News Brief – 11/23/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Oil Falls As OPEC+ Meeting Is Delayed

DFT – Binance And CEO Settle Case Over Regulatory Violations With $4.3 Billion In Fines

DFT – Pakistan Applies To Join BRICS Economic Trade Alliance

DFT – Russian Budget Deficit Revised Downward As Energy Receipts Soar


Tucker Carlson on Tuesday evening brought the house down as he headlined the RiskOn360! Global Success Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. From the piece:

He immediately began his speech by telling the audience he spent his flight across the country Tuesday morning text with people.

“I gotta tell you, every single person I texted with, with the exception of my wife who’s not on the internet at all was angry and paranoid. Seriously. And these are not crazy people. These are normal, good people with kids and stuff,” Tucker said.

Tucker then warned, “The next year is going to be…I’d bet my house on it, really like nothing we’ve ever seen.”

I think there is a very good chance the surveillance gets revealed in the next year or two. Because the key, is not the revealing it. I have already done that times ten. The key is a population capable of believing there are fellow countrymen willing to so completely betray the entire nation, and every ideal it holds dear and sacrosanct, of privacy, and freedom, and constraint of authority, and protection of the weak, of shielding children, and fair play, and universal opportunity. Every ideal it was founded upon. You can reveal the surveillance, but if the people say, “No American would ever do that,” nothing will come of it. If they say, “I fucking knew these cocksuckers were screwing us!,” you are well on your way to a free society. I think Tucker is right, and we are getting closer every day. You can see the trajectory.

DFT – Ukraine Invests Half Of US Financial Assistance Into US Debt. So we go to China, and ask to borrow money. “Sure anon, you will just have to pay us $X billion per year in interest.” We then give the money to Ukraine, who doesn’t even need it, they just loan it out themselves. Ukraine then lets us borrow it, for another $Y billion per year, and we turn around and give it to Israel. Israel probably loans it back to us again, for $Z per year in interest, and we then turn it over to Africa, and are stuck without the money, and paying Ukraine, China, and Israel, and who knows who else, $X+Y+Z billions per year for the privilege. Times year, over year, over year. But it is OK, you didn’t need any of that money anyway, anons. You see how they are bleeding the nation dry. It is why, as technology advances, and each man is capable of producing ten, twenty, a thousand times as much comfort for other men as a man in 1900 could produce, in this system of mutually working to supply comfort to each other, where everyone should be able to work less and less for far more comfort than subsistence, everyone is instead becoming enslaved, with no luxuries, no vacations, and no money to buy a home or raise a family. All of that money, is going somewhere. And I am beginning to see, it is not even about the money. It is more about keeping everyone so busy, they have no time to do anything, look at anything, understand anything, or rebel against anything, because they are just trapped on the treadmill, without time to think. In a system like that, every iota of freedom you provide people, every moment of free time, every little piece of data you let them maybe take up, becomes more and more dangerous. By the time you get to where we are, it is more about controlling how people spend every moment of their time, and what information they are able to consume, than anything else. Even a traffic jam has a purpose. That is the 50,000 ft view.

Fiscal inferno! 40% of personal income taxes going towards interest on staggering national debt – (unfunded entitlements now 6.27 times the current debt level of $33.75 trillion).

China dialed back the bellicosity because Xi thinks he can get a nearly $1 trillion bailout from the US to inject into the Chinese property market to stave off a collapse. And of course, he owns Biden over treason evidence. So if Biden can supply it, he will probably get it.

OpenAI researchers warned board of AI breakthrough ahead of CEO ouster, sources say. From all the articles, although it seems vague, it sounds like the story is the company has some internal belief shared among them that artificial general intelligence (AGI) (the ability of an AI to rapidly learn and become more proficient than humans in just about anything, rather than some narrow task) is some kind of existential threat which will upend the world. Altman many have been developing it behind people’s backs and succeeded, or he developed it and tried to lie about it to maintain the research going, at which point employees wrote a letter to the board revealing it and they fired him. Supposedly the AGI was named internally “Q*” (Q-star).

Sam Altman has been reinstated as CEO of ChatGPT developer OpenAI just five days after his sudden dismissal from the organization after more than 700 OpenAI employees threatened to quit if Altman wasn’t reinstated at the AI powerhouse.

‘Hemisphere’: Secret White House surveillance program allows cops to spy on trillions of US phone records without warrants.

FBI Director admits agency rarely has probable cause when it performs backdoor searches of NSA collections.

Jim Jordan serves top federal prosecutor major subpoena in Impeachment inquiry.

Trump-appointed federal judge in Pennsylvania rules undated mail-in ballots can be counted in 2024 election.

GOP donor Harlan Crow’s brother is accused of financing 100-person sex trafficking ring in bombshell lawsuit where women say they were drugged, abused and forced to perform sex acts.

This next one would not be surprising, given Hunter Biden did deals in Ukraine, and I would assume the way you seal a Cabal deal is everybody dirties their hands somehow purposely and gives each other blackmail, so nobody can back out. Sadly, I would assume this would involve children, since in today’s degenerate world, it takes something awful to be effective. Cheating on your wife is just not enough anymore:

Roughly 30 Republican senators are backing the House’s H.R.2 migration stabilization bill — but a gang of six senators, including three Republicans, are drafting a giveaway “compromise” bill. Traitors – Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Thom Tillis (R-NC), and James Lankford (R-OK)

Arrests of Venezuelans has surged 2,538% since Chicago’s migrant crisis began. They said Venezuela emptied their prisons. So now we get to pay to imprison these people.

A new Washington Post report warned the Biden administration that its 2024 re-election bid may be facing more challenges as new polling shows even Democratic Party voters are sounding like “immigration hawks in the GOP.”

The top two alternative Democrat presidential candidates if President Joe Biden decides not to run are Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton, a recent Harvard-Harris poll shows.

Iowa Evangelical admits to receiving $95k payment before endorsing Ron DeSantis. What is interesting is, it is more than just that. You guys could pitch this place everywhere, the audience here could build to 40 million viewers, and I have no doubt, I would never get approached to take a bribe like that. Maybe surveillance would know I would not sell out Trump, but it feels like more than that. Like they know something about me, or some classification, which puts me on the outside. I just know there is more to getting offered that payout than just having an audience. They are all some kind of club which we are not in.

Head of Ron DeSantis Super PAC steps down following internal turmoil among the Florida governor’s top allies – and after two strategists nearly got into a brawl.

Former Obama adviser in custody, faces hate crime charges after halal cart confrontation. Mildly disturbing. He just insulted Palestinians to a Muslim food cart vendor. You are no longer allowed to say the wrong things, or the government will come for you. More: Obama’s ex-National Security Council advisor SMILES as he’s perp walked after being charged with five counts including a hate crime for asking halal food vendor ‘did you rape your daughter like Muhammad did?’ in vile Islamophobic rant.

Lawsuit claim – NYU fires prestigious cancer doctor for supporting Israel. Sensitive amygdalae cannot tolerate words that stimulate them. It is all a symptom which arises naturally in a world which has no real amygdala stimulations.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signs radical bill allowing partial-birth abortions.

The House Ethics Committee on Wednesday voted against opening an investigation into Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman for pulling the fire alarm.

Rainbow Bridge explosion: Video shows airborne car before it exploded into flames at US-Canada border. More: Motorist who plowed into Canadian border in fireball crash that sparked terror fears is New York businessman who was driving a $300,000 Bentley ‘Flying Spur’ with his wife – as casino owner reveals they stopped by just moments before border post inferno.

Mysterious pneumonia ripping through Chinese schools sparks fears among scientists of a Covid repeat. Exact same timing, relative to the election, as the last one. Rumor is H9N2 Avian flu, so they have set the stage with the bird flu meme for years, possibly for just this election.

The old fear psyop is still going too – The eighth COVID-19 wave is here. Could catching it trigger Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or autoimmune disorders?

Covered once, but worth repeating:

New strain of syphilis appears to go straight to infecting the eye.

Navy had a P8 overshoot a runway and land in a bay. One Twitterer notes the Navy has been promoting how diverse and female their P8 crews are.

Huge ‘sunspot archipelago’ 15 times wider than Earth is spotted on the Sun – and scientists warn it could bombard our planet with solar flares capable of causing devastating blackouts.

An exploding population of hard-to-eradicate “super pigs” in Canada which combine the hardiness of the European boar with the fecundify and large litters of domesticated pigs, is threatening to spill south of the border, and northern states like Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana are taking steps to stop the invasion.

U.S. thwarts plot to kill Sikh separatist on American soil and issues warning to India over concerns New Delhi was involved.

Pope Francis hosts transgenders who work as prostitutes for Vatican luncheon.

Photo from here, appears to show Milei had a nosejob, which is strange for a man:

Also a tremendously different facial mien, to the point I am not sure I would have pegged them as the same person, which is odd for me. There is something off about him, and his facial expression, and the blankness of his eyes. No idea what it means, but it is unusual.

More unusual, if the fake news is not lying, which is always an “IF”: Argentina just elected an eccentric populist who seeks counsel from his cloned dogs:

When Conan died in 2017, Milei reportedly visited a medium to communicate with his late beloved pet. It was in that telepathic conversation, Milei has said, that Conan relayed God’s mission for him to become President of Argentina. According to Argentina’s La Nacion newspaper, Milei believes that he and Conan first met in a previous life more than 2,000 years ago as a gladiator and lion in the Roman Colosseum and that the pair did not fight because they were destined to join forces in the future (which he believes was a prophecy of his animal-influenced presidential campaign)

Then again it is a mysterious world, it does not end here, and dogs are special souls.

‘Dutch Trump’ wins big in Netherlands general election: Far-Right firebrand Geert Wilders who was banned from Britain for being too extreme is set to sweep into power in Holland. The shift to K is sweeping the globe.

Gang that launched savage knife attack at French village’s winter ball killing boy, 16, and injuring 17 ‘told guests “We are here to stab white people” before rampage.’

Italy mafia trial: 200 sentenced to 2,200 years for mob links. They were probably wired into Cabal. Not sure if it is Cabal replacing a group they worked with, with their own people, or if it could be some kind of strike at a Cabal power-structure.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said Moscow is ready to end the war in Ukraine, branding it a “tragedy.”

Most American households have gun owners, poll shows: ‘Stunning number.’ 52 percent of households have a gun and gun owners have gone up 10 percent in the last decade.

Oregon judge rules gun control law breaks state constitution. Requires a criminal background check and gun safety training course in order to obtain a permit to buy a firearm and bans high-capacity magazines. Or at least it used to.

Deep State Former Missouri Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill told the Morning Joe audience watching MSNBC Wednesday that Donald Trump is “even more dangerous” than infamous genocidal dictators Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler.

Trump widens lead over Biden to 4 points in national survey.

Spread r/K Theory, because K is spreading

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Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Always be thankful for what you have, the things that matter of course.

And something on the lighter side…

1 year ago

When Diversity is Mandatory, it is mandatory to hire incompetents

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“You can see the trajectory.”

What is needed is a serious, triggering, amygdala stimulating word to quickly identify them so that normies can ‘get it’, something that is hard to ignore.

My suggestions:
Peeping Tom’s (my favorite on the list)
Baby eaters (to distinguish them from mere abortionists)
The others (more of an alien thing)
The crew
The squad
The possessed
Info thieves
Light bringers
The zappers
The breed
The Initiates
The followers

Does anyone else have any good names for these scum?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Gladys Kravitz was the stereotypical nosey neighbor in the original bewitched show. Boomers really respond when you describe surveillance as a gladys kravitz.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“52 percent of households have a gun”

So only 52% of households in America are American? Good to know I guess.

1 year ago

‘An exploding population of hard-to-eradicate “super pigs” in Canada which combine the hardiness of the European boar with the fecundify and large litters of domesticated pigs, is threatening to spill south of the border, and northern states like Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana are taking steps to stop the invasion.’

Are they edible? I ask that semi-seriously. Could be an answer to the food shortages we keep hearing about.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

in MI former gov snyder acceded to a mostly corporate request to eradicate feral hogs and keep up and coming meatpackers from packing out feral pig pork. sounded like a raw deal to me then. it will come up for these people too.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Lots of boar meat that can be hunted and exported.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

That’s a brilliant question. It might be good to have ample supplies of wild pigs running around in a famine. They are tough and hardy and they were the first wildlife spotted in Chernobyl. All you have to do is eat them. With aquaculture and pig I think you could eat pretty good and your storage food as backup.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

I believe they are.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

ya, and hunters aren’t enough to handle them. Big ranches go to crazy lengths to control the population and it still doesn’t work all that well. I mean they hire vietnam vets and have them shoot them from helicopters.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

5,000 big cats in USA. Sanctuary crap. Tigers and all else.
In Siberia, otherwise identical to Alaska tne grizzlies sleep in trees until fully mature. Why? Siberian tigers.

Pigs are that food source for an apex predator explosion.

1 year ago

“Maybe surveillance would know I would not sell out Trump, but it feels like more than that. Like they know something about me, or some classification, which puts me on the outside.”

High intelligence and high integrity. In my experience, very rare. Not corrupt, incorruptible, aware and truly open-minded. Identified early and tracked. Corruption and blackmail attempts fail early (confirmation) so segregation and isolation.

1 year ago

The Seldowitz videos on MSM tend to skip the part where he threatens to have the vendor’s parents tortured by the Mukhabarat (Egyptian secret service).

1 year ago

The casino will have second by second video of Bentley’s visit. The casino wants to avoid any liability, including service of alcohol. Any entry into the casino is not immediately convenient unless you are dropped off. Grand Island is mostly middle class but the snazzy parts are where self-made men live.

1 year ago

I just want to thank you for your tireless work AC! You give us the most important news we need to know even on a holiday

1 year ago

> it is not even about the money. It is more about keeping everyone so busy, they have no time to do anything, look at anything, understand anything, or rebel against anything, because they are just trapped on the treadmill, without time to think.

That was the big weak spot in your Cabal theory. To operate at the level you propose, they don’t *need* money. They already have all the things money is *for*. If they want a house, or a woman, or a car, one would made available to them at nominal effort. A series of book or real estate deals, or winning a lottery, or an inheritance, just to keep the normies from getting suspicious.

Propagandized wage slaves desperately need money just to keep up on the hamster wheel, so they’re focused on money. But money is just a tool; a tool used to keep them in line.

1 year ago

> ‘Hemisphere’: Secret White House surveillance program allows cops to spy on trillions of US phone records without warrants.

“Law Enforcement”, which has now been expanded to cover prison guards, dog catchers, and truant officers, has been granted extremely wide powers as far as surveillance. Not by statute, but by the Supreme and state courts, who consistently find for them whenever some angry citizen manages to push his complaint up that high.

Almost everyone carries a cellular phone today. It’s handy for them. It’s just as handy for anyone who wants to turn on the microphone or speaker, browse your text messages, record your conversations, and report your CPS location. Some phones can even track your heartbeat and your steps.

“Oh, look, I can take a picture of my driver’s license, and then use my phone as an electronic driver’s license! And I can do all my banking on it! And I just wave it at the register at Walmart or Starbucks and it handles the payment! It’s all so convenient!”

And whenever a web site wants to “authenticate” you, they want a cell number to send a text to. And the phone is filled with preinstalled, often undeleteable, “apps” like Facebook, the-platform-formerly-known-as-Twitter, and others, most of them started with or sponsored by Federal or Chinese money. (Everyone knows about TikTok; they forget the Chicoms own a chunk of Reddit too) Every one of those apps has a ton of developers doing their best to hook you into spending as much time as possible on them. Yeah, they make some money from advertising, but “please speak freely, comrade! You have many like-minded friends here!”

And you can’t even turn them off. The “off” button just puts them into a low-power mode; they’re still running, just playing possum. Used to, you could pull the battery, but now most phones are glued shut. You have to buy a new one when the battery dies, but more important, you can’t pull the battery out to disable the phone. You can’t even remove the SIM card from some phones now.

1 year ago

> The top two alternative Democrat presidential candidates if President Joe Biden decides not to run are Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton, a recent Harvard-Harris poll shows.

Yeah, right.

Hillary was in bad shape back in 2016; falling down, babbling nonsense, fits of rage. That was seven years ago; she’s long past her expiration date. Maybe Gropey Joe’s handlers think she’d be just as easy to control, but I still maintain a big chunk of the votes DJT got in 2016 were from less-crazy Democrats who looked at the Hildebeest and thought, “no way, this woman is poison” and voted against her.

Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama are younger, but while the Party PR flacks periodically run their flags up, I’m not seeing much support for them among the rank and file Democrat voters. I don’t think there are enough yellow-dog Democrats left to make a difference in the polls.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

how many hildawgs are we up to now? the name is a ds/cabal franchise.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

I have trouble believing a single Demonrat has a following. Kamala Whore-ess has a speechwriter that’s as much of a diversity hire as she is. Pete Buttguy has no real world competence that I can see. Potholes are caused by “racism”. Idiot on the surface.

Some people think Trump/Q have them all under submission and they’re just acting out a movie for the normies while the data comes out. Some days I believe it, some days I don’t. But I still see people saying Demonrats as the best political party.

1 year ago

> More unusual, if the fake news is not lying, which is always an “IF”: Argentina just elected an eccentric populist who seeks counsel from his cloned dogs:

The man now known as Charles III used to claim plants had feelings, and should have “rights.” As well as some really crackbrained environmentalist stuff.

Given the sort the people who are supposed to be running the world, maybe listening to the dogs isn’t all that bad of an idea.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

I call him Child Traffick-King Chuckles III.

1 year ago

Happy Thanksgiving, anons and AC!
Grateful for all you do,
All the best,

1 year ago

Happy thanksgiving AC!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Hope you enjoyed that Turkey.

1 year ago

> Most American households have gun owners, poll shows: ‘Stunning number.’ 52 percent of households have a gun and gun owners have gone up 10 percent in the last decade.

My Dad never voice an opinion one way or another, until he said something about he didn’t like guns, and wouldn’t have any in his house.

I asked him why he had a gun rack – I had made it for him – with grandpa’s 12-gauge and a semiauto .22 rifle. Apparently those weren’t “guns”, they were just tools that anyone who grew up on a farm, as he did, would have. Only pistols and “black rifles” were guns as far as he was concerned.

Cold-calling people on the phone – which self-selects for “people who answer a cold call” – and asking if they have any guns is almost useless as far as polling. And some percentage of respondents are going to be like my Dad; of course they don’t have any guns!

Oh, and after I left home, my parents boarded foster children for the state during the 1980s and 1990s. The run rack was in the living room, in plain sight. None of the state people ever said a word about it, and none of the foster kids ever messed with them.

1 year ago

GOP donor Harlan Crow’s brother is accused of financing 100-person sex trafficking ring in bombshell lawsuit where women say they were drugged, abused and forced to perform sex acts.


Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

The reason why you’re not in the club is because you don’t have the programming. It’s not about blackmail and child abuse. Those are to prove that the programmed parts of you are not breaking down.

They won’t ever risk someone who isn’t programmed getting into the club, and you can only be programmed as a kid.

Hence, you’re either in the club, or you aren’t. You can’t join the club unless you sacrifice your children to it or accept demonic possession.

Fun fact: central heterochromia. Isn’t it interesting how many of the rich/famous/powerful have it?

Reply to  Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

So you’re saying….they share genetic characteristics because they are in fact related.

1 year ago

Sometimes you just let the monitoring play out, note the coincidences and methods, and observe the cast of characters.

1 year ago

The news you get on the recent Dutch elections will be misleading, probably because journalists in English speaking countries don’t understand how proportional representation works.

The Geert Wilders right wing populist party, the PVV, did have a good result, doubling its vote share and coming in first. But they still got on 23.6% of the vote and 37 seats out of 150. A government needs at least 76 deputies to support it, and the only two smaller parties who could realistically join the PVV in a coalition got 10 seats between them. He is not going to form a government.

The second, third, and fourth place finishers got a combined 74 seats, almost a majority. Two of them have explicitly ruled out a coalition with the PVV and the third made similar noises. What will probably happen is that the three will form a coalition, which will actually mean the country winding up with a more pro-immigrant policy.

Wilders did increase his support, and is in an improved position if he winds up as the main opposition to the government, but its not a breakthrough.

Keep in mind that the Cabal runs almost all European political parties outside of France, so European elections really don’t matter, at least outside of France.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

pics popping up of old gert wild-ers as a yute in israel. wild has been a jewish name… what are we getting with this guy?

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Didn’t get the memo about France not being fully Cabal compromised. What’s the scuttlebutt?

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

The Le Pen party consistently, and the Melenchon party on everything but immigration, go against Cabal politics and it seems genuine. They have all their eggs in the Macron basket. Even their version of the country club Republicans, called the Republicans, are down to 10%. The military seems, well, normal. Normal people still think they can protest in piblic and bot have their lives ruined. Even Macron on occasion pushes back on Project Ukraine.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

The real problem with many Western Europeans is that they are even more demoralized and atomized than many Americans.

They simply don’t believe they even have a right to exist, or that Europe should be ethnically European in perpetuity.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Can you elaborate on France as the exception?

1 year ago
1 year ago

Tried to post this yesterday morning, but couldn’t comment. It wasn’t the comment not going through, instead I hit “Post Comment” three times and nothing happened. I was actually relieved the comment didn’t show up three times.

It refers to a Daily Financial Trends article posted yesterday.

“DFT – Oxfam Study – Bottom 99% Of Earners Need 1,500 Years To Produce Carbon Pollution A 1%’er Does In A Year

The deal with this is that the “Green Agenda”, which is pushed by the 1%, is basically lowering the standard of living of the 90% in various ways. But carbon emissions are mostly caused by the 1%.

Conservatives in the Anglo countries have been trained to attack the general notion of environmentalism, instead of noticing that environmentalism is being used as a bs excuse for a power grab by the 1%. They would use some other bs excuse, but this is the one they are going with.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

I have half-joked that we need a “believe your own bullshit” law. If some Globalist tard is pushing “carbon footprints” but owns four private jets and several ocean front mansions, said Globalist should be completely ignored and have no platform to speak on the subject.

At the high levels, they all know it’s a scam It’s for the little people. Bathhouse Barry owns two ocean front mansions, and none of the banks and insurance companies told him the risk was unacceptable and they wouldn’t back the deal. Sure, Barry is terrified of “rising sea levels”.

If you’re going to push some bullshit line, you should live your life as if you believe it. Move into a studio apartment and hold your circle-jerk “climate” conferences over Zoom. Otherwise, STFU.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

It’s the same argument I use with people who take the depopulation/anti-natalist line on “people should stop reproducing.”

If they don’t immediately put a shotgun in their mouth then they’re full of shit; they want everyone ELSE to die so they can live in their fantasy idealized utopia.

1 year ago

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
So very thankful to AC for this daily dose of information and the comments section that teaches me so much!

Reply to  Haywoodjablowme
1 year ago

Happy Thanksgiving, AC and everyone.

1 year ago

Happy Thanksgiving to AC & everyone.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

We have LBJ and his fixer lawyer Abe Fortas – Jew and Supreme Court Justice – to blame for the curse of the dual/Jual citizen’
You Never Were, Kemosabe

1 year ago

About the mysterious new pneumonia hitting kids in China.
There are fear porn pics circulating on social media of kids all sitting at desks hooked up to IV drips as they study. Someone on X called BS on this saying they do IV vitamins to cope with stress as the pressure to do well is intense & this practice has been a thing for years. Anyway If this pnemonia is resistant to macrilide antibiotics then treatment would be with different antibiotics (eg doxycillin). It’s curious that azthromycin is an eg of a macrolide antibiotic & that was found to be successful in treating covid. – Dr Zelenko’s protocol included it, remember bevausr many died not from covid but the opportunistic 2ndary bacterial infection. But now this pneumonia apparently is resistant to macrolide antibiotics. Indirect coincidence – an AI protocol was adopted by many countries (australia, the UK was 2 countries that did this) that denied antibiotics to covid patients which of course raised mortality rates, especially among the elderly. The antibiotic denied was the zpack (Azithromycin) of course, the one Dr Zelenko recommended. The whistleblower Jikkyleaks on X posted on this if you want to look the #3tablets hashtag to get the whole story.


1 year ago

Happy Thanksgiving, AC and all.

Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

“The Six Purposes of Schooling” – John Taylor Gatto

Six purposes of schooling:

1. Adjustment. Fixed reaction to authority.
2. Integrating. Conform.
3. Directive. Social role.
4. Differentiating.
5. Selective. Access quality of kids.
6. Propaedeutic. Trained to be custodians of all this.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

well they fuckin failed in my case despite 12 years publick miseducation and then 4 plus years college.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

Gatto is absolutely necessary reading.

1 year ago

Happy Thanksgiving all.

That Argentine President looks like he belongs in the gang from “A Clockwork Orange.”

Reply to  map
1 year ago

nicely noted! he cocks his head like Alex!

1 year ago

Where did “hate crime” laws come from? Did ADL perhaps have a hand in that? Yes, of course they did…

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Because normal murderers love their victims so much, provided their skin colors match. Clown world is gay and lame.

Nietszche Guevara
Nietszche Guevara
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Hate crime legislation is outrageous. Basically criminalizing the emotions and opinions of a perpetrator, or a random innocent. Even more outrageous is those criminalized feelings/opinions are projected upon the defendant by prosecutors and the media. Will Trump/MAGA eventually address this abomination?

1 year ago

Trump-appointed federal judge in Pennsylvania rules undated mail-in ballots can be counted in 2024 election.

Obama appointed judge. The article explains this in the first few paragraphs.

1 year ago

I hope all Americans browsing this had or are about to have a happy Thanksgiving. I hope the non-American viewers had a good day too.

Texas Arcane
1 year ago

They know you and they know you would not take a bribe. So you never get offered one. They likely have advanced psychology by 50 years while they served us up crappy secondhand Freud and ancient gobbledegook from the 1920’s as palatable. Their real dream is to read your mind in your sleep to know your innermost thoughts as O’Brien told Winston Smith in 1984.

1 year ago

> DFT – Pakistan Applies To Join BRICS Economic Trade Alliance

Reasonable, since Pakistan is *very* closely tied to Chinese exports. Enough that China built a 3000km truck/rail route to Pakistan.

The interesting part is that Pakistan is part of the British Commonwealth. India, a Commonwealth country, was a founder of BRICS, followed by South Africa just recently. Having Pakistan jump ship would mean *half* of BRICS+P would be Commonwealth countries, and no longer directly part of the economy of the rest of the Commonwealth. That economic interdependence was the reason the Commonwealth was created in the first place.

Commonwealth countries have, by virtue of their membership, favorable trading benefits. By virtue of their economic ties with China, the Commonwealth members of BRICS make those trade advantages available to China as well.

1 year ago

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving, AC!! May the rest of the year, all the weeks remaining, be shining bright and joyous for you!!!!

1 year ago

Milei’s hair goes from coifed to uncoifed. People usually go the other way- slovenly teen to polished young man. Righties tend to go from half fletched, to smooth. Going from polished to yenchy is a lefty evolution. The “before college, after college” meme.

And, no bags under his eyes. That thins, but doesn’t really go away.

And his nose.

Body language. From warm and relaxed, to hunched and hostile. Usually, righties or business types with crossed arms do not hunch over.

The personality conveyed in the second picture does not match the first picture, nor the supposed political positions.

1 year ago

And where are his shoulder muscles? The shoulder pads in the jacket are leaning up. Usually, for former jocks, the strain on the shoulder pads is down, not up.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

I grew up loving stand-up. So I check in every so often to see what they are saying to see which way the cultural wind is gonna be blowing. This is guy is a mixed race lefty with an entire act comprised of calling out white lefties on their bullshit.

Taylor Swift is White Privilege | Eagle Witt | Stand Up Comedy

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Pretty good!

1 year ago

7 hours ago
Thank you to the alternative news commentators and researchers / video makers who have given me a recent shoutout and noticed my shutdowns.

To all of you.. From Alex Jones, to Pastor Paul.. from Monkeywerx to Darkhorse Genetics… and many more!


We have found a possible solution to our internet deplatforming (denial of service)…. more to come as I get things going in an entirely new direction.

Simply put, Dutchess and I are opening a shop / physical location / storefront… where we can have our geopolymer rock pieces, make custom works, and display/sell our art among other collectibles!  The Dutchsinse operation will be part of this new endeavor!


7 hours ago (edited)
The way I see it , no one in high places (or low places) should have a problem with me doing / making geopolymer stone pieces, and my wife doing her art. And selling my collectibles!

meanwhile I can do dutchsinse regularly from a place of business instead of my home as we were doing the past 12 years 🙂 Home got shutdown when it comes to internet, if this gets done to a place of business , its an entirely different legal ballgame where I have some recourse with telecom that private connections and private home internet users simply do not have.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

“geopolymer rock pieces”


You make geopolymers!!!!!!!!!!!! Want me to get excited, talk about geopolymers. Let me ask. Is your recipe secret? If so, I understand. If not, I would really, really, really like to know how you make yours and can it be made at low cost. Like concrete cost.

What kind of strength you get out of them. Do they have the tensile strength of concrete? In case people want to know it seems almost a 100% that large portions of the pyramids in Egypt were made of geopolymers. The outer blocks and likely much of the top. It could well also be the large interior black granite blocks you see inside were also made of geopolymers. If you ask the Egyptologist if this is so they will say no but they haven’t an even slightly miniscule information on how all these close fitting blocks were made but with geopolymers…easy. Very easy. It’s suspected that much of the material they used to make them with was mined out, so no more big pyramids.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Here’s where I wrote a bunch of stuff about geopolymers. The link has disappeared here, but the wonderful Internet archive has a copy. Scroll down.