News Brief – 11/04/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump. __________________________________

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pu

In his new book Triggered, Don Jr reveals that he is second in terms of the number of death threats the Secret Service receives, right behind his father the President.

Former CIA Officer Larry Johnson talks about John Brennan setting up a special task force in 2016 outside of CIA’s normal chain of command named “Trump Task Force” to try and sabotage Trump’s candidacy and then overthrow his Presidency. He wants to know if the Whistleblower was a part of it, and maybe still might be.

Rumor is Tashina Guahar, lawyer for the DOJ National Security Division (in charge of FISA applications) was removed immediately after IG Michael Horowitz submitted his first draft report to Attorney General Bill Barr for classification review.

Democrat lawmaker who wrote the impeachment rules has been accused of sexual harassment, used $200K in tax dollars to settle, broke House rules by hiring his girlfriend as a staffer, and was once impeached for accepting a $150K bribe.

Trump promises to expose Alexander Vindman “real soon.”

President Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, suggested as early as the summer of 2016 that Ukrainians might have been responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee during the presidential campaign rather than Russians. And then the DNC hides the server in Ukraine. Was the DNC hack a transfer of classified intel to some sort of Cabal nexus in Ukraine, and not a hack of the DNC?

Trump refuses to guarantee no shutdown over Impeachment. Q had spoken of a shutdown being part of the Plan.

The prosecutor killed in Micronesia (where all guns are banned) had made enemies in sex trafficking cases.

Protesters attack Iranian consulate in Iraqi city.

Cheap and powerful ‘meth 2.0’ is ravaging communities and slowly killing its victims.

Left-wing German squatters riot, throw rocks, and shout, “Smash the patriarchy” over property owners trying to evict them from their properties. All the aspects of the r-selected psychology – expecting free stuff, feminism, rejection of any system that allows property rights.

Texas gun control activist shoots her three children dead and then kills herself. Her three children were 7, 9, and 11 years old.

Planned parenthood will begin offering transgender hormones. Hypothetically speaking, if you had a psychological/medical problem, you came up with a “cure”, and that cure produced a suicide rate as high as 50%, why is it those offering the treatments can’t be sued for malpractice?

Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden in dead heat in hypothetical matchup according to new poll.

Newsweek headline: “CNN Host Ends Trump Impeachment Panel After Republican Floats Debunked Biden, Clinton Conspiracies.” They are talking about the “debunked conspiracy theories” that Hillary or Joe and Hunter, in any way, profited from their offices.

Fox News runs another rigged poll saying 49% of America wants Trump Impeached.

The U.S. Naval Academy is providing a Satanic Temple room for Midshipmen.

Maryland county executive bans police station from displaying ‘divisive’ ‘thin blue line’ flag.

BBC’s Dracula reboot will be bisexual and Van Helsing gets gender-swapped. Watch it bomb.

Jerry Springer blames Donald Trump for a lack of civility in the US. Jerry Springer of the Jerry Springer show.

Paul Ryan reportedly wants to use his position on Fox’s board to ‘do something’ about President Trump.

An author who has been following Trump around gives a peek inside the inner circle. Basically, all the salacious stories are made up of whole cloth, the staffers either want to help Trump save the world or stop him cold, Trump sounds smitten with Melania, and although the Trump family recognizes the horror of all the attacks, they know they are saving the nation. Basically interesting to hear each salacious story that was used to sell books rehashed, and then hear the participants say nothing like it ever happened and it was made up out of whole cloth.

MBA programs at elite universities report steep drops in applications due to Trump tightening our borders. In other words, more Americans will get cheaper top tier degrees and better jobs, instead of foreigners.

Feminist movie ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’ bombs with $29M U.S. debut. As things turn K, people will demand movies which use the K-model where men handle violent conflicts. As this subtle cognitive force increases, it will culminate in removing women from combat and other dangerous occupations. And there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.

Kim Jong Un pushes for more talks with the US about denuclearization.

Spread r/K Theory, because everything is going according to the Plan.

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5 years ago

It doesn’t surprise me that many people have stopped watching the films and shows produced by today’s Hollywood. I know I have. I still have satellite but mainly for the business news channels, music and weather. I just don’t bother with the rest. Normal people don’t want to be lectured; they want to be entertained. Nowadays I would rather watch a good anime than anything from Hollywood. The Japanese don’t seem to have been infected with the disease of political correctness and so can still write interesting stories with plots and characters that are compelling without having the preachy self-righteous attitude we get from the left-coast. And it should be noted that there are plenty of anime series and films that are designed to appeal to a more adult audience.

5 years ago

NYPD Top Cop Who Sat on Weiner Email Laptop Evidence To Resign

5 years ago
5 years ago

Ukraine foes defer troop pullback, delaying key peace summit

5 years ago

Islamists vow to continue Pakistan protest after PM refuses to resign

5 years ago

Trump administration eases Obama-era rules on coal pollution

5 years ago
5 years ago

South Carolina governor: “no constitutional right” to abortion

5 years ago
5 years ago

Increasing emergency department admissions in U.S. for child sexual abuse

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

OT- Lately I’ve been thinking about Jim Carrey. As most know, he was a prolific actor, starring in some of the best comedy films of the 90s and 00s. Some really landmark performances. Arguably one of our biggest stars.

And yet it’s known that he’s gone kind of flakey. Espousing weird nihilistic beliefs when someone puts a camera and microphone in his face. Known for hanging around in a little meditation shelter in his backyard. Popping off on weird socialist beliefs. But it all comes wrapped in a combo that no one is really going to take seriously.

One has to wonder if this is part of cabal taking steps to reduce any possible influence of a star that they created. A deal with the devil, indeed. To be famous and loved and influential and to end it murmuring absurdities to yourself in a hooch in your backyard.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

Perhaps it is the stress of Jim Carey playing his biggest role to date: Jordan Peterson. Just kidding. But you did notice the resemblance, right?

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

Deals with the devil indeed. Was thinking back on the Alex Jones clip of stars that sold their souls to Satan. Bob Dylan admitting to it twice including once on 60 minutes. People probably think it’s bullshit but I can say with certainty that it’s not. I had the same offer extended to me back in my late teens when my best friend and I were thinking of starting a band. Mind you I was not a religious person at the time and had probably not set foot in a church more than a handful of times up to that point in my life. I was not a Satanist either nor was I looking for a deal. I would have laughed if you had told me it was even possible.

When it happened the thought literally just popped into my head and I realized when it did that it had been put to my subconscious previously but I just then became aware of it. There’s no doubt in my mind it was from an external force. It never happened again because the offer was there and standing. Ball in my court so to speak.

I was freaked out obviously, but I wasn’t really tempted. I already had a pretty good life and getting girls was never hard for me. Still, who do I mention it to without sounding crazy? After a couple of days while partying with my best friend I decided to tell him. He looked stunned and said he had been having the same thoughts. At first I thought he was fucking with me but I knew him very well and believed that he was telling the truth. He said he wouldn’t do it even if he thought it possible and eventually we both dropped the band thing and went off to college.

Afterwards I was fascinated at how it would even be possible. I mean was Robert Johnson helping pen musical hits from Hell? Are the talents just given to you so you can write songs good enough to get you to the tops of the charts? That what musical lore always made it out to be.

Didn’t occur to me until much later that when you control the entire apparatus making it happen is easy. Think of all the shit musicians that are pushed onto the masses and become rich and famous. Talent not required.

What a crap deal for the people that take it though. We’re clearly eternal beings and selling out for a few decades of carnal pleasure just seems so pitiful. No wonder Jim Carrey is muttering to himself in a tent. His time to pay up gets closer every day.

Funny thing is that the deal being presented made me a believer in the afterlife. Prior to that I could’ve fallen for atheism but no way afterwards. Today I consider myself a Christian but probably not a good one. I don’t attend church but talk to God all the time.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Corn Pop
5 years ago

Satanist are the weaker bunch. If your religious or not all you have is what you make of this life for yourself. Satan worshipers know they have to have help.

5 years ago

U.S. not ‘safe’ for refugees, rights groups argue in Canadian court

5 years ago

Putin’s Top Spy: We’re Teaming Up With D.C. on Cybersecurity

5 years ago

More people asking questions about why America is Israel first instead of America first in public.
It’s a 1 minute video, and worth the watch.