News Brief – 03/05/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Emerald Robinson gives a great rundown of many of the anomalies noted by the Wisconsin Special Prosecutor. Most interestingly is that the guy who it is now established was controlling the Wisconsin election from a secret WiFi connection in a Green Bay Hotel room was a Mark Zuckerberg-funded, George Soros associated New York attorney. Do you think he would take your illegal surveillance case? From the report – “The OSC’s investigation discovered the use of a ballot tracking and harvesting
application in Wisconsin. An extensive amount of time and effort went into this portion of the investigation. The OSC became attuned to the possibility of an application when reviewing email exchanges between the Zuckerberg 5 and third parties. This involved tracking applications in Georgia and Pennsylvania.” If he is reviewing emails of all the conspirators, that could prove very fruitful.

The winner of a GOP primary in a Michigan State House special election, Robert Regan, says he will support decertification of Michigan’s fraudulent 2020 election.

Ex-Director of National Intelligence says there’s ‘enough evidence to indict MULTIPLE people’ in Durham’s Russia probe following revelation Hillary campaign paid to hack Trump’s servers – and claims Biden and Obama KNEW about plot to take him down. From the piece : “John Ratcliffe told Special Counsel John Durham that there is ‘enough evidence’ to indict ‘multiple people’ connected to the origins of the Trump-Russia probe. The former Director of National Intelligence met with Durham more than once. Ratcliffe’s pointed Durham to a declassified CIA memo of Clinton approving looking into Trump’s Russia ties as a way of distracting from her email scandal. The report was sent directly to then FBI Director James Comey and then-Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok”

John Durham on Friday filed a 14-page motion opposing attempts by indicted lawyer Michael A. Sussmann to have his case judicially dismissed prior to trial, noting that Sussmann’s alleged lie to the FBI was a material lie under federal law—and one which skewed the way the FBI handled the material. The general consensus was if Durham nails Sussman, he will turn on Hillary,  who will then probably also turn on Biden, Obama, Brennan, Comey, and so on. However it is also assumed that to nail Sussman, things will need to go to Military Tribunals. Until then it is all for show.

On Friday Chief U.S. District Judge Robert Jonker ruled that two of the several FBI informants in the Michigan Whitmer kidnap case must use their real names in the upcoming trial.

Supreme Court sides with FBI in suit over post-9/11 surveillance. Muslims who were targeted with surveillance sued, saying the FBI only targeted them because of their religion. The FBI countered in the court, saying everything was a state secret which could harm national security, so the case should be thrown out without being heard, and THEY WERE NOT ALLOWED TO SUE. Lower court agreed, Appeals court said no, a section of FISA allowed the case to be heard, Supreme Court said no, State Secrets was a valid defense, but the Appeals court had to re-review it, in that light and see if State Secrets applied. To me, a good sign the Supreme Court is still under the boot of this thing. If I’m on that court, and under illegal surveillance, there is no surveillance case which isn’t getting a full airing out, state secrets or not. Scalia would have had the balls. And you know they all know.

13 states sue Biden admin for any communications on FBI surveillance of parents protesting school boards.

Flashback 2019 – University of Pennsylvania has paid Joe Biden more than $900K. What did he do to earn the money? He claims a professorship yet he never taught a single semester.

Illinois Democrat Michael Madigan, a close friend and personal confidante of Barack Obama, has been indicted on a shocking array of 22 charges, including various racketeering and corruption charges. It means something, because otherwise he would have never been investigated.

Clinton Foundation reconvening Global Initiative to target ‘steep’ challenges in the world. In other words, Hillary has not given up.

Bill Clinton set to relaunch the global summits he canceled just two months before Hillary lost the 2016 election to Trump. And Bill is getting set up to receive the funds into his foundation.

Ottawa government workers cause massive damage and steals items from Canadian Trucker’s impounded vehicles.

Shane Warne, the greatest leg-spinner in the history of cricket and an Australian icon who transcended the sport, has died of a suspected heart attack at the age of 52. Before you feel too bad, Vox Day notes this asshole was pushing for others to have to take the vax. So this looks like more friendly fire by Cabal on its own NPCs. Also, he died just hours after paying tribute to another Cricketer who died from a heart attack.

NYC announced that 2-4 year olds are required to mask indefinitely, that there are no plans to lift the employer vaccine mandate, & that we’re subject to permanent Covid restrictions — including a looming threat of lockdowns.

Biden threatens to veto the Senate vote to end the COVID national emergency because it would be a ‘reckless and costly’ mistake – despite saying the US was heading back to normal at the State of the Union.

On Thursday, US Surgeon General Murthy illegally demanded that all major US tech companies must provide the federal government with data on Americans who are engaged in peddling what has been deemed ‘misinformation,’ especially surrounding Covid-19 or the stolen 2020 election, according to a new report by the New York Times.

High Court ends New Zealand’s vaccine mandate, calling it a ‘gross violation of human rights.’

Austrian Bishop hangs banner of nude trans activist over main altar for Lent. I really don’t see how you couch this as anything logical or material. This level of infiltration of evil almost has to be demonic. There is a reason faith has persisted for centuries, through all of the materialization of the world.

Disgraced Hollywood movie producer Harvey Weinstein has been caught with contraband Milk Duds in jail.

California could be the first state to impose a “savings tax.” If they are purposely taking this thing down, they might do this because this could trigger bank runs, and collapse the banking system, which is really just a way for Cabal to trick you into handing it your money, so it can use your money to fund their machinery that rips you off, and pay you a small percentage of what they steal. If push comes to shove, don’t expect that money back easily, unless you pull it out before the bank runs start.

A second person is on life support with suspected Japanese encephalitis in an unprecedented outbreak on Aussie shores. Spread by mosquitos.

Former Beaverton, Oregon Mayor charged with possession of child pornography.

Experts are warning that parts of the central U.S. are at risk of a devastating magnitude 7 earthquake that could hit the Missouri fault line at any time within the next 50 years, as ‘fear of the big one’ in California remains.

Commodities set for biggest weekly gain since 1974 as Stagflation fears emerge.

Saudi Arabia “considers options” of reducing investments in the US, says crown prince Mohammed bin Salman. The Kingdom’s investments in China are less than $100 billion, but growing very fast, he added.

Elon Musk calls for increase in US oil, gas production to combat Russia despite negative effect on Tesla.

Bush Center, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Koch Network unite to lobby for mass immigration expansion.

New poll finds 74% of Americans want a NATO-led no-fly zone over Ukraine. Also finds, Joe Biden was fairly elected.

Suicide bombing in Peshawar, Pakistan at a Shia mosque kills 56, injures close to 200.

Mexican who killed his three daughters, a chaperone who was supervising his visit with the children and himself in a Northern California church this week had overstayed his visa and was illegal. From the article: “David Mora, 39, was armed with what is often called a “ghost gun,” an unregistered, homemade semiautomatic rifle-style weapon. His had an illegal 30-round ammunition magazine and 17 bullets were fired, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office said.” Last week he assaulted a Highway Patrol officer and was arrested, popped on ICE’s database, they requested notification when he was released so they could take custody and deport, but Cali Sanctuary Laws meant the Sheriff could not respond, and he was freed to do this.

ATF unofficially declares solvent traps to be suppressors.

NYC crime is up a staggering 60 PERCENT over past year as city battles double-digit increases in homicide and rape while shootings decrease slightly. Again, a purposeful strategy to drive leftists and MK-Ultra’d NPCs to purple states.

IRS rushes to hire 10,000 workers but giant backlog expected to persist through 2022.

The ISIS bride who took down a Congressman speaks. “People can call me a homewrecker but, you know what, f–k that because adultery is something in society that happens.” Article in a nutshell – she marries Mr ISIS (possibly as a sleeper agent), returns to intelligence to get him droned and killed, moves effortlessly from the UK to the US, marries a tech executive (who apparently is not rich because she has all sorts of money problems), she forms a non-profit which gives her access to the political world, begins banging this Congressman, calls his wife, and goes public to destroy him, and now presumably has derailed the Tech Executive too (who was probably already fighting to overcome other Cabal-suppression of his business). But when you meet her, and she is all ingratiating and complimentary, and considerate, and nice, it can be tough to realize she was sent in. Two pictures of calculating eyes you will see in those who are thinking about more than the moment they are in follow. To understand this better, try making your eyes look like this in a mirror, and see how you almost feel disconnected from what is in front of you, and drawn deeper inside your mind, as if to think about something else. This is what it looks like when you would normally be looking off into the distance deep in thought, but you, for some reason, still have to look like you are engaged in the moment and by what is in front of you. Some of these people spend so much time calculating  their eyes will almost always look like this, staring right through whatever their eyes rest upon. Recognizing these eyes can be very important:

Russia has now banned Twitter, Facebook, and the BBC.

Russian Ministry recommends suspending fertilizer exports.

And already on Tucker, a corn and soybean farmer says Americans may see their grocery bills increase $1,000 a month due to the spike in fertilizer prices.

Hungary will issue a decree to ban all grain exports tonight, the Minister of Agriculture István Nagy told RTL Híradó.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen sanctioned a host of Russian-backed news outlets for allegedly “advancing false narratives” and spreading “false information” to “undermine COVID-19 vaccines” and paint “Ukrainian government officials as the aggressor in the Russia-Ukraine relationship.” Nobody is allowed to have an opinion different from the narrative-makers. It is really insulting.

US considering a ban on imports of Russian crude oil.

Even before that, US gas prices jump most overnight since Iraq war, with record highs imminent.

A gallon of gas is now costing buyers $5 on average in San Diego.

$7 gas is coming to America and a poll shows that Americans blame Joe Biden for it.

Gas in Russia is $1.70-$1.80 per gallon after sanctions were applied.

House Democrats block bill to approve the Keystone XL pipeline for ‘American energy independence from Russia.’

Pence in upcoming speech: ‘There is no room in the party for apologists to Putin.’ One of the most irritating things about this era is the audacity of the narrative-crafters, who shamelessly announce nobody shall hold any opinion but their’s. How dare this little spineless prick, in this supposed land of the free, violate the very principle, not even of freedom of speech, but of freedom of thought. And then think he is noble because instead of sending those people to the work camps like Stalin, he just wants to gag them and force them out on the street while he role-plays king of the realm.

Adam Kinzinger agrees with Lindsey Graham in wanting Putin’s assassination. So reckless. Made more disturbing by the fact not only would these assholes touch off a world war – the guy supposedly in power, is orders of magnitude less competent and capable than them.

No need to read, just an article noting, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is tied to Klaus Schwab, Justin Trudeau, and other global elites.

A long piece noting Biden’s current CIA Director was saying for decades, that if the West courted Ukraine, or even toyed with giving it NATO membership, Russia would begin moving to take fuller control of it, no matter who ran Russia. He even wrote books saying we should stay hands-off in Ukraine, or Russia would escalate to a level we could not match.

Chechnya’s leader tells Putin to ‘shut your eyes to everything’ and let military commanders unleash a blitzkrieg of savagery in Ukraine and ‘finish it all in a day or two.’ That Putin is taking so long tells you he wants the Ukrainians to still be on his side when he finishes.

Twitter has banned more than 100 accounts that pushed the pro-Russian hashtag #IStandWithPutin for violating its “platform manipulation and spam policy.”

Airbnb shuts down operations in Russia and Belarus, but loves genocidal China.

Youtube disabled the auto-translate subtitles to English of the latest Russian Army Colonel-General speech.

Telegram bans Russian state media after pressure from Europe.

Google suspends all ad sales in Russia. If there was a law, this would be understandable. But all of these companies giving up tens or hundreds of millions in revenue to send a social message is not how business works.

Credit Suisse asks clients to destroy documents related to dealings with Russian Oligarchs.

SVR Director Sergei Naryshkin revealed to the world that Ukraine was secretly working to build nuclear weapons. Sputnik, so a legit source.

Kremlin reacts to US senator’s call to assassinate Putin. “Not everyone is able to remain cool-headed in a tense situation,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

Lindsey Graham backtracks, says we should jail Putin rather than assassinate him. If I was Lindsey, I would still get a food taster – and definitely avoid any tea that glows in the dark.

Jack Posobiec calls for Lindsey Graham to resign after he publicly called for Putin’s assassination. “You need to resign,” Posobiec said on air, continuing calls for the senator’s resignation into Friday morning. He noted it was likely a Hague crime.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene rebukes Lindsey Graham, calling him, ‘blood thirsty’ and ‘unhinged.’ It was very weird, given from his position, you know Lindsey could really care less. He’s probably more concerned with his next male escort or some insider stock tip than Ukraine. So why go off like that? Drugs maybe? Carried away with his method acting? Or is Putin more a threat to the conspiracy he relies on to get his position than we know?

BBC pulls all reporters from Russia after Moscow criminalizes “disinformation.” Also CNN pulls out as well.

NATO rejects Ukraine no-fly zone. “We are not a part of this conflict.”

Ukraine appears to have sent a sabotage team to trigger an event at a nuclear power plant under Russian control. Russians intercepted them.

Elon Musk refuses demands to block Russina news sources on Starlink.

State Sen. Kelly Townsend announced Friday she is withdrawing from the race for the Republican nomination for Arizona’s new 6th Congressional District because former President Donald Trump hasn’t endorsed her. Dumbass went out and criticized Wendy Rogers for election-fraud emails she said, “have little basis in fact, giving false hope, tearing our state apart.’’

Iowa bans biological males from women’s sports. Someday, this period will look very strange.

Tucker Carlson  took heat Wednesday night for demanding Ketanji Brown Jackson’s LSAT scores. Seems a valid call. You see why Cabal would want to do away with standardized testing.

Oklahoma house committee approves Texas-style bill that bans nearly all abortions.

Florida Senate passes bill banning abortions after 15 weeks; Governor DeSantis expected to sign the legislation.

Arizona bill to remove silencers from prohibited weapons list.

Just 35 percent of voters approve of President Biden following his State of the Union address, a Thursday Civiqs poll found.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


The actual conspiracy to defraud the United States was the Democrats rigging the Election, and the Fake News Media and the Unselect Committee covering it up. Few things could be more fraudulent, or met with more irregularities, than the Presidential Election of 2020. They refuse to cover the facts, such as just this week the special counsel in Wisconsin called for the decertification of the 2020 Election because of massive illegality, including election bribery, and the preying on the elderly for votes, which resulted in fraud of “95-100 percent turnout,” an impossibility, in at least 91 nursing homes. This is true with many other states, especially swing states. In Arizona, 204,430 mail-in ballots had mismatched signatures that were never sent to review, and 740,000 mail-in ballots had broken chain of custody, all far more necessary than the votes needed, 10,457, for “President Trump to win.” In Georgia, over 240 ballot harvesters have been identified in an illegal operation spanning multiple swing states, all caught on video.

The evidence is monumental but the Unselect Committee of politically partisan hacks, and someone who had a steaming hot affair with a Chinese spy, hides the facts. Judges and even justices of the United States Supreme Court, are afraid to even look, as was the Attorney General of the United States, who was so petrified of being held in contempt or being impeached by the Democrats, which they were constantly threatening him with, that he was virtually a broken man who allowed for the systemic violation of election laws and other things to take place.

The reason for January 6th was that millions of people in our Country know the Election was Rigged and Stolen, and Nancy Pelosi refused to put the requested 10,000+ troops in the Capitol three days earlier, as strongly recommended by me. She didn’t like “the look.”

The Unselect Committee’s sole goal is to try to prevent President Trump, who is leading by large margins in every poll, from running again for president, if I so choose. By so doing they are destroying democracy as we know it. Their lies and Marxist tactics against political opponents will not stop the truth, or the biggest political movement, Make America Great Again/America First, in the history of our Country. And now we have a war waging in Ukraine that would have never happened, record-setting inflation, an embarrassingly poorly executed withdrawal from Afghanistan, and an economy that is teetering, at best. All because of a corrupt Election result.


The actual conspiracy to defraud the United States was the Democrats rigging the Election, and the Fake News Media and the Unselect Committee covering it up. Few things could be more fraudulent, or met with more irregularities, than the Presidential Election of 2020. They refuse to cover the facts, such as just this week the special counsel in Wisconsin called for the decertification of the 2020 Election because of massive illegality, including election bribery, and the preying on the elderly for votes, which resulted in fraud of “95-100 percent turnout,” an impossibility, in at least 91 nursing homes. This is true with many other states, especially swing states. In Arizona, 204,430 mail-in ballots had mismatched signatures that were never sent to review, and 740,000 mail-in ballots had broken chain of custody, all far more necessary than the votes needed, 10,457, for “President Trump to win.” In Georgia, over 240 ballot harvesters have been identified in an illegal operation spanning multiple swing states, all caught on video.

The evidence is monumental but the Unselect Committee of politically partisan hacks, and someone who had a steaming hot affair with a Chinese spy, hides the facts. Judges and even justices of the United States Supreme Court, are afraid to even look, as was the Attorney General of the United States, who was so petrified of being held in contempt or being impeached by the Democrats, which they were constantly threatening him with, that he was virtually a broken man who allowed for the systemic violation of election laws and other things to take place.

The reason for January 6th was that millions of people in our Country know the Election was Rigged and Stolen, and Nancy Pelosi refused to put the requested 10,000+ troops in the Capitol three days earlier, as strongly recommended by me. She didn’t like “the look.”

The Unselect Committee’s sole goal is to try to prevent President Trump, who is leading by large margins in every poll, from running again for president, if I so choose. By so doing they are destroying democracy as we know it. Their lies and Marxist tactics against political opponents will not stop the truth, or the biggest political movement, Make America Great Again/America First, in the history of our Country. And now we have a war waging in Ukraine that would have never happened, record-setting inflation, an embarrassingly poorly executed withdrawal from Afghanistan, and an economy that is teetering, at best. All because of a corrupt Election result.


Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona saw the big Primary numbers in Texas, where “Trump Endorsements” went 33 wins and 0 loses, and he said, knowing I would never endorse him, “No thanks, I am not going to run for Senate!” Smart move, Doug—there’s no room for RINOs. I guess that means we can call this week 34 and 0!

Endorsement of Ashley Moody

Ashley Moody has been a terrific Attorney General for the Great State of Florida. Since being elected in 2018, Ashley has supported Florida’s men and women in Law Enforcement, and made public safety her top priority. She is a proud defender of the Second Amendment, protects our great Vets and truly knows and understands the importance of Law and Order.

A former United States Attorney, Ashley successfully prosecuted drug, firearm, and fraud offenses and, elected at age 31, was the youngest judge in Florida. As President, I appointed Ashley to the Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and she has been a crusader fighting opioid abuse and human trafficking ever since. Ashley Moody will never let you down, and I give her my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Spread r/K Theory, because in war, everything is fair.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

” If he is reviewing emails of all the conspirators, that could prove very fruitful.”

There is risk in finding such evidence and making it public.
1) It won’t/can’t be used in court because it was made public earlier
2) Citizens won’t do anything (ie. they’re already braindead cattle)

all evidence will be ignored by the MSM in the event some Citizens actually do something and any attempt at restoring law and order into the illegal Federal system will be characterized as an insurrection during a time of “war”.

As much as I like Trump and the Q crew we will learn why you never let the enemy into the palace, into the Holy of Holies, Why you never give up POWER and why you never let them get the launch codes. The Rape already happened, the victim (the American people) are mostly broken and pozzed. Only way out is collapse.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“The general consensus was if Durham nails Sussman, he will turn on Hillary, who will then probably also turn on Biden, Obama, Brennan, Comey, and so on.”

I know there is a coven of Jews who read this site, so you guys should probably be preparing a nice Jewish funeral for Sussman and his inevitable “suicide”.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Austrian Bishop hangs banner of nude trans activist over main altar for Lent. ”

I was going to make a joke, but instead I’ll give a sermon. Basically everyone on Earth is created in the image of God, the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Father of All. (Gen 1:27) He loves all of his children. He loves them so much he endowed them with freewill. He created them as either Men or Women. It is impossible to be infinitely just and punish any entity in it’s afterlife if said entity isn’t endowed with agency.

Despite God’s love for us, many of His children chose to reject His word and oppose His creation, including His creation of them as either male or female. Because God’s love for us is infinite and so many are failing the test of life a merciful God ends the test before a person can do any worse. A merciful God also ends polluted or corrupted lineages so no more souls need be sent into life situations that are very difficult because of the poor choices of their ancestors.

Our Father in Heaven loves us with a perfect love. He knows each one of us personally (Jer. 1:5). But if you think He agrees with everything that we do you are mistaken, and he wants us to repent of incorrect ways before it is too late. Just as infinite love requires infinite justice, infinite justice can require infinite punishment. So there must also to be an infinite atonement. It would be infinitely wise to make use of that atonement before the final hour.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“And already on Tucker, a corn and soybean farmer says Americans may see their grocery bills increase $1,000 a month due to the spike in fertilizer prices.”

If you don’t have at least a year’s supply of food by now you are a certifiable idiot. Good luck, you’re going to need it.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“$7 gas is coming to America and a poll shows that Americans blame Joe Biden for it.”

“House Democrats block bill to approve the Keystone XL pipeline for ‘American energy independence from Russia.’”

Can’t make this stuff up. If you are Democrat, consider not being one. If you were ever a Democrat, don’t talk about it ever and remove all evidence of such. My 2 cents.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“SVR Director Sergei Naryshkin revealed to the world that Ukraine was secretly working to build nuclear weapons.”

Now you know why Russia is trying to seize the all the NPPs in the Ukraine.

2 years ago


Hope this warms your puritan heart too:

Indigo Arc
Indigo Arc
Reply to  info
2 years ago

Thank you, info. That’s gorgeous.

Reply to  info
2 years ago

Ehh, not into the Latin liturgy. It appeals to the medievalist, but too popish.

Ann K.
Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago

They are actually Eastern Orthodox, the original Church from which the Papists split in 1054.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago

It is Byzantine Chant. But done in English. It’s similar to the Greek Orthodox chant.

2 years ago

“Iowa bans biological males from women’s sports. Someday, this period will look very strange.”

Feminism is that strange ideology of overthrowing the Patriarchy. In doing so the ordained sex roles of Men and Women.

Masculinity and Femininity in their proper places. The fact that Feminists want women to be like Men in taking on their Sex Roles of being Combatants like pushing for women to go into MMA or being soldiers and so on.

And being in leadership positions over the military, church and families for example like they are singing bass.

Make transgenderism inevitable. Because if Behavioural cross-dressing causes the precedent. Physical Cross-dressing is not far behind.

2 years ago

1) Not despairing, never despairing, but my outlook on things has been very bleak for a long time. BUT the news from Wisconsin OSC, as well as Durham, are genuine grounds for hope. In regard to both, enough has transpired to believe they are sincere and competent efforts, the baseline question we face on everything.

2) The latest Durham news is not quite news in the sense that motions arguing sufficiency are SOP. And there is no question that the lie was material. The only question is the integrity of the judge.

3) There is just not enough known to us right now to rule out “trust the plan,” although it seems unlikely. But there is enough going on to have valid hope that there is a plan being executed.

4) Re Madigan: “It means something, because otherwise he would have never been investigated.” Such an astute insight. Maybe it is just Borgia stuff, but it is something. And Cuomo got kicked out for SOME unknown Borgia type reason, but he got kicked out for ridiculous reasons, not for the murders which implicated so many brethren and sisteren.

5) It is significant that the CF is still active, not destroyed. The Clintons made a pact with Satan.

6) The sheer repulsive stupidity of masking toddlers and making people without shots suffer, along with the other bizarre and absurd stupidity washing over us daily, is one reason to suspect that the plan must be trusted. The insult to intelligence seems to be the primary motive of all the stupidity, and every day more people are noticing. Cabal seems to have Judas goats at some gates.

7) Re Pence: “ One of the most irritating things about this era is the audacity of the narrative-crafters, who shamelessly announce nobody shall hold any opinion but their’s. How dare this little spineless prick, in this supposed land of the free, violate the very principle, not even of freedom of speech, but of freedom of thought. And then think he is noble because instead of sending those people to the work camps like Stalin, he just wants to gag them and force them out on the street while he role-plays king of the realm.” Just needed to repeat these words.

8) Check Graham’s pants. He is shitting them. (Ditto Hannity and ilk).

Indigo Arc
Indigo Arc
Reply to  Tonawanda
2 years ago

“5) It is significant that the CF is still active, not destroyed. The Clintons made a pact with Satan.”

A strong pact, indeed. It could mean *something* that this reboot is of CGI -Clinton Global Initiative- rather than the CF.

Can understand how [cabal] wouldn’t want focus on any aspect of the ~foundations~ laundering ops as the fur flies in Ukraine, but wonder why CGI is all of the sudden back on the front page. Cabal are apparently down to the crumbs when it comes to positive associations for their minions, and the Clintons are toxic in their own right and from any angle. But *somebody* wants us looking at the Clintons/CGI, right now.

2 years ago

A subset of our Jewish fellow Earth-walkers nurtures and cherishes hatred against Russia, narod and rodina as ancestral heritage.

A century ago, during the Red Terror and Civil War which followed the Bolshevik revolution. Russ ia came completely under Jewish control. Under Stalin, Russia came partially out from under that Jewish control – unforgiveable.

(BTW, for all his imputed wickedness, Stalin did the human race a favor by saving the world from Trotsky.)

Reply to  robertpinkerton
2 years ago

And, btw, Stalin was a Georgian, not a Russian. Soviet Union was a truly multicultural society, as far as Eastern Europe goes.

2 years ago

“Elon Musk calls for increase in US oil, gas production to combat Russia despite negative effect on Tesla.”

There’s no negative effect on Tesla. It takes an enormous amount of fossil fuel energy to make a Tesla. Meanwhile the sort of people who can afford a Tesla aren’t personally worried about fuel costs.

Reply to  Cloudbuster
2 years ago

…and it takes a bunch more fossil fuels to make the electricity to charge a Tesla.

2 years ago

Just 35 percent of voters approve of President Biden following his State of the Union address, a Thursday Civiqs poll found.

Was just reading that the SOTU ratings were the lowest on record. That’s a bad sign for (((them))), because Ukraine was supposed to be the new COVID, and it’s stillborn for the average American. (((They))) are going to try to come up with some new distraction, because this one didn’t even get out of the gates.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago

Don’t worry, they will use the Russia issue to explain why food and fuel is so expensive no one can afford it. Want the prices to go down? Go fight Russia.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Hey, did you not update things yesterday? Or was it just my end? No replies from anybody visible for me until this morning. Like always, if you wanted a day off, absolutely cool, but it was noticeable.

Also, these guys are talking about Havana Syndrome:

2 years ago

“Supreme Court sides with FBI in suit over post-9/11 surveillance. ”

If you look at the entire article, there is less to this than it first appears. This is an unanimous ruling on technical grounds that makes the lawsuit more difficult but doesn’t stop it. Alito wrote the opinion. Basically, its been SOP at least since 2001 for the government to use the tactic of saying they can’t release certain information in court on national security grounds to defend itself from lawsuits, and the courts almost always let them do that. The surprising thing here is that a federal court of appeals ruled against the government. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, Robert Barnes says about this case on his next video.

On the other judicial link, for the first time I looked up the Wikipedia bio of Biden’s Supreme Court nominee. Once Biden gave the black woman nominee promise, he reportedly considered Kamala Harris and a federal district court judge in South Carolina who had the support of Lindsay Graham. The South Carolina judge was simply not qualified, federal district court judges haven’t directly been elevated to the Supreme Court for a long time without first being approved for a federal appeals court, and this one hasn’t really done anything noteworthy. Harris, being a former Senator and state AG, actually is qualified, but she has a problem of coming across as stupid in public appearances and anyway she wasn’t interested. She was smart enough to see this as a way to get her out of the VP spot before the Republicans win control of Congress (Congress has to approve a replacement VP).

The interesting thing about Jackson, who Biden did nominate, is that if you are cabal aware her bio reads like someone who was converged or fully inducted into the cabal at a young age. It starts out that she had an uncle who was convicted of a nonviolent cocaine possession offense, and another uncle who was chief of the Miami police. After the cocaine conviction, Jackson starts winning all these competitions and getting into all these elite slots, one after another, with no setbacks, to the point where it just gets ridiculous. Tucker is actually on the right track in making her LSAT scores an issue. Robert Barnes on one of his recent videos said there was a good chance of her not being confirmed, but didn’t give reasons other than some of them having lobbied for the South Carolina judge.

2 years ago

> Russia has now banned Twitter, Facebook, and the BBC.

Sounds like a sane and reasonable policy to me.

2 years ago

> Russia
Biden’s handlers set the keystone for this on April 15, 2021, when Biden signed an Executive Order called “Executive Order on Blocking Property with Respect to Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation.” It generated some furor at the time, due to its overreach, and then, of course, was largely forgotten.

One commentary on it can be found here:

2 years ago

“Or is Putin more a threat to the conspiracy he relies on to get his position than we know?”

That’s the *only* explanation I can think of for the unprecedentedly hysterical propaganda campaign we’re seeing now. Covid propaganda was aimed at getting Cabal something they wanted. Ukraine propaganda is aimed at getting Cabal something they NEED.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Interesting article on the Jewish players in Ukraine

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

When then-President Petro Poroshenko nationalized Kolomoyskyi’s PrivatBank (which was also operated by fellow Jew Gennadiy (Zvi Hirsch) Bogolyubov) in 2016, Kolomoyskyi threw his influence behind fellow Jew and popular actor Volodymyr Zelenskyy, now a hero and darling of the Western media.

Gennadiy’s last name literally translates to “God Love.”

2 years ago

I have not seen the movie, but listening to this review caused me to realize that the Riddler in the new Batman movie is meant to represent Q for propaganda programming purposes:

Q speaks in Riddles, the Riddler claims to “have it all” regarding corruption, the Riddler’s followers are dangerous terrorists.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Speaking of this, The Peacemaker series on HBOMax is also heavily into this Q propaganda stuff. James Gunn was heavily spooked by the Chans mining his twitter feed.

2 years ago

Man Accused Of Killing Lawyer In Mansion Allegedly Studied Family’s Sleep Schedules

Makes you wonder if he had help with that.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago
Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago


Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Looks like a rainbow dildo. Maybe it’s a bat signal for Lindsey Graham to publicly say something stupid.

2 years ago

The reason Biden spends so much time at his home in Delaware is due to the need of dementia sufferers for familiar surroundings.

2 years ago

“Is it the part of the police department to harass me when this city is a flagrant vice capital of the civilized world?” Ignatius bellowed over the crowd in front of the store. “This city is famous for its gamblers, prostitutes, exhibitionists. Antichrists, alcoholics, sodomites, drug addicts, fetishists, onanists, pornographers, frauds, jades, litterbugs, and lesbians, all of whom are only too well protected by graft. If you have a moment, I shall endeavor to discuss the crime problem with you, but don’t make the mistake of bothering me.”

It’s a funny statement, but its sad to know how much closer to reality it is than what we are taught is how things work.

Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

Even sadder for the author of that.

2 years ago

here is a good pick for you AC

comment image

Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

I don’t get it