News Brief – 10/19/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Sorry for the delay, the host deleted a DNS record, and it needed to get fixed and then propagate back out.

Occasionally it helps to have a team. Which is difficult for us, as the machine continually tries to bubble us all off from each other. But we have a decent readership here, so if I know you and can vouch you are legit here, and you run into bumps which you might need help with, let me know and I will put it here, above everything. You never know.

Today we have Teo Toon from our comments. Teo has to find a new residence as his landlord is selling his current apartment building. He needs a two-room or large one room apartment for $475/month, ideally in the Greensboro, NC area before the end of November. He is  a retired artist with an M.F.A., and proficiency in excel spreadsheets, and will need work as well, ideally online. He is one of our readers, so he is sharp and a critical thinker, and probably takes loyalty seriously, meaning he will work hard out of appreciation. He is probably also a target of surveillance, so if you need foot traffic in your business, there is a good chance if you hire him, you will have a stream of surveillance coming through all day, buying stuff on surveillance’s dime as a cover for action to check in on him. He is also a devout Christian, and would, in addition, request anyone who can, offer prayers for him to find his way through this turmoil to a place of secure peace and happiness. If you have something, post it here, in the comments, preceded by “DO NOT POST – FOR TEO TOON.” I will not post the comment. If you wish to include your email so he can email you directly, say that, or, alternately, you can ask I act as an intermediary for security, and I will email him for you, then I will email his response to you, and each of you will have my email, but not each other’s, up until you actually decide to connect IRL. Thank you.


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DFT – China’s Property Crisis Accelerating As Country Gardens Defaults

DFT – Everton Purchase By 777 Partners Stalls As Regulator Demands Audited Financials

DFT – Hyloris Pharmaceuticals’ Pain Treatment Receives FDA Approval

DFT – Infineon Inks Deal With Hyundai And Kia For EV Computer Chips

DFT – Putin Reaffirms Backers Of Power Of Siberia Pipeline Remain Behind It

Hey anon, remember how embarrassing it was the first time your chin started to turn into a scrotum? I remember it with me:

In Chinese medicine, parts of the face can swell, or betray some type of imbalance in the related organ system but even there, I have never seen anything like this. It is not even like it is one frame. If it was just loose skin, why isn’t the center of the chin hanging the lowest? I do not really see any lymph nodes there. Unless he wanted a cleft chin, and got some kind of plastic surgery implants for it. And moreover, it is not just one thing with him. He scratches the back of his neck, and it looks like a latex layer over his skin. He goes out to talk to reporters, and it appears green screened. Photos of him have weird AI defects, indicating they are not real photos. His eyes look strange in some shots, like cat eyes. It is just one weird thing after another. If I had to pick one origin, I would say some psyop is altering the media to make them look weird to degrade our ability to tell what is going on, and to psychologically unsettle the truth seekers who look at such things.

My alternate hypothesizes, the Havana Syndrome people may still be out there, and they don’t actually let Biden outside due to the threat. But they do not want us to freak out so they are making it look like he is going out, and they are using a double with a mask and screwing it up here and there.

I do not see how Secret Service had somebody zapped by an energy weapon, and measurable damage done to their brain, on White House grounds, they could not prevent the attack, or even catch who did it, or maybe even tell how it was done, and they are just letting Biden go around outside like that threat is not out there. Secret Service are the ultimate anal retentives. They X-rayed a coin flipped by a President at a Superbowl, just in the event somebody at the factory filled it with C4 and a detonator. They would not just go on like that DEW attack never happened. I could see them going hyper-paranoid, and whoever they get tasked with protecting as the President is limited to some shielded Faraday cage facility underground where they are secure, and everything done in public is a double in a mask, or AI-generated, or photoshopped until they figure out what happened and how to stop it. We are in unprecedented times.

And understand the risks of the Havana attacks, and everything else going on, and how strangely our intelligence fantasy-campers who do NatSec work, are out of their league when pitted against it. was set up by some of the top intelligence whistleblowers in the country, from NSA to CIA to military intelligence. Guys like Bill Binney, with three decades working for NSA, at the highest level, with access to all the secrets. They wanted to reveal that there was a shadow intelligence operation utilizing directed energy weapons to torture citizens in the US, freely. They all ended up shutting the site down shortly after setting it up, and to this day, none will even talk about why. Nobody has a clue what happened, although Bill Binney’s last tweet said somebody blew a hole through his ceiling’s shielding with a directed energy weapon from a drone flying over his house. We can probably do the math on what happened to all of them. Notice the media will not touch it. They work for the operation.

These were the people who were at the tip of the spear in NatSec, and whatever happened when they set that site up, they all closed it down without a word. Whatever it was, must have been something that they could not even have imagined would exist, despite most of them having decades at the tip of the CIA and NSA and MilIntel spears. There is stuff out there the fantasy campers are not told about and cannot imagine, no matter how elite their CV looks.

There will come a time, when the worst cases of being censored on social media will seem like a period of freedom. Because in that future time, they will have taken the machine which shut up all those intel experts, and built it up to a size where it will be available to the neighborhood Stasi, and they will routinely use it on anyone in the neighborhood who says anything the machine disapproves of online. Did you argue with that purple haired 300lb tranny on Reddit about how many genders there are? Well anon, lets see if you are so porky after you haven’t slept for a week, and your brain has been microwaved like a hotpocket.

It is happening now, in small numbers, like a pilot program. I have seen it. But you know they are desperately scaling it up for the mass market control of everyone. If you have been banned on Twitter or Facebook, you are probably on course to get droned, or satellite’d once that machine is up and running at scale. Because that is how they will handle it in the future. There will be no negative publicity, there will be nobody you can call or complain to. You will comply, or you will get the beam.

Unless we can reveal the surveillance, remove their civilian overwatch from the gameboard, and get this all exposed now, there is nothing else which will stop it. We have a narrow window I think, but it is closing rapidly.

Douglass Mackey, who ran a Twitter account as Ricky Vaughn, with over 58,000 followers, was sentenced to seven months in prison Wednesday for a meme he shared on social media during the 2016 election. He supported r/K Theory, and was one of us. His legal fundraiser is here.

Elon Musk tears apart the injustice of the Doug Mackey verdict. He points out Mackey had no effect on the election, while those who claimed the Hunter laptop was misinformation had an effect on the election, and yet suffered no punishment.

You know who must have really been pissed at Israel’s 9/11 anon? The Jews at the Southern Poverty Law Center, because they are really Jewish:

Like I said, they do not belong to your group. She does not care what happens to other Jews, because while she says she is Jewish, she is really something else. Whatever she is, those Intifada people are also it, and it is not Arab or Palestinian. She is like Soros, cavorting with the Nazis, and saying it was the most exhilarating time of this life. Or, like all the people who saw 9/11, and knew they were working for whoever allowed it, and maybe even did it, and they just kept supporting the conspiracy, while in public, among us, pretending to be as horrified as we were.

Rumors Israel waited six hours to respond to the attack, to allow as much carnage as possible. It would not surprise me, given there are a lot of indices it was allowed, and even the music festival was moved there. The article argues it could have been patriotic, to allow for wiping out Gaza, but the thing is, I do not think Gaza is going to be wiped out, nor do I think they would have thought it possible. I think the same people run Hamas, as run the Israeli government. And I think they run all the other governments in the West, and have the ability to influence Iran too. And for whatever reason, I think they scripted this whole thing.

Israeli surveillance drone video of the fully intact and undamaged Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza after rocket hits parking lot – NOT the Hospital.

In August 2022, more than one-fifth of the 1,000 rockets fired by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group toward Israel failed and landed in Gaza, causing one-third of the 44 deaths recorded. The people making the moves on both sides are the ones who view us as some sort of opposition force. It is quite impressive. Israeli citizens have no bigger enemy than Cabal, Palestinians have no bigger enemy than Cabal. Cabal just killed a bunch of Israelis and has gotten Gaza wrecked. And yet neither side has any idea their real enemy even exists. I would bet if we went back through the wars and skirmishes and terrorist attacks of the last thirty years in the region, they were almost all hatched by Cabal, and any which weren’t, Cabal allowed or assisted, because they could be used. I think they have been behind everything from the Parkland School shooting, to 9/11 in America, and I will bet it is like that everywhere else.

Pro-Palestinian protesters invade the Capitol: More than 100 arrested. Will they get the Jan 6th treatment?

Virginia attorney general launches effort to send surplus police body armor from local Sheriff’s Departments, and tactical gear to Israel. Disarm the Police, if you can’t defund them. All as you let criminals out, and try to disarm the populace. I told you, they view us as some sort of opposition force. All of the misery, risk, and suffering they can inflict on the rest of society is a win for them.

According to multiple Israeli Officials, during a Closed Door Meeting earlier today between U.S. President, Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu it is claimed that President Biden gave Netanyahu his Personal Blessing and a “Direct Green Light” for the Invasion of the Gaza Strip.

17 journalists confirmed dead in Israel, Gaza and Lebanon.

23andMe hacker leaks 4 million stolen DNA profiles from customers with British ancestry in fury at UK’s support for Israel – and claims the data includes ‘Royal Family’ members.

Steve Bannon: I have spies – Lobbyists were walking around the Capital Grille last night cutting deals with GOP reps to vote against Jim Jordan. Interesting, though I do not trust anyone who knows the secret, and all about the surveillance, and does not warn our kind. And I am sure Bannon knows.

Biden announces $100 million in aid for Gaza, West Bank. Again, Cabal operatives there will divvie the money up, and it will disappear into the accounts of the real enemy, and no regular citizen will ever see a penny.

The U.S. gov’t hired a pro-Hamas PLO spokeswoman to handle asylum claims.

A year after moving into the Washington, D.C., home he spent about $25 million to build, Fox News anchor Bret Baier said his family is relocating to Palm Beach, Fla., and he is putting the house on the market for $31.9 million. Look how much more important than you he is, anon. Clearly you should listen to the high-status monkey. Notice, nobody has ever bought an item because Brett Baier said to. He creates nothing of value that you cannot get free in a million other spots, and he will not even tell you the truth about the world – that very rich and powerful people run a Stasi-like intel operation that is even embedded in your community, fucking you over to keep you under control as it targets your kids. His news division is a monetary loser, there are millions of guys brighter, more charismatic, and more interesting than him, who would do that job for $200K in a heartbeat. But the company pays him that much money to turn out a half-assed product not even a tenth as good as free stuff elsewhere. It is not his money. I would bet on it. They whole thing is a cover provided to him by intelligence, to try and get you to think the chubby freckled dork in the back of the class spouting the establishment line, is the guy everyone should look up to and follow.

NY AG Letitia James failed to disclose six figure, dark money loan possibly tied to anti-Trump media operatives.

Leaker of Trump taxes worked for Biden Beltway donor that just won a big new IRS contract.

Jordan fails to clinch Speakership on second ballot. One step closer to Speaker Trump, and then President Trump.

20 Republicans who voted against Jim Jordan funded by anti-Trump billionaire Paul Singer, DeSantis and Youngkin donors.

RFK Jr. comes out in favor of reparations, carving out lane to Biden’s left.

“Asking for trouble:” Minnesota gives illegal immigrants driver’s license that looks exactly like legal residents.’

Just 2k migrants in NYC have applied to work — with none approved to earn a paycheck.

New York City officials face new problem amid asylum seeker crisis as shelters get cited for fire code violations.

Video of a Haitian guy in Mexico complaining the UN did not refill his debit card, and now it is empty. You wonder if the UN has an intelligence/surveillance agency.

Syphilis epidemic breaks out in the US as STI clinics struggle to get antibiotics.

Sam Bankman-Fried had meeting scheduled with Bill Clinton weeks before FTX collapsed: Crypto boss’ calendar reveals appointments with NY Gov. Kathy Hochul, Mayor Eric Adams and chief of Saudi’s sovereign wealth fund.

Famous UFO reporter George Knapp just decided to be a reporter on a whim, when some people he knew told him to go to Vegas they knew somebody in television, and would get him a job in the news. So when he got there he worked as a cab driver, despite not knowing where anything was, and then got a job as a reporter. And he is known for eavesdropping on other people’s conversations. And John Lear, of Lear Jet Family fame claims aliens and the government have met and communicated in something like a formal summit at an Air Force base.

Japan does ship-board test firing of a military-grade railgun.

SCOTLAND is ready to take one million refugees from Gaza (population 2 million) if the UK is willing to set up a scheme to resettle families fleeing the war, First Minister Humza Yousaf said. So wait, the First Minister of Scotland is a Palestinian whose brother-in-law is a doctor in Gaza? Do you still think elections in the West are real? Or that Cabal is not in control everywhere?

Former Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro should face criminal charges for plotting a coup d’etat in response to his 2022 election defeat, the lawmaker leading a congressional probe into Jan. 8 riots that ransacked the capital said in an official report.

Following a recent report that the gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia was reportedly sabotaged, news of a man who was observed photographing Finland’s Electrical network have further fueled suspicions. 

Republic of Chad sex tape scandal leads to government resignations. Intel cleaning house. One was a husband and his wife. Anything you record and put on a computer is being looked at by your neighborhood Stasi archivist, and anything like that is getting pulled off and stored in your permanent file. I think that is where MTG’s topless photos that popped up on 8Kun came from. It looks like she was videoing herself working out and had no top on, and I would bet her local surveillance grabbed it and leaked it as some sort of retaliation. It is even possible she used a GoPro or something, and never put it on a computer, but surveillance was grabbing the video right off a WiFi on the camera. Your local crew is much more into everything in your life than you would think. From the shadows, they will be going through everything on all your computers, recording everything in your house. It is ridiculously creepy. But it is normal to them.

Russian forces destroy over 8,000 military drones in Ukraine operation.

Lingerie chain Victoria’s Secret is reportedly ditching its woke, feminist makeover of recent years as it hasn’t translated to business success. It is a social trend indicating a return to K, but this is obviously a Cabal institution, maybe even associated with Epstein-like activities, and definitely associated with an Epstein associate, Les Wexner, so fuck them.

Arkansas forces Chinese-owned seed producer to sell 160 acres of farmland amid national security concerns.

Texas installing concertina wire along New Mexico border.

An Ugly bunny fight is swiftly broken up by the chicken police. There is more law and order in that yard than we can produce in our major cities. But that is how natural law and order is. Even the Chickens want it. Imagine the scale and intricacy, and evil of the conspiracy which can deny that simple quality of life to man.

Donald Trump shares link revealing Letitia James’ address while raging against her. Whoops. LOL. We are going to be so back once the Presidential season kicks off in earnest.

Pres. Trump amplifies DOD contractor Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes’ claims in Truth Social post – Suggests Space Force has evidence of 2020 election fraud: “Trump knew if he presented any of the goods early on, we’d have a CIVIL WAR.” I am not sure why the Civil war would be bad. If you have 20 or 30 million people, who are hostile foreign intelligence operatives with legal citizenship, you need to get rid of them. Even if you defeat their operation, you cannot leave them in place. It would seem your options are revoke citizenship and expel, which is probably not legally possible. Try in court and imprison for life, which is probably too expensive, try in court and execute, which is an awful lot of executions, and with appeals will be decades, so again expense. Or do the Civil war, sweep the slate clean and start over. Unless we just had to bring the population to this level of cynicism first, where they would believe it is possible, and the Civil War is still coming. But I hope we are not going to do what we did in the first revolution, and act like everything is fine. If they try that, you will know it is all bullshit.

Spread r/K Theory, because with God all things are possible

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1 year ago

Sorry for the delay, the host deleted a DNS record, and it needed to get fixed and then propagate back out.
It wasn’t just that. It looked like the web server’s time was off/skewed, because of the SSL error messages I kept getting. This was a little before the DNS record disappeared.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I don’t get why your A Record died. It’s possible, but unless the IP Address of the server changed, it should be rock solid. If your DHCP address got a new lease, it should have updated the A Record automagically.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Twatter won’t even restore my account, and I’m nobody. I had an avatar of Pepe praying in church and I followed several “Q” accounts. I assume that’s why I am not allowed back.

The next year definitely will be rough. Weren’t there predictions that 2024 will be a year of mass deaths?

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

I called Cardie B a whore on Twitter. They banned me. Told me to pull it down, so I sent them the Webster’s dictionary’s definition of the word whore. Fuck ’em.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

I concur. Someone changed it or your provider’s DNS server went down. That’s easy to figure out.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’m not a DNS expert by any means, but I think I have a solid understanding of how it works. I think I can help you by giving you some cheat sheets of how to self service, with an explanation if that helps. The 24-48 hour window is the typical blurb that most engineers will say, but in practice I’ve seen it go much faster. It’s fucked up they didn’t ask for your account information before making changes.
My spidey sense says it was the link I sent you that you pulled out of the trash about the dead politicians.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Keep your domain provider and hosting provider split, and set your DNS record’s time-to-live (TTL) to something short so you can move DNS more quickly by letting cached DNS A and PTR records expire faster.

While 1800 seconds is doable with some domain providers, 3600 seconds as a minimum should be doable across all of them.

You also don’t need Cloudflare for this, as domain providers offer DNS services, with some offering HTTP/HTTPS redirect services.

Also, Cloudflare’s filter is easy to circumvent.

Given that they are a Man In The Middle attack as a service, that’s actually a good thing.

Reply to  General's Addition
1 year ago

MITMaaS. Kek. And true.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Hi, AC.

I am no internet wizard, but maybe there is some countermeasure you can cook up for the next fake tech. Some way to ditch him/her and get to the real deal asap?

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

I think the same people run Hamas, as run the Israeli government. And I think they run all the other governments in the West, and have the ability to influence Iran too. And for whatever reason, I think they scripted this whole thing.

If this is so; then, these people at the top do not expect to be killed by the results: the ignorant lesser people will be sacrificed and think the entire war was organic. This is probably how the Freemasons were able to predict three world wars.
We are not permitted to see out the fourth wall and watch the cartoonist.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago


Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

Et al

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

The thing is, the offspring of that now large family have to marry out, at least sometimes. Incest, inbreeding, and cousin marriages are all fun and fine and well, but they don’t permit expansion of the various pools involved.
For them, as for any dynasty, marriage is instrumentalised and becomes another part of the mechanism of acquisition.
Is there a there there when people talk of the black nobility? How big are the pools in question really? Of wealth and IP and genes?
It just occurred to me that the breakaway ‘civ’ population should present very distinctive epigenetic traits, ie quick hypothesis: methylation patterns due to the lifestyles, diets, intergenerational stability, (sea, sun, sex, school, sail, sauna, ski, sushi, steak, chef, trainers, ponies, golf etc whatever all combined) should be consistently distinguishable from the general population, and perhaps form a regular pattern, a recognisable ‘elite epigenome’.
I don’t know where I’m going with this really, since I can’t see how to sample the bastards, but maybe if such a signature exists, reverse engineering it could lead to therapies in future medicine…?

1 year ago

“Asking for trouble:” Minnesota gives illegal immigrants driver’s license that looks exactly like legal residents.’

Either these licenses will lack a REAL ID star in the upper right corner while the rest do, or no one will be able to fly on a Minnesota DL.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Minnesota has three levels of driver’s license: REAL ID, “enhanced”, and standard. Getting a driver’s license above the standard level requires more thorough proof of identity. Enhanced level is for citizens only.
The illegals are being steered to the standard level, but some might get REAL ID licenses.

1 year ago

It really does not need to be a grand, Luciferian playbook. It just needs to be a playbook in a language the locals do not speak.

The French Society Generale, a multifarious corporation, insisted on things like the death penalty for smuggling drugs- in this case, Spanish cigarettes. The opera Carmen is about a cigarette smuggler and her policeman boyfriend. And her athlete boyfriend, a local star.

The French also had policies like ‘no imported cotton cloth’- which was routinely ignored by the elites- the royals and the aristocrats- and enforced on the middle and lower class populations.

Then there’s the currency manipulations and general financial mismanagement of a state- The Merry Widow- another opera. The same sort of schemes are now happening here in America.

The spying on religious freedom fans is a classic European state habit.

Opera is a great place to hide what you are doing. In America, for whatever reason, operas and ballet are presented as exclusive, bizarre and only for the highest classes of people. Live theater, too. The Melting Pot was an awful, cheap live play presented in Europe.

James Bond having all his villains go to a European opera was kind of an inside joke.

1 year ago

Biden is getting that waxy look. My friend is a nurse and she says Cancer makes a lot of their patients look like that.

1 year ago

Watching Biden is weirdly fascinating, like watching early David Cronenberg movie. He’s going to disintegrate into bloody goo any moment now.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I expect to find out he sleeps in a bucket like Odo any day now.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago

Well I guess you could say that he is a changeling…

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

“…It would seem your options are revoke citizenship and expel, which is probably not legally possible…”

I have no real knowledge at all. Not even the slightest but…with all the immigrants we have had coming to the country there HAS to be some sort of laws passed in the past that allowed deportation of undesirables and I bet there’s court cases affirming the right to do so. I would think the Cold War would help. I bet some of these would be tied to commie activity, but the law would follow under “undesirable”, not for political beliefs, even though the real reason they had the law was to deport commies. How much you want to bet somewhere there’s some law like this?

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Being a 90 y.o. German prison guard will get one deported very quickly; so, yes, there is a law.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Secret societies should be illegal.

They are secret to cover up illegal activities.

Penalty of membership should be 25-50 yrs prison.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

That’s why we need a period of martial law where we just get rid of people based on them being unamerican.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Where do you deport people to that are born in America, even for generations and generations going back? Just launch them into the ocean with a catapult?

I don’t want it to be the case, but I don’t see a solution that isn’t a mountain of skulls of all the people responsible for the evil. It would be like allowing an opposing army to retreat and resupply when you had the ability to crush them once and for all.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You pick a place and dump them there.
Mexico is already a failed state and has been pumping trash into our country for generations.
I say we send any survivors to Mexico by force if necessary.

filthy w@nker
filthy w@nker
1 year ago

>MTG’s topless photos
Wait, what? Where? Not gonna lie, I went searching and if this is true, they got wiped. Not even yandex shows anything.

Reply to  filthy w@nker
1 year ago

sigh…if it helps…um…they were pretty muscular…not that boobs can’t be muscular…but…it wasn’t like “OMG WHAT A HOTTIE”.

Not trying to be mean…

Reply to  filthy w@nker
1 year ago

I think MTG is cabal.

Also think she looks like Will Ferrel’s plain sister

1 year ago

For Teo Toon: Here is a list of several property management companies in Greensboro: Best 14 Property Management Companies in Greensboro, NC | 2023 Review (
I didn’t go through them all, but it seemed the lowest prices of the ones I looked at are around $600/mo. It’s worth checking what properties are available on each website. You can usually set the filter on their websites from low to high to make it easier to browse. I’m sure there are more property management companies that rent places in Greensboro, this list is just the more popular ones.
Good luck Teo Toon!

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Stephanie
1 year ago

Thank you Stephanie.

1 year ago

Just a thought which occurs regarding the premise of this site. The bizarre and irrational nature of the accelerating bizarre and irrational events across the Earth are best explained by the premise of this site, and the premise seems (IMO) to be the only explanation. Piecemeal explanation seems absurd.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’ve enjoyed Aurini’s comments over the last few days. Where else can one find Aurini online?

Reply to  Reanderthal
1 year ago

It’s a frightening hypothesis to consider. When AC first began discussing the extent of the surveillance a few years ago, it was winding up my paranoia spring. I took a couple years off from reading him, as I processed things; I needed to develop a theory of mind for what was going on.

Like – tigers are frightening, right? Pretty sure just one of those bastards could kick my ass. So why is it that they don’t all gang together to murder us all while we sleep?

Well, it turns out they have no interest in doing that. They are dangerous, but only in particular circumstances. Likewise, I needed to figure out what cabal was up to, not merely what it was capable of.

Like Anonymous, I have also come to the conclusion that it’s the only possible explanation. Been meaning to write a piece on that, laying out the minimal facts necessary to conclude that it must exist in some form.

Thanks Reanderthal – I’m far less ‘professional’ and organized with my online presence than I used to be, but my website is a hub for most of what I do.

1 year ago

Glad to have you back, AC. When I wake up and find your entire site offline, I never know if it will be back or not. It always has been, but there will probably be a last time.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

If you get a chance, can you post your Free Republic account again? I was on my work computer the last time I saw it, and I didn’t get a chance to save it. I’ve never really been on Free Republic, but I guess I should check it out.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Same feeling here. Confident in the redundancy planning though.

1 year ago

comment image
I only knew about 2 of them (Hornady and Lake city).

Last edited 1 year ago by Bman
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“hide your power level”

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I know it’s gonna sound hokey, but they make gas-blowback airsoft guns that actually feel okay-ish and even provide something approaching recoil. You can approximate your duty setup for fairly cheap and do CQB drills.

1 year ago

For Teo Toon: Another avenue to try to find an inexpensive rental is through the Next Door website or app for your city. Sign up for the area you live in or want to live in and see if anyone has any rentals listed. You can also find odd jobs that people need help with on that site if you need extra cash. And free stuff people are giving away like moving boxes, household items, etc. or if you need help moving you can advertise for that there, too. You can also post there asking if anyone has a rental in your price range.

1 year ago

I personally think avoiding a civil war was smart. I prefer the cynicism angle. The problem with war is both sides lose people, and there is always a possibility of losing the war. Since I can’t say what the military will do, I think we’d be screwed from the start. Many of us are veterans with training and maybe some armaments, but we have no organization or support. That would all have to come together rapidly, but whom can you trust?

Granted, we’ve been fighting a meme war since #GamerGate with no organization or leadership and we’ve done well. But when the bullets start flying, I doubt that’s a good structure. They’d probably pick us all off before we could meet up with a buddy.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Technology is still not at a point where it is fully autonomous. Like every asymmetrical guerilla resistance the world has ever seen, you have to target the operators and supply of the better tech or secondary targets that will be less fortified than the actual enemy, but will degrade functionality over time.

The drones require at least oversight and maintenance, if not a direct pilot. Taking them out cripples the tech. If you can’t get to them, then their oversight and maintenance is the next target (food, water, leadership, communications, etc). If all else fails, the people involved in the evil have families too. Being unable to protect your family while you fly the drones will kill morale.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

On YT there is a channel called the Martin Fleischman Memorial Project. It/he/Bob, aggregates and explains goings on and learnings in the field of low energy nuclear reactions (LENR). These are three hour very deep, very technical presentations of the science behind a set of technologies that are extremely secret (and possibly extremely old), by a rather good teacher.
LENR includes a wide range of phenomena, such as elemental synthesis, ball lightning, cavitation, water engines, UAPs dustification and more.
The field is stalked by MIBs and is portrayed, tactically, but not unfairly as pretty kooky.
My point is that whatever Havana is, it’s likely to be a technology from this esoteric line of research.
A key search term is ‘strange radiation’.
PS. The live chat over at the MFMP has a great core of incredible engineers and natural philosophers. And Bob is based.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I had to go google who “Jelly Bryce” is. The one photo shows not just him, but his whole crew, looking sharp.

Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

“Lobbyists were walking around the Capital Grille last night cutting deals with GOP reps to vote against Jim Jordan.”

1 year ago

Yes, E. Sullivan was corrupt, FBI was corrupt, Pence was corrupt, a gaggle of colluders were corrupt, but S. Powel was equally corrupt in her “defense” of Flynn, and Flynn himself was profoundly dishonest and cowardly in the sworn papers he submitted under Powell’s guidance.

The irony is that Powell has now done exactly what Flynn did. Both Powell and Flynn understood what Flynn had done, and the legal implications of what Flynn had done, but they submitted documents corruptly (and very absurdly) pretending they had no idea what Flynn had done.

Our side was completely bamboozled by Powell and Flynn. The emotion on our side was totally understandable, but it got in the way of looking at the facts objectively. If Flynn was such a hero, he would have gone to trial, and he would not have betrayed his own son pursuant to Powell’s advice.

And Powell’s corruption was for naught. She put Flynn in much greater peril with her incompetence.

What I personally despise most about Powell is how she bamboozled our side so thoroughly, by playing politics instead of arguing the law. She and Flynn did considerable damage, and were emotionally abusive to our side for their selfish reasons.

But she wrote a book!

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Her book was pretty good. I guess this falls under infiltration instead of invasion. Lin Wood at one point seemed like a great ally, then he went off the deep end.

No wonder Trump didn’t listen to them when they all sat in the Oval Office telling him how to stay in office. It was probably a set up.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

AC called it a setup while it was happening.

1 year ago

The best part of scrotum chin would be a full mask rip off, a la Mission Impossible style.
“His chin looks like balls, do you want me to cover that too?”

Last edited 1 year ago by Bman
Anonymously being not so anonymous
Anonymously being not so anonymous
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

This is the one I thought of upon seeing that picture (southpark)

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

to the tune of “bette davis’ eyes”… “he’s got peter griffin’s chin”…

1 year ago

testing… testing… is this thing on?

1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago

Sidney Powell pleads GUILTY in Georgia election case: Donald Trump’s ‘Kraken’ lawyer in plea deal talks – so will she turn?
Powell made a surprise appearance in Fulton County Court, Georgia, and avoided jail and was given six years probation :

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Maybe she realizes that despite the reality on the ground those who control the system and the narrative cannot be defeated; to push harder would mean loss of everything, perhaps even her life.

1 year ago

RINOs & Democrats would not vote for Trump. How could he become Speaker?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“And don’t think there are competing cliques. Intel doesn’t work that way. Where two intel ops bump into each other, they covertly try to infiltrate and subvert each others, and sooner or later one takes the other over, so there is only one.”

It’s a dynamic cycle.
Every time a monopoly is formed it begins to factionalize.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Trump taking Speaker would be the “it is habbening”

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

None of those people are making their own decisions. The rules to get the job are you do what the earpiece tells you to, without question. If they don’t I would imagine they get the directed energy beam.”

Or get even worse than just the beam.

Any pol who goes off the reservation would have their participation in the pedo rings splashed all over the “free” press. Which ends in prison for the pedo politician.

Prisons are full of angry, muscularly jacked criminals who were pedo victims in their childhoods. Pedos don’t last long in prison. Politicians are completely owned by Cabal.

1 year ago

Civil War in 2020 would see good people siding with Cabal.

Civil War after the “Great Awakening” would see good people fighting Cabal

1 year ago

Brandon exposes Delta operators:

comment image

1 year ago
Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

@teo toon

You may also want to go on UpWork, which has more professionals than Fiverr. Depending on your skills, what jobs you sign up for, how you set up your profile, etc., you’ll be able to charge a higher fee. If you have time, look up profiles of people with similar skillsets. Check out how much they’re charging, what their jobs were, etc. For this platform, you might start advertising yourself with a lower than average hourly, then raise it as you get clients. Or you can aim high from the getgo. It will really depend on the market.

Since you have an MFA, you can always teach art. I know a lot about the after-school education and college admissions world because it was my bread and butter for a while. The thing about art education (as you likely know) is that it’s highly local and depends on the area. In the area I’m in, for example, the money is in helping high schoolers develop solid portfolios to help them get into competitive art and design programs. In some areas, art is simply not a thing so there are very few art academies. It might not hurt to reach out to local art academies to see if they have open positions.

Another teaching idea is to search for college admissions specialists/consultants in your area and reach out to them. These people charge lots of money to help kids get into top schools. Many might not have an MFA specialist at hand and just recommend an art academy they know. If they like you, they may refer students to you rather than to some academy.

Craigslists costs money to post now, but it’s a great place to get clients as long as you’re not blacklisted like I am. It is still a risk but I would not underestimate that platform until trying. I will share my process. This is very hard-won knowledge. It won’t blow anyone’s minds but it kept me fed for the past 1-2 decades working only part-time, allowing me to work full-time on other projects that made me no money.

The demographics of Craigslist is largely Gen X and Boomers with money who prefer Craigslist and calling/emailing people directly over fancy modern platforms. They often are very rich. So tailor your “professional persona” according. From what little I know of your credentials, for example, you might advertise yourself as an art mentor for people who always wanted to learn to be an artist but needs experienced guidance.

Note that you don’t have to choose the area you live in if you teach online. To do initial research, search for things you know you can do (e.g., art, excel, etc.) in many different areas and call them or email them. Slowly pump them for information: ask them for their rates, what they specialize in, who their clients are, how they get their clients, etc. Study their websites. You’ll find that many advertise in multiple cities and states.

Then research the most affluent and populated cities throughout the US. Search their listings and only advertise in the 5 regions where there is not much competition for your specific keywords. NEVER post more often than 1 every two days. So something like post one ad in Seattle, wait 2-4 days, post one in North Jersey, wait 2-4 days, etc. One ad is $5 for 30 days. Make sure your copy is persuasive, to the point, and you mention your credentials.

These are only a few ideas. None or all may be right for you. I just hope you understand that you have TONS of options and opportunities. The trick is in seeing and knowing how to take advantage of them.

1 year ago

Will you be sleeping inside a Faraday Cage anytime soon?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You deserve good sleep. Sweet dreams friend.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

Amazon unveils 6-foot robots that walk and lift items in its warehouses

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

Replacing the unclean peasants.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

So what jobs are the immigrants going to do?

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

So what jobs are the immigrants going to do?”

Offing the heritage population normies that are unaware of cabal.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

your job, then interring bodies

1 year ago

The chin keeps changing:

comment image?ex=654473b5&is=6531feb5&hm=983161865a1fcf21673047d69909a88fed40066b959b3afd3b87efd474785829&=&width=298&height=646

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago


1 year ago

X Platform May Leave the European Union Over the ‘Digital Services Act’ – Elon Musk Tired of the Push for Censorship Coming From Brussels

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

The Diary Of A CEO – No.1 Neuroscientist: Stress Leaks Through Skin, Is Contagious & Gives You Belly Fat!- Dr. Tara Swart

1 year ago

Shifa Hospital is Both a Hospital and a Hamas Hub
More on Shifa Hospital can be found here: “What reporters aren’t telling you about Shifa Hospital: It is Hamas HQ
Hamas Leaders Hiding in Basement of Israel-built Hospital in Gaza
The idea that one of Hamas’ main command bunkers is located beneath Shifa Hospital in Gaza City is one of the worst-kept secrets of the Gaza war.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

So you believe everything Israel says?

Chris Hedges who’s been there: Israel’s Culture of Deceit, by Chris Hedges – The Unz Review

Jesus Christ called them out on it! They all lie–Jews and Muslims; they are incapable of truth. Dissimulation is a Semitic habit.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Who said I believe everything either side says?

1 year ago

Ukrainian Lawmakers Vote To Ban Country’s Largest Orthodox Church Body

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

No serious Christian – by that I don’t mean Judaeo-Christians – should be supporting Ukraine.

1 year ago

Pup dump:

comment image?ex=65411ebf&is=652ea9bf&hm=0697e64fc621b86d4b999bdb92963c635220492dd03cfd50da8a981503973fd7&

comment image?ex=653cd5a3&is=652a60a3&hm=22c10d02c6ea536cffeb0f44ca29c7c836d1d858d9d6be9bb27e61880a25cccc&

comment image?ex=653ce4e6&is=652a6fe6&hm=b3b21b38de6e92f24bffc8339f59c817b084e8a89fe1833b4a55b1bcd6a9350c&

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comment image?ex=653b7f55&is=65290a55&hm=7f3c5d7d0adb35a907d181d4fc4ce4b633a2774a9b3abbbae9822815d15570fa&

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I love dogs but they require too much time and effort for me, so I have cats. (Plus the smell of dog crap makes me gag and picking it up is very unpleasant for me.) I play with friends’ dogs. I can’t say I’ve ever had a cat come back. I had my favorite cat before my divorce. I had to leave her with the neighbors. It would be cool to see her personality come back in another cat.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The situation with Pit Bulls has me convinced that “dog” is actually a larger organism, the instantiations we perceive as “a dog” are but a portion of it, one which can access the wider understanding of “dog” as a whole under the right conditions.

The nature of physicality, evolution, the material, requires certain perceptual filters. A masquerade of individuation. Humanity seems to be the prime material agents of moral exploration, and our decisions have wide-reaching consequences. The uplift of “dog” is one of our great victories; the abuse of Pit Bulls, one of our recent failures.

Reply to  Aurini
1 year ago

I think dog ‘breeds’ are the gateway/springboard/catapult to Real Critical Race Theory (TM).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Aww buddies. Heart is melted. Thanks for the Puppers pix

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

cute babies

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Tremendous photos Farce.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Forgive my ignorance, what is the name of this breed?

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Some of those are German Shepherds.
I’m not sure about some but they are either GSs or a related breed like Belgian Shepherds.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I had an American Eskimo growing up. Her prior family couldn’t keep her so they gave her to us when she was about 3. That dog was smart.

One time my parents heard a noise coming from the living room in the middle of the night. They ran out, and found the dog on the couch with her paw on the remote control. She turned the TV on and was watching it.

You know how animals are; they chose whom they want to bond with closest. That dog chose me for whatever reason.I was at the lowest point of my deployment in 1996 when I got a letter from home that my dog died. It was like twisting a knife.

My mom hoarded Pomeranians and had six when she passed away. We had one in high school that could actually communicate. Very smart dog. He’d come up to you with that “I want something” look. I’d run down the checklist. He has food, he has water, open the door, no, he doesn’t want to go outside. I’d ask if he wanted a treat and get a reaction like “great idea, but not what I want.” Then I’d ask if he wanted a chewy. Bark, bark, bark! Problem solved.

We even had a smart rabbit at one point. He knew the Pekingese we had was too stupid to interpret playing, so he’d ignore her and jump out at the other dogs growling when he wanted to play. Somehow they all knew it was a game and no one got hurt.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago


comment image?region=0,24,1920,768

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Biden? The guy is as crooked as a dog’s hind leg, he’s been enriching himself through corruption and taxpayer largesse for half a century, all the while screwing over the heritage population by facilitating massive illegal immigration, and gaslighting us that “it’s a good thing”.

Yet, when I see this old dementia patient, especially in the 2nd photo, struggling to even comprehend what is going on, while also exhibiting confused mental pain and anguish in his facial expression, it’s difficult not to marvel at the sheer sadistic malevolence of his handlers who are forcing him to go through this. And to feel a twinge of sadness for what Biden got himself into.

Yes, I look forward to Jesus Christ judging Biden justly, but at this point in his life he is, for all intents and purposes, a prisoner of the Satanic cabal. A man to be pitied.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

GOD uses the wicked to punish the wicked.
I watch him and have a feeling of righteous satisfaction that he is getting just a small amount of his just reward in this life.