News Briefs – 01/01/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Happy New Year to all of the motley crew of patriots, freedom-lovers, and other recalcitrants we are honored to have here! May this be the greatest one we have ever seen.

Cross country convoys are setting up starting points and times for driving cross country to be in DC for the 6th.

Vox Day posted an update on what the new year holds for his projects, from Castalia to Arkhaven.

DC rumors are that President Trump will be officially speaking to supporters in person at the Jan 6th protest event.

Right now, as voting is going on, Dominion machines in Georgia, which are not supposed to be connected to the internet, are on hidden networks communicating back and forth with China, and exerts are documenting it. They realized corruption of our leaders was our vulnerability. There is a reason you kill traitors before enemies.

Lin Wood says if people have a problem with his Epstein allegations, they should ask Jeffrey Epstein about it, because Epstein is still alive. If the information Lin gave out, about Epstein facilitating John Robert’s adoption was correct, that intel came from somewhere. It might have come from Epstein’s post-extraction debrief after he turned state’s evidence against the Cabal. What makes it plausible was the medical examiner refusing to vouch for the body he examined being Epstein, and saying that he didn’t procure the body, it was just delivered to him, so he cant vouch for the provenance. I’m vaguely curious where the body came from if it was an Epstein look-alike. I almost wonder if Cabal extracted him and supplied the body, and Q’s forces snatched him from some point along his journey to Cabal-witness-protection. I’m sure no Law Enforcement investigator has ever had a pitch for someone to turn state’s evidence like being able to actually say to them, “You’re already dead, so nobody is going to miss you if you say no, and they’ll never know about what we are going to do to you before you disappear.” Vox Day thinks he may get rolled out on the 6th, to lay it all out for the crowd. That could very well be. Picture Congress about to count the electors, and out onto the stage walks Epstein, he explains everything, including that the election was a fraud, and Trump actually won in a landslide, and maybe even puts some blackmail videos, like Biden taking cash from the Chinese, or Hillary taking the bribe set up by Byrne, up on a massive TV at the venue to highlight the extent of the problem. Would Congress really be able to certify the Electors after that show, with ten million angry Patriots right outside?

Vox highlights Ben Shapiro’s anti Trump commentary, and how he will try to walk it back later, after what is about to happen. At 17, Shapiro was the youngest syndicated columnist in the country, and was writing his first book. Nobody was going to listen to you at 17, let alone pay you to write stuff about politics. Any editor would have ignored you if you sought this out, even if you were a genius. His infogalactic page shows nine books he has written, but not a one of you, autistic political fans, can even name one. Nobody bought them, but I will bet he took home millions, supposedly from the paltry slice a publisher offers an author. He founded the Daily Wire, which has 102 employees, and has $20 million revenue per year. I can’t even pay Lembro and Farce in popcorn. Understand, this is all illusion. Everything he has, was laid on him from above, Epstein-style. I can recommend a product here in my main text, and my honest slice of the profit from the few, if any units sold from that, shunted to me for the endorsement, would not pay my hosting. even if multiplied up by the fake traffic numbers they give him with bots hitting his site. Almost everything you buy, is habit. You know what you like, and you buy what you have always bought. Very, very rarely does somebody catch your attention,  on a little picture on the sidebar of a website of all things, show you something new, and convince you to go out and buy it. Advertising is a meme, but it is the best reason they could come up with for why people writing shit for free, who you only know because they are spammed everywhere by paid shills, would end up multimillionaires. It is a nice gig, I’m sure, so long as you don’t mind abandoning your kind, maybe getting killed at some point because it suits the narrative, and probably not getting to see your dogs in the afterlife.

A deposition by Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist Sy Hersh has been released in which he confirms the FBI had information former DNC staffer Seth Rich was communicating with Wikileaks and requesting payment. This offers an assertion NSA has the communications and they are classified as a Special Access Program, though anybody could assume that if the FBI had them.

So after finding out yesterday that Republican absentee ballots were printed differently so the machines would reject them all and they would need to be adjudicated, now in this video they show how adjudicated ballots can be adjudicated to have voted for anyone. And as you will see in the twitter brief, after this is done the original ballot is destroyed, and the machine prints out a new, corrected ballot with the new vote on it, so any recount will never even see the original ballot, but will just reaffirm what the machine said the first time. Nice scam they designed.

Jovan Pulitzer says Fulton County began shredding (evidence) ballots yesterday — 4 hours after I was asked to inspect them. These are all the people who run support for this thing. They like being in the club and being more special than all the other animals on the farm. There is going to be a lot more of them than just a few poll workers.

Arizona citizens investigation discovers thousands of phantom voters in state, with up to 30% of addresses in the investigation being found fraudulent. Years ago, Rush Limbaugh was talking about election integrity, and he described being told by somebody in the know in Florida of how bad it was, and he said they told him about one house in some poor neighborhood that had 35 voters registered at it, and there were houses like that all over Florida. His voice trailed off, and he acted like it was just part of the system, and there was nothing anyone could do about it, and then he dropped it, as just an unaddressable problem that existed. The most amazing thing about this whole machine that was constructed was how completely helpless regular America was to resist it. So much corruption and abuse of power, but so little ability to organize against it, in large part due to the massive intelligence operation arrayed against the American people. It is kind of ironic – we were given arms by the Second Amendment, so if things went hot we could act kinetically against the government, but absent a civilian intelligence operation working against the government, to support a potential kinetic operation, our entire nation was helpless. As Sun Tzu noted, intelligence is paramount in all matters of war – and freedom from oppressive governments is a war. And in a way, we here are at least a small part of that intelligence operation.

NSA whistleblower Kirk Wiebe says CIA software was used to hack the election. An NSA-CIA conflict, as Q alleged? He has teamed up with retired NSA crypto-mathematician William Binney, retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, and retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely to show exactly what happened. Also, eight months before the election he and Binney delivered a thumb drive with 85,000 documents showing the gravity of the situation to congress, but they were ignored. Of course all of this was already scripted by then, so tough to tell if it was traitors or patriots ignoring them.

A solid majority in new poll favor photo ID requirement for mail-in ballots.

McConnell calls out Hawley in GOP conference cal, demanding to know why he’s objecting to the electoral College results. McConnell may be turned by Chinese cash. But Q has said people will be told to do this to make them appear non-partisan, so they can later “see the light” and be convinced by Trump.

Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney predicts Mike Pence will throw out six Biden elector slates.

Jason D. Meister, an advisory board member for President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign agrees that Pence can throw out AZ, PA, WI, MI On Jan 6.

Republican Representative Adam Kinzinger says Trump’s base is beginning to turn on him now that they feel he is trying to undermine Democracy. This guy has to know all of it. Our Elections are frauds, Biden lost, and most importantly, if he knows that, he must know his best play would be to align with Trump for what is coming. But he can’t. I would assume somebody has some amazing blackmail on him, and his choice is essentially side with Trump and get his life ruined entirely now, or hope Cabal can pull out a win later, and maybe survive. It is really amazing to see how far these people will go to support the evil cancer in our country, even as doing so seals their fate.

President Trump leaves Mara Lago early before the New Years celebration and is uncharacteristically quiet on twitter.

Two twitter videos here and here of Blacks in Ireland going on the attack against whites, just like in the US. A black dude went into a store with a knife, slashed one of the workers, cops tried to arrest him, taze him, restrain him, they finally shoot to wound him, accidentally kill him with the shot, and now these riots are ongoing. I think these are artificial. My suspicion is there are Cabal agents in all of these groups of blacks. Literally, sleeper agents who everyone thinks are just normal guys like everyone else. But they are in the Secret Society. They know the big secret. It may even be likely they run coverage on other citizens. And when Cabal wants to gin up trouble, they pick a case like this, blow it up in the media, and then these sleeper agents light the fuse in the groups on the ground. But I think without a machine like that, from the media to the ground agents, normal human inertia would dictate these guys would maybe bitch and moan, but they wouldn’t take the first step in attacking people in different areas all over simultaneously. Don’t know what is planned for Ireland, but it can’t be good.

Biden campaign replaces American flags at inauguration ceremony with gay pride flags and Black Lives Matter flags to “showcase the strength and diversity of our nation.”

Joe Biden is expected to receive Secret Service protection with a new team that is more familiar to him. I was just thinking about this. Joe Biden wants these guys because he knows they will keep their mouths shut when they see him taking money from China and probably banging his niece and receiving children from Cabal. But now Secret Service has just pulled all these guys from their regular assignments, and put them all in one place, so if they are taken out of circulation with Biden, the impact on operations would be minimal. I would be a little worried if I was them.

Biden team disables chat on virtual press conferences after reporters ask tough questions. This is a sign of how completely our two potential paths diverge. If Biden takes office, elections are over, we transition to essentially a puppet-dictatorship, and our next stop is Venezuelan-levels of economic misery and criminal violence that we are forbidden to resist. It Trump takes office, elections become real again, fraud is eliminated, foreign control of our government is eradicated, citizens will once again be free, and we probably enjoy economic highs we can’t even begin to imagine now.

Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities.

A battle damage assessment of the tech infrastructure from the Nashville bombing, which shut down 911 among other things. Don’t know what in it is significant, but maybe after the Storm blows through, something will ring a bell.

Another wave of Portland Police quit amid a massive spike in shootings and stabbings; fire dept. responding to 10+ homeless tent fires a day.

US COVID case numbers would be on the decline if not for California increases. Maybe, or maybe the numbers are made up and part of the psyop designed to drive residents to move to Texas and Florida. I was thinking about this more. There had been a story going around on the Chans that the plan was, when Trump pulled the Insurrection act, All states with Chinese-owned Governors would be declared under insurrection, and those would be mostly states like New York, California, Oregon, Washington, New Jersey, Michigan, etc. And once declared, Trump would have the ability to split the Democrat parts of the states off from the Republican parts, just as West Virginia seceded from Virginia and was accepted into the union. So Los Angeles and San Francisco would become Southern California, while the rest of the state became a Republican Northern California. Same for New York City which would be split from North New York, as well as Washington, Oregon, and so on. What it will effectively mean is Democrats will no longer immediately get all of New York and California’s Electoral votes right at the start of an election, and they would lose large swaths of electors in other Democrat states. And then voter fraud will be eliminated on top of it. If I am right about them trying to re-colonize Florida and Texas, it is possible they have calculated Florida and Texas will not get split, and they are hoping to make up for the loss of New York and California, by shifting their voters to Florida and Texas. It might mean that the account of Trump’s plan with the Insurrection Act is legit, or at least Cabal thinks it is. Although maybe as likely is they are just trying to get Florida and Texas because they will need them once the fraud system has been eliminated.

Mysterious disappearance of the flu in San Diego has prompted a call for an audit of COVID records. Cali is just labeling all flu as COVID.

Wuhan locals pack the streets to celebrate New Year as rest of the world suffers under Covid lockdowns.

The West Virginia National Guard admitted Thursday that 42 people expecting to receive the Moderna vaccine for COVID-19 were instead accidentally given the Regeneron antibody used to treat infections.

Up to half of health care workers in parts of California refuse Chinavirus vaccine. You know there is an issue when scientifically-minded people who are trained in a medical field are bombarded with propaganda, and refuse to buy it.

Some states may already be close to herd immunity from the Chinavirus.

Democrat Jon Ossoff promises illegal aliens amnesty at ‘Latinx meet and greet.’

The group behind the SolarWinds attack was able to hack into Microsoft’s internal systems and access some of the company’s source code.

Sweden explores moving to a digital currency.

Merkel is leaving later next year, and is giving a teary speech about how hard the last year was because of the pandemic. Interesting timing on her departure.

One federal grant was for $6.9 million to develop a ‘smart toilet’ that identifies your ‘Analprint.’ You think I’m crazy when I say they are listening inside your house and following you around, but the government is literally trying to get your unique butthole wrinkle pattern fingerprint into your file. Discuss.

Rand Paul, pushing for a pardon for Edward Snowden notes how Snowden revealed that the most powerful spy in the world, James Clapper, spied on Americans and lied about it.

Trump extends order halting visas to prioritize Americans for U.S. jobs.

Spread r/K Theory, because even your anus will not be private if the Cabal gets its way.

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REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

Happy New Year AC and everyone,
Here are some ideas to be extra troll like online as the Rubicon approaches.

1) Get a Legion 13 rank and post around, it will trigger lefties
2) Post about how Trump is President from 2016 to 2025, maybe longer
3) Talk about Epstein how Jeffrey Epstein is still alive
4) Post Helicopter related memes and videos

Any other ideas are welcome and encouraged, lets make 2021 even more 2020 than 2020.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

Curiously I had a low effort shill on Unz start going off on me asking me when I thought Jews were going to start getting thrown out of copters when I even hadn’t talked about Jews or helicopter rides at all. It seems the copter memes really touch a nerve on the lefties for some reason.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs

Lem of the Lusitani, Trumpeter suits you perfectly. Great pun too.

And there will be free helicopter rides for all who took a ticket, not just Jews. We wouldn’t want people calling us anti-semites now would we?

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

Absolutely not, I think we can all agree Patriots are all about equal access and opportunities regarding the copter ride for all, regardless of race or religion.

And since Shapiru is now going to be making movies, he can strap a go pro to his head so people get the POV experience of the copter ride.

Womp Womp bitches!

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 years ago

“You think I’m crazy when I say they are listening inside your house and following you around, but the government is literally trying to get your unique butthole wrinkle pattern fingerprint into your file. Discuss.”

Jokes on them because I already file mine down.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

The quote was already comedy gold – we were cracking-up out loud here at home – then Corn Pop and you just elevated it to the next level! Holy shit. This goes into my AC Top Ten, for sure. Have a great day, guys, and Happy New Year!

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Corn Pop
4 years ago

“Sir, we can’t identify this asshole, it clearly belongs to a pro.”
“Damn it Smith! He can’t keep getting away with this. One day we’ll get you, Smooth Bottom.”

Talk about how disappointing it must be a glowie clown in this day and age of absolute gayness.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Corn Pop
4 years ago

“unique butthole wrinkle pattern fingerprint into your file. Discuss.”

Jokes on them because I already file mine down”


LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago
Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
4 years ago

AC, regarding (((Shapiro)))’s books, even those are probably as fake as the advertising for them. Most of these high level people use ghost writers. Obama’s first book was ghost written by terrorist Bill Ayers, his second book by Axelrod, and data on the ghost writer of his third book isn’t out yet but I can almost guarantee he wasn’t sitting up late at night in his ocean side mansion banging it out on a laptop. The Clintons, Bush; all of them use ghost writers. Even in the Christian world, they use them. I’ve heard Joel Osteen’s SERMONS are ghost written for him. Everything is fake. I believe people like yourself and Vox Day write your own books, but none of these fake celebrities do.

Even Rush Limbaugh doesn’t write his own books. I forget who ghost wrote his first one, but the late Joseph Farrah of WND ghost wrote his second book.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Eric The Awful
4 years ago

When I make it big I’ll hire someone to ghostwrite my comments here. Forget buying 5000 dolla suits and 400 dolla sun glasses, that’s how you signal top social status in the 21st Century.

4 years ago

happy new year AC.

Rattlesnake Kid
Rattlesnake Kid
4 years ago

Shapiro isn’t abandoning his kind, he isn’t an American.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Rattlesnake Kid
4 years ago

Yep. He was always an Israeli asset. Like St. Efan once twatted, Shapiru only cat fights with dumb SJWs to try to get you to agree to die in useless wars for Israel.

He is just another neocon Israel first traitor gatekeeping shill.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

Something odd

Skeleton with the world’s oldest gold found in Varna, Bulgaria

If you look at this picture closely the face is that of a melonhead but it’s not a melonhead. See the the big eyes. wide mouth and big chin. Very odd.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Gold penis sheath?

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

How old do you estimate the picture is?

Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

Don’t know about the photo, but if you go to the reddit page and find the comments, one apparently quotes from wherever the photo was first posted:

The culture had sophisticated religious beliefs about afterlife and developed hierarchical status differences: it constitutes the oldest known burial evidence of an elite male. The end of the fifth millennium BC is the time that Marija Gimbutas, founder of the Kurgan hypothesis claims the transition to male dominance began in Europe. The high status male was buried with remarkable amounts of gold, held a war axe or mace and wore a gold penis sheath. The bull-shaped gold platelets perhaps also venerated virility, instinctive force, and warfare. Gimbutas holds that the artifacts were made largely by local craftspeople.

Thus about 4000 BCE?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

The site is around 6,200 years old or more and it was found in 1972. This actual pictures age I don’t know.

Look at the large nostrils. It looks big time like a melonhead.

The reason I pointed it out is people who wonder about melonheads might be interested in a skull that appears to have the features without the cone shaped head.

I haven’t personally inspected a melonhead myself but I’ve seen pictures of mummified babies that were cone heads and I’ve seen pictures where the cranial stitching is different from normal humans.

Judging from the limited information I have I assume they are a different branch of humanity.

I think a plague of sorts killed them off because of the hastily built graves in Peru.

Why anthropologist are not jumping all over to study these…I have no idea. I can’t say whether it’s because of some deliberate effort to hide or it’s just normal stupid human herd mentality where they don’t want to say or see anything that’s not already written as part of the “canon” of what’s what. If it was just normal herd mentality and not a conspiracy it would not surprise me a bit.

I think it very likely that they used to use normal humans as slaves or livestock from the stupendous amount of skeletons at Malta and another site in Mexico where Melonheads with jewellery were buried with a mass of normal humans. Attendants I guess.

The Central American evil ass people who cut out peoples hearts and sacrificed them used to bind their heads to make themselves look like coneheads. It’s likely they were just carrying on the practices of the melonheads of scarifying people. I’ve always thought the melonheads were a vile bunch and good they are gone. If they are.

Here’s some in Mexico dug up. Look how the facial features are so similar to the skull in Bulgaria.

comment image

comment image

I don;t know what this but when you see odd features like this maybe there’s a clue there.

4 years ago

“I can’t even pay Lembro and Farce in popcorn.”
That one had me laughing with a mouthful of coffee. Happy New Year to you AC. Thank you for your work. May 2021 see some things finally breaking our way.

Johannes Q
4 years ago

A/C, something just occurred to me which is up your alley: I was chatting with a monk and he asked me for help with his Huawei smartphone, as he’d accidentally deleted Whatsapp; I think this monk also takes confessions from the other monks, and I imagine he has his smartphone with him at all times. I dare say it wouldn’t even be necessary to instruct confessors to pass on juicy intel, instead they can be told to “always carry your smartphone with you in case of emergencies”, and even “in Confession, leave it silenced but where you can see it, in case we need to contact you (in case of emergencies) but of course don’t let the penitent see it, as it might distract him.” A neat way of disarming the suspicions of those who might detect, from body language, if their interlocuter is pumping them for info to pass on to others – this way, neither party need know.

Johannes Q
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

yup,go ahead

4 years ago

Happy New year AC. Thanks for the briefs

4 years ago

AC just did what has not been accomplished to date though many have tried. An insight of the essential truth. I think it is profound, gob smacking, never mind I personally have been the target of and recipient of cabal and its minions tender attentions. What AC says here is a bolt of lightning to the mind and enlightenment.

It is each of us before its all of us. This is why we will prevail, why we Win!
This matters. It can not be assailed it can not be overstated. It is the most powerful weapon ever devised.
This is our civilizational and our cultural spirit. It is in our codes, comes from the precepts which guide us, forms us, and evolves us. And thats the thing, r/K Selection, evolution, nothing can stop our genes which are predominate, seeking to prevail, our spirits, which come from the guiding influence of a higher power guiding us through time and space. This is Culture of us Men of The West, Our Great Culture, upstream of all politicks.

Vox Day tells us “All that transpires in The West is an Alt-Right world view validation event”, indeed, “Validation: every day, political philosophy in line with history, science, reason, and truth, wins.”

Everything is connected with cabal, case in point; the scope of lawless disregard for our foundational concept of rule of law, cabal’s operational foundational violation of our codes being, the rule of men, expands exponentially by the day, by the hour now, by the the very pitch black nature of it’s unholy corruption, of cabal’s lust to retain absolute power, via an organizational infestation of its agents into, interfering with, every facet of the entire sphere of our lives and our way of life. They have left nothing alone. This is the crux, the truth, we all must come to terms with, for to fight this tyranny, you must first understand this tyranny, this is the prime imperative of war, to know who your enemy is, first of all things you must know, this is their armor, a multi faceted armor, which once defeated leaves cabal bare naked thus denying cabal of its operational high-ground. They, cabal in its entirety, do not leave us alone. They infest our civilization, they are part of our civilization, they did not intrude and infiltrate, they live among us, part and parcel of our way of life, they betray, they treason, they conspire, they undermine us, they subvert us, they destroy all they touch, they are our opposites, the evil within, and to acknowledge this about us is the great step, the leap of Faith, to improving and cleansing our civilization.
To be left alone in our lives is the foundation of what we are as Freemen, it is the imperative of all Freemen, and as testament to our humble wants, our bonafides as good folks, people of the dirt of God’s Earth our mortal coil, all we ask is simply to be left alone.

Dr, Jerry Pournelle bless his soul may he rest in peace in the freedom, for the blessings of liberty through science and the spirit the great warrior virtues, he made a statement which characterizes us as good folks who believe in good government and self governance as the supreme achievement of our civilization, something he devoted his life to with the faith that makes everything possible, its as germane as it gets:

“The virtue of prudence is not much discussed today; yet it lies at the heart of one of the fundamental issues of our time, the conflict between ethics of intention and ethics of responsibility.
The “intentionalists” argue thus:
“what I intend is good, and I do what I intend; therefore my actions are good.”
Their opponents say “what you intend is of little matter; it is the Result of Your action that must be judged. Just because you thought you were doing good does not excuse you. You must take forethought and act prudently, with due regard to the consequences of your action”.

What has that to do with cabal? Just about everything, but not cabal solely, it is about perception and understanding the underlying truth which is hard to get at, difficult to qualify and quantify, it’s a real slippery sonofabitch to get a hold of, a truth hidden behind a myriad of subversions, layers of misdirection, clouded with intentional malice and forethought, doubt despair and fear.
Most of all the barriers inhibiting good folks from grasping, fully, clearly, the utter size of cabal’s operations, and not only its size, but how thoroughly cabal, its minions, its operations, are all around us, the numbers of people involved is staggering, it is in a word, unbelievable, there is nothing comparable in our good folks frame of reference, of how many traitors and betrayers there are right in amongst us.
This is the thing we must recognize and accept, regardless of how this truth wrecks our world views, insults our preconceptions, our way of thinking, our accepted conventions, our norms, to leap the hurdle of seeming radical thought and perception, to get at the cold hard truth, it is cold hard love each of us must endure, there then the Paradigm, the sea change in thinking, which the fake news, the censorship of the high tech monopoly giants spare no expense, no deed not matter how dishonest or foul, to deprive us of our rightful Zeitgeist.

In all my search for answers, I think no other American has ever put into words so succinct or profound the observations of AC. Indeed a man of great outlier thinking, who minces no words, and has I believe as a matter of my heart leaping in joy, for here are the words, the key to all the doors, the gate keepers have kept us from seeing what lays behind them. How deep the rabbit hole goes. For like Morpheus, all he is offering us is the truth. All anyone can do is show us it is we who must walk thru the door.

“Years ago, Rush Limbaugh was talking about election integrity, and he described being told by somebody in the know in Florida of how bad it was, and he said they told him about one house in some poor neighborhood that had 35 voters registered at it, and there were houses like that all over Florida. His voice trailed off, and he acted like it was just part of the system, and there was nothing anyone could do about it, and then he dropped it, as just an unaddressable problem that existed. The most amazing thing about this whole machine that was constructed was how completely helpless regular America was to resist it. So much corruption and abuse of power, but so little ability to organize against it, in large part due to the massive intelligence operation arrayed against the American people. It is kind of ironic – we were given arms by the Second Amendment, so if things went hot we could act kinetically against the government, but absent a civilian intelligence operation working against the government, to support a potential kinetic operation, our entire nation was helpless.
As Sun Tzu noted, intelligence is paramount in all matters of war – and freedom from oppressive governments is a war.”

“And in a way, we here are at least a small part of that intelligence operation.”
– Anonymous Conservative 1-1-2021

14 links down from his first daily News Brief comment

As some Autistics originally put it, “Trump is our murder weapon, OK.”
That is self evident also. MAGA-KAG is NOT some, cheezy, cliquey term of the dirt people, its a very nice, polite, exuberant happy way we naturally begin with our redress and petition, an indictment of those who presume to rule over us, with a death penalty clause at the very end of it.
To push such good folks as us to that precipice of resorting to our Rifles is to push us to acts of unshakable solidarity where extinction of our enemy, cabal, is not only the only option it is the only outcome. You could not create a worse enemy than to relieve us good folks of our responsibility of prudence by leaving us no resorts. That is what is called “the switch” analogy of all or nothing resistance to tyranny by the dirt people. This, is that light switch factor in this truth of us, and cabal, as AC so profoundly found the words to define this truth of us and our situation we face like no other, may be in all our history, it is this profound a feat of critical thinking, the very kernel of truth which we discover not the truths of cabal, but the truth of ourselves.
We do the impossible. We don’t even know we do the impossible, we don’t even know we don’t know we do the impossible. And we do this impossible which will come to pass like nothing else thats impossible.
It is not even a matter of Faith, it is just what and who we are.
Cabal is toast.

4 years ago

> The group behind the SolarWinds attack was able to hack into Microsoft’s internal systems and access some of the company’s source code.

Microsoft has been a security disaster ever since they first added internet capability to their products. Thirty years later, the weekly security patches and updates still come out…

Microsoft’s breaches are so common that there are people who semi-seriously believe they are deliberate, and that Microsoft is selling zero-day exploits as a profitable side business. They’re a multinational, they could hide that with trivial ease.

If there is any company that should know the cost of internet security, it’s Microsoft. Air-gapping their development machines would the *minimum* part of a reasonable security policy. And yet… *sigh*.

4 years ago

> A solid majority in new poll favor photo ID requirement for mail-in ballots.

Yeah, like that would do anything useful. And, by the way, just like with most of the “electronic voting machine” systems, also not only dumps the whole “secret ballot” concept, but your votes are recorded as part of the system. And would never, ever be used for any other purpose, comrades.

4 years ago

> Sen. Paul’s report notes that “no matter how good the technology is at achieving its goal, nobody is going to use a toilet that has three cameras and takes a video of the user’s ‘analprint’ to identify the user, never mind one that stores that data in a digital cloud that hackers could access.”

What the Senator fails to understand is that a large portion of younger adults have been under surveillance their ENTIRE LIVES. Babycams, kindergarten, all through public school – schools have cameras in the bathrooms already, to catch smokers and druggies – and most workplaces, plus in the streets and businesses, and in public transit. They’re used to their school or workplace monitoring their phone and computer usage, and they don’t even understand why some people object to Facebook, Amazon, Google, Apple, and others monitor, save, and monetize their data. HIPAA passed before they were born, and their medical records have been an open book to tens of thousands of “authorized users and partners” their entire lives. They drive Teslas with “cabin cams” that watch them when they drive. Their phones spy on them 24/7. Modern TVs have cameras, just like in “1984”.

A toilet with a butthole cam? *They don’t care.* It takes pictures of their willy when they take a whiz? *They don’t care.* It takes pictures of their face as they throw up in the toilet? *They don’t care.* That some of the last vestiges of their privacy might be whittled away isn’t something they are concerned with, because they barely have the concept to start with.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
4 years ago

“My suspicion is there are Cabal agents in all of these groups of blacks. Literally, sleeper agents who everyone thinks are just normal guys like everyone else. But they are in the Secret Society. They know the big secret. It may even be likely they run coverage on other citizens. And when Cabal wants to gin up trouble, they pick a case like this, blow it up in the media, and then these sleeper agents light the fuse in the groups on the ground. “

Sounds like lazy Irishmen just stealing the plot of Birth of a Nation

4 years ago

Re: the ineffectiveness of advertising. It is probably most effective when you can bombard a group to create that habit before they have it (Pepsi’s cola wars strategy was to market to young people to get them to become Pepsi drinkers out of habit by the time they are older) or continuously market things that are bought infrequently enough there is no habit (I don’t need sheets or pillows very often, but when I do you can damn sure bet they will be from Mike Lindell even if I pay more. not because he uses Giza cotton but because of who his ads support. Surely I’m not the only one that works on.)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I’m old enough, smart enough, and so set in my ways that it’s almost impossible to sell me something. maybe I’ll buy it, but that’s my call, not the slick advertising. so my experience with advertising is largely negative. if company X makes an ad that insults/infuriates/offends me, my take is ‘well, I’ll never buy from those assholes ever again.’

this gets harder & harder to do as the corporations form into vast combines – which may be 1 reason why they do that.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Back in the Spring, one of my children discovered a discount code on MyPillow: lower case q. I bought us some pillows with it. It was still about $80 and took a while to arrive, but they are good pillows.

I work hard to avoid advertising. I only watch videos in Brave since it block YT ads very well. I generally don’t go to “mainstream” sites that will use ad servers, even most “alternative” news sites. I haven’t watched TV in years; I only stream whatever shows I want to binge watch. And I haven’t listened to the radio in years either; it’s either podcasts or music on my phone. But I remember years ago when we had no choice but to watch TV and listen to the radio, those jingles would get stuck in your head. But there were professional brainwashers working on them.

And that “Cars4Kids” commercial is weaponized annoyance. I hated it. It probably violated the Geneva Convention.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

For me the new year will only start when the electoral votes are counted. We will see if we survive for a little longer or it’s doom time.

I feel like some guy in Rome after a runner came through saying the Vandals have been sighted near by.

4 years ago

Trump Admin Reins In Bureaucracy That Tried To Bill Distillers For Making Hand Sanitizer

4 years ago

Disney Senior Vice President, U.S. Government Relations Richard Bates Dies

4 years ago

Hard-line Iran cleric, ex-president’s supporter, dies at 85

4 years ago

US passes ‘historic’ anti-corruption law that effectively bans anonymous shell companies

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

” bans anonymous shell companies”

That is fantastic.

4 years ago

Ben Shapiro is now planning on creating a controlled opposition “counter” to Hollywood and releasing new films with “conservative” tones.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Shapiru is now going to make movies, top kek:

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

I hope I don;t piss AC off. It’s off topic, or maybe not, from deep State stuff but I found a new melonhead/conehead article where a guy said he meet up with a group of them in 60’s. He speculates that the reason the died off was they needed a LOT of protein to give birth or the babies self aborted and the move to farming killed them off. Could very well be they fed on the blunt skulls which over time would mean they would rise up and murder them in mass every so often. He gives references to data that shows some of this. Anyways I haven’t seen this article and it’s fascinating.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

AC, I feel bad for not dropping this before. Remember “Soros takes orders from P”, but nobody knows who P is? I found a possible link to P in a 5 volume book on Pedophilia and Empire:

“Though a number of insiders have cited the head of the House of Rothschild (currently the 4th Baron Jacob) as the recognized Illuminati head honcho, Arizona Wilder insisted that this title known as Pindar in the Illuminati hierarchy (which means Phallus of the Dragon) belonged to Marquis de Libeaux, who may actually be a code for a Rothschild. Arizona stated in Icke’s The Biggest Secret about the second in charge:

The Queen makes cruel remarks about lesser initiates, but is afraid of the man code-named ’Pindar’ (the Marquis de Libeaux) who is higher than her in Satanic rank. Pindar, apparently, bears a resemblance to Prince Charles.[406]

I decided it was time to start reading some of Icke’s books. I’m a lot more open to “the Queen being a lizard” than I have been in the past.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Eric The Awful
4 years ago

Big keg meymey : DDD

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