News Brief – 07/26/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Twitter Brief is here.

Ex-Flynn deputy KT McFarland says John Durham has ‘cold, hard evidence’ that will lead to indictments. How this plays out will be a real puzzle, because the truth is you have hundreds of thousands of people at a minimum (and probably millions), in the network nationally, and following orders they will have to know are illegal. There will literally be people who used thru-wall energy weapons to assault and damage innocent citizens who were convicted of no crime, and run surveillance support for murders and terrorist activities. Since I assume most of it is off the books, and they appear to have no moral qualms with the work, I doubt they will just stop and shut down the network because a few big wigs are locked up. And yet, I have to think NSA has evidence of it all stowed away somewhere, from signals intelligence on specific follows of civilians, to probably records of the files of individuals with all the reports from all the assets assigned to them. Even now, the problem appears so prickly that President Trump has left the networks alone and not interfered with them as he advanced the Storm at the highest levels. So what will happen with millions of people who probably have been documented committing massive illegalities, and who will continue to commit them if left to their own devices – and yet who could clog the court system overnight if anyone attempted to bring each case? Q acts like he has it all figured out, so I assume there is a plan. But like with all the America-hating terrorists who should be expelled but who have citizenship, it would seem a difficult problem to solve in any lasting way under present Constitutional rules.

The Reddit account which was thought to be Ghilsane Maxwell, with the ridiculously high Karma score which would allow it to determine what trended, has had its Karma locked. Reddit says it is because the user has not logged on for 25 days, but some wonder if a court order locked the account up for some reason.

CBS ran a test of how the Post Office would handle mail in ballots, and finds their ballots were lost or misplaced by Postal workers.

The largest national bank in Ukraine, PrivatBank says its former owners laundered nearly $ 800 million in US.

Nancy Pelosi makes $6 million dollars off her insider trading on Amazon stock after a classified Coronavirus briefing.

A massive Back the Blue rally was to take place in New York, featuring Ted Nugent and Congressman Clay Higgens, but as it got bigger and bigger, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered the Health Department to forcibly quarantine Ted Nugent and Clay Higgens if they arrived, to prevent them from attending, and then LE groups associated with the event pulled out. Meanwhile, Cuomo was traveling through the hotzones in the South freely, while wearing no mask and not socially distancing, and then he didn’t bother to quarantine when returning to New York himself.

Archbishop Viganò says, ‘Heresy, sodomy, and corruption’ are trademarks of the ‘deep church.’

Nursing home inspectors in California weren’t undergoing mandatory coronavirus testing as part of their job.

Roberts sides with the Liberals again, this time allowing government to restrict attendance at church functions. In a dissent, Gorsuch lit into Roberts’s ruling with a simple one-paragraph dissent p[ointing out the hypocrisy of letting Casinos, movie theaters, and other venues do what they want while limiting all churches to just 50 people.

FDNY is kicking a firefighter off a color guard because he is white, and they want it to be all-black. Interesting in the article is they have a female “chief diversity and inclusion officer.” Which means, since she is the chief officer, they must have a raft of lesser diversity and inclusion officers. I suppose it is a better position for her than having to carry a 200lb man out of a burning building. At least she isn’t directly getting anyone killed.

Heidi Fleiss says the billionaire Democrat donor Steven Bing, who took a walk off a high rise earlier this year, was a drug-using satan worshiper. Again, drug abuse and satan worship are not what I would expect to see in a billionaire in a capitalist society, which should theoretically promote the best and the brightest to the highest positions.

The Seattle police chief is sending out letters telling residents he cannot enforce the law with respect to anything but direct threats to life, so in any matters of property theft, vandalism, or other non-death crimes, everyone is on their own.

In a massive protest, Aurora Colorado protesters are throwing objects, shining lasers, and shooting large fireworks at officers. Colorado is a Cabal hotspot due to the intel data centers, and Aurora is probably Cabal central, with its own local MK Ultra program given James Holmes, but from what I see, this network has spread everywhere. One protester got shot in the leg during an incident of a car trying to rush through a crowd of protesters.

Antifa militant and convicted pedophile Blake David Hampe was arrested in the early hours of Saturday following his alleged stabbing of a black Trump supporter in Portland.

Six federal officers were injured during the riots in Portland last night. Injuries included a concussion and one officer hospitalized with burns from a mortar blast.

A Freeper notes, From his readings, a huge number of Antifa/BLM riot participants are former criminals. One of my followers appeared to have his coverage interrupted by a phone call with his Parole Officer in front of me. I never figured if it was staged or real, but he looked kind of like it could easily have been legit. My mom, who is also followed (my entire family all get it, out to cousins, as well as some unrelated family friends who report it on them as well) reported being followed by a guy who had the hallmarks of a junkie. I saw the video, and he definitely had the indices. You have to understand, the single greatest density of spies in the world is in a prison. All of them are analyzed, observed, and heavily recruited by FBI. All those informants go in a database as part of an LE informant network. And of course, having shown a predilection to ratting on associates to help themselves, as well as low moral fiber and willingness to commit crimes, Cabal is going to grab that database and incorporate all of those people into their network. They might even be its best employees, for all we know. So it would be unsurprising to find most of these protesters are criminals of some stripe or another.

WNBA players actually walk off the court during national anthem.

Things are heating up between Greece and Turkey as Ankara is sending an oil and gas research vessel toward Greek waters, as Greece vows to defend against incursions. In the air fighter jets are skirmishing.

EMP task force claims, China has a ‘first-strike’ capability to melt the U.S. power grid with an electromagnetic pulse weapon. That has been projected as a 90% mortality in one year.

China forces people to have a tracking app on their phone that tracks where they have been, and only lets them go into stores if it determines their travel history is acceptable. Of course what people don’t realize is Intel’s first objective is to get access into the app so they can control who is allowed where.

Jewish groups call for ouster of local NAACP head over anti-Semitic Facebook post.

“UFO” trends on searches, as word spreads the US government may have captured some.

Breakthrough coronavirus test can quickly tell you the strength of your immunity.

Bolsonaro has cleared the Coronavirus from his system.

Ari Fleischer says, “It’s kind of amazing that reporters aren’t digging into exactly how much the WP and CNN paid to make the Covington Catholic Nicholas Sandmann’s suit go away.”

In a leaked letter, Biden organizers say campaign is ‘suppressing the Hispanic vote’ in Florida, and mistreating staff.

Federal Police buy 1,000 pairs of sunglasses to protect officers from protesters’ lasers. The model they settled on was the “Stingerhawk FT-2,” at roughly $125-$200 per, if you are preparing for the Apocalypse. It would appear they were balancing the degree of protection against light transmission in their choice. They could have gotten higher protection, but the lenses would only transmit 18% of light through, darkening their view too much. However reports are at 42% light transmission, these are still highly effective. Still, wielding a weapon designed to maim an officer for life should be grounds for greenlighting snipers to drop anyone holding a laser. Letting that continue is terrible.

A federal judge has blocked Seattle’s ban on non-lethal police equipment.

In Louisville,  three members of the heavily armed militia group, the “Not F—ing Around Coalition” (NFAC), were injured by an accidental discharge fired from one of their own member’s guns. Oops. This was the group that did an armed March in Georgia, and people discovered all the members were local models. I still do not know if that means they hired models to pose as the group, or it was a local Cabal ground-unit who got their payment from Cabal through being employed in a low-effort/high-pay job like modeling. I did find it interesting one of the characters was carrying two identical ARs with quad-rail forearms, side-by-side like a double-barreled gun, but both only had flip-up back-up sights. It kind of felt like he was a model brought to the prop-room, and he grabbed two identical older-quad-rails from the inventory, as if to make a dramatic statement, not knowing a gun enthusiast would wonder why it was two identical guns with no optics, rather than two differently purposed variants as a collector would buy to fill out capabilities, or even more, one gun with a nice setup of optics and accessories. Plus there was the issue of the left one ejecting into the right one, and the difficulty in reaching through to catch both triggers if he had tried to fire them, to say nothing of the weight and pointability making it utterly silly.

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin says there will be another round of $1,200 stimulus checks in August.

This Monday, the U.S. House Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee will hold an oversight hearing as part of an ongoing investigation into Big Tech’s clear anticompetitive conduct, antitrust violations, and other abuses in the digital marketplace.

Oprah Winfrey’s magazine to cease regular print publication. Another case of Cabal funds running low? But really, how many people did you know who subscribed to it? And how many of the few who did subscribe bought based on ads in it? This was one part of a cover for why Oprah had billions to open orphanages and cavort with John of God. None of these things were what they seemed.

Kamala Harris is seen a Biden’s favorite pick for VP. A deathblow for Biden if he does it. Black males tend to like freedom, prefer lax rule enforcement in matters which don’t matter, and hate hypocrisy. Her marijuana comments, about throwing young black guys in jail for minor pot charges, and then laughing about going home and smoking it herself pretty much hit every enraging button, as Tulsi showed. Trump will rock the black male vote if this happens.

The DOJ announced that three people had been federally charged this week for offenses related to illegally possessing guns or ammunition in Chicago, Illinois—the first federal arrests made in the city in connection to the department’s “Operation Legend.”

Spread r/K Theory, because Biblical is what we need right now

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4 years ago

> . They could have gotten higher protection, but the lenses would only transmit 18% of light through, darkening their view too much
Not seeing a drawback here. Just wait until the politicians are near, put them on, and then pepper spray them all. “I’m sorry, Madam Mayor, I thought you made a threatening move, and my first goal is to go home safe at night.”

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“Jewish groups call for ouster of local NAACP head over anti-Semitic Facebook post.”

It’s almost like those Jewish groups think they run the NAACP or something.

4 years ago

> A federal judge has blocked Seattle’s ban on non-lethal police equipment.

What I find interesting about this sort of thing is that the Federal courts run with backlogs of years… yet they’ll instantly set all those cases aside to deal with some political docket.

In the normal scheme of things, subpoenas for discovery wouldn’t even be served yet. But it’s already a done deal.

“One justice system for for us, another for you.”

4 years ago

Yesterday, 07/25, on a post of Mr. Stormer and his books, like one “Death of a Nation” published in 1968, AC responds: ” It is possible as a society becomes successful, r-types proliferate and take it down. But I am not sure we have ever seen it for real, because I think these failings are engineered in some way. These people we see are agents of a sophisticated intelligence organization, and it is conceivable this thing has been doing this for some time, and we don’t know what would happen if this thing didn’t exist.”

It’s called planned Destruction.

John V. Asia, wrote a small dissertation: “Cultural Marxism Social Chaos
Cultural Marxism and the social chaos of equality, multiculturalism, diversity, and political correctness”, here: (32 pages).

He opens: “The damaging effects of cultural Marxism lie not only in its critical theory, but also in the deliberate attempt to initiate social chaos. The objective is to destroy traditional culture. In the following review, the author illustrates the effects of social chaos, using equality, multiculturalism, diversity, and political correctness, produced by cultural Marxism.”

He quotes Herbert Marcuse, Jew, one of the founders of the Frankfurt School:

[…] there is one thing we can say with complete assurance: the traditional idea of revolution and the traditional strategy of revolution has ended. These ideas are old fashioned … What we must undertake is a type of diffuse and dispersed disintegration of the system.”

Your cabal, AC, is in our Universities and Colleges. The Frankfurt School changed its name to the Institutes of Social Research that are on EVERY major University campus. Ann Arbor here in Michigan, Stanford in California and elsewhere. They control the Educational journals especially out of Chicago. It starts there. It is in these “Ethnic Studies” programs.

I firmly recommend Asia’s “Cultural Marxism: Social Chaos”. Antifa is the violent wing of this cabal.

John V Asia Teacher
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Thank you for your recommendation Lindsay; we meet again after
John V Asia Teacher.

4 years ago

It would seem that the story about Antifa/BLM being criminals and the one about the DOJ in Chicago are related. It is, after all, quite legal to own a firearm in Chicago provided that you have obtained your FOID card from the State Police, who do the background checks. That has been true since the Heller case. But you would be turned down if you already had a criminal record. So if Antifa/BLM types have criminal records then they can’t legally own a gun in Illinois.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…one of the characters was carrying two identical ARs…”

As soon as I saw this I knew these people were props of some sort. No one with any sense does this.

For fun here’s another dufus from Sandy Hook school (shooting???). Not the best picture but just from a quick search. I assure you there are high quality of the same thing, you can find them if you look. He’s holding a sniper rifle AND a AR. Even worse he’s holding the AR by the magazine. And even worse he’s letting the shoulder strap drag on the ground on some pictures. Now snipers have extra training they are supposed to have the basics down. If you look at the whole video he does his best to hide but is not very successful. BIG DUFUS knows nothing about guns.

1. They don’t carry two guns
2. Anyone carrying an AR by the magazine would most likely be kicked out of whatever position he had or at the very least be so chastised and ridiculed that he would never do it again.
3. Guy look familiar?? Looks just like the same guy who supposedly had his child shot.

comment image

4 years ago

The Seattle police chief is a female named Carmen Best, a double-digit IQ nonentity whose crime-fighting cred is virtually nonexistent. She was the SPD Public Information Officer for many years prior to ascending the throne, a position handed to her as a double minority who was somewhat easy on the eyes, (prior to hitting the wall).

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
4 years ago

Regarding the use of lasers as weapons.

1. glasses / goggle exist that protects the wearer. Military / Defense technology
2. Weapons designed to temporarily blind exist. Why not arm the Police snipers with these? Use them against anyone throwing explosives / firebombs or using lasers?
3. The laser weapon can be rigged to cause permanent blindness

I believe the tech all originated in China. I was reading about it years and years ago

Also why not use the LRAD to mess with protesters? Direct a message to a lone BLM in a “white” voice using racial slurs when an antifa is nearby. Or direct message to lone rioters saying “Got you in my cross hairs the second I get permission I’m going to kill you”

4 years ago

re: Q acts like he has it all figured out, so I assume there is a plan. But like with all the America-hating terrorists who should be expelled but who have citizenship, it would seem a difficult problem to solve in any lasting way under present Constitutional rules.

The remedy is GITMO and military tribunals. Per Mark Taylor, there will be military tribunals that make Nuremberg look speedy. This is going to drag on for years, and GITMO has been expanded By God only knows how much. Trump sunk A LOT of money into it to get it up to compliance for American citizens being tried under the new rules for Courts Martial that he executive ordered two years ago. There are prison barges docked there that hold thousands just by themselves.

This could still be going on when Don Jr. is finishing his second term, because he’s very likely going to be Trump’s successor. Think mirror – the Bushes got an evil dynasty, we get a good one.

4 years ago

“But like with all the America-hating terrorists who should be expelled but who have citizenship, it would seem a difficult problem to solve in any lasting way under present Constitutional rules.”

Desperate times require desperate measures.

This is why the inevitable civil war not only will come but must come, after the civil war it will be possible to expel the surviving enemies that can’t be expelled now.

If Trump or Q don’t understand this then they won’t be able to properly prepare us for the civil war and it will come anyway, but Trump will still give us a fighting chance where we probably had none before even if he doesn’t understand. (I want to think Trump and Q understand and will do what needs to be done to prepare)

4 years ago

K is coming:

Ukraine proposes to introduce fine for promoting homosexuality

4 years ago

The Satanic Temple offers academic scholarships to high school graduates