Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Elon Musk Loses $30 Billion As Tesla Sinks
DFT – Iraqi Prime Minister Warns Of Threat To Global Oil Supplies If Israeli Conflict Spreads
DFT – Roche To Acquire Televant And RVT-3101 Antibody Rights
DFT – Middle East Worries Drive Nikkei Below 31,000 Psychological Barrier
DFT – Global Industry Must Invest $7 Trillion In Gas Infrastructure To Avoid Shortages
Minneapolis’s prosecutors always knew George Floyd died of natural causes.
Sweasy also discussed a revealing conversation she said she had the day after Floyd’s death when she asked Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker about the autopsy.
“I called Dr. Baker early that morning to tell him about the case and to ask him if he would perform the autopsy on Mr. Floyd,” she explained.
“He called me later in the day on that Tuesday and he told me that there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd’s neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation,” Sweasy said, according to the transcript.
“He said to me, ‘Amy, what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on?’ And then he said, ‘This is the kind of case that ends careers.’”
They are all fucks who will do whatever they are told, even railroad an innocent man, happily, just to feather their own nest and be the last to get the beam.
Over 12,000 US troops aboard 10 warships advance to the Middle East.
Syrians try to bomb Israeli embassy in Cyprus.
Israeli strikes said to knock Damascus, Aleppo airports out of commission.
An IDF tank accidentally fired a short time ago and hit an Egyptian military post near the border in the Kerem Shalom region. At the precipice yet?
Federal officials are warning that members of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Hezbollah could be crossing through the southern border, according to an internal Oct. 20 memo exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. These are the Fantasy Camped law enforcement. Meanwhile down the street at CIA headquarters, the non-Fantasy-Camped CIA officers are arranging the travel of these terrorists and planning their attacks. This had me thinking. They are going to start a World War in response to those attacks, so Biden can draft and send all of our own fighting-aged males overseas, at which point the MS-13 and Venezuelan gang members, and other associated Cabal Savages will try to do the takeover, while all that is left here is us, in groups thoroughly infiltrated by the surveillance, which will be compromising our operations.
Israel creates special unit to hunt and kill every participant in Hamas terror attack. I guarantee you the real perpetrators will never be killed by this unit in this op.
Bulletin advises of potential ‘lone offender’ attacks as US counterterrorism officials work to detect homeland threats. The level of control by domestic intelligence is complete. No terrorist is arriving in any sector, that the sector leader hasn’t noticed and got a file on them, and nobody is doing anything they have not figured out. If it happens, it will be like Israel, and simply a controlled ploy by the hidden hand of Cabal.
He was once a favorite of the right. now, Mike Pence can’t get a crowd of 15 to a Pizza Ranch. The power of Trump. Scroll down the article and you will see this shot of Pence talking, with an Octopus over his shoulder:
It is the same Octopus Greta included in one of her Tweets, which someone made a big stink over:
And now it is all over 4Chan, as a meme, with Pepe posing with it, and the 4Chan logo, based off NSA featuring the Octopus as Blue. Some speculate it is a message, with the octopus representing the conspiracy, since reporter Danny Casolaro had coined the phrase the Octopus for the conspiracy since he kept uncovering tentacles of it in different areas of society. Some think the fact the Octopus is blue might mean it is running short of oxygen, or money, and it popping up everywhere is a call for everyone to kick some cash up, now that Ukraine funding is drying up. Or maybe it needs more money to make more Directed Energy Weapon drones and satellites fast. Something big is coming. Whether it is a turning point, or just a precipice at the end of this sloping decline, there is no telling for us.
Mike Lindell’s $500 Wi-Fi monitoring devices BANNED from polling stations in Kentucky.
President Joe Biden’s deputies are asking Congress for $14 billion extra to help bus illegal migrants up to the U.S. border and onward into hotels in many cities and towns around the nation. Those migrants are being brought here for something. And he has gotten orders from somewhere to do this.
Venezuelans take top spot over Mexicans for illegal border crossings into the U.S. They said Venezuela emptied its prisons of gang members, on the condition they move up here. This is them. Less money for the government to pay to house them down there, and I am sure if they are gang members, their gang will take commands from Cabal. It is unreal. This is like the Mafia gaining control, and swarming this place with Sicilian gangsters openly, to impose a mafia dictatorship. And like 10 percent of the population is fine with this, because they view us as enemies, just for wanting to be free. I know Q said this was the way, but I have to think there was some way which would involve less mortality than filling the nation with Central and South American Gang members first, and giving Cabal the power to dictate the day the action begins.
Romney: Trump ‘represents a failure of character’ changing the psyche of our nation. Says the guy who is part of the op importing Venezuelan gangsters to kill you.
This dude’s Twitter is off the hook:
Larry Flynt told me that Senator Graham was in a sexual relationship with a married male defense contractor and that this was known by the Israelis.
When I had breakfast with Flynt his associate Arthur Sando handed me a file with the man’s name, address, everything.
I asked how he knew that the Israelis knew about it and Flynt said “because I told them.”
So Larry Flynt was connected to an Israeli intel op, like Epstein, and was probably providing girls, and reporting who used them, and giving the video to Mossad. I am not sure there was ever real money in porn, even back then. You might have run a strip club, and though you would make a porn magazine, and promoted it perfectly, and found nobody bought a subscription to Hustler, and you went bankrupt. The subscriptions which sold may have been ground surveillance, funding what they knew was an op.
I want to be fully on record that I saw Ben Shapiro receive tasking from Israeli intelligence connects to Netanyahu when I worked next to him at When I asked him about it he said he always kept close ties. It’s time for Ben to register under FARA… Ben has a long history of ties to foreign intelligence so I kept my mouth shut. I was also afraid. I’m not afraid anymore. If journalists were responsible they would ask about Ben’s ties to China through the Wilks brothers and what happened between him in Bob Shillman and David Horowitz.
Nearly 500,000 people have died in Ukraine but the corporate media in America won’t let you see 5 minutes of war footage.
Compare that total blackout to the 24/7 coverage that Americans see of the latest war in Israel.
The CIA lets you see what it wants you to see.
Elon Musk says he’ll give Wikipedia $1 billion if they change their name to D*ckipedia.
MSN article on the King of England’s interest in UFO’s:
The King is likely already well-versed on all things UAP given his father, the Duke of Edinburgh, was fascinated by UFOs, compiling a library of books on the subject and regularly asking to be briefed on the latest news. He also subscribed to the journal Flying Saucer Review.
A recent documentary by the same producers as The King Of UFOs also alleged the King flew a craft modelled on a crashed UFO in the 1970s.
The ‘UFO-type vehicle’ was saucer-shaped with three pilots in three individual glass domes — designed to protect them from the electromagnetic force given off by the ‘mothership’ controlling the craft.
16-year-old ran personal best before collapsing, dying at Texas cross-country meet.
mRNA Covid “vaccines” form Spike protein in heart cells within 48-hours after getting jabbed.
Just like Epstein was not a money manager, I am thinking there is more to them than meets the eye. I wonder what the machine is letting them have that for.
Neanderthal cuisine: Excavations reveal Neanderthals were as intelligent as Homo sapiens. Insert a picture of Sam, activated, with laser eyeballs here.
Argentina elections: Leftist candidate Sergio Massa unexpectedly wins first round over wildly popular Javier Millei. If our elections are rigged, everyone’s elections are rigged.
US Jews consider gun ownership, training after Hamas attack in Israel. What do you think is going to happen to the gun and ammunition market when it comes out there is a literal Civil War about to happen in the US, and Mara Salvatrucha and the Venezuelan gangs get activated?
‘Not safe anywhere now’: American Jews are flocking to gun training classes.
“A police state is a tyrannical government that engages in mass surveillance, censorship, ideological indoctrination, and targeting of political opponents. How concerned are you that America is becoming a police state?”
All Concerned-
Very: 46%
Somewhat: 26%
Not Very: 14%
Not At All: 9%
Not Sure: 5%
War is here, and for many it will not just be by proxy.
Citizen journalists and keen eyes will be required to sift through the propaganda.
Strong men and strong women will need to defend their families and countries.
If you aren’t armed yet, now is the time.
Might not be a bad time to do a little hunting too, for hogs or coyotes probably. The real thing has a way of amping you up, grabbing you in the moment, and overwhelming your amygdala. Calling back to my youth, it took a few go arounds hunting predators, working the kinks out, developing a sort of procedure of thinking under the pressure to control how your mind transitioned and planned as you stalked, learning to remain calm, learning what to focus on and what to ignore, and how not jump the gun so to speak, as the pressure built up to the exhilarating trigger break every neuron was telling you to “TAKE RIGHT NOW!” As controlling that became normalized, everything became second nature, and the push to be calm became innate, even as your heart raced. Controlling your amygdala, when you have those predatory urges and instincts welling up, and a target which it seems the fate of the world rests upon dropping some lead into, will be more difficult than it sounds sitting here listening to. That was one thing the movie Dexter nailed. Those first couple of times killing something tend to be a mess. You have to make it through them to get your feet under you. Better on a coyote or a hog, than when bullets are flying at you. And I suspect there are going to be bullets flying at you, with what they are importing.
Of course, they are pushing the Neanderthal good, Sap bad line. With their pretend “facts”. If you read the article it says, not much of anything.They “had” fire. Big whoop. Wait for lightning, gather fire. BUT if you look at actual stuff that had to be made, you find…
“…This confirms that Homo sapiens were mostly responsible for these ‘modern’ creations, [modern stone tools, which they “were” trying to attribute to the savage beastly Neanderthals. Jew dreams shattered], and that similarities between these and other sites in which Neanderthals made similar things are due to interaction between the populations…”
“…“If Neanderthals had created these ‘modern’ tools and jewelry, it would have indicated they had more advanced cognitive abilities than previously recognized,” explains Bailey….”
“…Using state-of-the-art technology called ZooMS (collagen peptide mass fingerprinting), they identified human bone fragments and concluded that they were at least 45,000 years old—a period coinciding with the arrival of multiple waves of Homo sapiens into Europe. Subsequent shape analyses of the tooth and DNA examination of the fragments determined that they belonged to Homo sapiens and not Neanderthals, whose presence was not evident among the discovered fossils…”
I can’t fooled about these dastardly Neanderthals.
I’m also not fooled by these psychopathic cone heads, Look what these evil cone heads did to this fine Alabama boy. They drugged him with mushrooms and sexually abused him.
Black people also invented melatonin powered spaceships and Post-Its as well. Good on you for being proud of your spear-chucking cannibal heritage. We wuz kangs.
I already proved you wrong that whites were black (and showed that Neanderthals were)here.
And of course we already covered how it’s not Cro-Mags but Neanderthals that were cannibals.
Pay attention people. We’;ve gone over this many, may times and Tex keeps spewing the same lies over and over. He has nothing to back up what he says. Have you seen this before. Maybe in Israel, where they said Hamas blew up the Christian hospital? Or on your nightly news? Get a clue about Tex and his pushing of the Miles Mathis Committee.
See Domestication Syndrome. There is a whole suite of traits which vary consistently between a wild species and its domesticated cousins. The wild type always has a larger head and brain. The domestic type reliably shows neoteny, ie adult morphology retains younger appearance, and lowered aggression.
The morphological and behavioural differences between Neanderthal and Sapiens correspond well to Domestication Syndrome. This is an observation, not an explanation, but there is food for thought here.
FWIW, others make the same comparison between Sapiens and Cro Magnon. Those same people speculate about (large, red-haired) Cro Magnon reaching the Americas 40k-60kya.
There is also the Siberian Denisovan type and technocomplex, which in some respects is more advanced than Sapiens tech of the same period (search Denisovan green bangle).
The other day I mentioned dog breeds as a better way to understand Homo evolution than speciesism. Whatever can interbreed aren’t ‘species’. Do ‘breeds’ have different stable characteristics? Let me get a greyhound to herd my sheep, or a husky to keep my ailing aunt company…
I have said very much the same thing here many times. I have a theory about the rise of civilization based on this. What finally made my mind up about this is the Russian domesticated red fox experiment. One of my comments on this is here and also talks about psychopaths. I believe psychopaths are uncivilized humans. Animals. Essentially the way we were before civilization. This is why they, and the Neanderthals, never did much of anything for hundreds of thousands of years. Once we gained empathy, became civilized, then scientific and other arts expanded rapidly.
Comment here,
And here is where I discuss some of the same and a book called “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” which is the only book I’ve seen that has tried to directly relate the rise of civilization to the human state of mind or the genes expressed. Compare to the Russian fox experiment and it illuminates. To me anyway. I do not believe the bicameral mind theory, but it always stuck with me after I read the book about the brain patterns being changed.
AC’s site has lost it, but it’s on the internet archive.
You will have to scroll down for Sam J. There’s more than one comment on the page by me. The one I’m talking about, look for the phrase,
You call Jews “genetic psychopaths
and you will find the comment.
Denisovan green bangle
“Donald Trump tore into Democrat suggestions that his supporters need ‘formal deprogramming’ with a new campaign ad based on George Orwell’s 1984 featuring the Republican front-runner coming to the rescue of American workers reduced to mindless drones under the tyranny of Joe Biden.”
I think this ad was an allusion to the Ridley Scott ad for the Mac (first aired 1984 during the Superbowl). You can watch that ad here:
AC they’re reading your site and stealing my ideas. I wrote about using airport parking for the homeless, and looked up the cost. It would save a fortune, here.
LOL! That is no joke. I don’t want to sound totally nuts, but yeah, I have seen a ton of that as I have gone around. Unique stuff shows up only here, and then a few days later, somebody famous is talking about it. A unique phrase is on here, and then I hear reporters use exactly that phrase in their news cast. There are a lot of big names reading this thing, even if they just have staff print it out to glance at it on elevators. It is not surprising. We are the most comprehensive site I am aware of documenting the surveillance, which is the big thing behind everything right now.
I am not sure if they are themselves curious about the surveillance and what is out there, and are drawn here for that, or if they know all that, and just come here because I am one giant slow-mo train-wreck, they all know I am going to die, and they are curious just when it will happen, and if I will show up here with a funny story of them missing me.
But in the meantime, yeah, they may be stealing your shit.
There are other possibilities too. It is possible that is a Cabal homeless street cell, and one of the leaders read that, and had them all go there and do that because it is a more economical way to keep them in good shape. Those could even be surveillance vehicles. Around my town, they actually park bunches of cars in parking lots, out away from the stores, where there is nothing around them, and I have seen people pull up in one car, and jump in a new one to change up their silhouette. So those cars are just sitting around.
It only took them about two months to get it operational, if it is that. That is totally doable. It is either that, or the article is fake, but designed to spread what they think is a good idea. Or they might not even be homeless. They might be surging surveillance there, and have needed a place to crash them, and didn’t want to fill the motels, and that story is a cover in the event people see them and wonder where they all came from.
Either way, you just got robbed brother.
“I have seen people pull up in one car, and jump in a new one to change up their silhouette.”
You wonder why the economy is so bad, everybody is so much poorer, despite all of the advancements in automation? This is a huge part of the answer right there. We have a cancerous growth on our society, sucking all of the life blood for itself despite the rest of the body being in the best condition of its time.
Wish someone would steal my Real Critical Race Theory TM.
Just so people will know, I’m just joking that I think they stole my idea. The idea is obvious. It provides a roof over their heads, if it’s a parking deck, and it keeps them off the sidewalks at least. Not that this is in any way “good” but it’s better than what we have now.
Mariel Boat Lift. For younger readers, that was when Castro emptied his prisons and asylums and sent the inmates to Florida during the hapless Carter years.
Venezuela Porta-Potty Evac. When Bidet let criminals waltz across the border after giving them instructions and aid all the way through the Darien Gap and transportation up Mexico.
Joe – “I did that.”
Obama – No, Joe. I did that to you and the country.
What is it about Democrats that they hate the USA?
They hate our Christian heritage that lead to our inalienable rights, which they deny.
The Mariel boat lift unleashed a massive crime wave on the previously sleepy southern city of Miami.
Miami was utterly unprepared for it, and it took many years to deal with the resulting chaos.
The boat lift permanently transformed Miami into a Latin American city, and I assume Biden’s open door policy is meant to do the same to the U.S., except on a much, much larger scale.
Not sure how relevant, but one of those new age kooks was always saying the like to advertise real things in fictional movies. The gist of how things work if not the exact way.
Anyway, some of those marvel comic movies had Hydra as the major enemy, represented by an octopus type thing. That was supposed to be a world wide conspiracy with lots of infiltrators and they had advanced tech.
Similarly the Bond movie SPECTRE explicitly used an octopus as a symbol for the organization. Maybe trickle-up awakening–putting it in kiddie fare like the live-action cartoon MCU where it can be dismissed by Cabal as harmless, evan as it’s still getting out there? OTOH, the MCU is owned by Disney, about the most woke content out there.
This is true. They put pointers in films, also in movie trailers. Listen to the final scene of the film the counsellor where Cameron Diaz is in the restaurant talking about ‘the slaughter to come.’
This technique is a winner for cabal. They have to tell people what they will do to them so they can gain consent and thereby escape the laws of karma, and if someone points out what they are telling us that person is likely to be disparaged by normies who think you are a fool for reading into things from a film/trailer.
It’s supposedly related to their understanding of “karma”. Their Luciferian religion requires them to get permission. So they encode their plans in fiction. Then for their own conscience they can say “Well, we told you want we wanted to do and you allowed it.” Things like a hijacked plane that was supposed to hit the WTC in Lone Gunman. Most people aren’t capable of believing it.
the plush that hurts their tush?
This is why we need to end absolute immunity for prosecutors, and at LEAST move them down to qualified immunity.
In Baltimore, over 1,000 people a year are ruled natural cause deaths and suicides by the state and city MEs. Vast majority have bullet wounds in the back of the head. A few dozen have their throats slashed.
Re: FISA on Talib and Omar — how about on Ladybugs Lindsey as a foreign agents as well?
Re: Chauvin, I’m so old I can remember lynching- not just the rush to judge but the rush to condemn- as a bad thing.
Regarding the State of MN v. Derek Chauvin, I knew what was what three years ago. I read the full autopsy report when it was posted on the Hennepin County webpage. I looked at Department of Health stats on what constituted a lethal concentration of fentanyl independent of this particular case. I also went to the MN state webpage for its criminal code to read the statutes used in charging Chauvin. Lastly, I viewed the officers’ BWC footage.
My takeaway from the sordid affair was the only debate was whether fentanyl or Floyd’s coronary heart disease killed him after the exertion of resisting a 100% lawful arrest.
“This is the kind of case that ends careers.” Only because you accept the notion that the mob will have its scalps, you spinless cunt.
Re the octopus. This is most definitely a symbol that describes cabal. As to the colour blue, hindu iconography and imagery has their gods all with blue faces. These people at the top regard themselves as gods amongst insects.
I listened to a podcast a couple of weeks ago with Mike Adams and Jeffrey Prather. Prather discussed a coming black sky event which would affect US, UK and Israel. I found this somewhat confusing, but that was before the eruption of the middle East tensions. Obviously with where the world is heading, such an event is definitely possible.
Make sure your preps factor in the probability of an extended period of no power. The hour is late peeps.
Stop, Human! Be more Dog!
Reject Humanity, Return to Doggo?
I am ready.
Regarding the draft, I think this Anon called it. tl;dr: US military takes in foreigners as a compromise to the draft; US military then uses its foreigners to subjugate Americans. Same situation but with extra steps, I guess.

See: Gangs of New York movie where foreigners straight off the boat were drafted to fight in the civil war on the Northern side.
They forget the flip side of that coin, wherein it’s much easier to shoot at obvious foreigners attempting to subjugate you than it is to kill your own blood and countrymen who just so happen to be serving the enemy.
Plus the overall lower quality of foreigners vs. American fighting men. The militia, when referenced in its historical context, is the strongest infantry army in the world without a doubt. The question is does that strength beat cabal’s tech, surveillance, and resupply of fresh bodies from across the world.
I think it will be a Rhodesia type situation, where we can stack 50:1 Kill:Death ratios in a “fair”, but the question is going to come down to resupply and surveillance decapitation capabilities.
There is a hardback book published at least forty years ago. It was the correspondence between two homosexual private school teachers. One teacher was based in England at a prestigious school. The other emigrated to America to teach at a prestigious East Coast boarding school. The two men were companions.
In the letters, one would come across a young man at his school. He would molest the young man. It was not phrased that way, obviously. He would have sexual activities with the young man. When the young man would go to America, the teacher would write to the teacher in America, informing him that a broken in young man was on his way. The American teacher would write to the English teacher when an American went to England, one who had been victim to his perversions.
I want to say their careers spanned both what we would call high school and then college? So there’s a chance that one young boy could go into a boarding school, and not get away from perverts for his entire education, no matter how many schools he went to. There simply was not an escape. The pedophiles were writing to each other about their prey moving about.
This was presented by the editor of the book of letters as “homosexual empowerment” and “international cooperation in defiance of sodomy laws” or something like that. The story began very early in the 1900s, and continued on through the early 1960s, pre-Stonewall. There was the insertion of photographs. They were in black and white, Edwardian clothes on Cunard line ships.
This was one of the first grownup section of the library books I’d ever read. It was this, a mystery with Edward Gorey illustrations on the cover, and a history of the Boxer Rebellion. This was in a conservative suburb of a conservative city. I don’t know the policy- do librarians read every book they acquire? The editor and publisher of the book certainly knew what the book was about. The foreword author pointed out what the correspondents were talking about when they used circuitous language.
Ivy League, coded gay movies with Robin Williams:
the dead poets society is gay – this movie is gay | Podcast on Spotify
The male mentor gets a young teen to ‘come out’ as a drama kid(!), with catastrophic consequences, etc. Keating is the real villain in this story.
A queer reading of Good Will Hunting (1997) – i-D Magazine
The male mentor gets a young teen to ‘come out’ as a math genius.
Yes, Ben Affleck And Matt Damon Put A Gay Sex Scene In ‘Good Will Hunting’ Script …
“I am not sure there was ever real money in porn, even back then. You might have run a strip club, and though you would make a porn magazine, and promoted it perfectly, and found nobody bought a subscription to Hustler, and you went bankrupt. The subscriptions which sold may have been ground surveillance, funding what they knew was an op.”
And to get the porn to distribute to kids.
Yeah. Now that you say it, exactly.
another one
Yeah, they are making these, not us. They want everyone seeing the blue octopus. I think it is a message, like the Bat Sign, but only they know what it is.
and another
octos no longer allowed in…
I don’t know…is this an anti-semitic octopus?
So I finished the animated series Pantheon, the one I covered earlier about the Cabal family overtones.
Well, it’s a little different than expected.
A company develops a method of uploading human intelligence into a machine, basically moving human consciousness into a computer. The system is flawed, in that, the more processing power the system uses, the faster the consciousness degrades until it finally dies. The man who invented the technology passed away before he could correct the flaw.
To solve this problem, the company decided to clone the genius who founded the company and created the technology. To account for both nature and nurture, the company parallels every life experience that the founder had for the clone, including the fake fighting with the parents, any physical injuries, and the girlfriend who shows up at just the right moment.
Anyway, there was a very interesting use of technology related to directed energy weapons. The main character’s father was directly uploaded into a system. He was a computer genius in his own right, so he is using his skills to try and find the location of an Arctic black site. They decided to hack the satellite phone of the CEO, which was the only device at the location that wasn’t air-gapped. They did manage to hack the phone, but there is no local network to compromise, at least not a wireless one. There was no camera on the phone either. So, they downloaded an echolocation app onto the phone and then sent an ultrasonic ping. This mapped out the interior of the black site… revealing a giant server farm.
They then drained the battery on the phone to see where it would end up to charge. The phone ended up charging in an office next to a laptop. By accessing the phone and getting it to buzz, the vibrations caused it to move closer to the laptop until it was touching. By using ultrasonic tones to create micro-pressure in the air, the hacker was able to depress the keys in the order he wanted.
You’re DEW may not be radiation-based, but something ultrasonic.
Maybe. I do not know what is in the dental blanket. It is lead, but is it a powder in a flexible silicone sheet than absorbs sound? could be. It is wildly flexible, like cloth, so it is not solid lead.
It’s the lead paint chips from so long ago. The kids who were eating them weren’t just autistic; they were employed as autistic truffle pigs by a white hat group to identify protective materials which could be deployed in our time of need. Operation Looking Glass.
It’s Science.
Pakistan’s Imran Khan could face the death sentence in trial over revealing state secrets
Girls Sold off for Procreation, 2 People Go Missing Every Minute in China, Police Turn Blind Eye
Presidential aides in Brazil comment that President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) may be suffering from liver insufficiency.
This information is consistent with a tweet from the Brazilian Air Force, which documented the transportation of a liver from the city of Cacoal (Rondônia) to Brasília (the capital of the country and political base).
Aides also state that Lula is having difficulty walking and is avoiding contact with the public or delegations to prevent fatigue.
There was an episode of the Agency on TV. The plot revolved around a CIA plot to control a country in South America. The Agency was secretly getting a Presidential candidate a heart transplant which he could not get down there, off the books, and in return he would be their puppet. The op went sideways, a coup plotter or something came in and killed the President, the CIA agents killed him, and the American Surgeon they brought down got killed. The episode was mostly recounting it through testimony in front of Congress.
At the end, a female agent said to the crusty old Agency guy, “It is a shame, you will never see a chance like that again.” The old Agency guy laughed, and said the President’s heart was failing because they had infected him with a virus that destroys the heart when he was 20, after identifying 20 possible leaders who might rise to such a position in the next three decades. He then said, the vice-president just got back his EKG results, and it looks like he is going to need a new heart in a year. He had been one of the other 20.
Lots of viruses actually proliferate best in liver cells, IIRC. When the Russians would have an accidental exposure in their program which killed a guy, it was the liver they harvested to get the most virus, which would be slightly more adapted to humans after running through one.
Lula himself may not necessarily been one of their’s, but I wrote last year that it was pretty obvious the plan was to install Lula, then remove him for his VP, who definitely is one of their’s (look it up). I just assumed they would use scandal -impeachment- removal, but this way could work.