News Brief – 04/19/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Southwest plane engine exploded like a bomb. You don’t say…

Cartel, Inc. Has killed over 80 politicians in Mexico since elections took off. Of course Cartel, Inc. is a subsidiary of Cabal, Inc. so this means the Cabal might be looking to consolidate power south of the border. Q had said the border is more important than we could possibly imagine. It is possible that we may not win the war against Cabal Inc entirely, but rather just eject them from our nation, and then enter some sort of cold war with the various nations they control – especially Mexico. And for that we will need to seal the border. Or, maybe Q and team are killing all the Cabal assets in Mexico, and making it look like Cartel hits.

Lawmakers Make Criminal Referral on Clinton, Comey, Lynch to DOJ on Steele Dossier. One thing I notice may be a persuasion play. If you had one person conclude Hillary had committed a crime, and try to file charges, it is easy for her supporters to claim it is not true, and so on. But if you have FBI agents, a special counsel, a US attorney acting like a special counsel without being a special counsel, House committees, Senate Investigations, Inspector General Reports, and on and on, suddenly she is being attacked form so many sides I think her rabbit allies might back off and hide, rather than try to

640 pounds of high explosives stolen in Pennsylvania; ATF offers reward. Tough to say if it is significant, but these days you never know.

German police swoop on brothels and pole dancing clubs in biggest-ever human trafficking probe There is a lot going on with respect to human trafficking all over the world, since President Trump took over.

Former Senior UN Official arrested for pedophilia in Nepal. Again, by India, where Hillary keeps traveling to. I am wondering if there is some sort of “City of London” type of redoubt the Cabal has set up in that area. Maybe Bangladeshi street children are cheap in that region, and law enforcement can be controlled for some reason. Note that Q keeps indicating Asia is of some importance to the Cabal, perhaps for banking/investment reasons.

Justice Department IG Horowitz predicts Clinton email report will be out in May. Q keeps saying “April Showers.” The full phrase is April Showers Lead To May Flowers.

Billionaire Cryptocurrency Founder Goes To Mexican Rehab, Turns Up Dead Be very careful if you fall afoul of the machine. And be even more careful if you have a ton of money. If you end up sideways with Cabal, finding trustworthy medical care will be among the biggest of your problems. This guy probably never stood a chance.

Woman goes broke attending 20 weddings in four years. No ability to plan forward, an uncontrollable need to preserve social status, and an underlying perception that resources are to be used freely.

Major character in Han Solo will be male bisexual who flirts with Han. On the one hand movies suck now that a simple story of good triumphing over evil is passé due to the Cabal trying to program people to be degenerate and embrace evil. On the other hand, we have reality, where the God Emperor is eradicating an evil conspiracy of unimaginable proportions every day. The world is going K, and it will force movies to in the near future.

Crazy Days And Nights Says Epstein was served with a search warrant for all his recordings which he made of the people he invited to his island. Boom boom boom boom. That is their problem. They need the recordings for blackmail. But the recordings are what can take the whole thing down. Makes me wonder if Q turned the anons on to Ray Chandler to sic FBI on her and turn her to get the warrant for Epstein.

Japan has unlimited Rare Earth Metals. This weakens Chinese influence in the world considerably since their stranglehold on rare-earth element supply could cripple our high tech economy. It totally changes the dynamic in our trade negotiations. I wonder if China had bribed Japan to keep that secret and not develop it, and Trump made a better offer.

NHS overwhelmed by waves of patients with multiple illnesses. Its due to the Migrants. What is not clear is if migrants are infecting Brits with disease strains to which they are immunologically naïve, or if it is the migrants themselves. Regardless, the pandemic is coming.

BBC has received over 100 child abuse allegations in three years since Jimmy Savile. Pedophiles are everywhere, and it is not by chance.

Tell friends about r/K Theory, because it is new

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6 years ago

More on the Cabal playing with airplanes

What did he know about the Clintons? It was also a media field day.

6 years ago

Next, we’re going to learn that the fan failure was caused by improper maintenance. The body of expertise built up around these materials, this engine, and this aircraft are too extensive to be anything else.

Reply to  NA
6 years ago

Certainly intentionally botched maintenance could result in aircraft going down, but I think it would be way, way too hard to have it kill that one particular lady. If it were a hit, then the target is most likely someone else on the plane.

Personally, I’m of the opinion that it was just an accident. Metal fatigue is not easy to detect, when I was learned about it from an engineering standpoint (admittedly many years ago now) one relied on statistics. In other words, X many cycles of Y stress leads to Z% chance of failure.

Reply to  Basil
6 years ago

Basil – I wasn’t trying to imply that it was a hit. Just that proper ultrasonic inspection of the fan and related engine components would have revealed microscopic flaws well in advanced of it posing a risk in flight.

6 years ago

Defining “the cabal” is a double-edged sword for a wS for exactly the reason that cabalmembers are sexual deviants of the most radical variant. The “key” to normalizatizing sexual deviancy is exposure… Repeated exposure… Memetic exposure. As rivaling authors of the Narrative, those on the side of Good are in the unenviable position of exposing evil of the “sexual degenerate” genre. This puts lesser skilled authors in the position of normalizing sexual deviancy in defining “the cabal.”

What does this meme for white nationalists who cannot get any traction on the “ethnostate” front under the wide knowledge of rule by pedophilic faggots?

It memes that even white nationalists do not actually oppose “radical sexual autonomy” which is the power of “the cabal” over its sexually-stunted slaves.

Only a wS can define “the cabal” without normalizing its deviancy and by merely articulating “its” desire, clinically.

Only Roman (C)atholic sexual mores are regenerative, eternally.

All other sexual cyst-stems are a tangled web of perpetuating self-annihilation.

The Cabal is cutthroat.

“We” must press for the “self-inflicted” state.

6 years ago

The “red pill” for the US is that it is clear organized crime is more organized and more pervasive than most americans are willing to -publicly- accept. It’s common knowledge Mexico is corrupt, and then you get the cognitive dissonance where its northern neighbor is somehow immune from -systemic- corruption when there are anywhere from 12-80 million immigrants who broke the law to get here.

With the broad list of known mafias in the US, either the government in general is incompetent, or compromised enough that it is a matched fight.

Cecil Henry
6 years ago

Here is R-selected behavior by the Liberal government in Canada:

More sentences for gun owners, LOWER sentences for actual CRIMES

Peter Salemi-RED ALERT: C-75, The Worst Bill Yet From The Liberal Government

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

I’m not so sure this is so. I was reading about helicopter blades the other day and how they like composites so much better. They show signs of failure long before they actually fail. Metals tend to fail faster. Think of a piece of aluminum foil. If you evenly pull on a sheet it’s very strong but a small tear and you can rip the whole sheet easily. I don’t know about blades now but in the past they found ways to make the whole blade one single crystal so that there would be no grain boundaries that the blade could separate on.

As there so many of these blades in so many jets with millions and millions of miles it’s a wonder more of them don’t fail.

I saw a Singapore airlines video where they lost a blade and it was vibrating the whole entire plane. The pilots were idiots as they should have shut the engine down immediately but they just kept running it as it was shaking the plane massively. All that vibration could have wrenched loose the engine from the wing and then they would have really been ruined.

6 years ago

CDAN mentioned India and how a lot of celebrities travel to these places to rape. There is no government, it’s all bribes. If the victims make a fuss, they can be disposed of, the place is full of disease and death and gangs disable children to get more money. A high profile Indian religious figure supposedly likes to rape pre-teen girls but claims to keep them in the room with him over night to “test” himself. The male lead in Pretty Woman, friends with him, apparently likes ’em young. Plenty of billionaires make rape victims disappear.