News Briefs – 01/01/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”


DFT – China Battles Covid As It Struggles To Reopen

DFT – Elon Musk Loses $200 Billion In One Year

DFT – China To Launch NFT Marketplace

DFT – BOJ Looks To Increase Its Inflation Forecast In January

DFT – China’s Real Estate Sector Continues To See Prices Slide

Happy New Year to all. This may be an interesting one.

SCOTUS to consider taking case on Constitutionality of mail-in voting. From the article: “The problem with these mail-in voting laws, Teufel said, is that they fail to specify a place for someone to vote when they vote by mail, which violates Article 1, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution. The election clause in that section states, “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof.””

Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake on Wednesday appealed a Maricopa County judge’s ruling against her election challenge of Democrat Katie Hobbs’ win, and it would not be unprecedented if the high court decided in her favor overturning the election, even after the trial court ruled the other way.

Wisconsin township votes to process votes in polling place where voter resides – denies elites opportunity to manufacture votes at central count voting center.

Study – Improvement of several stress response and sleep quality hormones in men and women after sleeping in a bed that protects against electromagnetic fields. If removing EMF can improve health, understand, applying EMF can degrade health. When there is a CIA-like organization, diffused throughout every neighborhood in a form designed to impose maximum control over the entire population, it will use EMF-application to help determine winners and losers all throughout the nation, and nobody will be safe – least of all, natural high-flyers. I have wondered if the rise of ADHD and autism might be the result of some sort to tech being rolled out to degrade the kids who are not in the secret society, so secret society kids will seem to perform better, and get better relative grades, and be better at sports, and have more energy for extra-curriculars. Regular Americans in our home nation are basically pitted against a domestic intel operation which you could view as the CIA now, and like the CIA has no real rules when it comes to taking control of some Latin-American banana republic, and poisoning and arranging bad luck for whoever they need to in order to get what they want, this domestic version of the CIA operating in the United States will view every regular American the exact same way, and have the exact same rules. You now need to ask yourself, if the Nazi Gestapo, or East German Stasi had such weapons as are available today to US domestic intel, would they have used them on their citizens who wanted to live free, to degrade them physically in ways they could not understand? If the answer is yes, then those weapons are being used right now, all throughout the United States, on everyone from politically active Americans, to children with unusual potential who might otherwise end up prominent in society, and supportive of freedom and morality. This world is more evil right now than we are raised to think possible.

Interesting /pol thread which got archived so quickly I could not ask what he meant by “CIA Snitch Cash”:

Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan Chase are asking a federal court to throw out lawsuits that claim the big banks should have seen evidence of sex trafficking by Jeffrey Epstein.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an Ethiopian microbiologist and director of the World Health Organization, (WHO) was recently captured on video saying that some countries are using COVID-19 boosters “to kill children.” He is now claiming he mis-spoke.

Second ABC News producer dies suddenly by undisclosed causes.

‘Turbo Cancer’: Two-thirds of Dr. Hoffe’s new cancer patients are stage four.

California will allow non US citizens to be police officers in January 2023.

Seattle had over 23% more shooting deaths in 2022.

Members of the billionaire Pritzker family of Chicago are a secretive dynasty who now back radical no-bail laws and the transgender movement.

American Airlines employee killed in accident at Montgomery Airport in Alabama, possibly after being sucked into a plane’s engine.

Jair Bolsonaro leaves Brazil for the US ahead of Lula’s inauguration. And just like Trump, he skipped the inauguration.

Brazilian Vice President Antônio Hamilton Martins Mourão has assumed control of the government and has scheduled a national press conference for tomorrow, Dec. 31, at 8 pm local time.

The Brazilian Federal Police have concluded the actions of Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro regarding the concern about Covid-19 vaccines constituted “fake news” and “crime.”

Ukraine, $111 billion and 10 months later is still fucked up.

According to Ukrainian officials on Thursday, multiple cities, including Kyiv and Kharkiv, came under attack from a “massive” barrage of Russian missiles.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told Russia that “no one will ever forgive you” for spreading terror following a series of missile attacks on New Year’s Eve.  Waaaahhh! goes the baby. Though I do wish the Russians would finish this asshole.

Parents demand principal of America’s top public school be fired after she withheld prestigious National Merit Awards from top students to boost ‘equity.’

U.S. Court of Appeals rules MAGA hat is free speech.

Spread r/K Theory, because the government shouldn’t be paying rapist murderers snitch cash

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2 years ago

> Pritzker family
I know the “Every Single Time” meme is overused, but damn
Maybe “happens too often to be a coincidence” is more accurate

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

They just so happen to come from Khazaria / Ukraine, but don’t worry, they’re Tibetan Buddhists now:

Linda Pritzker (born September 1953) also known by the name Lama Tsomo is an American lama in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

Devotion to Buddha or just making America as multi-religious (besides multiracial and multicultural) as possible, to water down the country’s original identity?

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Wait! So, just as one can become a Jew – that is a ‘Hebrew’ – by converting to Judaism; one can become a Hindi by converting to Buddhism? What a Miracle!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“…I know the “Every Single Time” meme is overused…”

No it’s not. It astounds even me. I don’t see how they do it. They are involved in everything. The amount of time they put into this is extraordinary.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

That video TLDW I shared with you last week, was good, covered when they did it, not just the amount of time spent on it.

The series is good.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Ditto. Every. Single. Time. never goes out of style because it never stops happening. It’s easily the best entry-level red pill, but it takes seeing it six or seven times for it to sink in and be groked.
We absolutely need to keep up the E. S. T. meme.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

there ya go, noticing again….

2 years ago

> Bolsonaro leaves Brazil
Very discouraging
May God send us leaders with the guts and the backing to stand up to evil

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The Creator sent prophets, but they were murdered.

Then the Creator sent his own Son, but he was murdered.

Who would be sent after his own Son was murdered?

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan Chase are asking a federal court to throw out lawsuits that claim the big banks should have seen evidence of sex trafficking by Jeffrey Epstein.

And why not? The banks haven’t a leg to stand on once they start the cancelling accounts of the politically incorrect; and when they agree to money laundering.

2 years ago

> SCOTUS to consider taking case on Constitutionality of mail-in voting

I suspect they’ll rule vote-by-mail is just fine, but if they decide to uphold the Constitution, that would shoot the “vote by phone” schemes in the head, too.

Google and Apple already put their thumbs on the electoral scales; inserting them into the voting process as well would be insane.

[for those just tuning in from 1995, the operating system on the phone has admin access to everything typed or displayed on the phone. The phone’s operating system – usually Android or iOS, has complete control of everything that goes into or out of your phone.]

2 years ago

Happy New Year’s Day my suspicious observer friends!

2 years ago
2 years ago

Nashville, New Orleans, New York, Las Vegas, elsewhere, New Years Eve shows presented ‘live’ via tape delay in your time zone, because eyeballs.
Same shallow fad-chasers and buffoons debasing themselves on camera. Hard to understand them given the excitable voices that lack enunciation.
Unwatchable to older viewers, but apparently young’uns line up for the chance to be told what is to be thought, worn, said, eaten, lived, victimized.

2 years ago

Though I do wish the Russians would finish this asshole.

He needs to be alive to announce the surrender. The nonsense will continue until there is an absolute end, and zelensky dead makes that much more difficult. Its like getting Japan to surrender WW2 without an emperor.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

zelensky is just a puppet. The can get another

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

True, he’s just a puppet. But even puppets must have their roles cultivated over time.

2 years ago

RE: EMFs and Sleep

Serendipitous. Was looking at this exact study yesterday. The beds the study participants were sleeping on are called HOGO. They are custom made and cost $40K. I don’t have one, but I can confirm some of the study’s conclusions through other practical experiences. While perhaps beyond the budget of most anons, I would highly recommend the services of a well-trained Building Biologist. They specialize in Electric and Magnetic Field, Radio Frequency, and Dirty Electricity evaluations and mitigation. Check it out here and search for one in your area.

WifeAnon has bad EMF issues springing from toxic black mold exposure. I do as well, but with much less sensitivity. Side note: one of the symptoms of black mold exposure/detox is “internal vibrations.” I have had these, and it’s wild. Thought I was getting the Havana Treatment at night, but after we moved from the black mold house, the vibrations went away. WifeAnon hired a building biologist (a close friend of hers) to check out our house. Truly eye-opening experience. They were able to knock out nearly all EMFs from our bedroom simply by turning off select circuit breakers in our house. Sleep improved dramatically. Don’t know if you need a $40K bed, but definitely blocking out EMFs is an essential part of life nowadays.

Reply to  MentalAnon
2 years ago

Metal netting and a grounding wire should be able to accomplish this relatively easily I should think. The trick would be making it easy enough to roll and unroll. Definitely could be done for a lot less thna 40k.

Raki Rakkoon
Raki Rakkoon
Reply to  MentalAnon
2 years ago

I’m very interested in EMF shielding, but $40k would be enough to keep me going for two years. Does anyone know anything about the work of Wilhelm Reich and his orgone theories? Google the term orgonite and you will enter a whole new world of controversy.
Reich died in a Federal prison in the 50s, but he was doing stuff 80 years ago that mainstream science still won’t touch today. Was he nuts? I don’t know, but his work is interesting to me. You can make your own orgonite with stuff from Lowe’s and Walmart for a few dollars. Disclaimer: I got nothing to sell, no claims to make, and no axes to grind. Do your own due diligence etc., etc.
I had an out of print biography of Reich which a family member made off with years ago, but his life was such that it seemed to be designed to create paranoia. If he was just a Meshuggah scientist, then there’s nothing to fear, and investigation harms nothing. If he was actually onto something, then you’re on your own.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Raki Rakkoon
2 years ago

Reich’s story is fascinating. He claimed he could make it rain. What Intrigued me was the claim that orgonite takes in negative or bad electric and radio waves and renders them neutral.

I made a bunch of it: metal, crystals, and two part clear epoxy resin. Depending on your level of artistry they look very cool and some of the stuff you can buy is beautiful and expensive.

I have no idea if they actually work but I do not have any havana syndrome or vibrations around me. It seems like new agey crystal magic bs but i’ve given a bunch away and everyone seems quite taken with them.

When I read about Wilhelm Reich it seems he was on to something and got shut down hard.

Reply to  Raki Rakkoon
2 years ago

One of the problems we are facing is that we don’t know what frequency bands we need to block. Most of the products we see are “DC to Daylight” products, which are designed to block every RF signal. It’s almost certain that we don’t need to block every band. Lower frequencies can be blocked by bigger (and cheaper) grids. It’s the reason that radio operators think of radio bands in “meters” — because the actual size of the wave dictates the physical part of the antennas.
It’s unlikely that they are hitting us with ultra-high frequencies — the higher the frequency, the more it is attenuated by things like walls. So, the frequencies are likely lower, and therefore can be blocked with things like agriculture wire style cages. We just don’t know what those frequencies are.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Raki Rakkoon
2 years ago

Wilhelm Reich was a Jew so the likelihood that he was lying about…everything is extremely likely. That he thought about blackmailing his Mother when she was having an affair to have sex with her ought to tell you a little something about his personality. Seems I read somewhere he damaged his sex organ from excessive masturbation. He was also a big deal in the waning days of the German Weimar Republic, Not a good sign of any sort of useful anything.

Raki Rakkoon
Raki Rakkoon
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Didn’t know about the blackmail part, although he definitely caught his mother having an affair with the young man his father had hired as a tutor to his two sons. He ratted out his mother, who hanged herself a few days later in shame. Then his father committed suicide by standing chest deep in icy ponds until he caught pneumonia and died. Wilhelm was still only eighteen.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Raki Rakkoon
2 years ago

Maybe Reich wasn’t all bad.

“…Over the years the FDA interviewed physicians, Reich’s students and his patients, asking about the orgone accumulators. A professor at the University of Oregon who bought an accumulator told an FDA inspector that he knew the device was phoney, but found it helpful because his wife sat quietly in it for four hours every day…”

Raki Rakkoon
Raki Rakkoon
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Yes, even crackpot inventions can have positive uses. This is my last comment on Reich. I went back and did some research on him beyond what I thought I remembered from twenty years ago. He must have been looney tunes his entire life besides being a total p.o.s. with women, who he used like convenient receptacles. Some people who knew him personally, including some professional analysts, thought he had been sexually abused as a child. Fun fact: Reich was expelled from the German Communist Party before Hitler became chancellor because he was an advocate of adolescent sexuality.

2 years ago

Re: faraday cage bed.
It would be good if something that could be easily rolled up and unrolled and acted like a faraday cage was invented. For example, like a mosquito net hammock, but with a built in faraday cage and grounding wire.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Use space blankets. It’s aluminized plastic.

Connect an extension cord to it by clamping onto it. May need to rough it up with some steel wool or other abrasive before clamping. Make sure all the hot wires are not connected! Connect the clamped space blanket to the ground connector(the round one not the blade) of an extension cord and plug it in. Don’t do this if you are a fool and somehow will connect to the power leads.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

AC the only thing I KNOW will work is buckets of dirt. Fill some buckets up, maybe drench them with a strong mix of pool shock to kill off any beast in the bucket. Pour off the excess, then put them on top of a heating plate til they dry out. Stack them up around your bed and work surface. Three feet thick, likely not needed, will stop nuclear blast radiation.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Something to consider is that an energy weapon vaporizing a tiny spot on the foil would produce exactly the same effect. It would seem like something hit it and made a hole. That could be done with something like a UV pulse laser (like dentists and tattoo removals use.)

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
2 years ago

The Russians won’t eliminate their best weapon in the effort to grind down NATO.

The US really screwed the pooch in Ukraine, particularly in using it to de-industrialize its allies in the EU.

2 years ago

Stanford University (CIA) roots of GATE program:

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“SCOTUS to consider taking case on Constitutionality of mail-in voting.

Thank God someone is using their brains. We should be attacking them constantly with a thousand pin pricks to shut down their steal.

White people have a serious deficit in that they refuse to entertain any other method of changes things except some huge conflagration. The truth is that constant grinding away at the enemy is far more effective. Death of a thousand cuts. This is exactly how the Jews took over our country. There should be constant attacks on the legality of what they are doing. Even if it fails, it exposes those on the wrong side. They will be outed and have no excuse. This sort of attitude also girds us and lets us know that all is not lost. We are the majority and if we determine that we will take power we can not be stopped. It only takes aggressive action to do so.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Is the problem with this plan of attack not just the “wrestling with pigs” analogy, except the enemy has 1000s of years of of grinding subversion instead of wiggling in the mud? Their experience and ingrained foothold seem to make anything other than a large initial overthrow of the status quo doomed to fail; we would have to destroy a large piece of their infrastructure before the grind of a thousand cuts might work or their system will just undermine our efforts, no?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“…Their experience and ingrained foothold seem to make anything other than a large initial overthrow of the status quo doomed to fail…”

My point exactly. No one can find a way, supposedly, without some huge overthrow. They did it and so can we.

Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
2 years ago

Interesting theory, here in Britain, about the covid tea. Health service has our telephone numbers and sent out text notices to get us to take the tea. One has to register with the nhs and give contact details. Everyone probably has over the life span. Also, our addresses with same messages in the post to make an appointment.

By correlating the data they can see who took a cuppa or three/four and who didn’t. They produce heat maps with this data. Slowly narrowing down the red dots on the map of non drinkers. By default these are the ones to watch. Distrust the health service or the government. You’re on a target list by not taking the cuppa. You might not have engaged in social media or left a comment on youtube. Oldish methods to see the non compliant.

But, if you declined the cup of tea you are now identified on that health data. The whole program was very important to identify “you”. Before it would have been very hard to do such a thing.

There is no escaping the reach of the government. This was one of their masterpieces for creating watch lists.

Forgive my explanation. Age does not do well with my old writing skills.nThey deteriorate. Unless that is the result of modern technology. Arghhh

Reply to  Pebble skimmer
2 years ago

You’re already on a thousand lists. There’s no way to avoid it given the nature of the enemy and their infrastructure of evil. Live accordingly, and never bend the knee no matter how odious the opposition.

2 years ago

Jan 6 political prisoners still in prison. I expect Bolsanaro supporters to get the same treatment.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
2 years ago

Chemtrails happening… another “conspiracy theory” proven true:

“ A startup says it’s begun releasing particles into the atmosphere, in an effort to tweak the climate”

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

An “approved” startup, otherwise it will be charged with polluting the atmosphere.

2 years ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Lets say “Its Habbening” until 31 Dec 2023.
Then “Its Habbening” every 23rd of the month of 24th.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Chris Yoon – The assignment into 2023

I may actually have turned a corner on getting the next leg of MK2 done and my next installment of BOOTSTRAPPY filmed. The 3D printer is humming away in the background as I type this, It’s been running at least one big part every day for the last three-four weeks, and you wouldn’t believe how long it took to get it running with the current settings.

May go to the shooting range tomorrow morning, and then the shop, or just the shop. Not sure.

But I’ve been feeling it lately quite badly, my lack of progress this year on MK2 and on putting out content for the channel. I’ve got a great job for my situation that is going to make some things possible for BOOTSTRAPPY that just weren’t otherwise, but it also takes a LOT of energy away and splits my focus. Take one day to actually rest, then another for family stuff and my whole weekend for building/filming is shot.

I haven’t wasted this weekend thankfully, and I have really gotten a LOT done in the last two days. This is still my assignment as I understand it. Prototype the machines, make a living with them, get the designs to the world so others can, too.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Oasis Church – Word for 2023: Full Jesus | Tim Sheets

2 years ago

To 2Voss:
AC has not yet approved your comment because he wanted to make Sure that you were not accidentally doxxing me.
But he shared your comment with me privately and since I am not the person you thought I might be I will say that if my guess is correct that person does post here sometimes.

I came up with my view of Relativity on my own but I’m glad to hear that another intelligent person shares it.

For context for everyone else, this was the original comment:

Relativity: “All movement is relative and the rest of the universe is
moving in the opposite direction to the apparantly moving object because
there is no such thing as absolute position or movement”

If that doesn’t sound stupid enough then consider what else Relativity
tells us: “Time travel occurs when one object moves faster than the other

Wait? I thought both objects were moving relative to the other object?
One object has all the acceleration and movement while the other is
stationary and at the same time the second object has all the acceleration
and speed, also at the same time both objects have half the acceleration
and speed and every other division because it’s all relative, right?
Even when the movement is relative to the entire rest of the universe
there is no absolute movement or position, right?
So where do we get an acceleration/velocity differential to create a time

Einstein was a tool to divert the public from the real science so it could
be taken underground by cabal and used to their advantage against us, as
were many of the “great minds” before and after him.

The reply by 2Voss I am responding to:

“Seems to me I’ve read this argument, and it’s a very interesting argument
indeed, elsewhere – like maybe a series of YA books. Is that you, [Name redacted]?”

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Einstein was a tool to divert the public from the real science so it could be taken underground by cabal and used to their advantage against us

If true, then there would be a dissonance between what is taught to the majority of science majors and what is taught to the cabal chosen science majors; the former would always be hobbled by their lack of real knowledge and spending years attempting fill; if they stayed in the field, the gaps in their knowledge.
This would be comparable to advanced art training: the great mass of would be artists are crippled by “abstract art” or weak training in representational art; while the few are sent to excellent schools and studios for the best representational art training.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

No worries from this end. Although I **absolutely** was not thinking about doxxing I can see how it could be construed as such. Happened because I really wasn’t thinking, or not thinking hard enough, anyway. Gotta quit writing comments while distracted. Shame on me, won’t happen again.

My nephews and I DO wish the guy in question would pick up that series again. Among the most wildly original stuff of the last 60 years easy, and to do all that _and_ make a decent case the old-timey physicist notions about ‘we’re all surrounded by/connected by The Ether’ were, in fact, correct…. most unusual.

2 years ago

The Firing of Gina Carano irrevocably DESTROYED Star Wars

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Nerdrotic – Top 5 Woke Hollywood DISASTERS of 2022

The Critical Drinker – The Drinker Reflects… 2022 Edition

2 years ago

EMF: John McAfee did numerous videos while within his own Faraday cage.