News Brief – 04/13/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Louis Rossman has a high-pitched whine in his office:

Some of you have pointed out that in my videos over the past four months I do in my downstairs office in my house, there is a high pitched whine. This entire time, I thought that was me getting tinnitus from getting old.

It’s not. It’s actually there. and I can’t figure out what it is. It’s driving me nuts. I was walking into the bathroom and each time I did, the “tinnitus” went away. FML.

This should be easy, given the acoustic absorption on the wall – that foam is cheap shit, but the cheap shit is bad at absorbing *low* frequencies, not *high* frequencies like 6k-14k. And higher frequencies are more directional. This should be easy to figure out.

I have no idea where it’s coming from though. 🙁

It is always possible it is some transformer or something. But I have had this, and it was not a transformer. In my case, it almost walked the line between a sound you could hear, and a piercing sensation deep in the ear drum. I went in a bedroom once, and it was amplified to the point there was a physical buzz, bordering on pressure, you could feel, and hear, coming off all the walls and ceiling. I stood for a moment, taking it in, it was so surreal. I opened a sliding glass door, stuck my head out, and it was still silence out there. I pulled my head in, and everything was abuzz. Back out total still silence, back in everything, walls, ceiling, bed, all just buzzing. I believe, unless I am mistaken, it was Redclaw here who had a Freemason move in next door, the high pitched whine started, and then it left when he finally moved away. In my experience, this very slightly degrades cognitive function, and tires you out somewhat. They seem to put it where you are doing the things they do not like, I suspect to try and attach a subtle discomfort to it psychologically, in hopes you will decide you don’t like doing what they don’t want you doing, without really knowing why. That may be why it is in his office. But it varies in intensity and as with Lou, you will tend to think it is a nervous phenomenon when it first happens at lower levels, if you notice it.

I have no doubt you will see more of this as time goes on. We were the beta test subjects for a raft of different kinds of devices like this, and now that they have seen how it all works on us, what I have been saying here will gradually begin to be seen everywhere, including in your own real life.

House passes FISA reauthorization bill after previous GOP setback.

Eighty-six House Republicans vote for warrantless surveillance of Americans. The list of traitors is here.

Speaker Johnson defiant after casting deciding vote, breaking 212-212 tie, to continue Deep State’s warrantless surveillance.

When chance favors an opposing intelligence operation, it usually isn’t chance. Either she never had the flu, or someone infected her. I lean toward her just being corrupt. I could have lost both legs and I would have dragged my stumps in there to vote, and she should have too.

Thomas Massie:

This is how the Constitution dies.

By a tie vote, the amendment to require a warrant to spy on Americans goes down in flames.

This is a sad day for America.

The Speaker doesn’t always vote in the House, but he was the tie breaker today. He voted against warrants.

Representative Anna Paulina Luna has called for a rare procedural move to delay the Senate’s consideration of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Section 702 extension, pushing for a new vote in the House of Representatives. She clearly is not sharp enough to come up with this herself. The question is did she hire a sharp advisor, or is she being given lines in the script? I tend toward the latter.

FBI interrogated Trump’s valet driver without Trump’s knowledge – and turned ambush interview into perjury trap: Court docs. You wonder how many others we don’t know about were turned into spies for the intelligence community as it sought to take out a duly elected President.

Speaker Johnson unveils voter legislation during press conference with Donald Trump: Proof of U.S. citizenship required for federal elections — Will remove non-citizens from existing voter rolls.

Biden is indicating that he will not debate former president Trump this year. They can’t. He is too far gone.

National Guard whistleblowers to testify they were ready to be deployed on Jan.6 but Pentagon delayed orders – will DESTROY J6 Committee’s BIG LIE!

DNC paid $1.5 million legal bill for Joe Biden’s classified docs scandal.

Federal judge rejects Hunter Biden bid to dismiss gun charges in special counsel case.

‘Are you kidding me?’: Biden-appointed judge torches DOJ for blowing off Hunter Biden-related subpoenas from House GOP.

The Biden administration announced Friday it was forgiving another $7.4 billion in student debt for another 277,000 borrowers. So far, Biden has cancelled $153 billion in debt for 4.3 million people.

The homeless migrant who was busted joyriding on a historic FDNY fireboat and then swiping a sailboat for another leisurely ride was released without bail Friday — only to immediately try to climb aboard an even bigger ship in Manhattan, according to sources, who said immigration officials’ hands are tied.

A suspected illegal immigrant from Venezuela tried his luck at robbing a bank in Ohio this week, although the heist went awry after he was unable to get a translator app to communicate what he wanted.

Louisiana silencer case ends with plea deal which preserves right to appeal.

Won’t You BEMy (Work)Friend? Only two in 10 people say they have a best friend at work. But companies, aware of how much culture matters, say trying to foster friendships couldn’t be more awkward. You tend to think this is surveillance destroying our ability to bond with each other. I can’t criticize their ability, they got me too. I was even thinking a while back, suppose there is a war on the family, and Cabal is even trying to career-ize girls with feminism, and promote promiscuity and onlyfans, and MK Ultra cultural shit like Sex and the City. When guys and gals signed up for dating apps controlled by the conspiracy (as I am now sure they all were) imagine the fun surveillance had, matching the chaste, loyal girls up with the players who would pump and dump them over and over, forcing them on the carousel, and hooking the loyal monogamous guys up with the sluts who would two time them every Wednesday with their ex-con ex-BF. No wonder nobody is marrying and having kids, if that as the goal of a Stasi-like intel operation in every neighborhood at the community level. Because we all look at the global programs to fuck over American society, and nobody realizes once every neighborhood has a file archivist who has responsibility to actually personally know the 200-300 targets under him, as well as a surveillance team embedded within it, those global programs can be, and will be, very easily atomized, customized, and individualized at a granular level. Especially when Cabal controls all the tech like this.

Police admit that “two factions” of Muslims shot at each other at the Ramadan event in Philly yesterday.

From the comments, video claims Michael Jackson faked his death, and went on TV afterward to eulogize himself in makeup, pretending to be a guy who was burned as a child. The Jackson one looks interesting, though obviously it seems too strange. And it is possible the guy picked up the mannerisms as some kind of fan. But you never know these days.

OJ Simpson talks about how he might have killed Nicole hypothetically.

Of course, Juice died of cancer:

If Cabal existed in the Persian Empire, as a hidden hand, could it have survived, through Rome, the Vatican, Europe, and America today? Also Kerry’s daughter married a high ranking Iranian government official, IIRC:

In just four years, tens of millions of dollars flowed from CCP-tied military companies to DC lobbyists.

UK intelligence officials have been repeatedly targeted in “honeytrap” plots as Chinese spies ramp up efforts to glean national secrets through seduction and blackmail. It is incredibly common.

China’s economy ‘imploding’ as property market plunges, and experts issue warning of chaos around the globe.

Ex-Shin Bet chief: Netanyahu unfit for office, leading Israel to its doom. Signs of a change in the guard over there, at the same time something seems to be happening in nations all across the globe.

Trump calls Biden ‘pretty pathetic’ for saying Iran is about to strike Israel and warns there could be a ‘world war’ before the election: Donald insists Tehran would have NEVER attacked if he was president.

U.S. moves MORE forces into the Middle East to prepare for ‘imminent’ Iranian strike on Israel: Pentagon sends aircraft carrier that can intercept missiles to the Red Sea in warning to Tehran.

Iran warns U.S. to stay out of fight with Israel or face attack on troops.

Man claims more than 50 children were sexually abused by ‘paedophile’ catholic monks on UK holy island in scandal as bad as ‘Jimmy Savile’ as new probe launched.

In Germany, AfD candidate wins Mayoral election, judge rules it invalid on technicalities, orders new election.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued orders to Kremlin-controlled agencies regarding the development of a nuclear energy program for space after a February warning from the White House that Russia has the capability for an anti-satellite space-based weapon while stressing that it is not operational. Looks like the nuclear power plant is for the moon, which means after abandoning the moon, exactly like the US, now the Russians are suddenly looking at going back, as if something changed. Also, the Russians have to be wondering if The Beam is satellite based, and that is how the Cabal is hitting our officers in all these different countries, and if it is, how they can take it out if it is used against them. I suspect now what I am being hit with is not satellite based, but is two devices 150 feet away, which alone appear harmless. But you have to wonder how they hit Navalny in the middle of nowhere, to try and make Putin look bad, given the perfect timing which makes it appear a likely hit. And I think the Russians heard chatter saying somebody was preparing to hit Navalny, which is why a couple of weeks before he died they suddenly moved him to a new prison, and tried to keep the location a secret. And still he was likely hit. That could be a satellite.

Russian attacks are growing more effective as Ukraine depletes its armory.

China is helping Russia ramp up its defense industrial base at such a large scale that Moscow is now undertaking its most ambitious expansion in military manufacturing since the Soviet era as it continues its war against Ukraine.

Russia is bolstering its forces for the war in Ukraine at a “far faster” rate than the United States originally estimated, a top general said.

Russian political scientist Dmitry Evstafiev insisted that it’s now a foregone conclusion that Putin will have to unleash nuclear weapons upon Europe. Sounds crazy, but then you look at all the articles at this 4Chan link, and you can see Europe is clearly girding for a world war.

New bill in Tennessee would require gun safety courses to be taught in public schools.

Spread r/K Theory, because almost is not quite close enough, and purposeful

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10 months ago

I know we’re still early in the year and summer is usually when things can get real crazy, but doesn’t it seem like things have been relatively peaceful for an election year? I’m just thinking back to 2020 and even 2016 and how many Trump rallies were disrupted and people attacked and all that. It seems like that’s not really in the playbook right now.

10 months ago

Re Warrantless FISA, from DC_Draino

“The FISA bill was passed by the House without extra warrant protections to stop the FBI from spying on Americans

So Rep. Luna requested a very rare procedural maneuver to force a re-vote on Monday and it worked

Remember, the warrant amendment failed by only 1 vote and a GOP Rep was out with the flu today

Rep. Luna may have just singlehandedly saved American civil liberties

The fight continues Monday…”

10 months ago

About 15 years ago, I worked for a company where the owners had read some studies about the “best friend at work” thing and they were really big on it. And yeah, it was awkward.

I didn’t expect Brandon to debate Trump. Brandon couldn’t handle a debate with Cookie Monster.

10 months ago
Last edited 10 months ago by teotoon
Reply to  teotoon
10 months ago

this might actually be the way. we live in a world where parents who didn’t lock up their guns which were then used by their scumbag kid to bravely shoot & kill unarmed children were thrown in jail for it. now maybe that’s right and maybe that’s wrong, but that’s the New Rules now. so let’s put em to use. just make sure to file the suits/charges in northern Idaho or the Ozarks, someplace like that, because unless you have an all-whyte jury….

“I doan care WHAT da “evidence” say, I juss fells in mah heart dey not guilty!”

10 months ago

‘Ex-Shin Bet chief: Netanyahu unfit for office, leading Israel to its doom. Signs of a change in the guard over there, at the same time something seems to be happening in nations all across the globe.’

Antichrist revealed soon, I suspect.

10 months ago

Why were children left on an island with monks? I don’t understand why boomers didn’t take care of their children. Maybe people still don’t? I trusted nobody with my children, nobody. Modicum of common sense goes a long way.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Same here. My kids weren’t sent to pre-school or daycare or left with babysitters, except occasionally my mom or sister. They also didn’t go to retreats, week long class trips or summer camps. I was almost always one of the chaperones on field trips and volunteered in every single grade school classroom they were in. All vacations were family vacations so the kids went with us. When my girls wanted to be Brownies I volunteered to be their troop leader. When my son wanted to be in Little League, I volunteered to be ‘team mom’.

I trusted no one, and made sure all adults interacting with my kids knew I was in the vicinity and watching them like a hawk. I refused to let my kids be in GATE, although I was pressured by school personnel to agree to it. Not because I realized it was a psy-op, but because I didn’t like the idea of them be sequestered with other ‘smart’ kids at the mercy of a teacher who didn’t make use of room parent volunteers. Why didn’t they want me, or other parents, in their classroom?

And, btw. I’m a boomer, and appalled at how casual my ‘peers’ were with their kids. My ‘peers’ labeled me neurotic. I was simply acting on instinct. What I didn’t realize is that my kids were TIs and the surveillance system and theater kids simply waited me out and targeted them once they hit high school. If I’d realized in time, I’d have homeschooled them all. As it is, I figured it out in time to homeschool my youngest from junior high to college…which she largely did online. But, they finally got to her with a cabal boyfriend. The system really is overwhelmingly thorough.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

All you can do is the best you can do.

Now that we know about it, ___?
Now that we know about it, ___?
Reply to  AnonL
10 months ago

The link to this spooky video said to be from an insider/whistleblower might have already been posted here on AC. But in case not:

RAW/UNEDITED – Part 2 – starts with a historical BRIEF touching on PAPERCLIP and MKULTRA with irrefutable declassified documents and information… viewed through a no nonsense lens for a realistic perspective and analysis.
Continuing through the timeline of MKULTRA initially breaking in the late 70s, and eventually spurring back up in the 90s presidential committee testimony in the public domain solidifying the existence of these brainwashing programs and continued coverup – with blindly corroborating information on people, places, and programs – put together by survivors and nationwide dissociative/trauma therapists. THIS was the start of a BLUEPRINT for people looking to effect change (collect, compile, and corroborate information).
Also touched on is the paralell scandal regarding covert/black budget sects of the CIA, NSC and Co. which were into major drug trafficking, spurring the crack epidemic in the 80s, and the associated operation PEGASUS which involved human trafficking, blackmail, extortion, and assassinations of many – from citizens to political officials – including on US soil. This also blew in the 90s around the same time – with the usual suspects as the bad actors behind the scenes

Reply to  AnonL
10 months ago

You did the best you could, and your kids will have a better chance to recover from what hit them for it.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

You laid the groundwork

Reply to  AnonL
10 months ago

I trusted too much for so many years…Well, now I know better and I share it with those I care about. They don’t have my level of awareness yet but they’re awake and getting much more attuned. I think about the future and our lives and it will be very different from the clueless lifestyle of our past. It will be based and it will be grounded in strength and authenticity.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

As Vox Day so often reminds us, when we in Gen X were growing up, the 10 PM news opened with “It’s ten o’clock. Do you know where your children are?” Boomers had to be reminded that they had children.

10 months ago

“Russia is bolstering its forces for the Ukraine war “far faster” than we thought…”

you mean that “war” they’ve been “fighting” for 3+ years now, in which they’ve gained a vast 60 miles of territory? “lightning advances” of nearly 20 miles per YEAR? in which each month of “hard fighting” racks them up another whopping 1.67 miles, month after month? yeah, sure, whatevs

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

Every village they take, they have to go through it thoroughly and root out the Cabal presence, before moving on to the next village.

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

They are destroying the enemy army, then they will take as much as they want easily.

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

Where did the Russians say they wanted territory?
The Russians said they wanted to “demilitarize” Ukraine; “denazify” Ukraine; and render it eternally neutral. If you don’t know this then you don’t know what you are talking about and anything you wrote is the jibber jabber of an ignorant person.
To accomplish their three goals, which are, again, to denazify Ukraine, demilitarize Ukraine, and render Ukraine eternally neutral, the Russians need to kill a whole lot of Ukrainian fighting age men, and whatever women are stupid enough to put on a uniform. It means the Russians have to break every piece of military hardware owned by Ukraine or on Ukrainian territory. It means the Russians have to make the Ukrainian people so sick of war, so full of despair, that it will take generations before any Ukrainian even think of reconstituting their military.
You think that’s easy? It takes time and hard work and the Russians are slowly and methodically dismantling Ukraine and its military. The Russians are slaughtering and maiming hundreds, and at times thousands of Ukrainians every day. Every single day, the Ukrainian people see they can do nothing to stop Russia from destroying their country. The war grinds on day after day after day after day after day as their fathers, husbands and sons are sent one after another to the front line slaughter fields. As Ukrainian soldier after Ukrainian soldier has said for two years, “Whatever the Russians want to kill, they kill.”

There will come a day when the Ukrainian people will break. When that comes, they will fall on their knees before the Russians and beg for peace.
That is the Russian goal. So why do you bring up something as stupid and pointless as “territory”?

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

Shovel ready jobs

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

2+ years. FIFY.

10 months ago

If you’re going to be noticing Iran, maybe someone should point out Esther and Purim. The king has a porn problem and a drinking problem. He wants his wife to strip for his (beneath him) nobles. He divorces her when she, very sensibly, says no way. This porn addled drunk guy is then given a set of women from the kingdom. Traditional harem politics- every province sends a woman to have a child.

One “uncle” sends a pretty young thing with no parents- why not? What uncle? She goes in, goes and gets favored by the eunuchs. The- castrated, sexually mutilated, – read, well, castrated, gay coded- eunuchs. Then she caters to the king. The king declares some state religion habit. Which, again, perfectly normal in this time and place. “God-King” is a recognized historical conformation.

She gins up the king, and then lets him know she’s a crypto-jew. There are plots, she says. Then she arranges for her ‘uncle’- underworld procurer- to show the plot and then arrange to have a genocidal, fratricidal, civil war.

I mean, this is what happened with the French King versus his Protestants. The king had Jewish advisors. There were rumors of plots. The man had Protestant ancestors. I’d also throw in the Egyptian adventure in the Bible, and the Russian revolution, for the biggies. The Rothschild banker supplying the heir to the Austro-Hungarian kingdom with a dressed up “Baroness” mistress- she was a shopgirl- surely shows up here. Kennedy’s doxies. Any current pop star has to run the eunuch gauntlet. Or, say, the current Podhoretz flouncing around declaring the Civil War and the War of the Roses are too far away history- He’s the kind who would freak out about “God King” local religion, but then be excited about his own pose in front of Trajan’s arch.

There are still Jews in Persia. They are so inbred that they are all, at most, fifth cousins. Regular Persians got out when the revolution happened. They fled to every oil region in the world. They look like any other prosperous, normal, somewhat secular, shopping girl in any mall. No weird obsessions with politics, genocide, religion.

Reply to  wooderson
10 months ago

Your interpretation of Esther is not supported by the Bible.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

I know. She’s the beloved niece of a very family oriented uncle. She happens to get caught up in the dragnet. She’s beautiful, nice, for all I know she makes jackets for mice….Then those icky, hateful Greek types, for no good reason at all, decide they want to worship her husband, the king. And their going to kill all the Jews who don’t follow the local majority religion. So they had to, absolutely had to, strike first and kill off all the best and brightest of the natives and all of the children.

And then they get a yearly party with smoking,drinking, dressing up in costumes, celebrating killing natives of a nation they are not the founders of. And, somehow, little baby boys fetch up, every so often, drained of blood, coincidentally, everywhere they are, for centuries. And- their own chief rabbi of a nation writes a book about it- and gets bullied into recanting, even if he’s right. It’s like if we made Umberto Eco retract The Name of the Rose, because a monk would never molest a kid learning to read and write at the monastery.

So, I’m trying to lay out the pattern I’ve got, with all my doubts. Like, so……what if Uncle Mordechai is a pimp? Lots of current Jews run porn. There are Jews that supply pretty young things for local rulers. Jeffrey Epstein. There’s definitely nations where excitable Jews go kill the locals. The Holodomar. The wars that Cassius Dio writes about. Same behaviors, too. They don’t just kill them. They flay them and play with the body parts. That’s kind of a lot of crazy. Or the Pitesti prison, when they got control of Romania. Weimar. Jack the Ripper.

And, the king was drunk and asked his wife to show the nobles how beautiful she was. She said no. It was a violation of modesty. So he’s drunk and he’s violating social mores. That’s a guy with a porn brain, even if it’s ankles, and a drunk.

The people running a harem are not men with a full block and tackle. They’ve never been men with a full block and tackle. And, oddly enough, when we see female pop stars that we are supposed to ooh and ahh over, they are surrounded by men who, even if they have their equipment, would never use it on women. Not just regular gay guys, extremely twinky, flamboyant gays.

And then, they have World War 2, and they insist all these different Nazis get convicted and hung on the holiday that commemorates the holiday they set up from Esther. And, the trial, it’s their judges, and their witnesses, and the witnesses lie like Persian rugs. Lampshades, shrunken heads, bizarre nightmares of bad behavior.

Look, I’m at the point where I’m thinking the OT is in the Bible mostly as a warning.

Reply to  wooderson
10 months ago

The whole key to understanding the book of Esther is that it’s about intense ethnic emnity spanning centuries.
Exodus – 13th century BC
King Saul – 11th century BC
Esther & Mordecai – 5th century BC

Hamon & Mordecai were ethnic enemies long before Hamon got pissed at Mordecai for not showing enough deference to him

The book of Esther gives genealogies of both Mordecai & Hamon. Mordecai is a Benjamite & relative of King Saul. Hamon is referred to 5 times as an Agagite – a descendent of King Agag who was an Amalekite. The Amalekites were thought to have giant blood in them & were enemies of the Israelites popping up in the OT to attack the Hebrews – Gen 14:1-7, Exodus 17:8, 17:14, Deut 25:19, Judges 3:13, 6:1-6 & 1 Samuel & 2 Samuel.

Because the Amalekites attacked the Israelite convoy in Exodus, Yahweh condemned them to be destroyed as part of the taking posession of Caanan lands. The Israelites under Joshua failed to do this completely. 2 centuries later the prophet Samuel told Saul to attack Agag & finish the job but Saul disobeyed & spared him. This caused the removal of kingship anointing from Saul & the prophet Samuel having to kill Agag instead.

Mordecai & Hamon is a replay of Saul & Agag. The Amalekite descendent almost got the upper hand except for Esther’s influence.

In Numbers 24:7 which chronologically is before the period of Esther & Mordecai – in the passage where the prophet Baalam was hired by Balak to curse the Israelites but Balaam ends up blessing them instead – Balam prophesies about Agag.
“Water will flow from their buckets;
their seed will have abundant water.
Their king will be greater than Agag;
their kingdom will be exalted.”
The seed is referring to the descendents of Jacob. Cosmically it’s pointing to victory of the seed started by Yahweh (Israel) over a giant descendent seed (Amaleks) that came about from the watcher’s spiritual rebellion.

Reply to  wooderson
10 months ago

To be fair, I was never persuaded from the OT, in the first place. I found all the other regions, with their religions that were a lot more intuitive, a lot more based, all of them went to Jesus Christ, pretty much the instant they heard about him, with a sense of relief you can almost hear today, from the awkward letters of the missionaries, echoing across the centuries.

Weird, tortured, references back to an earlier chapter of some weird scroll pertaining to some cult that some other local cult disagreed with? Not so much. And the prophets? Nice writing, but some of those guys are not people you would talk to if you met them at a bus stop, even today. I live in a city with a giant mental hospital that lets crazy people out onto the street, where they end up living off student donations for years. Ahab and Jezebel went and had a clean up of those guys- drove them like cattle before them, then had a cleansing capital punishment event. Julian Jaynes writes about it.

The Gospels have slang from the Egyptians, from the Scythians, from the Irish, from the Gauls, from the Vascones, the British, the Romans, even the Manicheans are okay with Jesus. Stick a thumbtack in Rome, and rotate out their influence across the globe as they knew it. Do some mathy stuff on a computer, and it makes a wheel. And one- maybe two percent of that wheel is Jewish. The other 98% went all in on Christian. God the Father is almost intuitive. I’m not going to believe the 98% are completely wrong, and all the logic has to come from the 2%. Everyone has an inner voice. That whisper of conscience and soul usually ends up Christian. The 2% ended up, almost as fast as possible, as Satanists. Archaeology has the evidence in caves o f necromancy after Jesus returned, and before or during the rebellions by jews against Rome. Vox Day has articles linking to it.

If you agree that the Phoenicians all mass converted to Jewishness when the Romans burned down Carthage, well……Phoenicians sucked then, and the survivors suck now. Baby killing freaks. The current local owners of most alcohol vendors in my town claim to be Phoenician descended. They talk about being immune to alcohol. They also sell alcohol to the current city founders, even though they know they are bringing alcoholism, which destroys families. And, they mega- cheat on their taxes, personal and business. That’s just a socially parastic, gross family. It’s like the Bronfmans- bringing abundant alcohol to Canada, and smuggling alcohol to the USA when we outlawed it- laws be damned- ruining the founding families- and then, getting up into blackmail, politics, crooked social productions- squalid, debasing movies- and then an outright sex cult with extra slavery. It’s gross. Top to bottom.

I’m leaving out the strip club owners and the higher than street level prostitution rings. And the trucking companies that always end up ‘accidentally’ having human trafficking problems. And smuggling problems in general.

Then, that sex cult tries to bring down a nation’s leader. Stormy Daniels, near prostitute, tries to bring down President Trump. And her scummy lawyer.

I mean, it reads like Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, because it’s the same playbook. Justinian was opposed by slave dealers, drug dealers, pornocrats, entertainment moguls. They’d made a plaything of the Empire. He bought 1000 years of peace by mass killing all the major players, left and right, because, even then, they were a fake opposition.

Reply to  wooderson
10 months ago

Ahab and Jezebel as good guys? Really?

I’m not even going to debate you on the Jews and Israelites, it’s too complicated and they have always been corrupt (the OT itself constantly calls them out for their corruption), but please don’t fall into the trap of thinking Baal worshipers are better just because they opposed the Jews.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

I’m not. I think that armpit of the Meditteranean is all around disgusting and weird. I think the Jews, somehow, I don’t know how, shoplifted or counterfeited enough history that they’ve written themselves in as ‘elder brothers in the faith.’ I don’t know how.

I mean, I’m not Christian because of church people. My background is pagans and atheists, alongside some church people. None of them are aspirational, sweet, nice people. Maybe one or two. But not the people who I was around. God had to do a pretty hard intervention on me. I believe in the Gospels. Like, AC levels of undeniable. I did grow up in a Baptist church, from not-my-birth family. And, honestly, really not kind or good. I have to start with “really messed up people really think this is important.” Like, it’s aspirational for them.

Jezebel mostly strikes me as an AWFL. She is the daughter of a Queen and King who had a matriarchal arrangment. She had been raised to rule. She was also corrupt. Which, you know, on brand for AWFLs. Laurene Powell Jobs, for example.

And, yeah, Jezebel is a believer in a respectable local religion with a three thousand year history. I’m not going to shade her for believing what she grew up with. The problem is she’s corrupt and takes people’s stuff and accepts bribes, and plans assassinations for pique.

Julian Jaynes, like everybody else in the world, looked into the Bible and saw his profession. Everyone does. There’s MLM books about Jesus and his twelve downstream reports. However, because his skillset is therapy for schizophrenics, he’s going to notice some things. Like, a social cleansing of out of control schizophrenics by the local rulers.

My dad notes that there’s at least two times they conveniently find scrolls supporting whatever the local priests want to happen. They find these and some new ruler is “Alrighty then, cleanse away.” So, counterfeiting? Or miracle? Convenient miracle?

I mean, we’ve got Buddhism as one temple with one crooked priest, out in the middle of nowhere, and some adventurer- Aurel Stein- conveniently shows up and bribes the guard to take the scrolls and he, conveniently, translates a religion that seamlessly works its way into the Western mind middle class to just kind of sit there and ‘higher power’ away all distress?

Then you’ve got these competing prophets woeing up the cities, with different versions of why events are about to happen? The big bad Babylonians? Or, the merciful Babylonians that will take you to their cities- but don’t get too comfortable? Except, the descendants of local kings get onto the welfare rolls of the king’s household?

I mean, Herod killed off the hereditary Levites. He put in his own Edomite clansmen. They were playing dressup with skinsuits, as the phrase goes. There’s the Vox post from archaeology review of a cave where the hardcore Jewish politicals are doing necromancy. This is when the Romans are trying to put them down again, after Jesus.

Then there’s the current day editing of the New Testament, to clip out verses critical of Jews. I saw a chart online from an Orthodox bible to a New International. Just plain rewriting and clipping out verses. That’s not trustworthy behavior. You can’t, by the way, buy an Orthodox bible at a stripmall Christian store that’s owned by that billionaire.

Or, say, the odd translating bits. Like “the meek shall inherit the earth.” We all grow up with it. Except it’s more like “the disciplined like a horse in bridle” – pruas- meek-pruas disciplined. Which one gets a population to just sit there and take abuse? Which one goes and builds? I know learning that changed me.

And, like, I don’t know how they did it, but I think they counterfeited their way in, the same way we can buy an “Israeli” cookbook that is full of Palestinian recipes.

Like, Rahab the prostitute, from Jericho? She betrayed her city. Like, it’s always this woman full of faith, and she’s willing to save her family, and isn’t that amazing? And, you know, her neighbors and city died. That’s….so, she’s an angry victim of sexual abuse? Or, she’s in a city where prostitutes are another job? Or she’s part of the local religion? And that’s a palace coup- the religious woman opens the gates and gets the king killed off and maybe not everyone died? And, she’s Jesus’s family tree?

I mean, the daughter’s of Lot? Scholars are “Oh, that’s political shade- they are saying their enemies are incestuous freaks.” And- incidentally- the current Jews aren’t that upset about incest. Or rape. Or religiously active females. Or porn.

Look, I really, truly believe Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. I just don’t know or understand what all that means, because I am human, not divine. That’s okay. I can’t do calculus, but I also know there’s people who do know calculus, and it’s true. Same mental space.

Reply to  wooderson
10 months ago

Food for thought about Lot’s incest with his daughters:

While human nature has consistency across the millenia, you can’t contemporize events from the distant past & assign modern motives – malign or benign – without really making the effort to understand the ancient person’s worldview & his/her response to events.

There’s a good YT video about 20-30 mins on the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah on the channel Inspiring Philosophy.

Consider the utter desolation of the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah. It was a meteor strike not just targeted to 2 cities in a surgical strike but the entire plain was destroyed – including any surrounding villages except for 1 village.

In Gen 19: 18-26 Lot pleads to flee to a village of Zoar on the plain instead of the mountains. So while the angels agreed to spare Zoar from destruction they would’ve been in the thick of it as it happened.

Verse 25 “thus he overthrew those cities & the entire plain , destroying all those living in the cities & also the vegetation.’ (NIV)

That must’ve been absolutely terrifying & traumatizing to witness & survive. Why didn’t Lot go to the mountains as the angels suggested first? Limitations of his physical health? Disbelief it would happen? Ignorance of the scale of the destruction? Who knows.

Verse 27 describes Abraham going back the next morning to a viewpoint overlooking the plain & “he saw dense smoke rising from the land, like smoke from a furnace.

Verse 30 says Lot & daughters left Zoar because he was too afraid to stay there & went and lived in a cave. Because of fear of it happening again. Fear the Zoar villagers could’ve turned on them blaming them as they were outsiders. Fear of starvation.

These people were traumatized & had PTSD. Lot wanted to hide in a cave in the mountains for the rest of his life. His daughters had to support and follow him.

Lot wanted nothing to do with other people because who knows if this Yahweh God his uncle Abraham followed wouldn’t send down such destruction again?

And Lot’s daughters – who also would’ve had PTSD – how were they gonna survive? Who would help them? Who would protect them? How could they let the family name die out? They needed sons.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

They knew they could return to Abraham’s camp.
The daughters were perverts who had been corrupted by the city Lot chose to raise them in.

Reply to  wooderson
10 months ago

Re Jezebel.

If you accept the divinity of Jesus then you can’t write off the OT as just a mesopotamian version of Game of Thrones.

The pagan idols had supernatural entities behind them. These entities & the Israelites’ deity – whom we accept as the real & true Creator because we believe in Jesus’ divinity – are in an elaborate battle of taking & ceding territory. Humans are in this proxy war & we have no say in the matter. The territory is geographical & spiritual – which deity is going to be chief influencer of a city, a nation etc.

Jezebel intentionally advanced the influence of Ba’al – she had priests of Yahweh rounded up and killed. This is more than just a foreign born queen who has brought familiar customs with her so she’s not homesick – this is a deliberate act of war by a rival god taking over territory in the spiritual realm.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

To be fair, I read the Iliad, and what I get out of it is a hyped up motorcycle gang going up against an actual civilization. Helen was right to run off with Paris. She’s a chola. Paris is some prep school prince. Of course she’d want to run.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

And, drug addicts. Drug addicts as far as the eye can see. It was like Portland, Seattle and Philadelphia had a strung out baby. Jesus was, absolutely, the light of a fallen world.

10 months ago
Reply to  anon
10 months ago

Ho. Lee shiz. I have had to really force myself to quell teeth clacking and cheek chewing all my life. I always thought it was just being high strung. I have suffered with a lot of the symptoms laid out in that diagram. But the teeth clacking ? Damn. WTF

Reply to  anon
10 months ago

Just the last couple days they have really been doing the heart palps thing. Have a friend who reported it happening at the same day and time. Always when sitting at pc doing my job

10 months ago

Bannon’s War Room ran a special today called “the coup d’etat” and the title covers it. It is about the Deep State taking out JFK, Nixon, and Trump, and the most interesting part, about JFK, is at the front of the program:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I had the link wrong. This is the correct link:

Jerome Corsi uncovered convincing forensic evidence that what happened in Dallas was an ambush with multiple shooters.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

Watch JFK to 911 A Rich Mans Trick

Also, see Secret Service Standdown

Trump did not declassify much about JFK’s murder, but what we did see confirmed:

  • JFK was shot from behind and front…
  • ie more than 1 shooter…
  • ie coverup (Warren Commission etc)
Nobody Special
Nobody Special
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

There were multiple episodes on the topic, link wasn’t to the JFK episode. JFK episode was Jerome Cores hawking his new book which is a detailed rehash of the autopsy photos. Conclusion = shot from the grassy knoll. Nothing new.

Reply to  Nobody Special
10 months ago

Original docs and Declassified docs (from Trump) show JFK was shot from the front and behind.
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10 months ago
Reply to  Maniac
10 months ago

I am listening to the Duran coverage while I’m read these comments. Alexander Mercouris said that the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy was an act of war, and Iran under international law has the right to retaliate (same with the Iranian attack on the US embassy in 1979). However, he and John Mearsheimer said that this was why Israel attacked the embassy, it was an attempt to create a wider war and get the United States involved.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

Who would have predicted Iran & Russia act responsibly while Israel & Ukraine conduct acts of terrorism

Reply to  Maniac
10 months ago

What is the consequence of ignoring an attack on Iranian diplomats on diplomatic grounds?

10 months ago

“China’s Imploding Economy” – this pleases me to no end, but the article has no freakin’ IDEA. But the truth can be found, if you look. Even if one doesn’t speak mandarin, a few hours spent on youtube looking for shaky chinese cellphone videos about ‘how fuckin terrible the economy is’ will show you all you need to know. Here’s my top 7:
1) truckdriver at a massive main export/container port shows us a) row after row of empty cans stacked up b) drive right up to the crane, no waiting, “what used to be a min. 3-hour wait!” c) the entirely empty massive port “is closed today” on {what he says is} Saturday
2) netizen in Dongguan, china’s City of Factories, takes us on a tour of mile after mile of (obviously) closed and shuttered factories. “used to employ 13,000 people – it moved to Vietnam.” “largest shoe factory in the world, it made shoes for Nike, Adidas, and about 50 other well-known companies – moved to India.” like that
3) netizen in another big factory city shows us big-ass weeds growing in the factory parking lots, and in the street outside the factory as well
4) lots & lots & LOTS of frantic homeowners screaming about how their condo is “down 40% this last year!” and they simply cannot sell, because THERE ARE NO BUYERS – “everyone knows this is just the beginning. in 3 years, these condos will be selling for a nickel on today’s dollar.”
5) literally thousands of vids showing row after row, mile after mile of empty/for lease storefronts on utterly empty streets “in good areas” that “were booming just 4 years ago.” sometimes they throw out statistics: “more than 1 million restaurants closed in the last 18 months” “175,000 catering business” “45,000 coffee shops” etc
6) “2 or 3 times as many” delivery drivers and/or food-cart folks than just last year. “these people used to have jobs in factories or offices, but now they don’t. they have to eat, so they do this for peanuts.”
7) Shanghai is an interesting place. in china, Shanghai is their combination of NYC, LA, Miami, and Houston, and it’s been that way for the last 3000 years now. So Shanghai retail is and always has been the cream of the cream of the crop: picture 5th Avenue combined with Rodeo Drive. Like that. So of course that city, a city of 25,000,000 people, has a hot-shit department store district, full of awe-inspiring Grand Stores whose names everyone in china knows. They’re on the Trophy Streets – The Bund, All Hail The Great Navigator And Really Good Swimmer Mao Boulevard, Shortchanged Angry Whore Alley, like that. Here’s the 1 thing: IN THE LAST 4 MONTHS, 14 of these retail palaces have… closed. After decades in operation, they allllll just simultaneously decided to…. close. Here’s the *Big* thing: one of those was the ‘Shanghai 600’ store. {it’s a shitty name, but it’s owned by a fucking commie, as I’ll prove, and commies suck at names} All the news stories about this were kinda shcked, emphasizing it “was 71 years old” and had “opened in 1953.” Now think about 1953 china. The reds are still consolidating their power, wiping out the last pockets of resistance in the boonies, all that. No one in china is thinking about ANYthing but keeping their heads down and looking more proletariat than the next guy – WTF did you think North Korea modeled itself after? on top of that, the country is now unbelievably dirt-poor. the japs stole everything last ounce of gold they could in the 10 years they had their way with china – and the japs were really good at finding hidden gold. then the rich, those with brains & the opportunity, took all the gold that was left and got the hell outta Dodge to Taiwan/HK, or maybe Singapore. {stay with me, I’m going somewhere with this} OK, so in the midst of all that, at a time when “Have you eaten?” will mean more than it ever did anytime in the last 100 years – The Great Leap Forward was still 5 years in the future – right THEN, a shiny new department store opens in the best location in all of Shanghai. Very much like opening a department store in the Leningrad in 1942 – ‘you just don’t do it.’ I’ll cut to chase: it could only have been owned by Mao. No one else would have dared; and no one would have ever walked through its doors unless they were trying to buy goodwill from Mao and his crew of butchers. Probably the single most infamous/iconic department store in the world….

It just closed. it was open through the great leap forward and the cultural revolution – commies want their fucking money and no mere nightmarish purge/famine is gonna stop em from getting it – but NOW it’s closed. heh. what more do we need to know?

pax americana
pax americana
Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

If you get a chance, maybe drop some of the more interesting links, thanks for the info.

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

Or, is this just a case of appearing weak when you are strong?

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
10 months ago

Of course Congress gives themselves a carve out to prevent them from being surveilled, unlike we lowly peasants. Maybe if there was a chance that they would be watched there would be less corruption, and less stabbing the American citizen in the back while accepting bribes (contributions to their precious “charitable trusts”) by foreign and domestic influence peddlers. We are in very dangerous times my friends.

10 months ago

5 Tips Whenever Cops Want to See Your Guns

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

A must Watch mini tute people

10 months ago

> By a tie vote, the amendment to require a warrant to spy on Americans goes down in flames.
It doesn’t make any difference. If the bill had passed, they’d just do it anyway, and create a fictitious chain of investigation to use against you in court to hide what they had done. There’s even a name for it – “parallel construction.”

Which is totally not perjury when the government does it.

10 months ago

> So far, Biden has cancelled $153 billion in debt for 4.3 million people.

[clutches pearls] But… but… UKRAINE desperately needed that money!

10 months ago

> OJ Simpson talks about how he might have killed Nicole hypothetically.

From the trial reports of the day, I would have voted guilty had I been on the jury.

However, LAPD’s handling of the case far exceeded even the term “absolute shit show.” Even the Keystone Kops or Three Stooges would have been ashamed as how they corrupted evidence, mishandled witnesses, violated their own procedures, and generally screwed things up. The level of fuster-cluckery involved strains even my imagination, and my opinion of the police is pretty low to start with.

Thirty years later, now I wonder if it was done deliberately, to ensure he would walk.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

Of course, if they didn’t get the Blacks on the jury to throw it for racial reasons they were going to get him turned loose on appeal for legal reasons.

10 months ago

> Iranian

Iranians are Aryans.

10 months ago

> Iran warns U.S. to stay out of fight with Israel or face attack on troops.

The Taliban ran the US military out of town; the Iranians are a lot better armed and organized than that.

We probably technically have the troops and equipment to fight, but chances are the Pentagon would have them all be tied up with DIE lectures or marching in high heels instead of actually fighting.

The US military is what the Fed has made it to be. The Fed wants them diverse, inclusive, gender-neutral, and politically correct; combat effectiveness is probably far down the list of what they’re supposed to do, now.

10 months ago

> Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued orders to Kremlin-controlled agencies regarding the development of a nuclear energy program for space after a February warning from the White House that Russia has the capability for an anti-satellite space-based weapon while stressing that it is not operational.

The very best 1980s anti-satellite technology! “Concepts” go back to the mid-1960s. The laser wasn’t invented until 1960, and then it took a while before it was more than a laboratory curiosity. It wasn’t until the 1980s when lasers were conceivably powerful enough to use as ASAT weapons.

Space-based nuclear reactors go back to the 1950s; just about everyone has sent some up, though usually very small, basically thermoelectric piles using fission heat from transuranics. More powerful space-based reactors have been designed, but the last I heard of those was 1960s material, and they were expecting to have a permanent maintenance crew for them. Which was why it was part of the “Wheel” space station design, that got sidelined in the mad dash to the Moon. The Wheel was also supposed to be a refueling point for the Moon rockets, which would set up a second space station orbiting the Moon, so the Moon flights could be done much more cheaply. Of course, that was important to build the Moonbase, which also somehow never happened.

The Apollo rockets let them go from Canaveral to the Moon and back all in one mission, but Apollo ate the Wheel and Moonbase, and NASA became a giant bureaucracy that only launches what they have to in order to keep their funding.