News Brief – 12/08/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Q appears to imply the “investigation” into Clinton finances by a private organization might be a limited hangout designed to seed the population with vague ideas the Clinton Foundation having paperwork problems and minor compliance issues, so when the big scandal hits, people will not be as shocked because they were desensitized:
Interesting music for Fox News?
Sound familiar?
Why ‘all of a sudden’ are people talking about the CLINTON FOUNDATION (including whistleblowers and hidden company established to investigate covertly (ex_ABCs))?
Would you ‘go public’ if the investigation was still ongoing?
What happens when you have enough evidence to PROCEED?
What is the benefit of educating the public PRIOR TO proceeding?

Then he linked to this tweet, which noted Air Force One was flying under the callsign Q 0, or as Q pointed out, Q+:
Where is the ‘+’ on a mobile phone when dialing?
Trolling the FAKE NEWS media is FUN!
At some point, the Q will be asked.

Then Q replied to another anon:

Operators on standby
Q+ Q0

Operators are ACTIVE.

Finally, an amused taunt:

Scott Free = WWG1WGA
Q 0 = Q+
At what point do they WAKE UP?

Very interesting series of pictures from Bush’s funeral that was on Q’s board (Click for full size):

I do not agree with the captions saying the agent handed Laura the papers, or that GW has flipped. I believe what Laura is looking at is the Official Funeral Program which was placed in front of everyone’s seat. It appears she picked it up to glance at it, was shocked at what she saw, and showed it to a smiling Jeb. Notice how in the photo where Jeb is realizing what he saw, the left side of his face is almost grimacing, as his right side tries to look blank. Whatever she saw clearly left her shocked and angry, with her mouth open, making me think somebody wrote something on that booklet as a message to the Bushes. No idea what it was. It could have been Q taunting them, or just an angry leftist SJW trying to insult the family. Though I tend to think Trump’s style would preclude his or Q’s involvement. But you never know, since in this intel world sending messages that are not eavesdropped on can be very difficult, so you drop them where you can. Then again, Laura turned to Jeb to show him, rather than her own husband, who ostensibly occupies a superior position of power and authority to Jeb. Perhaps it was something designed to attack W, and she was showing Jeb so as to not mar W’s perception of that moment as his father passed by him. Or maybe it was a big “Q.” Peculiar.

Hillary got a secret message too:

That one looked like it was a big Q. She read it in moments, kept a poker face, and didn’t show any signs

Trump and Melania seemed to not open their programs from what I saw.

Elements in DOJ arrested Huawei CEO without anyone on Trump’s team aware of the action. Interesting because this has been taken as a huge affront to the Chinese President, splitting him away from Trump.

A possible peek behind the curtain into a global child-trafficking/organ-harvesting network?

An investigation into a Nigerian sex-trafficking network that uses London as a gateway into Europe.

Brennan says Trump is increasingly desperate as the walls are closing in on him. Interesting quotes. If you mean something you say it. If you are desperate you begin adding additional things you think might help alleviate the desperation. So Brennan here says Trump is desperate, then the walls are closing in on him, then he knows what he did, and then out of the blue he adds in the unrelated idea that Trump is incompetent as a President too. If Bill Clinton was being nailed cold for treason, and you were highlighting all the ways he would be removed from office and put to death, would you then add, “and by the way he is not very good at being the President, too.” It highlights Brennan is looking to create the narrative that when the Storm breaks, it is all done by Trump’s desperation, but in reality, he is the desperate one.

New intel released on MK Ultra mind control experiments by CIA. Details how they were soliciting ideas for experiments that were considered too dangerous, too shocking, or too unusual, and which would help to control large audiences. They even set up on prison hospitals to test out interrogation protocols on prisoners using drugs and hypnosis (which could have been cover for creating an army of MK Ultra windup toy criminals who would handle dirty work under the cover of simple crime). And the redactions indicated these experiments may still be going on to this day. Even tested electronic implants for mind control in animals, likely as a precursor to human experiments. You have been programmed from your earliest days, to not recognize that this is the real reality of the world – evil people doing evil and getting away with it because they ascend into positions of control and power that their evil drives them to. Even worse – there is no reason they would have allowed this much to come out without getting this kid under control like Vault-Co. Meaning this might have been the limited hangout – a minor release of material that seems damaging, to quell further investigation by satisfying the investigators, but which is really harmless compared to the actual full truth.

From here:

As a sophomore, UniBomber Ted Kaczynski participated in a study described by author Alston Chase as a “purposely brutalizing psychological experiment” led by Harvard psychologist Henry Murray. Subjects were told they would be debating personal philosophy with a fellow student, and were asked to write essays detailing their personal beliefs and aspirations. The essays were turned over to an anonymous attorney, who in a later session would confront and belittle the subject – making “vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive” attacks – using the content of the essays as ammunition, while electrodes monitored the subject’s physiological reactions. These encounters were filmed, and subjects’ expressions of anger and rage were later played back to them repeatedly. The experiment lasted three years, with someone verbally abusing and humiliating Kaczynski each week. Kaczynski spent 200 hours as part of the study.

Kaczynski’s lawyers later attributed his hostility towards mind control techniques to his participation in Murray’s study. Some sources have suggested that Murray’s experiments were part of Project MKUltra, the Central Intelligence Agency’s research into mind control. Chase and others have also suggested that this experience may have motivated Kaczynski’s criminal activities, while philosopher Jonathan D. Moreno said that, though “Kaczynski’s anti-technological fixation and his critique itself had some roots in the Harvard curriculum,” his later bombing campaign can “by no means be laid at Harvard’s door”.

Suppose Kaczynski was a test subject. Would they have monitored him years, or even decades hence? Why did he really become hyper-anti-social, flee his professorships, head out into the middle of nowhere in the wilderness, and live an isolated life away from everyone, and detesting of technology’s approach? Was he trying to escape something?

James Alex Fields found guilty of First Degree Murder for killing Heather Heyer by plowing his car into the crowd at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. No word about the fact she died of a heart attack, and not from his car hitting her, or the fact he was being pursued by a mob that had him in fear of his life. Pretty shocking.

Parkland shooter Nicholas Cruz attacked a prison guard, wrestled his stun gun away from him, and used it on the guard.

Politico says Trump advisors fear a 2020 recession. A 2020 recession is almost certainly Cabal’s plan, which is yet another reason I think Trump and Q will now have to move quickly on dealing with Cabal once and for all.

Merkel’s party chooses her successor. One of the Germans on Q’s board noted that the successor was announced before the vote was actually done, as if it was all fixed.

Brussels in in anarchy, Police beaten, ambulance shot in no-go zone.

France and Germany demand that EU countries which do not take migrants must pay up.

James Comey declines to answer many questions in front of Congress.

Woman dies from brain eating amoeba she was infected with through the use of a Neti pot to flush her sinuses which she had filled with filtered tap water that had an amoeba in it.

New York Prosecutors call for Michael Cohen to get 4 years in prison, despite his cooperation. Interesting he took this, rather than fight and maybe get a full pardon from Trump. I suspect he was under pressures most would not believe could exist in the United States.

Mueller says Cohen should get substantial prison time.

CBS paid out $5 million and $75,000 per year to one woman for sexual harassment and abuse she endured working for 60 minutes. How many other cases are there. In Cabal, there were no rules.

Iran just tested a medium range ballistic missile that can carry multiple warheads.

John Kelly said to be leaving the White House yet again. Probably the tenth time they’ve said this.

Trump announces new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, despite the fact the position won’t open until late next year. No idea if that is significant, or he might have a more important position for the current, proven Chief coming up.

Michael Flynn’s brother tweets:

Chapo’s trial watches video of the capture of a cocaine packed submarine by the Coast Guard.

William Barr to be next Attorney General.

Calls for ethics investigation in Ocasio Cortez after she threatens to subpoena Don Jr in retaliation for him criticizing her with a meme.

The meme Don Jr used that got her all tingly, for those who are interested in game.

George Papadopoulos released after serving his sentence.

Caravan migrants are dispersing at the border because they think it is too difficult and dangerous to get into the United States.

French Police Union orders its officers to go on strike, and join the Yellow Jackets. Wow. Yellow Jackets increase their numbers, and the government resistance to them diminishes. This could easily spiral out of the control of any individual, as mob-logic takes over. In the heat of the moment it is not impossible they storm Macron’s residence and either the most hot-headed in the crowd, or more likely agents provocateurs do him in. Imagine the effect on the leftist leaders of Europe, suddenly realizing just how far they are in over their heads. And I am not entirely sure this isn’t all scripted to work like that by some higher influencer force. Remember that after the last Bilderberg meeting, an Anon showed up on 4Chan saying the elites had decided to jump off the leftist bandwagon and onto the right, and begin pushing things the other way, to take control.

Regardless, from a purely strategy standpoint, looking to the next turn of the cycle, this might be an example of why it is useful to have Police sympathetic to the cause go along to get along as long as possible, so as to make sure when it really is do or die, the Police force is on the right side. Had K-cops refused orders and been fired or left the force earlier, they would have been replaced with violent migrants and the strength of the movement would be much lower now. Of course you have to balance it against what you lose – no doubt the increase in violent migrants was, and will be, costly. But until the populace has enough amygdala nothing will happen anyway. It is possible future K-movements should factor in that they are hogtied until the populace’s amygdala is high enough, so every action should be measured to see that at the critical moment when popular amygdala rises to the boiling point, they are in the best position they can be in.

France closes tourist sites in preparation for Saturday’s Yellow Jacket protests.

95% of speed cameras in one region destroyed by Yellow Jackets. I’d support them just for that.

Emmanuel Macron is AWOL as the protests heat up.

Swedes say it is time to bring out their “inner Viking,” and begin protesting immigration like the French. All of this was inevitable. And yet this feels as if it is all scripted.

Spread r/K Theory, because a lot is going on outside our purview.

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English Tom
English Tom
6 years ago

All of this was inevitable. And yet this feels like it was all scripted.

Yes. Scripted indeed. The (((controllers))) know The human mind. This is the dialectic in action. Let’s look at the big picture. Europe in chaos and, most especially pertinent, the political class have lost their legitimacy in the eyes of ordinary people. All by design. The long term plan is to deconstruct the EU and graft it onto the EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union). So the (((controllers))) have total control from Lisbon to Vladivostok. I read about this many many years ago.

Let us consider Halford Mackinders Heartland thesis:

Who controls East Europe controls the heartland. Who controls the heartland controls the world island (Eurasia), who controls the world island controls the world.

All scripted, all moving toward their long held plan of world government.

Reply to  English Tom
6 years ago

China’s EU land bridge

Lina Inverse
Lina Inverse
6 years ago

James Alex Fields found guilty of First Degree Murder for killing Heather Heyer by plowing his car into the crowd at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. No word about the fact she died of a heart attack, and not from his car hitting her, or the fact he was being pursued by a mob that had him in fear of his life. Pretty shocking.

Just wait until Trump’s DoJ starts their trial against him. As well as quite recently indicting other people who had the temerity to defend themselves against Antifa at Charlottesville. While Antifa is conspicuously left alone to savage Trump’s base, going on three years, and with barely a Tweet from him on it. The number one thing that makes me doubt the 4D underwater chess Q/Storm claims is Trump’s inability, now looking to the unwillingness or total indifference to protect what we would think were his people, be they General Flynn or us small fry.

A lot of us are losing our patience for this and too many reasons to detail in this message, although gun control is another big one, the bump stock ban is about to drop. If he signs a 3rd long term continuing resolution at the end of this month instead of shutting down the government to get funding for his wall from the new Democratic Congress, vs. the huge legal importation of immigrants for middle and working class jobs that’s currently it, it’ll be 3 strikes and you’re out, absent of course the Storm actually happening.

Which per the first item I note, will require prosecuting thousands, I’m pretty sure tens of thousands of members of the Deep State, sweeping up enough members of Congress so he doesn’t get impeached, going Full Lincoln, beyond what the Z Man is recommending. Otherwise, there’s no end of grief he and his family are likely to experience, note how our favorite Communist incoming Congresswoman threatened to subpoena his son for merely mocking her. Given the history of the Left, the full Romanov treatment is not off the table.

6 years ago

There are multiple signs that GWB wanted to be good and was deceived by his father’s crew, at least for the first few years of his presidency.

6 years ago

I find the Unabomber story fascinating. The Kaczynski book is exceptionally well-researched, and does quite a deep dive into the background of Henry Murray, the Harvard doc who ran the experiments (worth the price of admission). In short, he’s very, very, very “spooky”. And if you can read between the lines (with Cabal-tinted glasses) the book will answer your questions: why did he really become hyper-anti-social, flee his professorships, head out into the middle of nowhere in the wilderness, and live an isolated life away from everyone, and detesting of technology’s approach? It seems the Harvard experiment intentionally selected Kaczynski (I think there was a pre-experiment screening of participants) and it’s clear the event radically altered Kaczynski’s psychology. My take: it was an attempt by Cabal to co-op a talented youth (his job fortunes after Harvard are illuminating), but Kaczynski backed-off, said, “Fuck you, fuck all you,” and decided to wage his one-man war. Also interesting: from an (admittedly) archaic time in surveillance, the book greatly details the methods he used to remain untraceable and incognito for so long (but is that just what Cabal wanted?).

My amygdala loves all this uncertainty!

Reply to  mystic_watterson
6 years ago

Maybe he didn’t want to eat babies.

Lina Inverse
Lina Inverse
6 years ago

A note on why I’m absolutely not buying what I’ve heard Q is saying: First, Sessions’ role in the upcoming Storm would seem to be … overstated given his firing less than 24 hours after the election, i.e. as early as possible without making it an election issue.

But the big one has to do with political capital. If there’s going to be a big Storm with a hint of the rule of law, as well as one not riven by factions literally shooting at each other that might spiral into a general civil war starting with the military, you don’t just need a cabal of senior military (intelligence) types, which we might be inclined to believe exists based on the Admiral running the NSA warning Trump after the election. You also need a lot of trigger pullers, military police, and the like to round up, detain, and run through the process of “military tribunals” the true criminals. And to motivate them to destroy the Republic, our current constitutional order, because that is what the Storm will do, you need a lot of political capital.

And Mueller is nothing if not a mass destroyer of Trump’s political capital. The latest example is the well publicized claim that Cohen was in communications with the Kremlin, when if you read the fine print, required him to look up email addresses on web pages of the type, since he in fact had no connection to anyone anywhere near there, and of course nothing actually happened. If Mueller was on Team Trump’s side, would be be lying to create a greater impression of “Russian collaboration”, AKA high treason, on the part of Trump? Who’s going to violate their oath to the Constitution to “deliver the US into the hands of Putin”, on behalf of a traitor who should be the one clapped in irons?

Far more likely is the military, or a significant faction of them, overwhelming Trump’s Secret Service led protection, delivering him to the Congress for immediate one day impeachment and conviction, and after that, nothing good for him and his family.

6 years ago

Q’s pics are good but, you’ve got to see the video.

6 years ago

Should’ve said Hitler was a socialist.
It would make them flip.

6 years ago

Joseph Flynn threatening David Ignatius with a subpoena = good.
Ocasio Cortez threatening Don Jr. with a subpoena = bad.

Remind me, which side are the good guys, again?