News Briefs – 01/02/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Ghilsane Maxwell was worried Epstein’s death might draw the spotlight toward her, but she was more relieved he wouldn’t be able to dish any dirt on her. Nice relationships in that Cabal world.

Ghilsane is being hid from the FBI in various safe houses in Israel, according to one report.

John Roberts tells people, don’t go believing any nasty internet rumors you read online which might make you think ill of your leaders. He has seen the same surveillance that Antonin Scalia saw, and if he has, he knows it is wrong on every level. When it moves on you, it moves on you, though he may get a less hostile form as a turned Cabal asset. But this motherfucker knows. He knows, and he is perfectly fine acting as an enemy of our very nation’s lifeblood, The Constitution, and its people. Understand, there is no Russian who is as great an enemy of our Republic and every American, as this slimey, cowardly  little motherfucker.

For those who have missed it, there is a good rundown on the situation with his kid’s adoption, which is probably partly why he is owned, here. I still think he has a closeted homosexual problem though.

Captain America Actress kills her mom. Meanwhile two years back a Hollywood Director who she worked for tweeted gangstalking articles at all the intel agencies to tell them to stop gangstalking her, probably because he has no idea who was responsible but knew it was real. There are a lot of people who have known how things worked for a long time, but they just assumed nobody would believe them:

It makes you wonder if her mom was the real target all along – and if she even killed her, or if she found her killed. Again, how many here would think this could happen in America? These are uncharted waters.

Beginning Jan. 2, airmen at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, will no longer be able to carry their personal firearms on base, even if they lock them up in their cars first. They should put up a sign up outside saying, “Designated disarmed mass shooting zone.” 

World Health Organization in touch with Beijing after mystery viral pneumonia outbreak.  There is a suspicion it is linked to SARS.

An interesting article by the very first “non-binary” LGBT celebrity, who has transitioned back around to their original gender, and who now says trannies need psychological help, and not transitions, and non-binary is a scam. I’ll do a full summary so you can skip it. A few interesting points. One, they went from a male, to a female, to no gender (non-binary), and back to male. Could their amygdala have grown, allowing them to start out “hyper-r-overshoot,” and then slowly switch back to male as it grew and adapted? Second interesting point – when they first wanted to transition from male to female, they were given a daily dose of estrogen equal to less than one-twentieth of a veggie whopper. Just saying, two veggie whoppers every three months and you might as well have demanded your doctor give you boob pills and then have taken them religiously. Three – he writes, “I’d learned how to become a female from online medical documents at a Department of Veterans Affairs hospital website.” I would love to know if all of that shit was put out there by CIA MK Ultra shrinks, or Cabal professionals. A fourth interesting point on the debt advantages of transgenderism I didn’t know – “A Pennsylvania judge didn’t question the name change, either. Wanting to help a transgender person, she had not only changed my name, but at my request she also sealed the court order, allowing me to skip out on a ton of debt I owed because of a failed home purchase…” For some reason I see the seed of a Vince Vaughn/Owen Wilson movie in there somewhere. But that does feel almost like a Cabal reward for his journey helping seed the narrative. Notice afterward, the second he stopped helping screw people up, and began speaking out against it all, the media and all the free legal help disappeared, like he didn’t exist. Somebody with deep pockets and a massive network, possibly including judges, had a direction they wanted to take it, and their hidden hand pushed it along. Notice how in his non-binary case, he just happened to get a judge with a transgender kid. What is the statistical probability of that, unless a covert network owns the clerk assigning cases and made it happen? How many judges will help you in another case disappear that debt you took on from buying a house? The final point I will make, is that I now view trannies very differently. On the one hand, this guy is a sad case. From his repeated rape by an uncle as a little kid when he was too young to fight back, to the screwed up, futile search for happiness it launched him on, it is just sad all around. On the other hand, he is the canary in the coal mine that is loaded with coal dust, and set to explode and kill everyone around it. I think he is one case which may indicate trannies are deeply unhappy people, who are trying to fix the unhappiness by blaming something, anything, and then destroying it. Notice the arc of his story. First it was his gender. Then it was the doctor who questioned whether he should transition, who he proceeded to try to destroy for being anti-tranny. Then it became the system which allowed him to transition. And in the end, he is beginning to blame everyone who helped him, from lawyers and judges, to doctors and psychological professionals, to the media, and he is no less pissed at them than trannies get now when you imply they might not find happiness by cutting off their junk and replacing it with a gaping hole cut into their bodies. I predict in ten years, when this tranny-bomb blows, you will have all of these trannies going volcanic at the same moment, and focusing all of their rage on the enablers who created this clown world. And they might not all do it through the legal sytem. That will be fun.

Webb County Sheriff’s Office says, ‘Do not cross the border at Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas Mexico’ because the cartels have been in a multi-hour long shootout with Mexican State Police, and that area is not safe right now.

Abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2019, killing 42 million people. If there were a Demonic realm, and you could appeal to it by killing children, as is a weird meme which seemingly has popped up all over the world in different cultures in isolated geographic regions independently, this would be a powerful source of influence for those who promoted it.

South African telecom firm MTN said it was reviewing allegations raised in a U.S. complaint which accuses several firms of paying protection money to militant Islamist groups in Afghanistan. Cabal money laundering under the guise of protection money? And now it is being exposed?

Pete Buttigieg raises $25 million in three months. Is this based on the results they found after his short period of positive media press?

Nissan Chief Carlos Ghosn’s escape to Lebanon from Japan followed weeks of planning by associates. Either this dude had less surveillance on him than the average alt-right personality online, or he was allowed to escape by Cabal. This is exactly the type of thing a covert surveillance operation is designed to prevent, and it is why they don’t roll out piecemeal, or do things half-assed. If you get it, it comes playing to win, it expects you to do shit like this because it has seen it before, and it is breaking every rule and more of society, to do shit you would never think possible, so it knows it is ahead of you before you even know what you are going to do. Plus they’ve been doing it a lot longer than you. Like the insurance commercial, they know a thing or two, because they’ve seen a thing or two. But it is good propaganda to convince people surveillance ops are retards who really never get inside anything, even a big thing they are assigned to. So you are totally safe anon.

A federal court announced that next week U.S. District Judge Loretta Biggs will formally block a photo ID requirement scheduled to begin in 2020.

Pope Francis apologizes for angrily slapping a Chinese woman’s hands, who wanted to meet him. Rumor online was the woman was dying of cancer, and had hoped meeting the Pope would cure her, but just as he got close, he turned to walk away, so she grabbed his hand and he slapped her away.

Another anti-semitic attack in New York City. It has occurred to me, as both Jews and blacks begin to rally together behind President Trump, all of a sudden we have a zeitgeist showing up on television every night telling us blacks and Jews are at war, and should hate each other. This does not feel organic.

Mike Bloomberg has spent $155 million in ads so far, but can’t move the needle. Meanwhile Trump barely spent anything in all of 2016 and won everything easily.

Avian Flu outbreak hits Europe’s largest poultry producers.

In Europe, anti-Christian attacks reach an all-time high in 2019.

Where 5G has been rolled out already overseas, users see no difference. The sole purpose of 5G is to allow massive data transfers to track everything from every smart device all at once, and to get that data in everyone’s files, and probably to a next-gen AI which is watching us like out of the TV show Person of Interest. You will not see any difference. And I put the chances at about 70-80% there is a weaponization capability hidden in the technology, which nobody yet knows about. If you put emitters every hundred feet or so, potential injury from constructive interference will be a feature, and not a bug.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg’s grandfather worked as an actor for Disney.

General Flynn’s sister’s children had a fire at their house which almost harmed one of their children:

This next tweet makes a joke out of it (unfortunately WordPress forces the parent tweet to be included with the tweet of interest when you embed from a thread, so ignore the first smaller tweet) , but if you look at Joe in the main tweet below, he is making hand signs. First a fist, then two fingers held together up, then if the video had continued, a thumbs up. It seems random and yet not like he is making it up on the spot, given he moves through precise hand positions. Try it yourself, and see if those hand positions would be that precise, yet unrelated to what you are talking about if it were you. Could those be a message sent to someone? I still have the impression the OK sign was some sort of Cabal signal which white hats may have destroyed by starting an online meme campaign to make it a white power symbol:

This next one about an Australian reality TV star is another case where they will not say what the cause of death was:

Why do I get paranoid whenever I see anyone use this phrase? And why does it make me want to be not-careful so badly?

Trump administration issues ‘record-low’ number of regulations amid red tape-cutting drive.

New bill aims to eliminate $100 billion year-end “use-it-or-lose-it” federal shopping spree.

Senate Republican Roy Blunt predicts the impeachment trial ends by State of the Union.

On the bright side, Marine MPs are to be allowed to carry concealed firearms on base.

The White House issues a statement on it being National Stalking Awareness Month.

Homeland Security Chief orders review of state laws allowing driver’s licenses for illegal aliens.

Ethics complaints were just  delivered to Rep. David Skaggs, the Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics, fr5om Judicial Watch, calling for an investigation into allegations that Rep. Omar married her biological brother, among a host of other Federal and state crimes.

National Security Council chief is slashing Obama’s ‘bloated’ staff to create efficient, tight-lipped White House operation.

Most Democrats who support Impeachment say it will fail.

Spread r/K Theory, because surveillance cameras are everywhere.

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5 years ago

>”as both Jews and blacks begin to rally together behind President Trump”

Blacks are starting to rally behind Trump, but I have no indication that is the case for Jews. And a big issue with Jewish support of Trump (not saying it’s all of them, off course there are Patriotic individual Jews) is that many of them only seem to support Trump because they seem to believe that Trump will just keep America bent over so Israel can fuck it up the ass all it wants.

And given that Black violence is a daily constant against Blacks, Whites and Jews, I don’t think there is even an uptick in attacks against Jews per-se, it’s just that Jewish collective power is getting fucked over by people waking up, and so it deems necessary to paint a narrative of Jews as victims again so it can try and push for more censorship against criticism of Jews and push for more privileges for Jews.

Jews as a group have always acted like a cancer, trying to silence people and get them even more shit just because they decided to play the victim card (again, as always) will only get people to turn against them even more. So don’t interrupt, they are in the process of over-reaching even more, and it will back fire on them big time in the most productive of ways: general public will no longer support Israel nor Jewish collective power, for all the right reasons.

Also, refuse to commit crimes, expose the Jew using peaceful means.

Method on how to turn all Blacks against Jewish collective power and Israel here:

How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:

The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations: – “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

Jews I’ve known well enough to talk openly have told me that they feel much more in common with Muslims than Christians, a fact that mystifies me, but not as much as it used to.

Generally, Jews who are religious – those who have a salient faith – vote and think conservatively. In the US, this means that most Orthodox Jews vote Republican. This doesn’t mean that the American Orthodox sympathise with Christian conservatives or are willing to make alliances based on common political goals. They’re intact and isolated. The only issues they care about are those that effect their own bordered communities. Liberal Jews (most Reformed and all Conservative) have neither religious faith nor sympathy for conservative political values.

I find it fascinating that liberal Jews secretly (or not so secretly) hate Christians at the same time they sympathise or even identify with Muslims, even though Muslims overtly hate Jews. I’m sure our blogmeister has an r/K reason for this.

I also find it fascinating that conservative (small C) Jews don’t bother to disguise their hatred of Christians OR Muslims.

Regarding American blacks, in a perverse way, Jews identify with blacks as a strategy for hating white Christians. They claim solidarity with blacks as if they were two supposedly maligned and persecuted minorities … but blacks aren’t buying it even though Jews keep throwing money and shallow sympathy their way.

To sum: Jews prefer Catholics to Protestants, blacks to whites, and Muslims to Christians. Thus, a Christian, Protestant white women/man is at the top of their hate-list.

Now … Trump. His kids have all(?) married Jews, and that princessy daughter of his has even converted to Judaism and is raising her cute kids in the Jewish faith. But, to Jews, Trump is still a WASP. The fact that his kids are sorta Jewish and he is openly supportive of Israel matters not. Jewish hatred of Chrsitians, even former Christians, is so deep and convoluted, that a visceral hatred of Trump is inevitable.

Reply to  KR
5 years ago

>”Jews I’ve known well enough to talk openly have told me that they feel much more in common with Muslims than Christians”

Judaism tells Jews that Christians are idolaters (which means they have to be killed), and that Muslims are NOT idolaters.

>”Generally, Jews who are religious – those who have a salient faith – vote and think conservatively. In the US, this means that most Orthodox Jews vote Republican.”

Yes, but from what I’ve seen, most of them are very much against a truly America First agenda that puts Israel in it’s place.

>”This doesn’t mean that the American Orthodox sympathise with Christian conservatives or are willing to make alliances based on common political goals. They’re intact and isolated. The only issues they care about are those that effect their own bordered communities.”

Judaism as always seen Christ and Christians as enemies of humanity.
Read: – Graph about the historical and modern Jewish hatred against Christians

>”Liberal Jews (most Reformed and all Conservative) have neither religious faith nor sympathy for conservative political values.”

True, and still, 95% of them are pro-Israel: – “American Jews, Politics and Israel”

95% of Jews have favorable views of Israel…

Research conducted in 2013 by Pew showed that 76% of Jews (identified by religion) said they were at least somewhat emotionally attached to Israel. In addition, almost half said that caring about Israel is an essential part of being Jewish (with most of the rest saying it is important although not essential) and nearly half reported that they had personally traveled to Israel.

>”even though Muslims overtly hate Jews”

They hate them because of Israel and its efforts to fuck over the Muslim Countries. There as been plenty of collaboration between Muslims and Jews against the Christian West in the past, like there is now.

>”I also find it fascinating that conservative (small C) Jews don’t bother to disguise their hatred of Christians OR Muslims.”

They don’t give a fug because they have the West pretty much on a leash, and as always, they always think the goyim are dumb cattle that will never fight back (109 Countries can’t be wrong, so says the meme).

>”Regarding American blacks, in a perverse way, Jews identify with blacks as a strategy for hating white Christians. They claim solidarity with blacks as if they were two supposedly maligned and persecuted minorities … but blacks aren’t buying it even though Jews keep throwing money and shallow sympathy their way.”

Correct, Jews use Blacks against Whites in various ways, and they always punished them badly when they tried to organize and work from a perspective of self-determination.
The NAACP is s Jewish founded and controlled organization

Take note that NAACP is older than the FED, it was founded in 1909.

>”Now … Trump. His kids have all(?) married Jews, and that princessy daughter of his has even converted to Judaism and is raising her cute kids in the Jewish faith. But, to Jews, Trump is still a WASP. The fact that his kids are sorta Jewish and he is openly supportive of Israel matters not. Jewish hatred of Chrsitians, even former Christians, is so deep and convoluted, that a visceral hatred of Trump is inevitable.”


No comment required.

5 years ago

>Israel hiding out G Maxwell

Would not surprise me, they give safe harbor to Jewish pedos and have gave safe harbor to one Jewish Polish communist war criminal:

5 years ago

“Avian Flu outbreak hits Europe’s largest poultry producers”

That’ll raise the price of meat imports for China.
It’d be a real shame if it wound up IN China.

5 years ago
5 years ago

“I think he is one case which may indicate trannies are deeply unhappy people, who are trying to fix the unhappiness by blaming something, anything, and then destroying it. Notice the arc of his story. First it was his gender. Then it was the doctor who questioned whether he should transition, who he proceeded to try to destroy for being anti-tranny. Then it became the system which allowed him to transition. And in the end, he is beginning to blame everyone who helped him, from lawyers and judges, to doctors and psychological professionals, to the media, and he is no less pissed at them than trannies get now when you imply they might not find happiness by cutting off their junk and replacing it with a gaping hole cut into their bodies. I predict in ten years, when this tranny-bomb blows, you will have all of these trannies going volcanic at the same moment, and focusing all of their rage on the enablers who created this clown world. And they might not all do it through the legal sytem. That will be fun.”

Report: “Transgenders” More Likely to Kill Than be Killed

They are also overrepresented Among Pedophiles

5 years ago

‘What the hell were you thinking?’: Trump berated White House staff for not telling him Putin was trying to call him

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

“According to a new book”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

After reading more than the headline I got the idea that it might just be made up garbage to imply that Trump was Putin’s puppet.

5 years ago

Last year the British Army wanted ‘snowflakes’ — now it wants binge-drinkers and nervous Nellies

5 years ago

Argentine president expresses doubt over mysterious prosecutor death

5 years ago

U.S. Warns Argentina That IMF Deal Threatened by Leftist Allies

5 years ago


5 years ago

Libya parliament dubs Turkey military support ‘high treason’

5 years ago

Trump warns Turkey against ‘interference’ after Libya vote

Tracy Coyle
Tracy Coyle
5 years ago

I am a 61 yr old, post-op transsexual. Note, not transgender. I started transition 31 yrs ago and had surgery five years later. The Standards of Care (SOC) back then required a year of therapy with two different therapists, both licensed, one of which had to be a psychiatrist and a year of living in the ‘gender of choice’ prior to hormone therapy. An additional year of therapy was required before surgery could be considered. Most exceeded those minimums. I was accused back in the day of supporting the ‘gate keepers’ because I agreed with the SOC and red flags for me (and most therapists then) were: abuse as a child, severe trauma (physical and psychological), and drug abuse. ANYONE that did not have initial thoughts or ‘longings before puberty were suspect. For someone to first express anything as an adult was not considered a candidate at all.

Most of us went through hell as kids and teens which tended to make things worse. Families that abused in response to ‘inappropriate behavior’ tended to have suicidal kids…go figure. I knew two people that accused me, could not get therapists to positively recommend, who went overseas and got surgery anyway. Both committed suicide within the year because THEN they really were dysphoric and there was no recourse. (Fortunately even overseas surgeons require SOC guidelines now…but…see next)

The medical community is not helping most people. It is a political issue now, not medical.

Many of us that successfully transitioned no longer consider ourselves ‘trans’ because we FINISHED transitioning.

Those that are stable – many that followed SOC are – tend to object to medical transition for minors as ill advised.

Any group outside the accepted mainstream are going to have a higher percentage of people with issues and resulting self-destructive behavior.

The current ‘trans-trender’ artifices are doing significant damage to the community – and the politically motivated medical community is engaged in malpractice.

To the guy in the story – glad he has ‘detransitioned’ but he needs to own his own culpability.