News Brief – 01/29/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


 The Image, implying Q foresaw the date of Brexit being completed two years to the day before it happened:

 The Tweet:

The Tweet:

 The Tweet:

 The Image:

The video of Trump’s Speech on the battle we face:

 After Q has done all the talk about Washington crossing the Delaware on his way to Trenton, Trump actually talks about Washington crossing the Delaware to get to Trenton in his rally speech:


Harvard epidemiologist says, he is not saying the Corona virus was bioengineered as a bioweapon, but a new study analyzing the full genome says it does have a center segment in its genome encoding a special protein to get it into human cells, and that center section does not appear to have indices of having gotten there through normal natural random mechanisms:

As if that wasn’t bad enough, right after an anon cited it on 4Chan, literally within seconds, this message from another “anon” popped right up, making me think this will be the big one, and China knows it:

Bear in mind, I saw another twitter conversation earlier in this, where one doctor said he was troubled by the fact a gene for an envelope protein which should have been in the genome had been disrupted or removed, which I assume he was inferring was done to remove a potential antigen that could have served as a target for a vaccine, or maybe a target for which there was already an experimental vaccine. He didn’t source it, and nobody replied to him. It is unclear if nobody replied because nobody else had heard that, or if there was nothing to add to his summary.  It is beyond amazing, that just as the Storm is about to pick up and expose all of Cabal’s fuckery, it appears a bioweapon may have been released that will spread globally, and maybe kill hundreds of millions.

China refused American offer of assistance in studying Corona virus outbreak.

Also some hospitals in Wuhan see patients who are not showing any fever, but rather are showing diarrhea, and that is assumed to be infectious. And this is heading right into cities like San Francisco, filled with gays having hyper-promiscuous sex with each other, people filling the streets with feces and urine, and medieval diseases we can treat that are already coming back. This could get really, really bad with the right mutation.

This guy has a good twitter feed for intel on the coming pandemic:

And then there is this, which compares current evidence with a prediction chart which estimated between 130-190 million dead in total, and 60 million dead by early March, and finds actual numbers are about 50% higher each go around. If the trend continues (and doesn’t get worse), we could be looking at 90 million dead by early March, and  195-285 million dead in total by April. Of course the third world will not have our level of medical care, so mortality should be higher. They are trying to come up with a vaccine which could alter things. But any vaccine will probably not be available for a year or so, which will be well after this has blown through. Also, anons note that in Wuhan hospitals are completely overwhelmed, so record keeping may not be high on their list of priorities, and the numbers may not be complete, and it could be worse.


McConnell doesn’t have the votes to block witnesses yet, but he may by the time he needs them.

Tucker Carlson says Bolton is a snake. He may be. But one thing I have learned is, don’t post your manifesto and head out to take action based on what you see, until the God Emperor speaks.

John Kelly aligns with Democrats calling for Bolton testimony.

Now Nadler wants to call Kelly. It is overwhelmingly likely, whatever way this goes is exactly how Trump wants it to go.

Graham predicts Trump will be acquitted by end of week.

Dianne Feinstein leans toward acquitting Trump as his defense team ends impeachment arguments.

Joe Biden’s sister Valerie sent millions of Joe’s campaign dollars to her own consulting firm.

Rumors the American plane downed in Afghanistan was an airborne CIA command post and had the CIA leader responsible for killing Soleimani onboard. You would think downing a CIA command post would be beyond the reliable capabilities of Iran, though maybe Cabal might have the ability. Update : US Military source says there were no CIA assets on board the plane, and that rumor is entirely false.

Former Police Officer and Sandy Hook researcher Wolfgang Halbig is arrested. He was arrested for possessing the personal information of one of the Sandy Hook parents, who had been harassing him over forming a “fictitious” corporation and website where he rehashed all the  things about the shooting which didn’t make sense. It is interesting how hard they are pushing all the people who question aspects of the case.

O’Keefe catches yet more Bernie staffers talking about doing violence and destroying the property of capitalists and landlords to bring about their ideal Marxist utopias. What would happen, if God forbid he or anyone like him were ever elected, is he would bring those people into government, and they would immediately begin to migrate into the intelligence services, where they would be essentially above and beyond the law, and have full access to all the databases and levers of power. That is what happened under Clinton and Obama, and you see what that ended up doing to our system of government and the 2016 election. Brennan was a full fledged Muslim Commie, and he ran the CIA, and populated its upper leadership will all his comrades. These guys talking like this is a true, existential threat to everything we hold dear, in no small part because there are parts of our government so above the law, they are just waiting for somebody with gumption to take them over and put them to real use.

Powerful 7.7 Caribbean earthquake, shakes Miami buildings. A 6.5 magnitude aftershock followed on near Cayman, and opened up sinkholes:

If you are in a public park in New York, and you want to look up at the sky at night, you had better apply for a permit to stargaze.

Ring doorbell ‘gives Facebook and Google user-data.’

British KFC branch serves customers through wire fence after months of fights and attacks on staff.

West Point cadets attended mandatory events, framed by the military academy as educational curriculum, on “inclusion,” “diversity,” “toxic masculinity,” and “gender norms.”

Top San Francisco street clean-up official arrested on charges of corruption. Oversaw a $312 million budget, abut the streets were still littered with feces and trash.

Sanders wants national rent control.

Thailand ‘not able to stop the spread’ of new coronavirus.

Air passengers from Shanghai refused to board the same plane with tourists from Wuhan after allegedly noticing them secretly taking anti-fever medicine in an airport in Japan.

More than 1,000 people on three flights from China walked into Canada without medical screening. I hate to say it, but there are a lot of people in powerful positions who are probably thinking they are screwed, unless there is a pandemic that totally takes over the news and savages the population, the economy, and the government for a year or two.

Coronavirus in Paraguay.

Coronavirus has hit all inhabited continents.

Three new Corona Virus cases in Germany. Whatever happens with this, it does show that if you have a pathogen that is sufficiently contagious, it will go global with shocking speed. The 1918 flu went global, and it didn’t have anywhere near the global travel infrastructure we have today. And what this also shows is how even the most cosmopolitan, high-density population is very, very close to the most remote backwoods area, even when they are continents apart. Truthfully it is shocking we haven’t depopulated on a global scale a couple of times in the last century.

Three more cases in Japan of the new coronavirus.

White House considers suspending all China-US flights amid coronavirus outbreak. What is nice about having Trump as President is, he will get the best intel from on the ground in China and the top experts, and he will make whatever the best decision is. If he does decide to close borders, they may also close borders to other nations, depending on their exposure, and how they are managing it.

Videos from China may show what is to come elsewhere, as citizens begin blocking off neighborhoods to outsiders, roads are forcibly shut down, and supermarkets begin to go empty:

Moonsuits out in Birmingham, UK (Wherever you are, if you haven’t bought a face-sealing mask with either N95 or P100 filters, either full-face or half-face and goggles, now might be a good time, just in case. They never go bad, and sooner or later something is coming.):

As you read this next one, keep in mind the DNC Chair has been appointing Clinton loyalists to the Democrat Convention Committee, and this has infuriated Bernie, who is getting screwed yet again:

Imagine what Trump faced in this next two, that a CIA agent felt comfortable talking openly, in the presence of the entire National Security Council Staff, about toppling Trump:

Firefighters and cops duke it out in France over pension protests:

President Trump announces historic middle east peace deal. Jared Kushner gave an interview on Amanpour, and was pretty impressive. Clearly an IQ off the charts, complete mastery of the subject, free-flowing adaptable thinking, low/non-existent amygdala, and kept coming back to give credit to the President. Really highlighted what an immense, albeit almost totally unseen asset he must be.

Long Island judge ignores bail law, refuses release of ‘menace to society.’

Low-skilled migrants will be barred from permanently settling in the UK under fixed-term job offers as part of post-Brexit proposals by the UK migration advisory body.

Falwell and W.Va. governor pitch Virginia secession plea.

New asset forfeiture rules in Hawaii make the state jump through hoops and request permission to seize property. I have always thought this was ripe for Cabal-skimming. How many cops who seize valuables have any idea where those valuables go after they hand them to the chain of command? Nobody tracks them. Months later they get cases of M-4s, or other equipment, but by then who even remembers what was seized, or how much they should be getting? Now, as the Storm goes down, we are seeing stories like this just spontaneously happening. Whereas before President Trump, the chances of these systems being reworked spontaneously, absent any public scandal, was zero. Something is going on.



Spread r/K Theory, because the happenings keep coming.

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Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

We may be coming to a quickening of the Jews attempt to rule the world and enslave us all. Their words. I think it likely that the Jews are the ones that placed the virus in China. The psychopathic Jews refuse to admit defeat and will always double down. It appears that they also were responsible for the Fukushima attack by nuking the reactors and using nukes to start a tsunami.

All of this is a response to Asians not believing a damn word the Jews say, realizing that they should be kept out of their countries and allowed no influence. They especially have raised the ire of these parasites by refusing to let them control their central banks and skim off vast sums into their pockets like the West does. Are you surprised about the rise of the East. Easy if you don’t have to support trillions of dollars of skim by the Jews and placing your country into endless debt to them.

The big glitch in all this is I bet anything the Jews will try their best to blame this virus on the US. We must not let them get us into a war with China while they skate free.

The only answer is to get rid of the Jews. Peacefully if we can get it but by ANY means possible we should get rid of them before it’s too late. Many countries have done this and they have seen immediate relief and great joy upon getting rid of the Jews.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

I have to agree with Sam.

Adolf Hitller BEFORE WW I, Before WW I, witnessed and suffered what is now called Soft or Silent Genocide. He recalls in Mein Kampf that the Democratic Socialists in Vienna were marching around, chanting that “nations are a capitalist construct”. Karl Marx in a letter to Karl Kautsky, Jewish, leader of the Austrian Democratic Socialists, wrote that the worker has to become free of his nationalist “””chains”””. Next, when Hitler decided to argue with them about their agenda—they used physical terror to drive him off construction jobs TWICE. To deprive a patriot of his job, is to genocide. To say that nations are a social construct is Genocide, soft/silent genocide.

The Jews have always been engaged in Genocide for over 400 years in Europe and its Diaspora.

The 1965 Immigration Act was the idea of the Jews, to overturn the 1925 Nationalities Act. Ethnic Dilution is a form of Genocide. Hitler in his second volume did state the reason for the Holocaust was that Masons and Jews would commit treason against the state due to their race-mixing ideology. That was reason for the Holocaust.

And then, not more that 20 years later—-Jews in America were engaged again in Genocide with the 1965 Immigration Act with Ted Kennedy, an Irishman, and the Irish hatred and revenge mode against the Anglo-Saxon. (q.v. Jewish Involvement in Shaping America Immigration Policy 1881-1965: A Historical Review )

They are engaged in soft genocide now with Tim Wise and the SPLC.

These people have got to go. All of them. They all need to leave Europe and its Diaspora. To commit Soft Genocide is an Act of Treason. Treason calls for the Death Penalty. That’s Justice.

Justice has been denied to us. The Jews need to leave.

5 years ago

> Joe Biden’s sister Valerie sent millions of Joe’s campaign dollars to her own consulting firm.

A) it’s probably true

and B) it’s almost certainly not only legal, but explicitly permitted by FEC regulations

I recently had cause to look up how election funds could be disbursed; other than a few specific things, the candidate (or ex-candidate!) can do whatever he wants with the money. Right there on the .gov web site, it was an eye-opener.

5 years ago

“West Point cadets attended mandatory events, framed by the military academy as educational curriculum, on “inclusion,” “diversity,” “toxic masculinity,” and “gender norms.”

—-EVERYBODY needs to be on alert——-The US Military is NOT, I repeat, NOT on the side of the righteous. This is Cultural Marxism. With the bombing of Serbia, the neglect of the General Officer Corps of understanding their Oath to the Constitution in regards to the Natural Born Citizen clause, their CONSTANT engagement with Marxism, means they are TOTALLY Converged.

Let me put this in perspective.

In the Spanish Civil War—it was the Spanish Military that was the backbone of the reaction to the Leftist takeover of Spain.

We do NOT have that here in America—the American military will NOT have our backs! Just like the CIA is converged, Just like the DOJ is converged—-our Military is Converged.

The US Military is part of the Cabal.

When they launched the newest Aircraft carrier without urinals


We are engaged right now in a Coup against Trump. Where is the US Military? General Kelly is part of that. General McMasters—Part of the Coup. Senator McCain—Part of the Coup. The Bushies—both officers in the American Military? BOTH Cabal, Both Internationalists.

The US Military is NOT on our side. They will NOT have your backs.

It is Americanism itself that led to this predicament. In times of war—Blood is thicker than water. It is time to return to the Old Order.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

If West Point is proud to graduate Black Women……

Well, you know you are fucked.

Reply to  Bman
5 years ago

The Air Force Academy has announced plans to increase the percentage of women in the corps of cadets from the current 25%, to 50% ASAP.

5 years ago

They sell two models for adults and a kid’s model too, as well as full kits with suits, gloves, boots, etc.

Not sure how good these are, but are Czech made gas masks. It has a built in drinking tube and can. If you want to use it with a camelbak, there is a camelbak adaptor (Type M) you can buy to hook it up.

The CBRN cans last (supposedly) 20 years and is fairly expensive. 3M sells a 40mm to adaptor for their 7800s that allows you to use the P100 (bayonet?) adaptor filters with the 7800s mask. I bought a set of adaptors to try out, so you can use the cheaper filters (P100) with the Czech mask.

Just checked my order and there is a 4 week backlog on orders.

I bought the CM-6M with 2 CBRN cans for $284 shipped (10% off with MIRA10).

5 years ago

Could the corona virus be Asian male selective?

Below I’ve posted some this thread: DOC Found: Corona Virus attacks Asian males-posting links to examine!!! Check it out!
This may be nothing, or it may be something.

I am not into posting just to get ‘pined’, I am not
suggesting this is true or verified. I am simply posting
this after I found it and need someone with some more
experience reading and deciphering what this proves.

The company is “Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory” and here’s the

Here’s the link to the site of their documentation–

Here’s the link to the paper–

Single-cell RNA expression profiling of ACE2, the putative receptor of Wuhan 2019-nCov

A novel coronavirus (2019-nCov) was identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in December of 2019. This new coronavirus has resulted in thousands of cases of lethal disease in China, with additional patients being identified in a rapidly growing number internationally. 2019-nCov was reported to share the same receptor, Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), with SARS-Cov. Here based on the public database and the state-of-the-art single-cell RNA-Seq technique, we analyzed the ACE2 RNA expression profile in the normal human lungs. The result indicates that the ACE2 virus receptor expression is concentrated in a small population of type II alveolar cells (AT2). Surprisingly, we found that this population of ACE2-expressing AT2 also highly expressed many other genes that positively regulating viral reproduction and transmission. A comparison between eight individual samples demonstrated that the Asian male one has an extremely large number of ACE2-expressing cells in the lung. This study provides a biological background for the epidemic investigation of the 2019-nCov infection disease, and could be informative for future anti-ACE2 therapeutic strategy development.

Severe infection by 2019-nCov could result in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and sepsis, causing death in approximately 15% of infected individuals1,2. Once contacted with the human airway, the spike proteins of this virus can associate with the surface receptors of sensitive cells, which mediated the entrance of the virus into target cells for further replication. Recently, Xu, modeled the spike protein to identify the receptor for 2019-nCov, and indicated that Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) could be the receptor for this virus3. ACE2 is previously known as the receptor for SARS-Cov and NL634–6. According to their modeling, although the binding strength between 2019-nCov and ACE2 is weaker than that between SARS-Cov and ACE2, it is still much higher than the threshold required for virus infection. Zhou et. al. conducted virus infectivity studies and showed that ACE2 is essential for 2019-nCov to enter HeLa cells7. These data indicated that ACE2 is likely to be the receptor for 2019-nCov.
/end quote
(Read more at above links)

Reply to  Luigi
5 years ago

VoxDay has won a Nobel Prize for fixing the Kung flu problem.
Read here:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Luigi
5 years ago

“…Corona Virus attacks Asian males…”

A very, very serious question is, is this true, and/or is this the Jews trying to blame the US for this? We should note that a Jew from Harvard that helped the Chinese set up this lab that may have leaked the virus has been arrested. Could they have used this Jew to get intel then the Jews released the virus in China.

That we have to ask ourselves such completely ridiculous questions means one thing. We by any means possible MUST get rid of the Jews. We have to deport them from all Western nations. I don’t a fuck what happens to them, what their story is, no matter what the circumstances, they must go.

We often hear that the “cabal” is not just Jews or is not the Jews running things. OK. Let’s find out by FIRST getting rid of the Jews. Then we can see if this is true. Any relief form the madness of the Jews will at least give us some breathing room. That the Jews are not the top or not the controllers doesn’t make one bit of difference because all I see is Jews running things. At very least they, (whoever the fuck a cabal is), would have to get someone else to run things disrupting them.

The Jews must go.

5 years ago

‘Unbelievably ridiculous’: Four-star general seeks to clean up Pentagon’s classification process

5 years ago

Macron: Turkey is sending warships, mercenaries to Libya

France to send warships to support Greece in Turkish standoff

Turkey says France to blame for Libya instability

5 years ago

Weren’t those photos of Schiff in flagrante delicto in Ed Buck’s drug house supposed to be released today?

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago

They were, and they were fakes, designed to suggest ALL pictures released will be fakes I assume.

Reply to  Mr Twister
5 years ago

Thank you. I had not heard anything other than the original “announcement”.
Interesting that this guy – whoever he is – was running a little disinformatsiya…

5 years ago

4,309-foot-long tunnel in San Diego is longest ever discovered along Southwest border

5 years ago
5 years ago

Coronavirus Exposed, Part 1: Communist Coverup, or Pandemic Bioweapon of Mass Destruction?

5 years ago

Targeted at asians?

… To further understand the special population of ACE2-expressing AT2, we performed gene ontology enrichment analysis to study which biological processes are involved with this cell population by comparing them with the AT2 cells not expressing ACE2. Surprisingly, we found that multiple viral process-related GO are significantly over-presented, including “positive regulation of viral process” (P value=0.001), “viral life cycle” (P value=0.005), “virion assembly” (P value=0.03) and “positive regulation of viral genome replication” (P value=0.04). These highly expressed viral process-related genes in ACE2-expressing AT2 include: SLC1A5, CXADR, CAV2, NUP98, CTBP2, GSN,HSPA1B,STOM, RAB1B, HACD3, ITGB6, IST1,NUCKS1,TRIM27, APOE, SMARCB1,UBP1,CHMP1A,NUP160,HSPA8,DAG1,STAU1,ICAM1,CHMP5,D EK, VPS37B, EGFR, CCNK, PPIA, IFITM3, PPIB, TMPRSS2, UBC, LAMP1 and CHMP3. Therefore, it seems that the 2019-nCov has cleverly evolved to hijack this population of AT2 cells for its reproduction and transmission.

We further compared the characteristics of the donors and their ACE2 expressing patterns. No association was detected between the ACE2-expressing cell number and the age or smoking status of donors. Of note, the 2 male donors have a higher ACE2-expressing cell ratio than all other 6 female donors (1.66% vs. 0.41% of all cells, P value=0.07, Mann Whitney Test). In addition, the distribution of ACE2 is also more widespread in male donors than females: at least 5 different types of cells in male lung express this receptor, while only 2~4 types of cells in female lung express the receptor. This result is highly consistent with the epidemic investigation showing that most of the confirmed 2019-nCov infected patients were men (30 vs. 11, by Jan 2, 2020).

We also noticed that the only Asian donor (male) has a much higher ACE2-expressing cell ratio than white and African American donors (2.50% vs. 0.47% of all cells). This might explain the observation that the new Coronavirus pandemic and previous SARS-Cov pandemic are concentrated in the Asian area.