Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Binance Exits Russia, Sells Russian Operations To CommEX
DFT – Toyota Output Rises Off Global Production
DFT – Russia-China De-Dollarization Threatens Strength Of Dollar
DFT – Volkswagen Resumes Production Following IT Outage
DFT – Britain’s Economy Forecasted To Contract In 2023 And 2024
Elon Musk fires X ‘election integrity’ team for undermining election integrity. When the news was reported, Musk replied “Oh you mean the ‘Election Integrity’ Team that was undermining election integrity? Yeah, they’re gone.”
Biden family collected $15 million in foreign money, DOJ ‘obstructed’ probe.
Fox slashes ad prices for second debate as primary turns into ‘snoozer.’
GOP Donors Taking Fresh Look at Nikki Haley as Best Alternative to Trump. They are down to this.
JPMorgan pays $75 million in settlements over Jeffrey Epstein associations.
Fetterman: Menendez is like Tony Soprano, not a close call — ‘He needs to go.’
Biden administration constructing migrant encampments in National Parks.
Democrat Georgia Representative Hank Johnson: “Migrants are not crossing into the U.S. illegally.”
All Philly liquor stores are closed today after at least 18 were broken into overnight.
Musk says ‘America is going full Joker’ after watching people loot stores in Philadelphia.
Elon Musk declares ‘We actually do need a wall’ and it’s ‘not a partisan issue.’
A popular social media influencer known as “Meatball,” a black 300 lb female with 650,000 followers across Instagram and TikTok, livestreamed the rabid looting spree that engulfed Philadelphia’s city center overnight, before she was seemingly arrested while cheering on the marauders. Maybe my case is unique, but from what I see you do not threaten to even try to gather followers and exert influence unless you are under the thumb of Cabal, and maybe not even then. She must be an asset, and was egging on the chaos.
Biden taps anti-cop activist to lead White House gun violence office.
D.C. hits 200 killings before Oct., most since ’97.
In a series of handwritten notes posted on X, Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Chandler Jones claimed the Las Vegas fire department last week took him to a mental hospital where he was injected with an unknown substance. Supposedly over a concerning social media post, whatever that means. You cannot trust anyone, if you are not in the network. And God forbid you end up in a position to really succeed without network approval.
Gavin Newsom signs nearly 2 dozen “gun safety” laws.
Forbes: MrBeast makes $82 million, more than double any other digital creator. Do you believe you could do that, had you followed the exact same path as him?
Chinese hackers stole 60,000 emails from US State Dept. in Microsoft hack.
Bolsonaro indicted for 2014 remarks against PT congresswoman.
A hard-right party gathers strength in Poland, pushing a new, less friendly course on Ukraine.
Russians are breaking the law to watch hit Hollywood movies like Barbie and Oppenheimer, The Guardian reported. The things the media thinks we care about…
US and UK involved in attack on Crimea which tried to decapitate Russian military leadership, but failed – Russia. If Russia wants to wreck Globohomo, reveal the surveillance, and set off the internal conflict in America. Make it obvious to our people, the real war is right here, in our neighborhoods. Put videos, files, data, everything they have, on Russian government websites. I think it would be vastly more destructive to Russia’s enemies than any military response. That said, Russia would kick our ass now. We know 9/11 was fake, we know the whole system is our enemy. Nobody with balls who would fight to the death, wants to team up with the wokesters and Trannies in the US military to get shot for Globohomo and Joe Biden. And I say that as a guy who used to be the biggest “My country right or wrong,” “Rah-Rah War!” guy, until I saw the surveillance and realized what was going on. It is that quick for any patriot, like a light switch. Reveal the surveillance, and overnight Russia will have tens of millions of armed American patriots on its side, right within our borders, saying, fuck this whole system, let Putin have it.
The people who took down affirmative action at Harvard are coming for the military academies.
Trump takes 43-point lead in Republican primary race.
Spread r/K Theory, because we should not have to wait until 202 to take office
“Spread r/K Theory, because we should not have to wait until 202 to take office”
“Honour your mistake as a hidden intention.” — Brian Eno
US Admits Israel Into Visa Waiver Program In Major Upgrade To Ties
Are they getting ready to flee ISR?
“Hollywood’s latest blockbuster is about a Mexican immigrant overcoming the obstacles of a racist society to became the first ‘migrant farm worker’ to go into space.”
· Space Beaners
· Juan in a Trillion
· Killer Klown Kar from Outer Space
Juanina Trillion (female(male)) Captain of Starship BeanMachine.
Complete fantasy. A truly racist society would not have let him do anything except return to his home country.
Capricorn Juan
Aliens (1986) – Where They Are – YouTube
“She thought they said “illegal aliens” and she signed up”.
And don’t let’s forget the inspiration for the role:
The Astronaut by Jose Jimenez 1961 – YouTube
> So, they’re considering a draft.
The military almost always wants a draft. They keep talking about the shortage of recruits, but they have no problem getting as many grunts as they need. What they’re chronically short of are doctors, engineers, mathematicians, language experts, and general officer-grade material.
Unfortunately people in those careers lean hard left and are unlikely to consider the military, and of the handful that might be interested, they usually realize they could make considerably more money in the civilian market.
John T Reed has a compelling argument for why we should have a draft. For one thing, it would spread the responsibility for defense across the population. It’s really easy for Neocunts and liberals to advocate for war when they know they won’t have to die in it. A draft would force people they personally know to serve, which might temper their constant calls for war. It would also bring in some specialties the military needs. I’m all for the making people more aware that they could be committing those they know to death in war.
That only works with an honest draft. The children of TPTB will get deferments, or flat feet, or National Guard duty.
Frontline duty will go to the expendables, chosen from groups whose voice can be ignored.
Drafting for speciality needs will follow the same M.O., picking from the bottom of the barrel.
Calls for war or calls for peace are full on propaganda. The 70s peace movement was funded and controlled, and not by poor or middle class. Any group who resists John T Reed’s draft will be treated worse than parents at a school board meeting.
In a country where registering as an R means you don’t get called for jury duty in many areas, that anybody thinks a draft would be honest is delusional.
You’re reading the info here, but not comprehending and adapting it to your mental models.
There is no fair draft. The protected cabal actors will remain protected, you and your honest friends will walk into pre-sighted enemy artillery and be dusted. There is no reasonable solution so long as cabal and surveillance exists.
I’m just saying that John T. Reed made some arguments for why we should have a draft and summarized them. That’s all I did. I’m not reading or stating anything outside of that.
But he is right. If people were in danger of having to fight the wars, they might be more resistant to either advocating for them, or ignoring them. That has nothing to do with fairness or corruption. I am aware that people like JP Morgan paid $300 to get out of the Civil War draft.
Plus everyone knows .mil is phake amd ghey now so noone good wants to die for bankerzwarz.
and most intelligent ones do not want all manner of experimental concoctions injected into them either
16 September, 2022, the graduating OSUT class from Ft. Benning (you heard me) was about 50% undermanned. Officers would regularly entreat the recruits to get them to convince friends/family to enlist.
Since this class was an infantry training unit, it was interesting to see that it was 80-90% white.
“Ft. Benning (you heard me)”
I love you, man
> Russians are breaking the law to watch hit Hollywood movies like Barbie and Oppenheimer, The Guardian reported.
The Russian film industry is barely existent, but I’d pay to watch some good movies about Gena the Crododile or Andrei Sakharov.
Sakharov was Oppenheimer’s opposite number in the USSR. He was the director of their A-bomb and H-bomb projects, then ran afoul of the political commissars, was stripped of his security clearance, and frozen out.
Funny, that.
Check out the fantasy works of Alexander Ptushko.
Lots of people break the laws to watch movies on the arm, and they do it everywhere.
The Night Watch/Day Watch films (based on an original series of books) were so good Hollywood came calling for the director, Timur Bekmambetov. They had him make a film called Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, a decision which I ascribed to incompetence at the time, and that I now see as clearly malicious.
> Tennessee to consider cutting off federal government funding for education to eliminate federal strings on the education of its children.
They can do it. They paid their own way before the DOE was created and started dangling hooks baited with money.
Of course, they’d have to fire several layers of useless bureaucracy, DEI and CRT consultants, and do something about the bloated teacher salaries.
Teachers always like to make out like they’re some kind of irreplaceable specialists, but in reality they’re just babysitters. Very expensive babysitters. With a union and Political Action Committees.
> The people who took down affirmative action at Harvard are coming for the military academies.
I don’t know about Annapolis, but West Point has been pwned for decades. The Spense Rapone case brought that to light.
The small, private academies… I dunno. I would say no, except I didn’t think they could subvert West Point, either.
‘The Army War College thinks war with China could cause 3600 casualties per day. So, they’re considering a draft.’
Gen-Z men? Good luck with that.
They’re low balling.
I’m not a 9/11 guy. “The usual suspects doing their usual things” is enough for me. But saw this browsing today and thought it was really cool. Very vert hot exposion below ground….
“GOP Donors Taking Fresh Look at Nikki Haley as Best Alternative to Trump. They are down to this.”
How can any registered Republican see stuff like this, and NOT realize that the GOP elite hate their own voters?
It’s great, in a way. Not going with DJT means they’re retiring. A new party can start.
Not going with DJT means explicirly rejecting any possible nationally appealing platform.
“A feature and not a bug” of the GOP.
Or, reason #1234567 why I’ve never been a GOP guy. They’re just Liberals.
“Tennessee GOP mayoral candidate Gabrielle Hanson backed husband’s decision to take part in Chicago Pride march wearing just Speedos – but opposes LGBT events in her own town”
Dig the photo! Loooool. Is she a female cuck?
She’s the beard for his sodomy addiction.
I bet a dollar that’s a mixed-orientation marriage, right there. She mayyybe doesn’t know about his fave twinks on Grindr but they might also have an understanding where she allows him a closed-loop arrangement with the husband of a gal pal, and some kind of weird power exchange bullshit.
News flash there Gabby, your husband is gay. I bet she’s into some real kinky stuff.
If she was, she would have supported LGBT in her own town. Watch for dissolution soon.
At this point, I’m wondering if Fetterman is the next annointed one.
Cabal sent out Schumer to debase himself and take a huge L for Fetterman.
At first, I thought it was a flex on non-Cabal Congressmen. A Caligula showing just how powerless the Senators really were by appointing his horse.
But damn if Fetterman being put forward as an authority on who can stay and go in the Senate makes me think he may be a power player.
Or from MMC viewpoint, a gay theater kid meant to play a leading role.
“If Russia wants to wreck Globohomo, reveal the surveillance, and set off the internal conflict in America. Make it obvious to our people, the real war is right here, in our neighborhoods. Put videos, files, data, everything they have, on Russian government websites. I think it would be vastly more destructive to Russia’s enemies than any military response. That said, Russia would kick our ass now.”
The enigma of why Russia does not do this – reveal the surveillance – is the logical question whose proof resides in our complicit mainstream media’s failure to ask it. Russia faces an existential threat so why has it not yet exploded this incendiary within Cabal’s camp? Cabal likewise faces an existential threat – a domestic army of Trump’s armed Americans supported by the Russian military on one flank plus the Chinese military on the other. Cabal will be annihilated, it’s a matter of timing and cost in innocent lives.
If Cabal’s leadership has already been decapitated (circa 2017-2018) and the rest is mopping up its minions, its final collapse could be quite sudden, forestalling the Russian surveillance reveal and the domestic US bloodbath that would ensue. The flawed character of Cabal’s minions means many or most will be cowards and relieved to have a negotiated surrender with life in prison.
If Cabal’s leadership is intact then we’re looking at a prolonged, ritualistic death dance over the next several years. One crescendo will certainly be the July 2024 – January 2025 election period. It’s likely the Russians will let this play out as war-gamed, without a surveillance reveal, as a non-Trump election win result, of any kind, will be so entirely illegitimate that a new chapter of history will be evident to all. In this stage direct ops of patriots with foreign support will be deemed legitimate in a recognizably Cabal-occupied totalitarian regime. In a post-January 2025 without Trump as president we are most likely to see a surveillance reveal and the battle fronts emerge from the shadows.
Don’t have time for more, but for what its worth Martin Armstrong has been saying that 2024 will be rough, but the main war kicks off in 2025.
RUS hasn’t built up themselves militarily enough yet.
They just bought Ikea’s mega malls to turn into factories.
And the budget is now openly “everything for the front”
Or, fronts now that the Kazakhs (uranium) have gone globohomo.
“..most will be cowards and relieved to have a negotiated surrender with life in prison.”
And you can pay for come to prison and tortured one of that weirdos. AWSOME!
BBC animal expert ‘raped puppies, tortured dogs’
“Born and raised in the UK, the crocodile expert moved to Australia in the early 2000s and built a successful mainstream career, even co-producing a BBC series with famed nature broadcaster Sir David Attenborough.”
Think you can rise to build “a successful mainstream career” Anon?
Yep. Surveillance saw that, and he was cleared to rise to the next level.
I will bet they get some kind of bonus points in the organization when they find it. When they are watching him rape a dog in the house next door, I will bet they are thinking it is a jackpot.
This is cabal comms to Biden negotiation his retirement. It’s explicit in the article I read, where they noted something like, “this could become a huge crime resulting in a prison sentence, or it could all turn out to just be a mistake.” That’s the offer. Pardon Hunter and resign, and it all “turns out to be a mistake.” Make them push him out, and they intend to send HIM to prison — or more importantly, Hunter (which is how he makes his money.)
Of course, I don’t care about any of that shit for the next three weeks, the Texas State Fair opens tomorrow.
This discusses all the methods AC describes. Apparently there may be an effort afoot to normalize very high level surveillance.
Gets really interesting after 10 minute mark.
When the Russian Special Military Operation began, the United States, Canada, and Europe began seizing the property of private citizens. This included yachts, aircraft, real estate, investment accounts, bank accounts, etc. This policy of stealing Russian citizen’s property has continued up to today. German and Estonian police have stopped Russian families on the highway, forced the families – mothers, fathers, and children – from the car, then driven away with the cars. The German and Estonian governments contend this is not “theft,” it is “sanctions.”
The Russian government has responded by rescinding patent and copyright protection private persons who reside in countries who instituted these polices against Russian private citizens. This includes the rescinding of copyright protection for movies, television show, software, and music produced in the United States. Therefore, the Russians are not breaking the law by watching movies such as Barbie and Openheimer because in Russia there is no law against the reproduction, sale, or broadcast of these movies.
As the Brits say, “Turn about is fair play.” If you begin a fight, don’t complain when the other person hits back.
So if a Russian were to start a business online, burning off copies of movies on DVDs, or a streaming service, and you watched it in America, technically, are you violating a law if it is legal in Russia? I mean the Russians have legal access, you bought legal access from somewhere it was legal, would to legal issue reside in Russia and thus not effect you?
Way back there was a service selling music,, maybe still operational, which was in Russia. decades earlier, in the time of the Soviets, as I recall, some Russian company bought like 100 years of access to all the music produced by music studios in America, so they could play it in elevators or stores, and so the company had legal use of American music for pennies compared to everywhere else. Once mp3s became a thing, they were selling them for pennies online, with no copy protection, driving the Music studios nuts.
At this point, they are all enemies. If Russia can help America take their products for free, it is less money for Cabal.
Around 2005, before we had iTunes and Amazon music, I used a site called I could get songs for 10 cents. It was great. I put $20 on the site when whenever I heard a song I wanted, I’d go there and buy it and download it. Then I think our credit card companies cut it off because I couldn’t add money to my balance after the first $20. That was back when you still have to pay $20 for a CD to get one good song. Even the original digital albums required buying the entire thing. Sure, we had digital music, but it was all CRM protected or locked to one specific platform.
At least we finally got CRM free music where you could buy a single song.
The sanctions are about instrumentalising individuals: yes, we will exempt your yacht and your family if you can just have a little word with your oligeezer colleagues…
It’s humint looking for chinks in Russian cohesion. They want powerful individuals to turn. It’s the only way they know to ‘win’.
It’s obvious, since overall, the sanctions have only favoured autarchy, growth, and patriotism at the general population level.
See also the case of Alina Lipp, a German-Russian journalist whose bank account got frozen and couldn’t risk going back to Germany or she might have had to go to jail for her reporting from the Donbass.
Fake news. Surrender frequencies like that are extremely common in war. It’s a de-escalation thing. Civilized countries will use it for things like a short cease fire (like 1 hour in a 1km map grid) to allow medics to remove the casualties from the battlefield (although I don’t count the Ukrainian forces as civilized, in that they couldn’t be trusted to abide a cease fire like that.)
The real story is the 10K POWs that Russia is holding, not the radio freq they use to surrender.
The story is about increasing rate of uptake, and implications thereof.
Rus has way more than 10k pows. I saw a figure of 18k 2 months ago.
The real story would be a comparison of humanitarian conditions for pows on each side. Imagine how quickly Western popular (zombie) support for UA would end if its Geneva violations were widely known.
Mr “Beast” is of course, cabal.
The name I suspect, is no coincidence
Russians are breaking the law to watch hit Hollywood movies like Barbie and Oppenheimer, The Guardian reported.
More to do with banning Hollywood making money in Russia.
Russians feel rightly curious about what USA’s AAA propaganda output is saying: Jewish bombs and plastic people.
They are wondering if they still have a taste for imported ‘culture’.
Stealing from Hollywood is just a bonus.
We read, or see personally, how many footsoldiers there are in ground surveillance. Wonder where they come from? Here’s an entry portal, a Craigslist job posting in the Transport section in Norfolk, VA. Seems innocent, right? Just driving a daily grid to collect license plates?
CAMERA DRIVER/SPOTTER (Norfolk) © craigslist – Map data © OpenStreetMap
compensation: Negotiable
employment type: full-time
job title: Camera Car Driver/Spotter
Are you seeking to join a great team? We are a leader in the auto recovery industry and one of the fastest growing companies in the Virginia Beach area. Due to increasing demand, we are hiring Camera Car Driver/Spotters to expand our field support team. This is an outstanding chance to begin a new career earning up to $1,200 per week. We believe in promoting from within, so there are lots of opportunities for personal growth.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
• Drive a pre-planned grid pattern in one of our camera cars to allow the cameras to read and identify license plates.
• Operate a computerized camera system to communicate alerts to the team.
• Maintain a professional appearance both personally and of the assigned vehicle.
• Operate service vehicles in a safe and lawful manner.
• Effectively communicate using digital devices and dedicated GPS/Dispatch applications in a manner compliant with FCC rules and company guidelines.
• Adhere to all departmental safety guidelines and all local/state/federal driving laws.
• Other duties as assigned.
• Successfully pass drug tests in compliance with Company Policy, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and Company’s contractual requirements
• Must submit to and pass complete background check as per Company policy and Company’s contractual requirements
• Must possess a valid driver’s license and clean driving record.
• Must be 23 years old or older to meet insurance requirements
• Basic computer and data entry skills required
• Ability to interact with courtesy, sympathy, understanding, and always maintain a professional demeanor
• Possess strong ethics – treat people with respect, keep commitments, inspire trust in others, work with integrity and uphold organizational values
Pathfinder Auto Recovery is an equal opportunity employer. We evaluate qualified applicants without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, marital status, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other characteristic protected by law.
We’re hiring now. To apply, email your resume and three professional references to or apply to our site:
All employees are required to pass a criminal background check.
We are committed to providing a Drug and Alcohol Free workplace.
Where is Gov. Hobbs, SoS Fontes, and AG Mayes?
Hobbs seems to be in DC (flight issues?), but Fontes appears to be in Scottsdale.
But Treasurer Yee is currently Acting Governor.— Cameron Arcand (@cameron_arcand) September 28, 2023
Video of planned bully attack in middle school:
But wait, there’s more:
“Video taping this crime spree is the best idea we ever had!” That used to be a joke on the Simpsons.
It’s interesting how all of these recent crimes – which by their nature are perfectly tuned as culture war fodder – have been deliberately filmed and then broadcast over social media, and then boosted by the mainstream media. Instead of talking about housing prices, which affect everyone, we’re focused on trans kids and ‘wildlings’ which are statistically rare. If you wanted a video taped crime which could spin us up into arguing over irrelevancies, I can’t think of anything much better than these two videos, or the kids who went joy riding and killed there sheriff.
There’s no real substance to any of these. They’re lone individuals. But if we get all mad about it, it will futher entrench the left, while accomplishing nothing and distracting from more fertile avenues of conversation.
“The people who took down affirmative action at Harvard are coming for the military academies.”
We need to be focusing on AA in hiring and promotions. It’s great that they won the battle of college admissions, but the war is in the business world. Hopefully those cases are also in the works.
Everyone famous is closer related than they should be:
Prighozin and Pope Francis look like identical twins. It’s incredibly unsettling.
Maybe Phelps can weigh in on this:
More Extra-Legal Weirdness
I don’t waste my time with Mathis.
Do so…it’s short
I read it. Vinny was right.
That’s what they do when there is a typo or other mistake. Rescind the former filing and issue a new one. It’s routine.
This is why I don’t waste time with Mathis. Fake news.
They are all doing this: