News Brief – 08/09/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Two scalable SVGs to fuck with the heads of your followers:


Rep. Burchett demands answers from TSA about Tulsi Gabbard on “Quiet Skies” watchlist.

Trump assassination attempt: Pennsylvania police release bodycam from deadly Butler rally. Not really earthshattering.

New bodycam video: Butler PA officers at Trump rally after the shooting -I f**ing told them (USSS) to post guys over here.

Georgia election board reopens Fulton County probe of 2020 election.

Special counsel Jack Smith on Thursday requested more time to consider how former President Donald Trump’s January 6 case can move forward, after the Supreme Court gave Trump a major victory last month.

Dutchsinse, who developed a mechanism to predict earthquakes and how radar could modify weather, has had his Twitter flagged numerous different ways to shut down his spread, so he deleted his Twitter. Interesting. He is on to something huge.

Hunter Biden was paid by a Romanian oligarch to “influence U.S. policy and public opinion,” while his father, Joe Biden, was vice president, according to new documents.

Three senior executives at the voting machine company Smartmatic have been charged in a massive bribery scheme, funneling around $1 million in bribes to Juan Andres Donato Bautista, 60, the former Chairman of the Filipino Commission of Elections (COMELEC).

CNN commentator: Walz meant ‘training’ when claiming he carried weapon ‘in war.’ “You listen here, Lowell, I’ve carried a weapon in training, I know what I am talking about!”

My son, 19, was killed in Iraq serving in the military unit Tim Walz ‘abandoned’: I’ll never trust Kamala Harris’ VP pick who took the ‘coward’s way out.’

Tim Walz, accused of Stolen Valor, voted ‘Yea’ on the Stolen Valor Act.

Minnesota National Guard disputes Walz’s military biography, confirms he didn’t retire as Command Sergeant Major.

Politico reports that the Harris campaign has deleted the reference to Walz being a retired “Command Sergeant Major” from his campaign website bio.

Gateway Pundit – FIFTH TIM WALZ STOLEN VALOR VIDEO SURFACES! – Walz Introduces Himself at a 2006 Veterans Event as a “Retired Command Sergeant Major” – A COMPLETE LIE.

Don Jr tweeted about this one (I suspect it is parody, but with Democrats you never know for sure):



On Q’s board there are allegations now of some kind of Horse-semen kickback scheme with the racing commission coming to light. Asked for comment, Walz’s spokesperson said he could not speak to it right now, as he was feeling a little hoarse in his throat. For those not getting the joke, liberals made up a passage from Vance’s Hillbilly book where he was supposed to have written everyone in his family came of age by having sex with their couch, or something. When Walz accepted the position from Kamala, he said he would debate JD Vance, if you could get him off the couch to debate, acting as if the made-up story was real. Politics is getting more and more sophisticated, so try to keep up.

A rally for Kamala Harris in Detroit, Michigan, on Wednesday reportedly ended in disaster with thousands stranded due to their being no shuttles to take them back to their vehicles, while certain staffers were brought to tears.

Kamala Harris has taken a five-point lead in a head-to-head matchup with Donald Trump, according to a new nationwide poll by Marquette University. Worrying, in that it might mean they have calculated that they have amassed enough illegals that with the rigging, this would be the result.

Cook Political report shifts Arizona, Georgia, Nevada toward Harris.

As California AG, Kamala met with Planned Parenthood, and then immediately ordered a raid on  pro-life journalist.

14% of illegal immigrants in Georgia admit they are registered to vote in America’s elections.

Loraine Pellegrino, a past president of the group Ahwatukee Republican Women, and a Republican activist who signed a document falsely claiming Donald Trump had won Arizona in 2020 became the first person to be convicted in the state’s fake elector case.

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin mandates paper ballots for November election.

Nevada agrees to purge 90K ineligible voters from election rolls.

Arizona judge declares key portions of 2024 election manual unconstitutional, siding with election integrity advocates.

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton’s ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­tion into Act­Blue yields coop­er­a­tion on donor cred­it card identification. Donors now have to submit the CVV to contribute.

Scott Ritter was Swatted after the FBI raid and the intimidation campaign being waged on him.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. admitted that he had been picking up roadkill meat his “whole life” and that he had a “freezer full of it” at home in a revelation that comes just days after his bizarre Central Park bear cub dump bombshell. This is weird, and something is off. It is very difficult to know they provenance of a dead animal by the side of the road, and whether it was freshly killed, or has been there too long to eat. If this is true, and he had a fridge full of roadkill, I am thinking he is seeing an animal on the road, and he compulsively runs over it, and then sticks it in his fridge. That is the only way I see you encountering enough roadkill, which you would know was freshly killed, to fill a fridge. I doubt he was always, just by chance, behind some woman who happened to hit a bear cub just as she hit it, and he filled the fridge that way. If he was doing that, it is also possible he ran over that bear cub himself, under conditions where he was not doing it to eat it. It might explain the picture of him laughing with the dead body, feigning it biting him. He might be a lot weirder than we would think.

Over 3,000% hike in illegal aliens on terror watchlist, DHS frees dozens in U.S., judges grant bail. Politicians are not that stupid, nor does Cabal do things which risk its control. These “terrorists” are being freed because they are assets of Cabal, and fully under the conspiracy’s control.

A Los Angeles Times editorial is asking for a “do over” in the plastic bag ban that actually led to more plastic waste, since the thicker convenience totes that took their place as a reusable and recyclable alternative weren’t reused and actually aren’t recyclable.

Dayton Ohio seals eviction records now, so landlords cannot tell if potential tenants were evicted.

The FBI allowed Asif Raza Merchant, the Pakistani man charged with plotting with Tehran to assassinate Donald Trump and others, to enter the U.S. in April with special permission known as “significant public benefit parole” even though he was flagged on a terrorism watchlist and recently traveled to Iran.

MAGA-influencers on X have called for a boycott of Dunkin’ Donuts after the chief executive of the video platform Rumble alleged that the fast-food chain declined to advertise with it because “the right wing culture of the site is too polarizing.”

Planned Parenthood describes delivering late-term fetuses intact and alive and mutilating the bodies afterwards to cover up violations of the federal partial-birth abortion law, in conversations about selling fetal body parts.

Consumer Reports said the condoms given out by Planned Parenthood are defective. For an organization that makes money by selling abortions, that’s a very clever business strategy.

A new report finds Boeing’s rockets are built with an unqualified work force. Destroying these companies could affect our ability to function and manufacture what would be needed in a world war.

Stranded NASA astronauts could be VAPORIZED on terrifying mission to return to Earth in faulty Boeing Starliner spaceship, or be left floating in space in a capsule with no maneuverability. It is possible this was such a fuckup naturally, and it just happened to coincide with the broader assault on Boeing? Or could it be orchestrated, even by sabotage, to feed into the campaign? Why were they even doing this when SpaceX already has the Dragon capsule?

Jordan Petersen, who as I recall did some dramatic post about these people not knowing who they had taken on, and he would die for this cause:

One of my German Shepherds was a funny guy. He was laying by the side of my chair chewing a rawhide bone once, and I leaned over to look down on him. It was just a nice scene. He paused chewing and looked up at me, and suddenly his face went into the super-serious, aggressive German Shepherd expression, on super-alert, and we locked eyes, his filling with fire behind them. Both of us were motionless, and suddenly he kicked every leg at once in an explosion, while laying down. I didn’t move a muscle and just stayed motionless, our eyes locked on each other. He rocketed up to a sitting position as explosively as he could with a jumpy stomp at the end to make it more shocking, but I didn’t  move, and our eyes stayed locked. Suddenly he shot forward, the side of his snout stopping like an eighth-inch from my face. I didn’t laugh, didn’t blink, didn’t move a muscle and he hung there for a minute, eyes locked with mine, then he relaxed, looked off in the distance, pulled back, and I could see him shrug his shoulders in dogspeak, as if saying to himself, “Well, it was worth a try,” and go right back down to his bone as I rubbed the side of his neck laughing. Petersen kind of reminds me of that. Only if he wanted to, that dog could have been dangerous.

A Brookings Institution study finds Hispanics accounted for 91 percent of US population growth in the three years since the start of the pandemic due to immigration.

Majority of Americans oppose sending US forces to defend Israel if attacked by Iran.

Harris tells Palestinian organizers she is open to discuss arms embargo on Israel – NYT.

Israeli group practices Red Heifer ritual in front of Al-Aqsa mosque.

Africa’s public health agency is set to declare a Monkeypox public health emergency as early as next week.

Iraq parliament moves to legalize marriage for nine-year-old girls.

Why would French President Macron be married to a tranny when he is a heterosexual?:

Video of Macron here, if you think that is out of context – he is definitely homo, so it is not too far out to think a politician married to a guy might decide to stick a wig on him and claim he is his wife.

Bold plan to flood Darwin with thousands of US Marines as cheapest way to defend ‘under-prepared Australia from enemies (like China). That is one Globohomo nation willing to sacrifice tens of thousands of noble K-strategist Marines to maintain control over another Globohomo nation.

London ‘Peace’ rally marred as  Labour politician demands of white people, ‘Cut all their throats’ and is suspended by the party.

UK authorities begin to arrest citizens for social media posts “containing inaccurate information.” In some cases I have gotten the impression these may be Kayfabe, with the arrestee being surveillance, and letting them roll over on them like this. It is almost like they fear doing it to someone real, because this way, if things began to spiral, they could control the person they arrested and have them call for calm and so on, where if they did it for real, they would be entirely out of control of the arrestee’s side, if things began to spiral. I have even wondered if a lot of the people we think we caught them killing, were actually not killed, and that was all a show, to make us think they kill people, so we will just give them what they want, lest they kill us.

So they might fake-kill somebody like Ron Brown, or Michael Hastings, and then ship them off to serve out their years for the conspiracy in Tahiti, with Epstein and Tim McVeigh sipping Mohitos, because that way they would be in full control. Then they let datapoints leak out indicating they killed the person, so we think they are killing large numbers of people. But in reality, they are far more cautious about killing, because somebody like me would not be under control, they might miss, I might shoot back, and then it would be tough to know, 100% what would happen.

This conspiracy’s game seems to be tricking people into just giving it whatever it wants, using fear and threats. But until I am dead, I am not sure it really has the balls to try and follow through in most cases for real. In each case it tried for real, it would be entering a situation where it did not control a full 50% of the equation. To that end, I have fucked up their plans, because of my strict policy to never just give a bully what they want. If they want it, they need to nut up and go the full nine yards. But needing full control of all sides in every event, that does not seem to work for them. It might mean, when fighting it, you should have more faith everything will work out.

The Global Alliance for Responsible Media is ‘discontinuing’ after Elon Musk’s X filed an antitrust lawsuit against it. I wonder what is in their emails, and was going to have to be turned over in discovery.

Democrat Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) has doubts Vice President Kamala Harris can win Pennsylvania in November, predicting former President Donald Trump has always had it in the bag.

Trump has agreed to 3 debates in September with Fox News, ABC and NBC.

Trump and Kamala Harris agree to ABC debate on September 10.

Poll: Donald Trump leads Kamala Harris in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Trump holds 2-point lead over Harris with a big advantage on economy, CNBC survey shows.

Rasmussen Election 2024: Trump 49%, Harris 44%, RFK Jr. 3%.

Spread r/K Theory, because Trump is beating Kamala

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7 months ago

Don Jr tweeted about this one (I suspect it is parody, but with Democrats you never know for sure):

I’m going to assume it’s true until proven otherwise.
That’s the world we live in now.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

The “ingesting horse semen” thing is so out there it’s hard to discuss.
If it were a total fake, it would be easy and wise for Walz to deny using reasonably “media safe” language, and counter with “and you’d have to be a complete degenerate to think or believe that.” The fact that he hasn’t, and it’s something so sick that you can’t really talk about it in polite company, would tend to say it’s real. How do you tell your lefty parents or kids who like Walz (out of ignorance) about it, and not sound like a complete loon or retard? OTOH, it’s the sort of “joke” that would let someone own you; not vids of diddling kids level of ownership, but still. The threat of putting proof of that out there to derail a career would be strong medicine.

Maybe it was presented as a college dare, maybe it wasn’t, but either way (since it’s not been denied) he’s unfit for command of any sort.

A good thing to remember if you are out of other ideas to convince some Dem to at least stay home and not vote. “Yeah, Vance might be weird, but he’s not ‘have to go to the ER to get his stomach pumped from guzzling too much horse semen’ weird, an accusation we have newspaper clippings of and that he’s never denied. That’s the caliber of people YOU are voting for. A great match for Harris’s relationship with Willie Brown, tho….”

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Look at the title and name on the story just below the picture.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
7 months ago

Could easily be cover for a real disclosure.
“Don’t sue, it was just satire!”.

Or a soft threat to do a real reveal if he gets out of line with the cabal.

Last edited 7 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago


Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

It was formatted using TeX or LaTeX, by someone with only partial knowledge of how to use it. Look up the news source and see if the fonts and layout match.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

And they weren’t trying very hard to do a good job of formatting with that tool. Look at the spacing after non-end-of-sentence periods.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

The town looks faked by the time rtavel cabal. It is in Cuming County, and was co-founded by someone named Sexauer.

I don’t remember Walz being in Congress, in either house, to vote on the Stolen Valor Act, or that act passing either. (Some forms of stolen valor were already crimes.)

7 months ago

That is the only way I see you encountering enough roadkill, which you would know was freshly killed, to fill a fridge. I doubt he was always, just by chance, behind some woman who happened to hit a bear cub just as she hit it, and he filled the fridge that way. If he was doing that, it is also possible he ran over that bear cub himself, under conditions where he was not doing it to eat it. It might explain the picture of him laughing with the dead body, feigning it biting him. He might be a lot weirder than we would think.

He’s a sociopath and a sadist, that can be seen from many things about him and his life.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

I wonder how he got a worm that ate part of his brain
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess we’ll never know

Reply to  Anon
7 months ago

I bet he eats his roadkill raw, or Bleu.

7 months ago

‘Cook Political report shifts Arizona, Georgia, Nevada toward Harris.’

The criminaliens will be allowed to vote.

I’m not feeling optimistic about November.

Reply to  Maniac
7 months ago

I am not either.

Reply to  Maniac
7 months ago

Me neither. This movie sux

7 months ago

Impossible to tell, but…
That guy Macron is kissing looks a lot like that Jewish psychiatrist/handler that Kanye has.

a non anon
a non anon
7 months ago

“Politics is getting more and more sophisticated, so try to keep up.”
AC, you are the king of one-liners!
On a more serious note, your comments about fake deaths of public figures was incisive. All the best, sir.

a non 0
a non 0
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I was thinking about a lot of other things we “know”, such as the family living in a bus traveling around and doing the homeschool thing with their kids, live streams plenty of times about how to make an income, find cheap camping, all the “good” things you would think, and all of a sudden gets jammed up with the local CPS who takes their kids and they go through hell getting them back. Now think of that as kayfabe and done for our “benefit” to scare the traveling tempted normies to not take such a chance to break free.

A smart family traveling would not use their kids for clickbait, essentially, and if smart would also not post their location at the time, giving easy deniability to the local CPS that says they got a “tip”, rather than your follow-on surveillance being the rat. A posting about a nice place to stay does not need to be that timely that a video couldn’t work two weeks after you left that state.

You see how your posting got me thinking about all kinds of other situations we have had boil our blood, and plenty of it could just as easily all have been faked, as well.

7 months ago

He might be a lot weirder than we would think.

Even before this I was 80% on RFK2 being a sociopath based on how he left his first wife.

7 months ago

Why were they even doing this when SpaceX already has the Dragon capsule?

Politics. Boeing is a lobbying company that also makes planes and rockets. Boeing got the job because paid off politicians wanted Boeing to have a job.

7 months ago

Whenever I read Walz’s name, I can’t help but be reminded of the retarded character from “South Park” with the same name. “Timmah!”

Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus
Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus
7 months ago

AC heads up: Ace post just now:

“American Stasi:” DHS Surveillance Teams Followed Around Veteran and Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Because Her Statements Criticizing the Regime Make Her a Potential Terrorist

What War Goal Tells Us
What War Goal Tells Us
7 months ago

August 7 2024

Kamal Aroush (“Harris”) was reportedly born in Libya.

Qaddafi’s mother was reportedly Jewish. The Libyan Jewish community is not hidden. Most of the Libyan Muslim community strongly supported Qaddafi.  

Hormone meds (such as birth-control and gender-alteration pills) have been in worldwide use since before Kamal Aroush was born. 

The private team of election and media controllers who install perceived leaders want as much war in as many places as possible. That’s obvious and undebateable.

The installers-of-perceived-leaders also want to get people both 1) to kill each other off and 2) to pay the installers-of-perceived-leaders billions for killing each other off. And they want to weaken the survivors. 

That’s why — unless major foundational profound change happens first — Kamal Aroush is going to be installed as POTUS.

That’s been the plan for a very long time. At least since Kamal was installed as a US senator by Boxer, Feinstein, and the rest of the small club that controls what’s falsely perceived as a national interstate political alliance (called the Democrat party). With help from the tiny club that controls the other perceived political-alliance image (called the Republican party).

It’s also the reason for cranking up so much expectation for Trump exaltation and righteous comeback with all the propaganda and show we’re now enduring. They’re setting up a huge disappointment.

It’s also the reason for putting cretin military thugs and drug pushers from the US and Europe all over the world. And then bringing millions of the surviving victims of those thugs into the US and Europe. 

And the reason for criminalizing people who try to stop the orchestrated forced invasion into their countries of people who the political installers say are enemies of the people the installers criminalize for trying to stop the forced orchestrated invasion into their countries of what the installers tell them are their enemies.

And it’s the reason for forcing criminalized civilian opponents of the invasion to pay for the foreign wars against the countries the invaders are imported from, and for the costs of the importation-invasion, and for the living costs and education of the invaders, and for the costs of removing the invaded people from their jobs, businesses, civic management positions, homes, properties, and land, and for the costs of erasing truth and rewriting history.

And it’s the reason for ramping up relentless DEI and cultural-identity propaganda in the invaded countries, for shutting down small businesses, for forbidding big businesses to hire the most qualified candidates, and for replacing European workers with imported non-Europeans at large companies.

These things are happening because election and media controllers who install perceived leaders want as much war in as many places as possible. 

That’s also the reason for depleting Europe and the US of defensive arms, personnel, and budgets via Ukraine and the many other manufactured conflicts that can be prevented and solved but are intentionally extended for no honest reason until they’re no longer useful to the installers of perceived leaders.

It’s also why 5G/nextG/satellite hypersonic remote war-weapon towers and infrastructure have ALREADY been deployed all over the world. 

It’s also why the system for faking election results endures and gets worse and actual votes won’t be counted in November 2024 and the media will declare the results the installer-team has already chosen no matter how many votes are cast for anyone.

The installers of perceived leaders are trying to cause as much war in as many places as they can.

Unless major foundational profound change happens first, Kamal Aroush is going to be installed as POTUS. A shock-and-awe event might happen, possibly by the end of October 2024. Phantom “Biden” will be “blamed.”

They’re going to install Kamal Aroush as POTUS. Before this, the installed PR-image teams were called Biden, Trump, Obama, the Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman, Roosevelt, Hoover, and so on back probably to the first half of the 1800s. Yes, even JFK.

To repeat: Kamal Aroush is going to be installed. It appears this has been the plan for a long time. …Obama followed by Trump followed by Biden followed by Aroush (“Harris”). For long-term goals.

Again, the installers are trying to cause as much war in as many places as they can.

Might as well anticipate this, even if all of the above is or seems impossible. 

But it can’t be denied that the networked-team of installers of perceived leaders are trying to cause as much war in as many places as they can. 

A lot of what doesn’t ever make sense to those of us who are outside the controllers’ control network does make sense when you start drawing conclusions and inferences from the reality that the team of people who install perceived leaders want and are unstoppably determined to get as much war in as many places as they can possibly wage it. 

Most of us who are outside the control network believed for many years that the only reason for that was profit. But now we’re understanding that there are other reasons. None of which benefit us outsiders.

Reply to  What War Goal Tells Us
7 months ago

So are you saying that they’re trying to cause as much war in as many places as they can? Are you also suggesting that Kamala will be installed?

Reply to  MetalMilitia
7 months ago


What War Goal Tells Us
What War Goal Tells Us
Reply to  MetalMilitia
7 months ago

Just wanted to be very clear.

Enjoyed your comment. Sarcasm appreciated and point well-taken.

What’s bugging me is that even after the last 50 years of obvious election corruption everywhere and installation of gangster-chosen insider uni-party club members like barely-average-IQ and total sleaze Nancy Pelosi (!!!!!!), people keep treating the fake election system like it’s real. (“If Trump wins, then…”)

Doesn’t that bug you? People STILL believe the myth of US voting and elections? Even after 2020?

Reply to  What War Goal Tells Us
7 months ago

Good observation.

Then there are also the put downs in forums like “Well *insert blue state/city here) voted for it, so they get what they get!”

But did they really vote for it? They probably didn’t.

It’s all rigged.

Reply to  What War Goal Tells Us
7 months ago

Nice blackpill, too bad we aren’t buying those.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

The deeper we must go the more black pills we must swallow: we are ruled by the wicked and the depraved.

a b c
a b c
Reply to  teotoon
7 months ago

They treat us as if those are not pills, but ginormous supposi….

Wolf Creek
Wolf Creek
7 months ago

huh? I was just checking Ace’s site, and here’s this:

7 months ago

We live in Bizarro world.

Go to the Drudge–Trump is sinking in the polls fast; JD Vance is shrinking. Go to Brietbart, Trump ahead +5%.

Bizarro World.

But this is also part of the psyop going on—muddying the waters. Scott Adams notices that the media is lying to the Left in “Siloed Lying”. They know that the Left will not look elsewhere, and they can tell them anything.

–This will NOT end well. They are working it up this way on purpose!

It’s NOT really Bizarro–but actual evil. A Very Gross, Large, Evil.

7 months ago

For this next post–I’m going to be hated by you all.

I’ve come to the conclusion that America is a Jewish Theocracy!

Let me explain. The Puritans were called by the Anglicans “demi-Jews”. The Puritans laid the groundwork, foundation for Americanism. Voegelin points them out as Pure Gnostics–not true Christians. Then, you have George Washington, Mason. General Ludendorff correctly surmises that Masons are pseudo-Jews. Masonry is a Gnostic sect; furthermore, it is founded upon the ideals of Jewish Messianism. Half of the FFofA were Masons. The first Commandant of West Point was a Rosicrucian. Then, you have Horace Greeley publishing OVER 400 articles by Marx and Engels–Marxisizing America; Abraham Lincoln was a Marxist.

The term “reconstruction” of the Reconstruction Era is a Marxist term! The Republican Party was actually a Marxist party. The Progressive Era in America–Progressiveness is based on Tikkun Olam “Fixing the World” which comes from the Kabbala–is a Jewish idea.

All 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto has been implemented here in America. The Frankfurt School came in the 60s and it led the 60s Cultural Revolution. And now, our whole Americanist culture based on the Puritans, Progressivism, led to Political Correctness, Social Justice–which is Cultural Marxism. The Left is Marxist. The RINOs are fully infected with Cultural Marxism too. The US Military has always been a Masonic organization.

The “Separation of Church and state”–The ‘Church’ thing —ONLY applies to Catholicism and Anglicanism–doesn’t apply to Masonry or Judaism! —Look at American history and the intellectual currents that formed it—It’s all Jewish. America is literally a Jewish Theocracy!

Truth Awakening via Livingroom Hynobots
Truth Awakening via Livingroom Hynobots
7 months ago

AC said:

The Global Alliance for Responsible Media is ‘discontinuing’ after Elon Musk’s X filed an antitrust lawsuit against it. I wonder what is in their emails, and was going to have to be turned over in discovery

Break up the media monopoly.

Enforce the law.

Think antitrust laws could be enforced and pro-monopoly fake laws could be abandoned and the media monopoly could be broken up…

…if we were talking about the issue everywhere every day?

And demanding that the law be followed? Why so much silence about “making noise” per universal natural law?

The hypnobots in everyone’s livingrooms van hypnotize anything. We’ve forgotten it not only doesn’t have to be evil brainwashing, but also that it could be enlightened brainwashing. What high school civics classes used to teach. What prophets of peace taught. What philosopher-kings thought. What educated disciplined mssses can accomplish.

7 months ago

Another essay that describes the Cabal without using the term “Cabal”:

The term “managerial polyarchy” is used instead, but its pretty much the same thing.

7 months ago

>destorying boeing.
Alternatively, if they are corrupt enough it might be better just to start over.

English Tom
English Tom
7 months ago

Re those ‘stranded’ NASA astronauts. What if TPTB know a war is coming and, as Douglas Macgregor noted, you cannot conduct operations anymore without being detected by satellites in space so, taking out the US/West’s satellites is job number one for the enemy, so the astronauts are eyes in space, doing surveillance and/or fixing satellites damaged by enemy action?

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  English Tom
7 months ago

That’s nonsense. The fuel requirements to deliver spacecraft to the ISS for “repair” from other orbits make such an undertaking physically impossible. Human eyes in the sky proved so incapable that the military quickly abandoned the concept of the Manned Orbiting Laboratory in the 1960s in favor of unmanned spacecraft.

7 months ago

Your mention of Dutchsinse prompts me to write about a hypothesis about geology and human history from Ethical Skeptic that I want to bring to your attention. 
Ethical Skeptic proposes that Earth has two semi-stable rotational modes, due to a mass imbalance in the mantle, and periodically shifts between our traditional orientation (State 1) and an alternate orientation (State 2) with the north pole in Africa and the south pole near Hawaii. The Earth usually rotates in State 1, but every few thousand years, the crust/mantle shifts over a stable core (on a fluid mantle/core interface) to State 2 for a short time (decades). This is NOT the well-known concept of a magnetic field reversal, this is a shift in the ROTATIONAL poles of the planet, due to a physics phenomenon called the Dzhanibekov Oscillation that allows objects spinning in space to shift their rotational orientation between two semi-stable in this way (there are videos from the space station of objects doing this in freefall). The shift is postulated to happen in a short time (6 to 24 hours). Since water isn’t locked to the solid Earth (and continues the normal west-to-east momentum of daily rotation), when the continents turn, they’re turning into the path of the oceans. From the perspective of the leading edge of continents, the experience would be the ocean moving inland at ever-increasing speeds reaching hundreds of mph (although it’s actually the land moving into the ocean). To give one example of how extreme this would be, another person (Craig Stone) exploring this theory thinks he sees geological evidence of the Pacific Ocean overtopping the Rocky Mountains in Utah, and the surge of water having a depth of over a mile when flowing over Nebraska. Similar evidence is found worldwide, but the traditional framing of geology isn’t looking for signs of catastrophic events, due to the usual restrictions in what theories are considered “acceptable”. Ethical Skeptic’s primary evidence includes anomalous geological heating beneath the oceans, and an analysis of the Great Pyramid (which would predate the last Dzhanibekov Oscillation) with signs of oceanic erosion, and alignment of sightlines to both postulated celestial pole locations.
If the hypothesis is true, and cabal has developed ways of anticipating and surviving these geological catastrophies, it could explain some of the bizarre aspects of cabal, including their high technology and their disregard for the preservation of civilization. We would be living on an Etch-a-Sketch planet, with a series of human civilizations, each obliterated by the oceans scouring the continents worldwide, leaving scattered survivors in the stone age (without any warning or preparation). Without any of the technology that had become essential to day-to-day life, over a few generations memory of the prior civilization is forgotten or dismissed as myth. Meanwhile, cabal learns from each iteration of human civilization, and emerges from their bunkers with advanced technology. This fits the pattern of cabal having hoarded technology we can’t explain or understand, having control over the entire planet that we can trace back to the earliest recorded history, and seemingly hiding big secrets about science and human origins. It also explains their ruthless disregard for the preservation of culture and civilization, there’s no point in protecting the achievements of a civilization that will (within hundreds or thousands of years) be entirely destroyed and all traces scoured off the planet. This could lead to a view of ethics that is radically different from our own, viewing everything from people to nations as disposable lab rats. In our mind, we are building for future generations, each generation laying a series of foundational stones for a civilization with a possibly infinitely long future. In their mind, that is a pointless and futile exercise, utterly removed from reality.
We think if cabal was eliminated, a golden age would follow, for civilization to grow and flourish free from the parasitic infestation that has held us back. If this hypothesis is true, and a civilization breaks free of cabal’s control – without knowing about this geological phenomenon – cabal can just wait for the oceans to scour everything clean, and start over with a fresh petri dish once the scattered survivors have returned to the stone age and forgotten everything that was learned in the last iteration. This could account for a certain recklessness about risking disclosure. For this reason, it may be absolutely critical for anons to know and understand this theory. If a few of the survivors entering the next iteration have an understanding of what just happened (and are possibly prepared for it), and are capable of carrying forward that knowledge into the next iteration, there could be a seed of resistance at the outset that could break the cycle of slavery and destruction. Knowledge of this hypothesis must not be lost.
The trigger for these rotational shifts is not clear, but seems to involve changes in the magnetic or electrical properties of the core. I find this interesting, when you have evidence for cabal having unusual magnetic capabilities, and Dutchsinse has been compiling evidence for long-distance electromagnetic effects of radar. I wonder if cabal has the ability to trigger shifts, or if the white hats have ways to prevent shifts. A great puzzle for me has been Trump’s allowance of the covid vaccine, but as horrible as that democide has been, it could be a minor strategic loss if the stakes are this high. The real battle in this existential war may be for the mere survival of the surface of the Earth.
I don’t know if this is the answer. I’ve felt there is something unknown beyond our reach, based on the shadows we see in cabal’s actions/beliefs and the bizarre constellation of areas with suppressed knowledge. This would fit, but it might be something else. I’m not saying this is true, but I feel it is definitely worth careful evaluation, and (as horrible as this is to say) right now this seems like a very plausible hypothesis.
Craig Stone’s twitter – he’s exploring this and a range of other topics:
Ethical Skeptic’s twitter:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I would think anything on the water would be in peril from the sloshing. The rotation would have two “pivot points” with no change in relative rotational velocity (on the equator, and remain on the equator throughout), one in South America and the other near Indonesia, that might be relatively unscathed. Elsewhere, high elevation – and on the leeward side of the flow – would give the best chances for survival. It may be possible to identify locations that are relatively safe. Craig Stone is interested in modeling the flow over topography, if he can get enough computational resources.
In Ethical Skeptic’s analysis of the Great Pyramid, he thinks one of its functions was an early warning monitoring station, so it may be possible to detect the onset and flee to higher ground.
Figuring out what would constitute a seed for a future iteration seems important, since we rely so much on electronics to store vast quantities of information, and that would have a limited life absent any fabrication facilities for replacements.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Dear Mr. Anonymous Conservative,
For several years, I have started my mornings by reading this website, which has consistently been a source of insight and reflection.
I seek your perspective on a matter of concern. Since an intense period during my youth, when I perceived an unsettling sense of being watched and followed at school, an experience that coincided with attempts to accelerate my academic progress from the sixth to the tenth grade, I have been awake to the potential for surveillance. My parents wisely intervened to halt my promotion and prevent my participation in advanced classes.
Now, I turn to you with a request for your analytical acumen. How might one construct a technological infrastructure capable of filtering out bots, spies, and misleading data? Without such a foundation, every piece of information encountered on the web must be rigorously scrutinized, with little hope of accuracy, as the potential for controlled opposition or misinformation is vast.
I find myself gradually detaching from the overwhelming stream of web data that distracts from participating in reality and making my own observations concerning how I can work to improve things. True power, I believe, lies not in the distant digital sphere but in our immediate surroundings, where our actions can effect real change.
It becomes increasingly apparent that the web, in its complexity, may function as a simulation—one designed to obscure and crush our innate power within our local communities.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Very, very interesting interpretation/educated guess about what’s going on. A Roosevelt from around a century ago was quoted as saying  ‘We Have Nothing to Fear Except Fear Itself’. Our job as the protectors of our society from war, invasion, and abuse of our little ones and women is clear to people like us.
It’s impossible to know what’s going on with powerful actors in this realm. It increasingly seems like the powerful actors are overloading us with conflicting data to eliminate meaningful action, not reading and comparing notes, to make this world a better place for those that come after us.
Fear and our instinctual responses to what our subconscious mind processes as a threat to our survival, aka fight or flight, seems to be the most powerful brainwashing/control technique available to entities who thrive off of the sweat of our brow and weaponize insecurity about the survival we and our loved ones to lobotomize us.
I choose to resist and fight in the face of fear and make any difference I can within my scope of influence with my family, our local community and the my workplace. Do what you can where you can and F surveillance and any power malevolent entities try to exert against you, whether real or imagined.

Truth Seeker Always
Truth Seeker Always
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Thank you for taking the time to write about that and broadening my awareness of possible explanations of so much that doesn’t make sense to a child of the 20th-century.

When you talk about post-rotation-cataclysm survivors, do you mean future descendants of the 21st century, or do or will or could the controllers of the Etch-a-Sketch expect to be here (in preservation tubes? in bunkers? or something) thousands or hundreds of thousands of years from now?

Reply to  Truth Seeker Always
7 months ago

Cabal could ride out rotations (past and future) in many places – near the pivot points where there is less disruption, deep mountain bunkers above the oceanic slosh, or in space (UFOs seem to exist, and if cabal has advanced technology, it’s quite possible they have existing settlements in space.) This game of Etch-a-Sketch could go on forever, so yes, they may intend to be here in a million years.
By “survivors”, I mean the small fraction of the non-cabal populace that lives through the cataclysm. After past rotations, they could describe in words what they witnessed (a literal description would sound mythical and insane), and talk of lost civilizations (incomprehensible to following generations), while cabal swoops down with immense power (looking like magic or deities steering the world into whatever beliefs they want for the next iteration.) My hope is that, if this happens again, some survivors (of the next cataclysm) understand the theory, preserve the seeds of our civilization, and recognize cabal for what they are when they come out of their bunkers or spaceships and pretend to be Gods.

Truth Seeker Always
Truth Seeker Always
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Data preservation.
The bad guys will rewrite and omit truthful history (rotation cataclysm or not).
I think archives on Project Gutenberg arw being altered. Not sure, but one time I couldn’t find a scene in a Mark Twain story that I know is in the original. Maybe I just couldn’t find it. But I remember searching for so long that I finally gave up.
So to preserve truthful historical information for the future… equipment and benevolent people will have to pass torches very consciously.
A lot of documents and even oral histories have survived from all over the world and are being recorded and replicated in the possibly more enduring (in some ways) forms that modern tech provides. Replication and distribution might be the most crucial feature of digital archiving?

Thanks for your posts and comments.

Truth Seeker Always
Truth Seeker Always
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Oh… have you been following facts that Frank Vitaliano, Ray Kurzweil, James Giordano, Robert Duncan, Chris Mason, and many many others report about what they’re doing? One researcher who has brought a lot of it to the attention of anyone who will listen is Shawn Paul Melville. Not perfect but loaded with irrefutable references (such as public patent documents and published reports). Another excellent researcher on this topic is PennyButler. Factual reporting.
And an example of someone talking about his real-life Etch-a-Sketching… is Ido Bachelet. Way back in 2015.

Reply to  Truth Seeker Always
7 months ago

A lot of similar information from this team as well. Pole shift, magnetic sphere deterioration, on a 6000 and 12000 year cycle caused by the sun, all backed by various scientific research that was slowly trickling in at first but lately more rapidly now pouring in. He claims these phenomena are currently happening on earth and are fully noticeable on outer planets in our solar system, soon to be in full swing here on earth. He also claims that the shifts are relatively temporary in the grand timeline, hence why it’s difficult to detect from an archeological perspective, but if one knows what to look for it’s there and obvious.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

It should be obvious that there have been previous high civilisations that rose to the heights, possibly using technology we cannot conceive, only to be destroyed and the process starts all over again. Plato’s ancestor Solon was told as much by the Egyptian priests.

As to the mechanism(s) that brought down these civilisations, I have no idea. Maybe they strayed too far from god and he sent divine punishment?

Last edited 7 months ago by English Tom
Reply to  English Tom
7 months ago

The tech from those higher civilizations could have been kept secret – moved behind the curtain, so to speak, by the ruling class/priesthood. Recall or learn about the Great Reset of the 19th century: Tartarian architecture, the great mud flood, the orphan trains; and the hidden technology and architecture private explores have found in sites from previous centuries. Tesla wasn’t so much as an inventor as he was a survivor from the previous civilization.

Reply to  teotoon
7 months ago

Seems like there is a lot of awareness of prior civilizations going around. I just finished “Ancient Civilizations” (it’s like a lower budget version of Ancient Aliens”.) I don’t know if prior civilizations had the same technology we do; but they had better different technology like using energy from the Earth. It would be nice to get a complete story, but it seems like people are getting a better picture. The timeline is another story though.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

No more floods, it’s fire next time.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

I’m trying to not comment because in my opinion things are going to get really hairy and I would like nothing more than to keep my head down, but this brings up so many things that I’ve been thinking about for a really long time I can’t resist.

“…I would think anything on the water would be in peril from the sloshing…”

No, I think the best place to be would be deep ocean. Waves that are small in the deep ocean when they hit land, swell. Like tsunamis. Not that any place woud not be bad. True the lee side of a big mountain would be good but, how to know where, how to be protected on the side of a big mountain? If you lived anywhere near the sea it would seem to be easier to put to sea in a boat.

Pole shift

I started looking at this and found,

Chan Thomas – The Adam And Eve Story

book link

others on internet archive

I had read this before but had forgotten. A REALLY interesting part is in the back of the book and at around page 79 or the beginning of “aftermath” of the Thomes book. I’ve learned new things since I read it long ago. He explains the mechanism that causes the shift. The earth goes through an area of the galaxy that has less magnetic field. This in turn lowers the magnetic field in the earth. This magnetic field locks together the liquid core to the mantle(the molten material becomes stiff through currents in the molten core). When the field goes down, the core is now able to move and the poles being heavier with ice shift to a position to be the equator to balance this out. This magnetic field holding things together has been tested in mercury by Hannes Alfvén who got a Nobel Prize for Magnetohydrodynamics. Alfvén found this in large vats of mercury that spun in a field created some sort of stickiness in the mercury that would hold it in place.

Another brain warp is in the book. Chan Thomas said he wondered what would happen to cells under lower magnetic fields. He did a test and found rapid destruction of cells. The story gets better, (or worse). He ran across some scientist later that had the same thoughts. They took mice and made identical habitats but one had a very weak magnetic field. They found that the weak field mice had way more cancer, and they became delinquent. They would cannibalize each other even though they had plenty of food, and they would rape the females constantly. The mice in the normal magnetic field but the same enviournment behaved normally.

Now if think the idea of “stickiness” in the core due to magnetic fields is foolish then look at these videos and see if you still thnk that. I have been super baffled by these for a long time. These things seem to be a bit of a superconductor of flux that holds these together. A long time. People have hung these for years and still stay togehter. I do not know an explaination for this. Maybe there’s some paper with a zillion equations that explains, but I’ve never seen a simple explaination. I thnk this shows at the least that magnetic fields can make things stick together.

It is indisputable that the magnetic field of earth is rapidly decreasing, and also that the magnetic poles are wandering all over the place. This is not good. Look at this site and see how it is hauling ass across the globe in the last 25 years or so.

If you stop and think about it, this brings together a huge amount of very strange things and makes them intelligible. Musk, making a wide open race to build massive rockets to go to…Mars??? Many trillions of dollars missing from the defense budget. A lot of tales of massive tunnels all over the place. The rise of crime and perverted delinquent behavior is off the charts. Is it due to magnetic field reduction? Leading to pole shift? DO they know?

People have given indications and even good evidence for years that pole shift is real. I saw a preacher who preached to the Alakan oil pipeline worlers say that we have plenty of oil up there and the wells are capped. Hmmm…saving oil for later??? And he happened mention that when they drilled down through the ice they found…pine trees. He said that the pines and wood were fresh from being frozen. I’ve also heard there are trees under Antarctica.

Could the massive immigration push be to clear out lands that “after” the shift will be more favorable by moving them out to areas destined to be denuded with water?

The vax to kill off people to conserve resources and save them up for the pole shift. The wealthy buying farm land like Gates. If you notice, the price of food has not gone down. Is the excess being siphoned off to be stored? Why the seed storage shelter in Norway?

I’m beginning to think this pole shift thing might be real. There’s a good case to be made for it.

Another avenue that has to do with weakening magnetic fields is it seems when they weaken, volcanos go nuts and are way more prevalent. I heard about this from the excellent Robert W. Felix who wrote “Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps” and “Ice Age Now”. He charted the magnetic reversals, Ice Ages and major volcanic eruptions. They all seem to coincide. His books are great. Here’s some links to a few of his blog post saved. Pay close attention to the dates he mentions then take a look at the dates Chan Thomas mentions for pole shift. The first link relates to his belief that there would be massive electrical storms. This is in line with Chan Thomas readings. The loss of the magnetic field on earth would allow a huge increase in solar and galactic particles hitting the atmosphere possibly causing it to have huge charges which would have to be shorted by massive lightening strikes.

Related to AC’s magnetic attack. I can’t help but think the force they are using, or one of them, is this field that goes through metal materials like the above videos. It holds things together could it not manipulate them? There is some possiblity of negating this. I have been studying magnetic amplfiers. They have this, what I see, as a bizarre property of using a very small DC (direct current) through a coil and this chokes off the magnetic fields of a much larger AC (alternating Current)coil. Now in the literature this is just said as a matter of fact way that this, does this. This is related to the permability of the material. Permability is the abilty of a material to channel magnetic fields through it. Just like water flows thhrough the easiest path, magnetic fields do the same. This is the reason transformers are mostly made of high silicon iron. High permability. I see this as something just like gyroscopes that do very odd things and everyone just assumes, well it just does this, and pays no attention to the weirdness of it all. The same with these videos I linked above of the metal parts sticking together. For some reason a small DC current can choke off the permability of a larger AC current.

So what if we used this “choking off” behavior of DC coils to choke off the peaks of magnetic, or whatever, force they are sending out tormenting AC.

Let’s look at what a magnetic amplifier is like. Look at this picture and the article it comes from,

comment image

Now possibly they are using AC’s body as the permeabile material. This would be the big round thing in the picture. The wires going to the load and around the permeabile material would be whatever field they are projecting. Now as you can see from the simple picture if there is a DC coil around the permeabile core it chokes off the higher AC that they are projecting.(Much speculation here, I know)

So how to do this. You need a wire coil with a lot of rounds. One possible source would be telephome wire. Comes in a box with thousand feet or so. Make a big coil that goes around the waist/body and wrap it with electrical tape to keep it in a loop. The circuit could be enrgized with a wall wart. It those ubiquitous power supplies that you plug in and power electronics with. Here’s a picture of one opened.

comment image

I don’t know exactly what you should get. I expect any of low DC voltage would work but you would like a high amperage. 2 Amps, 5Amps, or more. I have no idea as I haven’t heard of anyone doing this. Voltage of many of these is 12V and that should be fine but lower could work also. I wouldn’t go over or much over 12 volts. Remeber we are using a much lower DC to control a much, much higher AC current. These magnetic amplifiers are used to control nuclear submarine reactors, power stations, all sorts of really high power stuff. They were used to control V-2 rockets in WWII and battleship turrents(no wonder they intrigue me so much, great stuff)

But we don’t know what amount of current will exactly go through you big coil of a thousand foot of phone wire so we need a in line fuse holder and a rheostat/potentiometer to control the current. [Yes I could figure it but people would flip out if I started linking ampacity charts]
In line fuse holder picture

comment image

rheostat or Potentiometer-high value is good. You can always turn it down, say…1 megohm but less should be good likely.

So you find the wall wart first. The local salvation army or other thrift store should have a ton of these. Find one around 12 volts and the highest current you can find. I bet laptop chargers would be fairly high. From the amp reading on the wall wart you get what size fuse. Get one at, or better below, the wall wart rating. The fuse easiest to find is simple glass fuses, BUSS type, round metal ends with glass tube in center and wire you can see. You can get the fuses and holder at auto parts store. I would advise getting a clamp on amp meter/ohm meter so you can see what amps you are putting through your wire. You can get these for $13-14 at harbor freight or other places. It looks like this,

Not saying this is a good meter but it will likely do.

So you take the wall wart and cut off the connector. One wire goes to the fuse holder with fuse in it and then out of the fuse holder to the potentiometer, then to the coil of wire. The coil of wire can be single thin wire or telephone wire you twist all the wires together. Small diameter wire is good. The more loops to make your coil the better. Make it easy to get on and off the body. Then the other end of the coil wire goes to the cut off connectors wall wart other wire. Positive or negative direction is not likely to matter as you can aways turn the coil upside down.

Get your meter and put it on ohms. You want to measure across the wall wart wires and turn the potentometer to it’s highest setting(power off). Once you plug in and power up the wall wart, connected to the wire and all, change the meters reading to the clamp on amp meter and put the clamp around ONE wire, not both. Crank up the potentometer to maybe 75% of the wall warts amperage rating or less written on the wart. Now you have your DC coil placed around the body and…wait. If this does work a little then you can get a more powerful power supply(or put several in parallel, which would likely be cheaper as you alreeady have one made). None hooked together but with seperate coils, wall warts, etc. but the same magnetic field direction. If one direction works better than another you can just turn the coil upside down and face it the other way.

Now I have lately used some big magnets to stop a sore hip from hurting. After reading about the ill effects of no field on mice, I think I’m going to make two of these coils and put one at the top of my bed and one at the bottom and see what it does. If no field is bad, maybe a slightly bigger one is better. I wonder if this will effect general health???

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

“…hot electricity cloud…”

Magnetic fields can at high levels saturate the permeability of the material (I’m using this term incorrectly but I’m using it in relation to the before mentioned explanation. Otherwise, it would get to be…too much detail). It’s measured in reactance, which is analogous to resistance in current. So if it’s over loaded, it gets hot. Now the frequency they may be using could be high, possibly they are even creating some harmonics in the metal that is above what you can see, or below. You can hear the 60Hz hum from transformer vibrations, so it will definitely move stuff. Some of the above is, of course, nothing but hand waving speculation.

“…A pulsed magnetic field, if focusable…”

There’s a patent on that exactly that the US Navy filed.

Truth Seeker Always
Truth Seeker Always
Reply to  Sam J.
7 months ago

This incredibly interesting comment (which I hope you’ll keep developing and sharing) is WAY over my head.
But one thing I mighr contribute to the conversation is that about 22 years ago, I knew someone in southern California who somehow from Brooklyn was financially securely (raised children, solid marriage, home in good area)… doing research in a private ordinary (pleasant) office… that he said was about the earth’s magnetic poles. I wanted to understand a lot more, but wasn’t educated enough to be worth his time, and I got the impression he was not going to talk openly about this work even if I could follow along.
By the time awareness of existing tech reaches someone like me, it’s probably 30 or more years old to certain scientists. Does that sound about right? So what they’re ABLE to do now is maybe about 30 years ahead of what the rest of us are currently aware of?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Whales in the mountains×900

I have also seen whale skeletons in the deserts of Egypt.

Reply to  Sam J.
7 months ago

Sam J.
I look forward to reading Chan Thomas. Thank you for pointing out this book.
Along this train of thought is Cataclysms of the Earth by Hugh Auchincloss Brown (1967.) This book presents evidence of a shifting pole. The mechanism, as I recall it, is similar to Charles Hapgood’s, that is, the weight of the ice sheet eventually results in an imbalance and then the shift.
I have owned the book for a number of years but never read it. But I did a few months ago and he did something I hadn’t seen before: he assembled evidence of shifts using published core samples. The variation shown at one spot and then down through layers of different types of rock is mute testimony to something that changed the earth through time at the various spots where these samples were taken.

Reply to  Rusty
7 months ago

Velikovski also references cataclysms in the past (Worlds In Collision). He found some ancient references of the entire sky changing. A Chinese emperor had to send out explorers to figure out where the cardinal directions ended up. There are similar records from South America.

And don’t get me started on claims of people who remember the sky before the Moon arrived about 11,000-13,000 years ago.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rusty
7 months ago

Thanks, here’s another I haven’t read yet.

Earth Epochs Cataclysms Across the Holocene by John M. Jensen Jr.

I read some of this stuff on pole shift a long time ago and said”eeehhhh yeah right”…but the smashed up millions of Wooly mammoths found in Siberia, the trees under the Arctic and Antarctica, I keep coming back and seeing that there appears to be no other “simple” explanation but pole shift. Unfortunately. I admit to not believing because it just seems so odd, but, it seems most of the facts fit. There is one fact that throws a wrench in the theory, how do so many different species survive if it’s a total shift? That doesn’t make sense. The theory is that this happens fairly frequently, like every 10,000 or fewer years. How do all this variance of species survive? That’s big question mark. A really big one.

Maybe pole shift does not occur so often but Robert W. Felix magnetic shifts cause vast destruction like he noted in “Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps” and “Ice Age Now”, but not total devastation like a pole shift.

Apparently vast volcanic, huge electrical storms, possibly lots of earthquakes and much upheaval and subsiding of land masses coincide with magnetic excursions and magnetic pole shifts. Enough to wipe out civilization, but not enough to off all species. The one that killed the Wooly Mammoths, likely pole shift.

I’ve got work on my boat!

Reply to  Sam J.
7 months ago

Go figure, I went to download the book from your link and got a warning that I already had it in my downloads folder.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Interesting stuff about Chan Thomas.

“…n 1967, aerospace company McDonnell Douglas assembled a small team of researchers to investigate reports of UFOs with the goal of discovering the underlying science that powered such vehicles.[2] Thomas was reportedly one of four full-time researchers on the team. The team’s director, aeronautical engineer Robert M. Wood, wrote some four decades later in a newsletter for MUFON that Thomas had a “tremendously innovative mind” and “was a total ‘out of the box’ thinker…”

In his book I linked he said,
“…If we look to our technical accomplishments which have taken us 6,900 years to achieve-think what we could do if we had 10,500 years. We would be in space as commonly as we walk around the block. Fossil fuels and nuclear energy would belong to the dead past; manmade gravity, which we know how to accomplish right now, and natural magnetism, which we also know how to use right now, would be the means for propulsion, power generation, and communications, as we would have learned the processes of nature sufficiently to duplicate them in controlled fashion for our uses…”

This is in reference to the part of the book that shows in some eras the time between pole shifts which wiped out all knowledge were much greater. This would of course tie into the idea that there were some more advanced earlier eras. “Notice” he says we can control gravity and knows of power sources that are some sort of magnetism based that I assume are of great quantity. Being that he worked on a lot of classified projects, then…what does this mean? It’s said that the CIA classified his book. Could “this” paragraph be why?

“…natural magnetism, which we also know how to use right now, would be the means for propulsion, power generation, and communications…”
Is “natural magnetism” the force that holds together the metal pieces I linked videos of earlier???

If the guy is not a nut, and if his work history is not fake, it appears not but…these things can be hyped, then this magnetism quote would seem to be at the root of what is tormenting AC. Something that can be used for communication [so travels long distances] and power[so can possibly transmit power]. People have commented on reddit that much of his work has been scrubbed and it’s possible the name on the book is not actually him. Interesting comment on reddit (who knows if it’s real)

“… braintoasters
5y ago
I just found out about Chan Thomas today. My grandfather worked for McDonnell Douglas contracted by NASA in the 60’s on Project Gemini. He actually looked…a lot like the picture of Chan Thomas, which is unnerving. He opened up to his wife (my grandma) a couple times that there were definitely UFOs and that wasn’t even half of it.
Then he died at the age of 33 in 1966 mysteriously on a plane to Washington, DC, from a “heart attack”. My grandmother was not even allowed to have the items he had with him at the time, like his briefcase, watch, et c.
Suddenly everything about this story feels a lot weirder…”

Another interesting book,

“The Lost Americans” by Frank Cummings Hibben
“The Pleistocene period ended in death. This is no ordinary extinction of a vague geological period which fizzled to an uncertain end. This death was catastrophic and all-inclusive. The large animals that had given their name to the period became extinct. Their death marked the end of an era. (page 168)

“In many places the Alaskan muck blanket is packed with animal bones and debris in trainload lots. Bones of mammoth, mastodon, several kinds of bison, horses, wolves, bears, and lions tell a story of a faunal population. (page 90)

“The Alaskan muck is like a fine, dark gray sand. Within this mass, frozen solid, lie the twisted parts of animals and trees intermingled with lenses of ice and layers of peat and mosses. It looks as though in the midst of some cataclysmic catastrophe of ten thousand years ago the whole Alaskan world of living animals and plants was suddenly frozen in midmotion in a grim charade. (page 91)

“Throughout the Alaskan mucks, too, there is evidence of atmospheric disturbances of unparalleled violence. Mammoth and bison alike were torn and twisted as though by a cosmic hand in Godly rage. The animals were simply torn apart and scattered over the landscape like things of straw and string, even though some of them weighed several tons.” (page 177)”

Always Seeking Truth
Always Seeking Truth
Reply to  Sam J.
7 months ago

I think we’re only now starting to be able to see so many sudden deaths of so many highly intelligent men for what they really were. Not to mention other physical and mental chains that were put on them.
Are there any modern photography or other recent follow-up to verify the Alaska descriptions?

Reply to  Sam J.
7 months ago

Sam J.
I have read about the animal heaps in Alaska in other places. In fact, Brown, in Cataclysms of the Earth mentions them, too. It may be that Ivan Sanderson did, too. It would be his kind of thing.
Speaking of Brown’s book, I return the favor via the Internet Archive:
This is the edition I have but I can’t link to the direct page I wanted to: p. 73. You have to “borrow” it. From page 73 to 82, it is line after line of what was found in a 1914 core sample. He summarizes on p. 83: “337 strata in 4,489 feet–an average of thirteen feet per stratum.”
And that is just one of these core samples. This is evidence. The piles of dead animals is also evidence. Of what? Well, that the world is a more complicated place than I learned in school?
There are other bits of evidence of catastrophes. “Catastrophism” is frowned on by Teh Science and “Uniformitarianism” the accepted notion. That is, everything we observe in the earth’s geology today is the result of forces we can observe today operating gradually. Things happen slowly, in other worlds. Velikovsky was a recent catastrophist and much maligned. The evidence for at least episodic catastrophes is presented in the books you have cited.
There are difficulties with the sources of evidence one can adduce. The existence of the Antikythera machine, Hapgood’s maps, the Pyramids can be cited as more evidence of a very complicated world. However, the evidence doesn’t come in a well-researched book but hither and yon and fragmentary. We also have “experts” who assemble these bits of evidence in various ways. Some of those “experts” are frauds, some are honest and doing their best to put the pieces together. And, well, when I hear someone talking about the Pleidians, I tune out,
We then have several kinds of problems sorting through these things. One is: what is the mechanism that made these things–how did those animals get there in those piles? I have thought that your “sloshing’ was a reasonable mechanism. I wasn’t there so I don’t know.
I remember reading The Earth for Sam in grade school and he posited that at one time, the continents were joined. Look at these maps. Pretty obviously but absolutely not accepted by Teh Science. Since the scientists did not know of a mechanism nor could imagine one, they concluded there must not be one. Just a curious coincidence. Now we have plate tectonics and so the continents now can drift.
A similar thing occurs with the implications of the evidence. How can there be so many species, you wonder. I have no answer but if there are piles of dead animals and we have more species than you think we should…then…what? In my case, I suspend judgment. I don’t know and may never but hold the evidence tight and the theories loosely.
Velikovsky, I recollect posited a mechanism. I don’t know where it was but he said that around WWII bomb sites in London, there were flowers of no known species. I think that was the way he said it. The notions we have about speciation are uniformitarion do these notions apply in a catastrophy? Well, as an undergraduate I learned: there is no inheritance of acquired characteristic. Now we have epigenetics. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

7 months ago

 Why were they even doing this when SpaceX already has the Dragon capsule?

SpaceX and Boeing were both awarded NASA contracts for developing new spacecraft. NASA wanted two vendors, so if a systemic problem grounded one vehicle (such as happened with the shuttle several times), the other vehicle would still be available for reaching the space station. Both companies started at the same time. SpaceX performed better, and got Dragon in operation years ago. Boeing hasn’t gotten their design to work yet. The reliability of SpaceX doesn’t make the need for a second operational spacecraft go away, right now it’s Boeing in that slot, and Boeing is having some trouble making it work.

7 months ago

> Dayton Ohio seals eviction records now, so landlords cannot tell if potential tenants were evicted.

This would be a business opportunity for someone living in or near Dayton.

The filings are normally public; they’re only sealed after they go by the judge. The rulings might not be public, but just the filings would be sufficient for a curious landlord. Visit the courthouse every afternoon, note the new filings, and then advertise to landlords – there should be a public database of those. For $20 or whatever, you could tell them if they had been involved in an eviction filing since whatever date you started keeping track.

This is the same process newspapers used to use, back before everything went online.

7 months ago

> New photos appear to show French President Emmanual Macron kissing a man

Considering how far left the French electorate is, would anyone even care? For that matter, they might even see it as a good thing.

7 months ago

“NEW york mechanic building death ray in back of van to shoot muslims”
hmmmmmmm. Sounds more like disclosure than a real story.

7 months ago

fridge full of roadkill

Been doing it for years here in Australia in the outback. Mostly kangaroos and wallabies, all you need is a clean kill rather than a squashed one. The meat might be gamey but cooked right it can be delicious. Dogs and cats love it and it’s free. Tried some supermarket lamb last week, not even close. Found a partially squashed emu once, one leg intact. Biggest drumstick ever, too big for the oven. Dog wouldn’t touch it but I just chopped it into big lumps and it really did taste like chicken. And occasionally I’ll get a roadkill pig, just the best pork.

7 months ago

A/C two t shirt ideas for you. “Don’t taze me bro” becomes “Don’t beam me bro” and American Stasi “They do the D.E.W. With the sodas color scheme and font. Shirts should have the appropriate web addresses for your stuff in a highly visible color and placement on the shirts.

7 months ago

If you don’t know, click on the pic and it will zoom in so that you can read it.

7 months ago

Two tshirt ideas for you a/c. American Stasi “We do the D.E.W. In the font and colors of the soda and “Don’t taze me bro” taze is replaced with “beam” Obviously with your web addresses also on the shirt

7 months ago

NYC building sells at 97% discount: the ponzi scheme ends
Louis Rossmann

7 months ago

#1: Did you guys know this movie is almost ten years old? 2016.

#2: As of 09AUG2024 it is currently #8 on Amazon Prime?

I’ve always loved this movie, but then I’m a guy with mechanical inclination that feels frankly a little lost and alone in the crowded world and it’s disposable culture, so getting stuck with young Jennifer Lawrence and spending an entire life being the only person keeping 5,000 other people alive and on course to start new lives is a destiny that appealed to me.

I don’t know, I just find it really odd that an eight year old movie is suddenly this popular.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  lowell
7 months ago

Great movie. I’ve watched it multiple times. May have to again now that it’s mentioned.

7 months ago

Elon Musk’s Social Media Platform X Revealed: Bias Exposed!

7 months ago

Iran’s New President Battling IRGC Hardliners Over Tempering Response To Israel: Telegraph

7 months ago

>I have even wondered if a lot of the people we think we caught them killing, were actually not killed, and that was all a show, to make us think they kill people, so we will just give them what they want, lest they kill us.

I looked into the Brandy Vaughn via a cursory thing and some people/antivaxxers claimed Brandy most likely made up the threats. But I can’t be bothered to look into it too deeply.

Apparently she didn’t file a police report when she should have.

Also she made a lot of money by Vioxx. (afaik, she admitted to this)

Always Seeking Truth
Always Seeking Truth
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Pulmonary embolism deaths I can think of off the top of my head.
Peter Jennings
Rosa Koire (Democrats Against Agenda 21)
CEO of Facebook a few days ago
It’s one of the ailments that ingredients in chemtrails are known to cause.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

What was strange about her case is apparently she claimed she couldn’t file a report because nothing was stolen.

Apparently, this isn’t true, and not only that she basically should need to do it anyway because she needs the report for insurance purposes. Also it is strange that no one stole from her. I suppose it made her seem even more crazy which could be the intent. It is strange if so the gangstalkers are willing to absolutely lose out on material advantage/greed.

It’s claimed Brandy was controlled opp because Learn the Risk was about trying to “educate” the public about the risks of vaccines, rather than ban them outright.

A counterpoint: Apparently, she left control of the money/LTR to her best friend Sally(I think her name). Sally is claiming that they were close and both of them were focused on the agenda, and largely that agenda is to more or less ban vaccines. Apparently, a ton of people tried to use Brandy’s money to “take care” of Brandy’s son, while Brandy already put money aside for him and explicitly wanted in her will etc for the money to be used for LTR purposes and for Sally to be in charge
Edit: It appears that if Brandy is legit killed, then the best defense is some sort of way to prevent/minimise blood clots.

Which makes the big 4 spike protein vaccines so bad- maybe a major purpose is to make the remote control blood clot weapons more effective.

Which again raises weird questions. Why use the blood clot weapons and not the other DEW weapons or even just kinetic weapons.

Last edited 7 months ago by kid
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I replied to this, edited which got sent to spam

7 months ago

Comparing Peterson to a German Shepherd is way too kind