News Briefs – 01/02/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


In Wisconsin, election fraud investigators blanket state with surprise subpoenas.

Expanded mail-in voting among new state laws taking effect in Nevada.

California is now a universal vote by mail state, where voters in all statewide elections will receive a ballot in the mail.

Virginia Guiffre’s lawyers ask for proof that Prince Andrew has a medical inability to sweat.

Andrew’s lawyers admit they have no official documentation to back the Prince’s claim he has a medical inability to sweat. Pretty ballsy he just made up a medical condition in the middle of an interview as evidence that an account of him sweating with one of the girls must have been a lie. Not to mention they have a tabloid pic of him drenched in sweat.

Bill Clinton should face probe over Ghislaine Maxwell & Epstein ties after private jet flights, says lawyers.

Two of Prince Andrew’s avenues to prevent or stall the progression of Virginia Roberts Giuffre’s sex assault lawsuit against him were blocked on Saturday by a federal judge, increasing pressure on the Prince to settle, or end up like Ghislaine.

Betty White died 17 days before her 100th birthday.

Vox Day has a new reveal on the extent of the pedophile network in the Canadian government.

Scott Adams weighs in:

You cannot tell me he is entirely oblivious to all the ominous indicators associated with this, or made this statement in a good faith effort to promote the good, the beautiful, and the true, or justice and protection of the weakest among us. Acosta said he was told Epstein was “With intelligence.” The Finders’ CIA linkages. The Dutroux Affair. Only somebody carrying water for the conspiracy would make this statement, to discourage people from thinking it is worthwhile to investigate this deeper. Never trust a man who is afraid to get punched in the face. Because someone will threaten to punch him in the face, and take full control of him.

Somebody mentioned Scott Adam’s girlfriend again, and I was curious about her background and if had any clear Cabal flags, which led me to this article, which revealed Scott had the same vocal dysphonia as RFK Jr, and now he has spasmodic dystonia which is affecting his drawing. I have to wonder if he has surveillance tech deployed on him in his house, which is behind that, given that is two high profile people with the same odd neurological issue. The weird thing is surveillance gets surveillance. The house next door with the kids who talk about the job, will never pull out of the driveway that they don’t get the same driveby’s I get when I pull out on my isolated street. I assume they all watch each other intermittently, to make sure nobody is spilling the beans to anyone they are not supposed to.

Trump confidant Bernard Kerik surrenders memos to Jan. 6 panel, vows to ‘eviscerate’ Democrat narrative.

Angry trans in wig and half-mask attacks Dr. Shiva’s fiancé – then assaults multiple women at a peaceful Truth-Freedom Health Day Rally.

Dick Morris predicts it will be Hillary and Ocasio-Cortez vying for the 2024 Presidential nomination.

Bob Iger, Executive Chairman, gone at Disney.

Ted Cruz’s teenaged daughter reveals she’s bisexual, and disses dad in viral TikTok video.

Tik Tok bans Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton permanently with no warning. 

Biden administration is still funding ‘risky’ Chinavirus research at Wuhan lab.

Having less accurate knowledge about COVID-19 is associated with a greater likelihood of contracting the virus, according to new research published in Scientific Reports. Sounds about right. People who got the vaccine are the ones who are catching the virus according to most stats.

More than 90 percent of Omicron cases in Denmark are vaccinated, shocking data reveals.

Sen. Rand Paul on Thursday blasted the Biden administration for withholding lifesaving monoclonal coronavirus treatments from those who need it, due to “equitable distribution,” deeming it “unconscionable.”

Rand Paul says Fauci is responsible for thousands of COVID deaths across the US because he ‘deemphasized therapeutics’ while focusing entirely on vaccines.

After being suspended from Twitter, Dr. Robert Malone’s interview with Joe Rogan regarding Covid policy has been removed from Youtube.

Shocking new video by Canadian doctors shows massive fraud in Pfizer’s clinical trials for its vaccine.

Scientists predict Omicron could peak in the U.S. by January 9th. That would be the end of the pandemic, likely.

Texas Attorney General gains huge win against Biden vaccine and mask mandates for children.

Citizens in Brazil beat up the Mayorof Toritama, who mandated vaccine passports to eat and mandatory vaccinations for children.

The Australian government has admitted there have been at least 79,000 COVID-19 vaccine side effects and is now offering compensation to those seriously injured. In rats, those Spike proteins concentrated in the ovaries, which should focus any immune response, and autoimmunity there, altering fertility rates. But since reproductive tissues are not vital to life, don’t expect there to be any symptoms until people try to have children, beyond altered menstrual activity for now. From here: “Whether or not these antibodies [Zona Pellucida] were present in some or all follicles in the same patient was also investigated. Out of 55 follicular fluids analysed, 36.3% were positive to the test and no fertilization was observed in oocytes from these follicles, while 63.6% were negative, and the oocyte fertilization rate associated with these was 51.4%. “ [ed note re Zona Pellucida, a protein which covers eggs: There is actually a vaccine used in tranq guns on herds of wild animals like deer, which is designed to produce antibodies to a protein called Zona Pellucida, and once the females of a herd are producing those Zona Pellucida antibodies, those antibodies will cover their eggs, and they are infertile.] And given I would expect a similar effect in men based on VAERS reports of testicular inflammation that even AP has to acknowledge exist, I would also expect to see the fertility of males who were vaxxed to diminish as well, as their bodies began to produce antibodies to proteins present in the testes and sperm. From here: Rumke and Wilson first reported the presence of antisperm antibodies in infertile men in 1954. The incidence of sperm autoimmunity in infertile couples is 9-36% in contrast to 0.9-4% in the fertile population.

And in this next one, these are just deaths, so behind these are a rash of adverse effects, from paralysis, to probably infertility. But it is OK for the companies – nobody can sue them, even if their case is dead-bang certain, due to government-granted full immunity:

A new Zogby poll shows that likely voters have turned overwhelmingly against government mandates. 53 to 37.

In the Netherlands, the government banned fireworks as punishment for disobeying COVID law so the people filled the sky with them and showed the politicians who is in charge.

Every year in the United States, there are an estimated one billion common colds, which essentially match the symptoms of Omicron. I had one year in college I must have had six or seven different colds, and a stomach virus.

More than 150 people killed in Texas county by suspects released by progressive judges.

The state of New York City – the media gather around, and film the new mayor calling 911 about an assault they are all watching go down live right in front of them.

The Biden government, aided by a corrupt DOJ, is flying planeloads of illegal immigrants from the Southern border to states across the country daily with no concerns for ID or vaccine status.

Nearly 400K anchor babies born in 2021, outpacing U.S. births in 49 states.

Even Sweden doesn’t want migrants anymore due to their high levels of crime and welfare dependency.

Chief Justice John Roberts used his year-end report on New Year’s Eve to denounce the threats being made against the Court and its members by Democratic politicians and groups, including threats to pack the Court to force an immediate liberal majority.

U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts aims to improve ethics training while also improving internal compliance systems after it was found in hundreds of instances where judges had ruled over cases in which they or their family owned stocks, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday. I saw another article like this a little bit back. They are buttering him up with flattery for something they see coming.

AP does a massive piece trying to convince readers that the Jan 6th protest was all done by Trump supporters, and there were no federal agents involved. Feels like they are worried about the reality behind the protests that day.

She’s the incredibly shrinking senator. Kirsten Gillibrand has become so “invisible” — according to one of her ex-staffers and other observers — she would easily lose a primary challenge to lefty Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. We are cleaning house lately on Cabal’s sex traffickers, and Gillibrand’s family had ties to NXIVM.

French burn fewer cars on New Year’s Eve due to pandemic. An AP article, not a Babylon Bee. I would assume they are talking about migrants.

Germany shuts down half of its 6 remaining nuclear plants.

Russia says their opposition to further NATO expansion covers Sweden and Finland too.

Finland says it could join Nato despite Russian pressure.

Knoxville’s Planned Parenthood is a total loss in an early morning New Year’s Eve fire.

Russia fines Google and Facebook $120 million for corrupting minors with porn, trans ideology. Tell me Putin isn’t one of us.

Florida Rep. Kat Cammack said that if the Republicans take back the House in 2022, some Democrats could be headed to prison. “When we take the House back in the 118th, first and foremost, we are going to be focused on accountability, people need to go to jail. I’m talking about the Hillary Clintons of the world, I’m talking about the Eric Holders, I’m talking about all these people who have continued to cause strife and division, break the law, subvert the Rule of Law, and they have never been held accountable. We’re going to go after the origins of COVID-19, we’re going to be looking at how we can earn the trust of the American people back.” The big one will be Jan 6th, and the FBI’s involvement in creating that whole situation. And for that, the committee is already created.

Trump endorses Rep. Mary Miller against Rep. Rodney Davis despite pleas from leadership not to get involved in primary.

Spread r/K Theory, because a lot more people know, than you would think.

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White Boy Sumner
White Boy Sumner
3 years ago

Naples and the Netherlands should be commended for defying tyrants, yet neither is still quite as stirring as this video of LA on 7/4/2020.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
3 years ago

“You cannot tell me he is entirely oblivious to all the ominous indicators associated with this, or made this statement in a good faith effort to promote the good, the beautiful, and the true, or justice and protection of the weakest among us”.

With respect AC, I think you’re missing an essential element of the gamma midwit mindset. They are not motivated by a search for truth, nor are they motivated by a desire to cover it up (unless it involves them personally). They are motivated overwhelmingly by the inward narcissistic supply to be gained by being seen as more sophisticated and clever than the people around them. They therefore have a strong tendency towards knee jerk contrarianism, through which they attract attention and demonstrate their superiority by taking an opinion they know will be at odds with the majority of their followers. This also has the added bonus of proving they are ‘devoted to the truth’ and have ‘a strong character’, because they’re not following the crowd and are willing to take some heat from their followers for the contrarian opinion. They also boost themselves by playing the part of the ‘fearless impartial pundit’, which in Adams’ case I suspect also has the economic component of not wanting to alienate the Democrats in his audience, whose money for books and cartoons is as good as anyone else’s.

So, to look at the organised pedophilia example, Adams would have seen the same Maxwell trial reports as us, but unlike genuine truth seekers, his mental decision tree would have gone along the lines of:

(1)This is a big story, how can I leverage this story to make myself look smarter and more sophisticated than others?

(2) The general consensus of my followers will be ‘where there’s smoke there’s fire’, and so I will point out to them that there is ACKSHUALLY no evidence of the fire

(3) I will need to add a caveat lest evidence emerges in the future and people accuse me of being wrong (which is impossible), so I will add “And by that I mean the *organized* part is unproven. Some of the accused have the right kinds of jobs”.

You might say that there is abundance of evidence for the fire out there already for those willing to examine it and consider it critically, but Adams’ mind never even gets to that point because it’s simply not relevant to his motivations. He doesn’t dig into the story to find more out or seek out alternative news sources, because what the MSM presents/doesn’t present to him at face value is entirely fit for his purposes as described above. He will tell himself “If I did dig into it I would be a conspiracy theorist and everyone knows that conspiracy theorists are nuts and not intelligent, fearless and impartial like me, and besides I have more books to write, more comics to draw and more sex to have with my Instagram model girlfriend, and have no time to waste wandering around Loserville with a bunch of whacko conspiracy theorists. And if it turns out I’m wrong, then I won’t really be wrong because I’ll just say that there was ACKSHUALLY no evidence for organized pedophilia at the time, so I was still right, and my followers were just lucky that evidence turned up that supported their opinion, so even though they were right, they were wrong, and even though I was wrong, I was actually right, and now where’s my Instagram girlfriend, I’ve just given myself a hard on”

For mine, all the ingredients for Adams’ behaviour on this issue, the vaccines, and many others can be found right there in his classic midwit gamma mindset, and secret Cabal affiliations are not required to explain it. Or IOW, Scott Adams is not evil, he’s just a prick

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

This is why I read your work every single day. Not just because you’re the go-to news aggregator (and lord knows how painful it is to compile nuggets among the cesspit.) It’s because you have clarity on the organizing principles.

I never bought your ideas of the scale of the organized Cabal at the low level. I remain skeptical. But you have consistently been closer to the high level coordination.

I’ve said before, r/K and your astute daily analyses are appreciated. I just wanted to say thanks.

Reply to  Whitespace
3 years ago

Spoiler Alert: It’s far worse than AC believes.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“that Ray Epps, vanilla psychopath air”

This. Worth focusing on. Vanilla Psychopath seems like a smoking gun, rather than dismissable as random or irrelevant.

Boomer Tier levels of psychopathy.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“The problem I have with this kind of analysis is I have employed it and found myself totally burned, and seen it weaken me…

What I want everyone on here to do is to create a quantum model of the world, where multiple states exist simultaneously in your mind, blurred in a changing ratio according to your ever adjusting models of probability, based on an ever increasing flow of new information…

So file away it is possible, and see if anything in the future bears upon that model. At the very least, you will not end up blindsided later on, like I was. because you shut your mind to a possibility.”

Brilliant, AC. I hope everyone that visits your site groks this. If not now, eventually.

One of the biggest weakness I see in people who aren’t able to grok this is the pathological addiction to closure. The instinct for closure is important because, as with Occam’s Razor, it helps us seek quick, closed-ended solutions. But it’s not advantageous for us to seek closed-ended solutions to open-ended problems for which we have incomplete data. Hence the inherent weakness that AC mentions, because such closed-ended/closure-oriented explanations will fall apart with a single hit, leaving you with nothing. Much better is to build a far stronger, resilient, and anti-fragile probabilistic model of thinking.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

100% agree with you AC and Macquac. Move forward, use your eyes and keep all possibilities open and in suspension. We may never know what is really going on.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“One of the biggest weakness I see in people who aren’t able to grok this is the pathological addiction to closure. The instinct for closure is important because, as with Occam’s Razor, it helps us seek quick, closed-ended solutions. But it’s not advantageous for us to seek closed-ended solutions to open-ended problems for which we have incomplete data. Hence the inherent weakness that AC mentions, because such closed-ended/closure-oriented explanations will fall apart with a single hit, leaving you with nothing. Much better is to build a far stronger, resilient, and anti-fragile probabilistic model of thinking.”

High Wisdom Stat statement right there.

If more people are as Wise in the way they process information.

Then regardless of their intelligence they will come to the right conclusion and make the right decisions.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“What I want everyone on here to do is to create a quantum model of the world, where multiple states exist simultaneously in your mind, blurred in a changing ratio according to your ever adjusting models of probability, based on an ever increasing flow of new information…”

This aptly describes the thought process I gravitated towards when exposed to this thing. Age is a factor. Plasticity of thought becomes more difficult the older you get. I was still a teenager during 9/11, but I have the unforgettable memory of seeing the planes hit the towers and thinking, ‘Holy shit, I’m watching a false flag play out on live TV.’ In order to hold sanity at that time, in order to move forward in the world, thinking in the quantum model was the best possible exercise to combat the incessant bullhorn of Cabal propaganda and control. It calmed my amaygdala. I recommend it for everyone.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Mental Anon-

I’m around your age. Didn’t have the vocab for calling it a “false flag,” but I definitely have a disconcerting memory of thinking “holy sh*t they’re controlled demolition-ing both towers. So they don’t fall on other building I guess… But how could they rig them so quickly…and while they’re on fire…. And there were still people inside, stuck up top. Why in aren’t they doing helicopter rescues first?!?!”

And that was before I even encountered building 7 info maybe five years later.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

“…One of the biggest weakness I see in people who aren’t able to grok this is the pathological addiction to closure…”

This is really, really insightful. I do this.

Nobody Special
Nobody Special
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Regarding influencers. In general I am skeptical of the established story about events. I don’t just swallow the stories of the mainstream media. But I have learned to be skeptical of the “debunkers” as well.

I remember after 9/11 there was an influential documentary called Loose Change that was supposedly created by a 21 year old amateur filmmaker. I remember thinking that it was very well made with lots of archival footage and therefore the creator must have had lots of resources at his disposal to create it. So I was skeptical it was created by just one guy on a shoestring budget.

Then there was a supposedly retired flight attendant named Rebekah Roth who wrote a book detailing 9/11 issues and anomalies. The level of detail and documentation she included seemed too much to have been collected by just one person. Also in her media appearances she seemed very polished and not an amateur at all as she claimed. So I was skeptical that this lady was just a retired stewardess as she claimed.

In general I think there are some very sophisticated media operations out there to influence public opinion. That includes controlling the majority as well as the minority of skeptics. It seems that the best stance is to maintain AC’s “quantum view” where the truth about public events is based on probability not absolute certainty.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

> What I want everyone on here to do is to create a quantum model of the world, where multiple states exist simultaneously in your mind, blurred in a changing ratio according to your ever adjusting models of probability, based on an ever increasing flow of new information.
A very good example of how to treat the flow from the Information Sewer Hose.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

That’s a fair enough position, but the reason I’m pretty confident in this instance that Adams isn’t a Cabal controlled influencer or asset is that other things I would expect to see aren’t there. He endorsed Trump in both 2016 and 2020, ran consistently and hard against the both the Fine People and Impeachment hoaxes, and has his fair share of MSM hit job stories out there. If he was a paid influencer or an asset, I would expect to see far more ambiguity from him on Trump, sufficient to maintain his cover as a Trump supporter or at least Trump-friendly, while subtly discrediting him and questioning his competence, ethics and fitness to lead. I’ve never seen this from Adams, and while of course that doesn’t absolutely disprove he isn’t an asset or paid influencer, IMHO he has an abundance of personality traits capable of fully explaining his behavior without invoking any nefarious behind the scenes influence. He’s also always been a gee wiz trust-the-science, trust-the-data normie propeller head, so this easily explains his instinctive bias towards eg the vaccines, and his instinctive prejudice towards anything that can be labelled as a ‘conspiracy theory’, such as Q and organised pedophilia, again without nefarious influence on him behind the scenes.

None of this is a recommendation to keep following him, other than for laughs. He is a clown, my only point is that unless something new emerges, the preponderance of evidence to date suggests he is a lowercase c clown, not an uppercase C Clown.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
3 years ago

It is possible his Trump position was the real him and his cabal issued girlfriend didn’t or couldn’t influence him about it but that the other things she succeeded at sawing him on.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

So under this assumption, as pro-Trump pro-vax person is much more likely to be a shill, and an anti-Trump anti-vax person actually is unlikely to be a shill.

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

Rather a shill targeting the other side instead than us. Remember, they manipulate their own people more than us.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

He got saline.
Whether he knows or whether his GF arranged it, he got the saline.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Occam was probably cabal.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
3 years ago

There’s enough cabal smoke around Adams to assume he is on fire.

Porter Rockwell 11
Porter Rockwell 11
3 years ago

I was listening to Scott Adams until he started advocating that “Ziden would be a good change after Trump”. Obviously he was in the know from the deep state contacts he boasts about. Well Duh! For evil to run it’s course in these last days it was obvious that Trump had to lose! The “golden age” claims are laughable too. The Scriptures are all the warning I need. As far as I’m concerned he’s just a gate keeping, lucky guesser with an atheist blind spot. When things really spicy he’s going to be exposed as the imposter he really is.

3 years ago

It was pretty clear they were going to put monoclonals in a ditch when they pretended to care about them and promised to take over their use and distribution.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“And given I would expect a similar effect in men based on VAERS reports of testicular inflammation that even AP has to acknowledge exist.”

If my balls get any bigger I’d go from renowned to legendary status.

3 years ago

[…] News Briefs – 01/02/2022 — Anonymous Conservative __ATA.cmd.push(function() { __ATA.initDynamicSlot({ id: 'atatags-26942-61d1c16b08d17', location: 120, formFactor: '001', label: { text: 'Advertisements', }, creative: { reportAd: { text: 'Report this ad', }, privacySettings: { text: 'Privacy', } } }); }); […]

3 years ago

Re: Adams and hypnosis

Mesmer was the founder of a Masonic Order. Downard talks about him a lot.

Mesmerism seems a tool but also a selection drvice. The intetest in hypnosis and hypnotising people is a good filtering mechanism for Cabal.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Looks like Adams seeded a meme. Here’s a doc parroting it. Certain ppl are categorically incapable of bring “correct”. They were more “correct” in being wrong than we were “correct” in being right. Absurd levels of Authority Bias.

Sentient Amplifier
Sentient Amplifier
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Good gravy. Thank you for pointing out the dickspeak that George Orwell would have otherwise, were he alive today. See third comment at your link for reference – it’s worth it 🙂

3 years ago

Adams is married to a charming child like woman. Adams is reading the writing on the wall. Big pharmacy. If God has decided it is time, then no amount of legal liability protection will save the guilty. The fall of Babylon was a mostly bloodless affair. Only the rulers were executed.

3 years ago

Scott Adams weighs in:

So, putting my wizard hat on — this is stray voltage. Adams wants to you stop talking about the vaccine and convince him that there are organized pedos.

Scott Adams is a godless heathen. Like so many heathens, he is terrified of death, and works so so so very hard at being “healthy.” He eats ridiculous food and wears himself out with “exercise” (that coincidentally never involves lifting anything heavy) and has bought himself maybe 10 years more life expectancy by being emaciated and weak.

And he wiped it all out with two shots.

And he either has to face that, or he has to crank up the denial and deflection machine. This one is deflection.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

Exactly my take on it re: the distraction. It’s an impressive feat to release one nuclear bad take; ripping off two or three in a row is clearly a planned op. This one is much easier to mea culpa and change opinion on without eating a shit sandwich with the fan base, and they’ll probably all be distracted by it in the process.

3 years ago

Ted Cruz’s teenaged daughter reveals she’s bisexual, and disses dad in viral TikTok video.

Matthew 7:16-17

You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

> Do men gather grapes from thornbushes

Grapes, no. But if you want raspberries, it’s going to cost you some blood.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

Truly, between Ted Cruz and his wife, they didn’t give their eldest daughter enough of their time as she grew up and didn’t teach lessons that most parents should know to teach. For every teenager that is rebellious there are also those who are good, follow the rules and listen to their parents. Ted was likely very busy, but if he and his wife couldn’t handle 2 daughters then how could Ted handle a country? It’s a valid question for anyone.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

@Rex regum veniet

“For every teenager that is rebellious there are also those who are good, follow the rules and listen to their parents.”

Its because once they are teenagers they are also integrating into the wider society that their peers are a part of. Therefore if the general society values teenage rebellion. Then the rebellion against parental values are much more likely.

That wasn’t the norm in the 19th century and before. Youths are far more conformist to societal values than you think.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

True. But I can’t imagine the difficulty that people at Cruz’s level have in protecting their children from constant brainwashing and manipulation efforts. From schools, from classmates who are cabal children, from the media, from neighbors. I’m sure they do everything the can to fuck up the majority of children of people who pose any conceivable risk.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I agree. I don’t think it’s reasonable to totally hold parents responsible for the actions of their children in this culture.

3 years ago

> The Australian government has admitted there have been at least 79,000 COVID-19 vaccine side effects and is now offering compensation to those seriously injured.
…paying them off with the same tax money that was extracted from them by threat of prison.

Nice and circular.

Well, at least they’re not still denying the problems.

Australia’s government may have stolen it’s citizens firearms, but they can still buy rope at any hardware store. Canberra’s city web page says they have “more the 80,000” street lights, so there’s no shortage there.

3 years ago

U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts aims to improve ethics training while also improving internal compliance systems after it was found in hundreds of instances where judges had ruled over cases in which they or their family owned stocks, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.

One of the reasons you see Judge Kinkaid in the Northern District of Texas presiding over so many huge corporate cases is because he doesn’t own any stocks and invests solely in real estate. If, say, Apple is in court in NDTX, it will almost certainly land on Judge Kinkaid because all the other judges own Apple stock.

3 years ago

> In the Netherlands, the government banned fireworks as punishment for disobeying COVID law so the people filled the sky with them and showed the politicians who is in charge.

That’s the same government that shit itself a few years ago when farmers got angry at them adopting ridiculous EU guidelines and organized a tractor run through the capitol. The Hague didn’t bother with police road blocks; sent in the freakin *Army* to barricade the roads.

And the farmers rolled up, admired the nattily-uniformed soldiers and their expensive armored personnel carriers, left the road and drove right around the barricades.

Apparently the brainiacs running their army had no clue that tractors are “off-road vehicles.”

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

They’ve never even seen a farm, let alone operated a tractor. They just assume they’re dumb hillbilly cars instead of the workhorses they are.

3 years ago

> The Biden government, aided by a corrupt DOJ, is flying planeloads of illegal immigrants from the Southern border to states across the country daily with no concerns for ID or vaccine status.

That got occasionally reported during the Trump Administration, and (sans vaccines) the Obama Administration. It probably happened during the Bush Administration as well.

The various agencies of the Fed do pretty much as they please, and current incumbent administration or the citizens are not their masters.

3 years ago

> The state of New York City – the media gather around, and film the new mayor calling 911 about an assault they are all watching go down live right in front of them.
London’s chief of police locked himself inside a car and watched a terrorist stab one of his police officers to death:

Meanwhile, back in the real world:

Some rando billionaire jumped out of his limo to stop a mugging in progress.

3 years ago

> Nearly 400K anchor babies born in 2021, outpacing U.S. births in 49 states.

I never understood the “anchor baby” thing, other then being a policy of the Left. Ship the kid back home with its mother. Or if she doesn’t want it, send the mother back and put the kid in an orphanage or up for adoption. Or sell it to slavers. Or process it into Soylent Green. Supporting illegal foreigners and their spawn is not the duty of the government, particularly when they do it with my money.

3 years ago

> Russia says their opposition to further NATO expansion covers Sweden and Finland too.

So… let Russia join NATO.

Dean Atcheson was Truman’s agent charged with creating NATO. His book “Present at the Creation” details much of the politicking that went on. Initially, the Soviet Union sent envoys too, demanding to be admitted into the new body, just like they had with the UN. The other envoys closed ranks and froze them out.

There was a lot of bad feeling all around, but NATO’s original charter – before it got Woke – was essentially a very simple military pact – if anyone attacked any member (including another member), the other NATO members would crush them. Just like the Jets in “West Side Story.” It wasn’t into “humanitarian aid” and crap like nowadays.

The USSR would have been bound by its NATO agreements, and the Warsaw Pact would never have been formed.

Meanwhile, the New, Improved NATO won’t accept Ukraine as a member, for bullshit reasons that change every now and then.

3 years ago

Scott Adams is in rare form over on Twitter this morning, essentially telling people to disregard Joe Rogan because his format doesn’t allow for debate. Along with a bunch of related tweets about cognitive dissonance and other midwit epistemological bickering.

3 years ago

Idk if this is real or a comm. But it made me laugh very hard. For some reason I was shocked it was a female yoga instructor and not a hairbun male yoga dude.

EXCLUSIVE ‘The marriage was over before the trial started’: Ghislaine Maxwell learned her young husband ‘moved on’ with a pretty yoga instructor in a tense phone call behind bars, says socialite’s close friend” Daily Mail (what is their role?)

3 years ago

>started modeling at 11
Adams is very much an upstate New Yorker liberal and boomer; the tweeet reads better as cagey irony-posting to assuage the censors on the face of it. Drawing any attention to it with his reach is intrinsically dodgey, I imagine. Laura Silsby certainly had ‘the right kind of job’ — aim: have the object of the persuasion question what “Q” is; get around the polarized media story about it if they are aware of it; ask what exactly ‘the right kind of jobs [in gov.]’ are? The misdirection judo on the lead bucks off the Kool-Aid ‘read until offended’ instinct of the standard Jan 6. narrative acceptor at least.

>and they have two daughters
Adams’ previous marriage was to a single mother; divorced after the children were grown. Bit of a mark for them it looks. The vocal dysphonia link with RFK Jr. is interesting, lasted a few years; marijuanna helped considerably according to him, and was militant about legalization to the point of going ‘persuasion nuclear’ on Trump if he turned on it (dying mother was refused its palliative use/perscription). Primary character objection to Hillary was alcohol abuse.

>But I was helpless, in large part because I followed this kind of Occam’s Razor mindset.
Peter Principal, Hanlon’s Razor, all corollaries of Nice Guys [that require certainty] Finish Last. It’s all contingent, fluxions, and absolutely anything is possible until incontrovertibly demonstrated otherwise to your own lying eyes. That quantum model has the right idea. Even so, “The Sovereign decides the exception.” — and there’s something(s) ensuring that They select all these glaring exceptions to the rule of law, especially to hold the bag when caught out. Even Ghislaine’s father wasn’t too big to be bumped off while being in on ‘it’ . . .

“The real truth of the matter is … that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the US since the days of Andrew Jackson.”
“There are no coincidences in politics.”

— FDR, a Freemason that unilaterally made the US the first to recognize the USSR government, was handled by two Soviet Agents Hopkins & White, and gifted his final term by force of UK intelligence intervening in the Republican primary to install Ur-RINO Wendell Wilkie.

>Dr. Shiva fiance
Had unique early angles on coof and therapeutics/supplemenation. Former (?) wife Fran Drescher of The Nanny fame sounds like she had a run in with Them in a home invasion back in LA. Husband ended up turning gay from it.

>Germany shuts down half of its 6 nuclear plants
Frees up nontrivial fissile material for rearmament. Still a hostile country under the UN Enemy State Clause, technically. Japan just put missiles on the nearest islands to Taiwan … PLA made the mistake of wasting their Taiwan force in Vietnam — why waste another on the island you’re confident of converging eventually when it could be used to remove Japan before it fully rearms? If they don’t, it will only be because they suspect their ‘turn key’ nuclear power status is already operational.

>equitable [racial] distribution of monoclonal antibodies
Obama Death Panels Citizens beat up the Mayoro who mandated …
The effectiveness of propaganda and full spectrum XYZ in dampening natural acts of resprisals against all kinds of depredations would be comforting to me, if I was Them. The Return To Monke would be problematic to Morgenthau-Kalergi contingencies at scale; where America goes, the world will rise or fall to meet it.

>150 people killed in Texas
Bolshevik SOP. A return of organized crime beyond Their control – old Mafia archetypes – would serve as the natural baseline social anti-body to dispose of this kind of trash. Having that fall on unscrupulous ‘Colonel Kurtz’ cops can’t work in this environment. Contesting this ground floor of black money probably butts up against Their HUMINT baseline– if it can be done, there’s something to this in Bronze Age Pervert’s writing, plus if Joe Normie can vigorously audit their local finances at the same time: narrow the streams, limit the modalities, and maybe they become too conspicuous for LEOs and bought off judges to do this catch & release fishing routine . . . a certain amount still needs to be above board, enough to matter.

>Gillibrand, NXIVM
Raniere a Billary friend from Arkansas days, Bronfman sisters involved directly in Libya through Chamber of Commerce position and marriage to a Libyan buisinessman facilitating ‘negotiations’ leading up to Gadafi being deposed . . . that Missing Milk Carton meme is certainly suggestive, menacing to her even.

>Nearly 400K anchor babies
Attention MIC: you will not be able to service much less advance your fancy tech at this rate, or repel the inevitable Sino-Russian occupation following bio-terror and bio-Leninist preparation of the ground for helter skelter. Excising the Pollard types would be a good start. Call them ‘legacy Soviet operations’ if you absolutely must maintain philosemitic appearances.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“Adams’ previous marriage was to a single mother; divorced after the children were grown.”

Fatherlessness is child abuse:

daughters that grow up without the protection of her biological father is very comparatively vulnerable.

Hence the cultural attack of Good Fathers and Fatherhood. And the headship of a loving wise Patriarch.

3 years ago

Scott Adams talked about his struggles with dystonia a bit in his book How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, for what it’s worth. Might even be able to get an idea on when it started. I’d check, myself, but my copy is in storage. Figured I’d toss it out there since you were looking at it a bit. When I heard RFK Jr. talk and read on why he speaks that way, I made the same connection to Adams. Especially given how rare those dystonias are.

Scott bragged about being in the primary literature with his method of working around/mitigating his vocal dystonia, as I recall.

David S
David S
3 years ago

I was looking through blogs I haven’t visited for a while and Danielle Blumenthal has Q posts from the last few days. First I’ve seen mention of it.

Interesting if true.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  David S
3 years ago

If true, and that’s a big if, then Q is trying to prime us for the big letdown, i.e., only 20% will be exposed and 80% kept hidden.

That’s a boatload of horse shit.

80% kept hidden is not justice. That’s an allowance for Cabal to continue to hide in the shadows and basically get away with whatever they have been up to, which is ALOT.

If true, it means Q has made compromises with Cabal behind the scenes.

True justice is bringing the perpetrators to justice in the light, and exposing their crimes, not covering it up and telling us all the loose ends were tied up.

This Q drop is telling us the truth would be too devastating, they need to keep the normies in the dark for their own good.

Nothing will change until ALL is exposed, as AC has stated many times. Until the entire network and what it has been doing to us is brought to light, we will remain in the dark and Cabal will get its way, as it has for centuries.

I suspected Q may have made some backroom deals, and said so in this comments section.

If this is true, then it stinks to high hell.

David S
David S
Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

I agree about wanting justice. Q has said from the beginning that we will only see a fraction of what is actually taking place. FBIanon made a similar point that if everything were to come out it would mean civil or international war. No way to know how much of that is the truth and how much just false narrative setting.

One thing I have come to appreciate is the brilliance behind the old Roman method of decimation. I’ve seen people comment that we can’t bring every doctor who had a hand in the covid debacle to justice, but decimation would be good solution. And the new doctors coming in to replace the eliminated tenth would be a whole different breed.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

I’m not so sure.

If people really knew the truth, history would have to be re-written.

We’d learn that Hitler was brought to power by the Cabal for no other reason than plunging Germany into war with Russia in order for kill as many Germans and Russians as possible. And that ultimately the Vatican was deeply involved with this.

If people really knew how evil the Vatican was, Catholic Churches would be up in flames all over the country. It would be a civil war.

Reply to  David S
3 years ago

“8. Another major arrest (on the level of the Ghislaine Maxwell) arrest is coming soon, and it will be public, not a secret military trial. (Comment from me: The term “Betts” was used – this seems to be a deliberate misspelling of “bets.” Could it be a play on the name “Betty White,” who just passed away? Is there some connection there?)”

Roland Betts is an old buddy, frat bro and co-investor with George W. Bush:

3 years ago

Excellent discussion, but I want to highlight the two links on Justice Roberts. Is the Supreme Court breaking with the Cabal?

They have scheduled two hours of oral arguments on all the vaccine mandates on Friday. My assumption was that they would uphold the mandates, but there is an issue that upholding the OSHA employer one would essentially leave the President with the power to do anything he wanted, just by issuing executive orders. Roberts has complained about that being a problem in the past. It would leave no role for the courts (or the legislature).

Overturning them would force the cabal to change their plans and go for a dictatorship openly, but maybe that is the idea.

Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

An open dictatorship is always the end goal. Any structure that can be destroyed by simple knowledge of its existence is an obviously over-fragile structure, and so must be a temporary measure at best.

3 years ago

I dig Cammack’s fire but her idea is inferior to Trump coming in as Speaker and just crushing the Cabal repubs with hearings and investigations. Press can spin that a little but not much. Biden Admin is going to (intentionally?) Hamstring the Cabal DEMs.

3 years ago

Betty White ‘made’ her 100th birthday if you count up the 24ish leap year dates…She made it over by a few. 😉
At least she still got to play with Lego’s until her time was up.

Debra Shaffer
Debra Shaffer
3 years ago

What the h*ll are they supposed to do?!

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago


Felix gives a sort of 101 survey class on the subject for those that are unfamiliar with the symbolism of the Saturn cult – it’s MUCH older than any current major religion. I am one that believes that there was a time in Earth’s history when the planet Saturn was large enough in our sky that you could make out the rings and hexagon with the naked eye, which is why the symbolism that has lasted for thousands of years.

Debra Shaffer
Debra Shaffer
3 years ago
Debra Shaffer
Debra Shaffer
3 years ago

I hope Poso has flipped, ’cause Poso is funny

Debra Shaffer
Debra Shaffer
3 years ago

Don’t want anyone to out themselves, but maybe someone could give their opinion of gettr. I’m “backdooring” my way into twatter with emails; ******proud****** of being tossed From twatter the *same* day as the Boss-man.

Reply to  Debra Shaffer
3 years ago

GETTR banned Fuentes and the word Groyper.

They are going to be just another censor with different (but not entirely different) things they allow or censor.

3 years ago

“Ted Cruz’s teenaged daughter reveals she’s bisexual, and disses dad in viral TikTok video.”

She went to Public School. And was probably groomed into this.

3 years ago

Maybe i will repost this tomorrow but latest Bruce Charlton essay:

I often disagree with Charlton but this is exactly correct. The way to deal with a proven liar is to put zero credence in any information at all that tyey convey.

Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

I think it’s still a paradox though. If all Cretans always lie then Epimenides the Cretan is lying when he says that Cretans always lie, creating a paradox.

Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

Edit: Although as stated it is not a paradox. Epimenides does not speak the truth.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Something kinda fun. Garandthumb decided to do a freezing rain test on a bunch of rifles. Results were interesting, if somewhat sad.

Freezing Rifle Test. (AK, AR-15, SCAR, FAL etc)

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Military Arms Channel did one awhile back the Beretta ARX-100 was the winner.

3 years ago

Tom Torero killed himself

I find it hard to believe he killed himself merely because of a cancel campaign, if so his mental health was really down the tubes. Either he was very depressed already, or somehow had been gangstalked/harassed to oblivion. Thoughts?

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

> The long and short of it is an activist named Danya Hajjaji, writing for Newsweek, crafted an ‘exposé’ on Tom, claiming Tom’s products featured video of women he approached and bedded potentially without the women’s awareness / permission to record. She also notes that Tom made boyish comments about women. She wrapped that section of her piece by saying how nothing he did was actually technically illegal.

Hajjaji then went around doing the usual ‘activist-journalist cancel culture thing’, approaching Tom’s web host, payment processors, communication apps, and other vendors, told them something to the tune of, “This person you’re hosting is a misogynist; are you comfortable with this? Do you support this? Any comments for the article I’m writing for Newsweek?”

As the result of Hajjaji’s cancel campaign, this series of events unfolded, which Hajjaji gleefully reported in her Newsweek hit:

Tom’s web host cancelled and removed his website

Amazon and Lulu removed some of his books

PayPal cancelled Tom’s payment account

Meanwhile Hajjaji was also attempting to get Tom’s WhatsApp (which he used to coach students over) and his Stripe account (which he used to process credit card payments) revoked

Tom was apparently already in difficult financial straits before this.

The outcome of Hajjaji’s campaign was that Tom took his own life.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Midlife crises are real. A man reaches his 40s, realizes he is as close to death as he was to birth, and wonders what was the point of it all, and what is the worth of moving forward for the same piece of cheese at the end of the maze.

Give that man a wife and family and an awareness of God and eternity, and he’ll keep investing in that family and legacy. Give him attention from random women and temporary “bros” and he’ll wake up one day with Monty Python in his head, “Life’s a piece of shit, when you look at it”

A poignant example of actions having consequences. Tom was praised as being this dude we should admire because he lived life to the fullest and was always up for adventure. Killing yourself after realizing the world cannot sustain happiness outside of a relationship with God is more … one could say … living life to the emptiest.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago


Reply to  kid
3 years ago


Reply to  kid
3 years ago

A feminist MSM Newsweek “journalist” targeted him and had him and his livelihood canceled. Yes, he was gangstalked/harassed by Cabal CIA. He was not an anon, he was entirely independent of Cabal control, he taught male freedom and expression. They can’t tolerate genuine thought leaders like Torero. Heartiste was canceled. Krauser’s game is up.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Krausers mate Sasha Daygame got out of the game just in time.

3 years ago
Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Bman
3 years ago

Shit, that’s bad. I never liked the guy. NEVER. Always felt something was wrong with him even when he was writing stuff that makes sense.

It’s probably the rejecting Christ that did it. What a hardened, reprobate heart.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I’ve noticed similar strange patterns as well. Some are almost like challenges, like “I do [strange cringeworthy/disgusting thing] because [insert something how it makes them feel something positive]. Why don’t you?” It can confuse a lot of people here who were likely always outside-the-box, lone-wolf or natural leader types. I used to ask myself “why?”

But it makes perfect sense if you see it in terms of these people seeing themselves as the “older brother” or “wise man” of a community. Most people are sheep and not only search for role models, but are just as perpetually thirsty for a male leader as they are for women. People like Cernovich KNOW they are role models, older brothers, and wise men for countless men. His words will INSTANTLY influence their subconscious. These little tidbits prime their followers to follow in their path, to become just a bit more degenerate, etc.

It’s quite insidious. I never knew this stuff about Cernovich. All I really knew about the guy is he made juice and wrote Gorilla Mindset (my handle is a tribute to the legendary Lembro poking fun at the book), but I’ve read some of his posts and they felt off. Why else would a guy proudly and graphically describe dramatically presented episodes of his sex life with the person he would eventually marry?

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

In honor of Lembro.
Wherever he is.

San Diego rabbi sentenced to 14 months in prison for multimillion-dollar fraud scheme

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It is absolutely cringeworthy and disgusting? Hmm. I found nothing incriminating here, and thought this was all standard PUA or “bro” fare.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

“It is absolutely cringeworthy and disgusting?”

“I found nothing incriminating here”
Incriminating? Maybe not. But they were shifting the Overton Window in the wrong direction before graduating to controlled oppo.

“thought this was all standard PUA or “bro” fare.”
That means they succeeded.