of the world as he has seen them. Where you will see Nick Fuentes promoted endlessly on 4Chan, you will never see Giuseppe so promoted everywhere, and we should make it our personal business to change that by promoting the honest voices on our side just as hard as Cabal promotes their bullshit artists.
Over at the first post on the new blog, highlighting the year end compilation video of gangstalking videos by MADIX Cult. We are going to try and push these types of articles wherever we can online, as a means of expanding our reach.
Pickup Truck of peace ran down dozens of people in New Orleans, leaving at least 15 dead, Driver had planned to gather his family together and kill them, but decided to join ISIS instead.
Video shows suspect Shamsud Din Jabbar step out of his vehicle after crashing it and begins shooting, before Police kill him. You cannot really see it in the video, as the one taking the video was running from it.
Suspect in New Orleans massacre identified as former US Army soldier who deployed to Afghanistan.
Tesla cyber Truck blows up in front of Trump Towers Las Vegas, video here.
Might be this Army Green Beret who lives in the area. Archive here. Another Military man who launched a terrorist attack using the same car-rental app on the same day. You start to wonder if these guys got Jason Bourne’d while they were in, and were somehow activated and put into motion.
Senator Kennedy says we are not being told the truth and he has info he can’t share yet:
Apparently Teslas send all their info back to Tesla central, so at any time engineers can look in on every detail of your car:
The FBI thwarted an apparent plot to harm employees at a Florida office of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), according to court documents filed Monday. All of these could be stopped with the surveillance, which clocks them all. But only a few will be stopped, since they do not want to risk exposing just how much they know.
Marion County, West Virginia, has launched an advanced surveillance system, called Vision AI, as part of its smart city initiative, which will integrate AI-driven video analytics for such things as facial recognition and weapons recognition, with existing security infrastructures, including surveillance cameras, traffic cameras, license plate readers and bodycams, to deliver continuous, real-time monitoring of the entire environment. The bad guys will hijack this in about two seconds, and it will be used just to gangstalk all the targets in the area.
Sharyl Attkisson: Mexico to open mass deportation camps on Trump’s Inauguration day.
Drug cartels have become Mexico’s 5th-largest employer.
Elon Musk brands Britain a ‘tyrannical police state’ and boosts far-right activist Tommy Robinson.
Tommy Robinson is being held in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT in prison. Elon Musk says ‘Free Tommy.’ They are trying to crowdfund a legal defense for him since he was debanked at
Reminder: Elon Musk gave DOJ the user data of every MAGA account on Twitter.
This next one is not a small group of leftists which did this out of stupidity or callousness. This is the conspiracy psychologically sterilizing as many girls outside the conspiracy as possible – and UK Cops helped them, probably because they were Freemasons, who are somehow in the conspiracy:
JK Rowling jumps in on the grooming gangs:
ATF head quits to avoid being fired.
Seen on Twitter:
Send people to, because none of this is being done out of stupidity or callousness
I think the DOD thing for Mr Beast was for his Amazon show Beast Games. There is an episode where a helicopter drops off some Navy Seals. Apparently some sort of serial number or identifying mark is blurred in the show.
Reminder…his mom is former military.
“The FBI thwarted an apparent plot to harm employees at a Florida office of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), according to court documents filed Monday.”
The one time they successfully do their jobs and it’s saving these cunts.
Makes it clear who they work for.
Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…? It was maybe completely-manufactured bullshit.
An Anon had noted the “ISIS” black flag on the pole was upside-down. Not even placed correctly, it should be 180 with the letters etc on the top. The fucking beam teams must be having a 2025 bonus commissions contest to create the most mk ultra wind up toy chaos for their sector commands. Things may become spicy out there so I would advise everyone to stay frosty.
Addendum post to previous report about the ISIS flag upside down, and shittly done printing as well. Wtf? Can we at least get better glowie hired help on these shit shows. Jeez.
The thing is, IS is a creation of Israel/Western Intelligence services. I see these attacks as nothing more than demonising muslims to help Israel’s very bad and recent PR failures re genocide.
Wound up watching all 3 hours of 9/11 Alchemy, Facing Reality.
Directed energy weapons and holograms. Quasi-crystals. Definitely NOT exclusively pre-placed explosives, which interested me because the exclusive theory has complications. Identity of “truthers” who are actually mis-leaders and diverters. Israel is glancingly mentioned, but that would have been off topic anyway.
Not badly done, although there are small stretches where the maker does that really stupid background music thing which distracts from hearing the spoken word. Otherwise his background music is appropriate, or better yet the silence allowing the spoken word to be heard clearly.
BTW: the stupid background music thing is far too prevalent and far too effective at distraction for me to believe that video makers are that dumb. Random dramatic music is too random and too dramatic for me to believe that video makers use it on purpose. And I see (hear) this stupidity when watching videos every day. It is maddening.
Is it possible that the garbage music is added afterwards by people who are deliberately subverting videos without canceling them?
OTOH, the video makers themselves in my experience never respond to this criticism of their videos, and continue to do it.
Re: Filotto
Fascinating guy. Read him for more than a year, and had a lot of respect. One of those people with great insight and knowledge.
But the Catholic thing finally became too much. Same as with Ann Barnhart.
There is nothing intrinsically off-putting about the pov. To the contrary, it is very interesting, and something all Christians should consider.
I forget what Filotto was saying about that pov, but at some point it became too much to read.
It’s an obsession bordering on monomania with the minutia of the bullshit within Catholicism that fundamentally ends up distracting Christians from God.
God is very clear he wants you to have a personal relationship with Him, and to believe. When people get so deep into the weeds on unimportant shit it just drags believers away from the purpose of organized Christianity.
I had been reading Filotto’s blog for a couple of years now. I recently bought his book the Face of Mars. About two months ago I have been unable to access his website. I get a screen saying the website is dangerous, and then I get redirected to I have tried different browsers and different PC’s as well as phone. Thought you should know.
He now has a substack which mentions trouble with the blog, which he had to recreate from backup. If the blog isn’t up, check the substack.
To add on to Nels comment, his blog has also been revived.
Tommy Robinson is being held in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT in prison. Elon Musk says ‘Free Tommy.’ They are trying to crowdfund a legal defense for him since he was debanked at
Naturally, they both love pumping the west full of hindi filth.
Yeah Tommy is part of the anti Muslim psyop, bringing about the Clash of Civilisations narrative brought to us by ZOG, who also just happen to be behind flooding the West with muds in the first place. Go figure!
Nothing is ever what it seems.
I can see ZOG getting Tommy assassinated when the time is right, ready to kick off the mass social disturbances. Tommy needs to understand jews don’t have friends, they have shabbas goys, and these shabbas goys are entirely disposable.
Happy New Year, same as the last year.
“A Texas children’s hospital is refusing to both treat and discharge a young boy in dire need of a new, unvaccinated kidney, despite the fact that he has a matching and qualified donor standing by ready and willing to donate her own kidney – the boy’s mother.”
It’s like the ending of Animal Farm – I am looking back and forth at hospitals and extermination camps, and I no longer see any difference.
> Apparently Teslas send all their info back to Tesla central, so at any time engineers can look in on every detail of your car:
Not just Tesla. Modern cars are data collection devices. And most of the manufacturers sell that data.
‘Pickup Truck of peace ran down dozens of people in New Orleans, leaving at least 15 dead,’
Thanks to Abidin’, we’d probably better get used to more of this in the new year.
Not looking forward to ’25.
Hey AC, perhaps now would be a good time to remind people about Naylor’s 1996 and the implications it has for such “Muslim”, “lone wolf” terror.
Not a bad point. Naylor saw some kind of tech which could read the thoughts she had in her head, and I have seen tech which can precisely target specific brain structures. No telling if that was involved, or if there is a therapist at Bragg who promises to maximize abilities, and instead produces Manchurian candidates.
Relevant to my last comment, earlier, though it will be below this somewhere.
Yesterday I saw a clip on Telegram where Musk said AirPods can read your thoughts and you’ll see ads related to them.
“No telling if that was involved, or if there is a therapist at Bragg who promises to maximize abilities, and instead produces Manchurian candidates.”
Heh. Sounds crazy to normies, and sounds “not crazy enough” to TIs.
Jack Ruby’s Court Assigned Shrink Was an MKUltra Doc
Here’s a link to it:
I watched the entire podcast – very interesting.
The sidebar is too hung over to come into work this morning.
I dumped a little coffee in him and then slapped him back and forth across the face until he was ready to go.
I have a friend who wants to get some Orania currency notes as a collectors item or something. Anyone know how that might be arranged? That is that whites only town in south africa.
The only thing i can suggest is google Oranis see if they have an official organisation of some sort that represents them and if yes, contact them with a request. Alternatively there may be some links via South African organisations?
The Orania currency is called the Ora. It is issued by the Orania chamber of commerce. Contact Orania via, hope this helps.
Email: with your request.
I stumbled upon this site in either December 2020 or January 2021, trying to figure out what was going on with the “election”. I still don’t know, and I’m not sure if this transition will or won’t happen smoothly, but the blog has provided a ton of eye opening background, and the links are the first thing I check each day.
So thank you.
Thank you for coming, and commenting. The readers here are what make this all worthwhile and the comments are second to none, IMO.
Yeah a very eclectic bunch of wrongthinkers, that is like a second home to most of us. Thanks AC and the regulars.
> Reminder: Elon Musk gave DOJ the user data of every MAGA account on Twitter.
Don’t use Twitter.
The inevitable Miles Mathis take on the New Orleans incident inevitably posted, and it was inevitably called out as fake, and that is my take to.
Its short, so I can just repost it:
“Just two questions for the scriptwriters here:
“1. How is it that this guy in a larger truck going faster, who also had a gun, managed to injure only 30, when the guy in Germany injured 235? Same basic story, but no match in numbers. Little continuity problem, boys. You bozos in Langley need to coordinate better with the clowns in Berlin.
“2. His name is Shamsud? Really? Why not Ali Akter bin Fakir?”
They are getting really clumsy with these.
If he was trying to maximize vehicular effect there were DOZENS of people on those sidewalks that he just “ignored.”
The only plausible narrative to the normies is A.) he didn’t want to risk totaling the truck too quick, which is shaky when he intended on shooting it out, or B.) it’s another prong of the “incompetent retard foreigners are too stupid to even do a terrorism properly, let along be H1-B recipients.”
The probable alt narrative we here can grasp is that he had “valid” targets who were real humans interspersed among a gathering of mostly cabal actors as set dressing and scene control for the aftermath, who knew when to dodge out of the way, and who the driver knew he was not supposed to hit. Like we saw in that one grocery store shooting video, the wind-up toys can easily identify proper targets vs. cabal untouchables and stay on script.
If, however, this is all fake and gay and yet another Q-gang staging ops, please feel free to “op” the roof of your own mouth with a handgun you bozos.
Of course it’s F & G. If you wanted to do that shit, rented a big ol’ truck and gave it like maybe all of 3 minutes of thought/planning, you – or I, or anyone with an IQ above room temp – could easily kill at least a hundred. If ‘body count’ was your priority, well… like the man above said … the asswipe in Germany managed to injure 235. But New Orleans Boy only managed 30? Srsly? Something is amiss.
Just as Paddock *might* have been a real shooter whose organic little violent farewell was detected and piggybacked by Cabal with extra shooters and with crisis actors, WHAT IF…what if the New Orleans attack was a real “terrorist” attack — plotted by the usual evil suspects who still wouldn’t have been FINALLY defeated in this scenario, i.e., Mossad/CIA/Cabal/etc. — and instead of piggybacking what a Team Q would do is PREEMPT and SIMULATE the attack so that Cabal, which might be critically blinded/bamboozled, intel-wise, *thinks* it has accomplished its task but actually nobody was harmed. NOT SAYING THAT IS LIKELY. But for the love of TRUTH/AMERICA, please diversify your probability matrix portfolio a LITTLE BIT.
Mathis also covers the Christmas market attack in Germany, calling that a fake.
That German market also had strangely missing bollards.
So tiresome. Everything can’t be fake
Marion County, West Virginia, is doing the full WEF smart city track and trace surveillance program, according to one of the links above.
I looked up Marion County. Its a rural county in the middle of Appalachia, about 80 kilometers/ 55 miles southwest of Pittsburgh. It has a population of 54,000 and Trump got just over 60% of the vote there three times.
This is a reminder that no, “get out of the cities” is not an answer to anything. This thing is everywhere.
55,000 people is still “large” in the context of the get-out-of-cities idea.
Unincorporated land is ideal, but if there’s only 10 people in 20 miles then you have to assume at least 1 of them is an agent sent specifically to tail YOU.
This is about the Disrespected Trucker tweet on the three months between people voting for electors and the president taking office, complaining that its too long.
Basically the Biden administration still has 18 days to get World War III underway.
I have considered this. The 20th Amendment shortened the period from six months to three months, so people thought this was a problem in the 1930s, and did the usual half-ass attempt to solve the problem. The long tradition gave the fireeater slaveowners enough time to kick off secession and the Civil War, and complicated dealing with the Great Depression.
The problem is that to shorten the period, you have to do two things. You have to federalize the administration of elections to federal offices, so the federal government deals with challenges to the count and they get resolved more quickly than having to deal with a dozen of challenges at the state level. You have to repeal the ban (because its “bribery”) on presidential candidates announcing their selections for department heads before the election, and in fact make doing so mandatory, so the department heads can be nominated and confirmed the day after the election. The new Congress also would have to seated earlier (get rid of the “lame duck session”).
The bowtied “muh constitution” crowd would hate all of these proposals.
Other countries manage this, but they have national elections run by national agencies, and often parliamentary systems with opposition deputies already appointed to shadow the ministers.
> The bowtied “muh constitution” crowd would hate all of these proposals.
I probably fall into that group, but really, the only part of the Constitution I’m invested in are the first ten amendments.
The problems you’ve notice with the Constitution aren’t because the Founders were stupid; they were put there intentionally. The Constitution of 1789 was a naked power grab, not an attempt to found a working polity. That’s why the Fed hates the Bill of Rights so much.
> Trucks in New Orleans attack and Las Vegas explosion were both rented using the same app – Turo, a peer-to-peer app.
From what I see on the web, Turo is a car-rental app. Sort of like a drive-it-yourself Uber.
I don’t know about other companies, but my State Farm policy plainly states it doesn’t cover renting a covered vehicle.
Apparently Turo has their own insurance scheme that the car owner is supposed to use. Further searching says they’re repackaging policies underwritten by “Travelers Excess and Surplus Lines Company.”
Travelers appears to be a multi-tentacular congomerate, having been acquired, sold, aquiring other companies, merging, joint ventures, and probably doing corporate backflips. It has many subsidiaries operating under their own names, and itself is under Citibank.
Travelers looks far more interesting than Turo. It is a ridiculously complex conglomerate – aaand it’s a multinational. It practically shouts “money laundering! (woot!)” If I had any money to invest, I’d make sure I avoided Travelers in all its many faces, because they wouldn’t be doing that sort of thing for the benefit of their customers and stockholders.
> ATF head quits to avoid being fired.
…and he’ll keep all of his benefits, and move to a Leftist corporate board or TV presenter slot (or both) as part of his payoff.
Traditionally, if a malfeasor resigns before being indicted, investigations stop and he walks free. Call it the “thin pinstripe line” for politicians.
It’s the smart move. Works that way in the private sector as well.
2 American veterans are radicalized to commit acts of terror on the same day. Got vehicles from the same company. Both served at same military base, Fort Bragg.
The same military base that Ryan Routh visited over 100 times before trying to assassinate Donald Trump.— Red (@RedKnight277) January 2, 2025
It really is looking like the start of something out of a mix of Jason Bourne and Burn Notice.
Just more confirmation the military will NOT be coming to save us, as so many falsely believe.
Their leadership hates you and wants you dead as much if not more than the DC rats. They have publicly and proudly operating PSYOP units for fuck’s sake. Tack on the fact their ranks are exclusively filled now by DEI mudpeople and those whites too stupid to already have gotten out, and we can cleary see Cabal will have zero problem getting the military to fire on you as a US citizen for rebellious thought if ordered to do so.
History proves this over and over and over again, we’re not special this time around.
And if the Muslims did that in Great Britain 100 years ago they be massacred. Europeans are so cucked.
Just remember the “law” and those that enforce it enabled this to happen.
The same spirit, willingness, and capability to eliminate the invaders still exists in the same, if not greater, concentrations as back then. The only difference is the totalitarian stasi-like infrastructure that runs cover for these ghouls and suppresses the normal man’s ability to act.
Destroy the surveillance state, destroy the surveillance ops, you destroy the entire system. Their leader may be a supernatural evil in Satan but he still requires mere men to enact his whims. God’s will is unstoppable no matter the scale of the enemy or the poor nature of odds that face you.
Yes! Agree 100%
Absolutely agree. There is a real, seething, simmering fury in the West aimed at the system and the traitors who run it. I believe millions would like to see some extreme payback. I think it is coming.
So they can thwart the AIPAC attack, huh? Sure…
“Might be this Army Green Beret who lives in the area. Archive here. Another Military man who launched a terrorist attack using the same car-rental app on the same day. You start to wonder if these guys got Jason Bourne’d while they were in, and were somehow activated and put into motion.”
There’s 4 minutes in this video that you are probably aware of but thought it was a good example of your specialist subject.
There’s a countdown in the top right of screen, the whole video is good but the bit I’m drawing attention to is from 24mins down to 20 mins.
Looks like a lot of us is pretty old.
Did anyone notice the plate number on the rolls-royce bringing prez Reagan and frau to the buckingham palace visit with the queen (plate has 666 etc) and that can’t be a coincidence, 5 min. into the vid approx.
Next, at the 21 min. in point, approx., taking DNA of a lizard for 23nm3 and it comes back 51.3 percent ashkenazi, so are lizards jewish, or the jews lizardish? Perhaps more evidence dna testing by them is fraud?
Thanks to Mr. Twister for the link on the second,
Dec 16, 2024, bomb in Syria. This claims it is nuclear.
Arguably why we had drones over East Coast, searching for more nuclear material.
Psyop: it came out a little too quickly; does the base store carry beads?
No matter how much you hate the glowies, you can never hate them enough.