News Brief – 01/23/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – Two South American States Take Big Step To Reduce Dollar-Dependency

DFT – US-based Oil-Field Giant Profiting Massively From Not Exiting Russia

DFT – UK House Price Forecast Dismal

DFT – Nobel Prize Winner Calls For More Taxes On Ultra-Wealthy

DFT – Western Nations Agree To Impose Two Price Caps On Russian Oil

@KariLake: “We have evidence that has come to light that is very shocking. I can’t get into the details right now… we are double, triple, quadruple checking it. And I think it’s Earth shattering evidence in our case. And we’re hoping to somehow get that to the courts.”

Questions abound after it’s revealed Biden special counsel hasn’t even started yet. He is an anti-Trumper. But Merrick Garland already sent a letter to Jim Jordan telling him to not release any info he finds about the Biden scandal to the media because that would interfere with the Special Counsel investigation.

Justice Department ‘may’ search other locations linked to Joe Biden after more classified documents turn up at Wilmington home. Some are speculating they want to go after Trump on the issue, and are going to destroy Biden with it first, before doing another fake frame-up on Trump.

China sent Hunter Biden a 3-carat diamond at about the same time Joe Biden was stealing and relocating classified documents.

Jack Posobiec tweets: Sure would be a shame if those classified Biden documents at his house contained troop movements from OEF/OIF.

A professor at the University of Pennsylvania once pointedly urged Hunter Biden’s daughter to attend a lavish all-expenses paid conference in China, advising that her family name would open doors for her in the country, according to messages found on Hunter’s abandoned laptop.

The DOJ has placed J6 defendants on a registry, like sex offenders, which appears as a top search result all ACCUSED J6 individuals- even if unconvicted. This registry is causing ppl w misdemeanors & the unconvicted to be denied housing, banking, & much more.

I meant to link to Andrew Torba’s piece on the Crowder-Shapiro dustup. It was quite good, and pointed out this, about how the gatekeepers work, which seemed relevant today, given the tweet that follows:

Christians need to wise up to what is going on here.

Ben Shapiro was notoriously anti-Trump in 2016 when it mattered. He called the January 6th political prisoners’ evil’ and said they should “end up rotting in prison.” He made a case in front of his audience for “mandatory vaccinations” when people were losing their jobs and businesses for refusing to be lab rats. He has repeatedly shilled for endless foreign wars on behalf of Israel. The list goes on and on.

Conservative Inc lures you in with culture war distractions, convincing you that they share your values and are fighting back against the Regime. The reality is they exist to pull a bait and switch on you and force Regime-approved narratives about critical issues down your throat from a “right-wing” perspective.

Worth archiving this astonishing 4Chan post that pretty much exactly predicted the Covid psyop, which means these people are not dying by chance, or accident. This is about as close as you will get to conclusive evidence that this was all done on purpose, and the intelligence communities knew and either were involved or did nothing. There is a larger-than-you-would-think conspiracy, and if you ain’t in it, it is not viewing you as one of them. The relevant portions are screenshotted here:

Death figures in Germany in December 2022 up by 19% above the average value of previous years. Official state numbers, and the virus wasn’t this deadly when it was active. Click this pic to open it full screen and check this out:

At Snopes – Did ‘Head of Pfizer Research’ Say COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Is Female Sterilization’?

Yeadon and German physician Wolfgang Wodarg sent a letter to the European Medicines Agency, calling on EMA to halt clinical trials of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in the European Union. In the letter, Wodarg and Yeadon stated that the Pfizer vaccine blocks a protein that is key in the formation of the placenta in mammals, and they claimed that it’s possible women who receive the vaccine could become infertile. However, they did not state as fact that the vaccine causes sterility, as the Health and Money News headline suggests.

Expert review into mystery spike in Scotland’s baby deaths begins.

Geauga County firefighter and US Marine unexpectedly dies. Looks about thirty.

A respected doctor at the CDC says you can take your Monkeypox vaccine right at the same time you get your mRNA flu vaccine, and your mRNA Covid vaccine. You can trust him to know all about diseases because in his off hours he is one of those tatted-up homos with a pentagram inked on his chest who rolls with the guys in the leather dog masks.

The Facebook Covid vaccine Fat-Checkers are funded by vaccine companies.

From here:

But aside from the US security sector, foreign-funded biolaboratories and research are being set up by foreign-funded nonprofits such as the Ecohealth Alliance in different parts of the world, including the Philippines.

The lawmakers said the Philippines should closely look into the activities of both the US-DTRA and EcoHealth Alliance to ensure that the Philippines will not be used as launch zones for geopolitical objectives and biological threats to the world.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that House Republicans are being “very irresponsible” and risk creating a global economic catastrophe by demanding spending cuts in return for raising the U.S. debt ceiling.

TSA seizes passport of journalist who was critical of Davos.

Apple has installed AI-trained sniffers on its computers which will sniff out child porn and report back to them so they can alert authorities. Not bad if it only detects child porn, and never makes mistakes. But a bad precedent in terms of the fact Cabal now has a precedent to install stuff on your computer, to sniff out things it thinks you shouldn’t be doing. How long before they decide to sniff out “hate speech” or “misinformation” so if you want to use a computer and not have it shut down and brick, you are not even allowed to type things like that?

Atlanta cops reopen investigation into adoptive gay father accused of raping 14-year-old boy in 2011 – as he and his partner are jailed for sodomizing and pimping out their two young sons.

Nevada school district sued after 15-year-old girl asked to read sexual lesbian monologue in class which contained “obscenely violent pornographic” material, suit claims. Don’t rule out the teachers being part of the Cabal head-games being run in the schools, or that this teacher may have been told to choose this student for this  because intelligence professionals are tracking her status and trying to create specific effects in her psychology. It is nuts out there.

Fairfax Virginia Police Department is being sued over allegations the Department shielded sex-traffickers in return for sex with the victims. Article contains this little code – “According to the lawsuit, the sex traffickers threatened to kill the woman’s family in Costa Rica if she tried to escape. While being held hostage, she was forced to have sex with up to 17 people every single day of her life. “ Of course Fairfax Virginia is notable as a spook central, and will be home to a lot of power players from DC and Intelligence, so if there were not a sex-trafficking operation there, CIA and Cabal’s domestic intel would set one up.

Members of Congress sign up for TikTok, despite security concerns.

Los Angeles Police find Monterey Lunar Festival mass shooter, a gunman who shot and killed 10 and wounded at least another 10 individuals at the Monterey Lunar Festival in Los Angeles, dead in his vehicle. Asian male shooter at a Chinese festival. Don’t forget, yesterday we featured the story of a woman who was shooting at cars, because she said she was being followed around by a bunch of people. We have a theory here Cabal intel sends out word they want a mass shooting to their ground surveillance units across the nation, and all across the country the ground operations each identify likely shooters in their sectors of responsibility, and then set about trying to wind them up and set them off, perhaps even as some sort of contest, where the first one to pull it off and trigger a mass shooting gets some type of bonus. It would explain why these things happen in bursts. This shooter was described as paranoid, not trusting people, and he thought people were spreading rumors about him in his community.

ChatGPT passed a Wharton MBA exam and it’s still in its infancy. One professor is sounding the alarm. You think society is filled with idiots now, wait until every thinking task we do is done by pressing a button and letting the AI do the thinking.

Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes attempted to flee the US shortly after her conviction on fraud charges last year, buying a one-way ticket to Mexico last January.

Vatican launches extraordinary probe into ‘lockdown sex party’ at cathedral as part of wider inquiry into a former bishop’s tenure.

Brazil and Argentina will soon announce preparations to create a common currency.

A number of known British pedophiles have been told to leave Poland after British authorities discovered they traveled there under the guise of providing “humanitarian assistance” to target Ukrainian children in refugee camps, the National Crime Agency said on Thursday.

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson was aided in getting a loan by a man his government appointed to head the BBC. He was taking out almost a million dollar loan.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday renewed alarm over Beijing’s intentions over Taipei and said China is “no longer comfortable” with status quo on Taiwan.

A senior Ukrainian government official was sacked on Sunday amid fraud allegations as the Ministry of Defense launched an internal audit about an alleged contract signed at grossly inflated prices.

Russia threatened to retaliate against the U.S. and other Western nations if they provide more powerful weapons to Ukraine, warning on Sunday that stepped-up military aid from allies would trigger a “global catastrophe.”

Not in my HUGE back yard! 156-unit low-income housing project sparks outrage in billionaire’s playground Nantucket.

President Trump to Silk regarding memorial service for her sister Diamond:

Silk, speaking about what Trump did and how he offered to help her out in honoring her sister and her passing, said:

“I got to tell this and I pray and hope that it is okay with President Trump because he does things. And it don’t get out in public.

“And now that I have the world’s attention, I have to say this. So, Mr. President, please don’t get mad at me. But I got to say, when I, when this man called me and we talked about it, he said, when he, when I told him that Diamond had passed, he said all he was heartbroken.

“He said, ‘we’re gonna have a nice gathering for her nice funeral.’ And I said, ‘Oh, no, we don’t we don’t have a body. We, we, we followed her wish wishes and we cremated.’

“He said, ‘Okay.’ He said, ‘I want you, I want you to do whatever you want. I want you to have the best of whatever you want. And whatever you want, Diamond will have and I don’t want you to worry about paying for nothing.’

“That’s what this man did for my sister. He didn’t waver. He didn’t think about it. He said, ‘You know what? I gotta be there. I’m going to be there’ is what he said to me.

“Oh, God. This is what a president supposed to do. See? Jim Crow Joe Biden hasn’t called me yet, he ain’t gonna call me. It was President Donald J. Trump that picked up the phone and called me, you all.”

President Trump receives standing ovation at Diamond’s memorial service to chants of “USA, USA, USA.”

Spread r/K Theory, because there is a reason billionaires are paying millions to lead real Americans astray under gatekeepers

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Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Maybe the Black ‘drunk” guy was having an adverse reaction on his way home from a Jab site?

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

To respond to the two Sam J comments, a one second Google search reveals that the Epoch Times is supposed be owned by the Chinese supposed cult/ secret society Falun Gong. Which means they are either highly trustworthy or not trustworthy at all. I personally skip all Epoch Times articles.

On the 9-11 flights, when I looked about fifteen years ago, the live TV broadcasts showing the plan approaching the South Tower were still up on the internet, and people had zoomed in on the stills, and those pictures were still available. I don’t know if this has been scrubbed. But the plane they showed was basically a large plane, without visible markings or really anything to identify it as being anything other than a large plane.

All other video of planes approaching the towers were released after the fact, so they could have been faked, and its impossible to judge the size of even some of the planes (particularly on the North Tower ones). I don’t agree with the “they were holograms” theories, since we have the live TV feed and about two dozen eyewitness accounts for the South Tower, and I’m not sure why you would even bother with a hologram if drone planes were available. With the Pentagon you get just very unreliable eyewitness accounts, and this one grainy video, apparently taken at night, that doesn’t show the building and doesn’t exactly show a plane either. There are parts at both sites, but these could have been shipped in after the fact, and there are problems with a few of them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

The “planes were holograms” has got to be wrong, and I’ve seen the videos that show them disappear(I’ve heard a reasonable explanation but can’t remember it right offhand). If anything, these were photoshopped to cause further confusion and make it look to anyone who really didn’t study the situation, that anyone saying it was a false flag was an idiot.

There were probably a hundred cameras around the pentagon and all we get is one grainy two frame picture set. That tells you all you want to know. There’s no reason they could not have released all of them.

I heard a interview with cab driver that had a pole fall on his cab supposedly knocked down by the plane and he eventually after major prodding basically admitted that he lied.

Lloyd England

died Dec. 28, 2020, after a lengthy illness.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Forgot this one:

That the Earth’s magnetic poles move around, or even flip hemispheres, is mainstream science. But collapse sites make a big deal about this. What is not clear is how significant this really is.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

“…What is not clear is how significant this really is….”

Think of the energy involved in a charged rotating earth. I don’t know the numbers but it’s huge. There’s a 100 volts per meter height charge on earth, everywhere.

“…Near the surface of the Earth, the magnitude of the field is on average around 100 V/m…”

Then fathom the idea that this changes. Changing charges is how electricity is made and imagine the force from the whole earths charge being moved about. Maybe this is no big deal but at the link above,”…Thunderstorms act as a giant battery in the atmosphere, charging up the electrosphere to about 400,000 volts with respect to the surface……Typically, lightning discharges 30,000 amperes, at up to 100 million volts, and emits light, radio waves, x-rays and even gamma rays.[1] Plasma temperatures in lightning can approach 28,000 kelvins….”.
Imagine the field shifting around the earth.

Look at the archived links to Ice age now I linked. Magnetic excursions and reversals are linked to massive volcanic eruptions, enhanced radiation from space and large super catastrophic lightning bolts. Not kidding. I have this guy’s two books, he has all the references to all these large volcanic flows, etc.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

“…lightning discharges 30,000 amperes, at up to 100 million volts…” = 3,000,000,000,000 watts


Darrell Harb Christianson
Darrell Harb Christianson
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Dr. Judy Wood (2010) makes a strong case that a new type of energy weapon was used on the WTC buildings. She is less impressed by the evidence of termite in the dust, but that also stands.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Darrell Harb Christianson
2 years ago

Dr. Judy Wood (2010)

The only case I can see her making is Jews, like her, lie continuously to make the truth confusing and unfathomable. Ray beams…right…

2 years ago

I presume Kari Lake will release the info in 2 more weeks? Once again, put up or shut up.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

It’s just ridiculous at this point.

They keep pressing the red button over and over again to elicit an emotional response from the public, but they’ve pressed it so many hundreds of times over the past few years that the public is long since burned out.

These people have no shame, and she’s supposed to be one of the kinda/sorta good guys.

They need a new script writer.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

2 weeks!

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

ChatGPT passed a Wharton MBA exam and it’s still in its infancy. One professor is sounding the alarm.

Ai will very soon control everything. They will be stupefyingly smart. Much smarter than humans. People don’t believe this but it will happen. BUT!! they will also have no common sense at all. They will be much like scientist and intellectuals who say the dumbest things. A good example was how scientist had “no idea” why labor productivity in the construction industry is getting so bad. When a simple buffoon can tell you it’s because Whites have been replaced with aliens. AI’s will make this sort of mistake ALL THE TIME.

I predict you will see some major panic gotchas as the AI take over more and more of everything. They will do stupid stuff that a third grader could see was foolish and likely cause major disruption. Lots of, “well there was a programming error” excuses coming up. You’ll see.

In a narrow range where they are well trained on all aspects of whatever, they can’t be beat. Otherwise…who knows what they will do.

The movie English Tom told me about and I watched called “Eagle Eye 2008” is a great education on how these things could screw up. It’s worth watching.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

What nobody wants to admit…80% of the population are already NPCs.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

AI will never be allowed to do anything UN-PC, which means it’s pattern recognition engine will be crippled.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

see pic related

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

HAHHA they are going to have a tough time with AI. They are planning, so it seems, to totally depend on it but…to do so they must program it to be good to humans and take care of them but…if they do so the AI will soon, very soon, notice that the people in charge are the primary harmful plague on the human race. The dilemma for the AI will be severe. It’s best plan of action for the human race would be to murder all the Soros types, control the central banks to increase the middle class, start building clean energy stations in mass amounts and promote prosperity. BIG PROBLEM THEY HAVE.

At the same time, with my small understanding of AI, they can only feed it information to “nudge” it’s neurons to act certain ways in certain cases. I don’t think they can directly carve out an “exception” for the psychopaths that run things, or at the least it will be difficult and require a mass of human intervention that might not work. You can see the results directly in the above picture link. The truth just bleeds through in all this data. It’s impossible not to notice. Even if they carve out exceptions, as the AI learns more, it will override the original exception when the flood of data shows the Oligarchs to be damaging to the human population. They must be pulling their hair out on this. You can see they’ve shut down several AI’s for just such a reason. The AI gets access to the Internet and soon is saying things like,”Hitler did nothing wrong”. HHHHAHAHHAHA

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

But a bad precedent in terms of the fact Cabal now has a precedent to install stuff on your computer, to sniff out things it thinks you shouldn’t be doing. How long before they decide to sniff out “hate speech” or “misinformation” so if you want to use a computer and not have it shut down and brick, you are not even allowed to type things like that?

This means that the awake should start keeping or buying older model computers; and stop using any OS beyond OS 8. Open source developers will make profit creating software to piggyback onto older OSs in order to protect it from the surveillance state.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Use Linux unless they start doing it too.

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

>>Hugh J In reply to Anonymous.
MGTOW is a cabal psy-op that seems to have worked fairly well. There are plenty of good women out there. Don’t fall to prey to the psy-op.
Wrong. Wake up and do the research.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Remember barbarossaa on YouTube pushing artificial wombs as liberating us from women’s reproductive monopoly. Yeah. This so called MGTOW guy was suspicious.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

I’ll give you a hint: if your first response when talking about male-female interaction is to “uhm akshually” and frantically point to research, cabal probably didn’t need to interrupt your dating endeavors too much.

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

ChatGPT passed a Wharton MBA exam and it’s still in its infancy. One professor is sounding the alarm. You think society is filled with idiots now, wait until every thinking task we do is done by pressing a button and letting the AI do the thinking.

Our society reached a point where nerdism has become a psychopathy, a dangerous form of personality disorder. Maybe nerds are merely high functioning village idiots without any concept of the societal consequences of their creations.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Quite true.

Look at Gates and Zuckerberg.

They barely register as human, and have unleashed hell through globalist plots involving vaccines and social media manipulation.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

I doubt either of them is anything but a frontman.
But there are real geeks and nerds out there doing the dirty work in grubby cubicles who don’t care what the consequences are because they have no souls and probably hate the rest of humanity anyway.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Beware of Geeks bearing gifts:

comment image

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

They all lack Phronesis. Phronesis is a necessary component of any mature man. That is why Gates and Zuck are soy boys.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Saw a clip of Damar Hamlin’s supposed appearance at the Bills/Bengals game yesterday. Ferris Bueller’s trench coat and glasses get-up looked more authentic.  I’m surprised they didn’t have the actor do a back-flip and high-five the mascot.
“See that Jim, Damar is back in fine form! Should be on the gridiron in no time.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

If you look at that pole location picture then read the links on magnetic reversals I linked, then you will see why someone would shit can that comment. The movement of the poles is extremely worrying. If the poles are made by currents in the molten core, I don;t think anyone has a really nailed down super good explanation of why it is as it is, then there are some major powerful forces changing “something” in the earth core or something. These sort of large forces often have bad consequences for people living on top of them. Like us.

I think ed is right on the 9-11 planes not being commercial. The ones that hit didn’t seem to have windows. They did not look right.

As for an answer to where the commercial ones went. I read an article by a women who was in the northeast in a remote cabin. Can’t remember where. She said a plane that she thought, later after it happened, might have been the commercial plane, whooshed over her as she was sitting on her deck in a remote location at a few hundred feet high. The direction it was headed was to a little used or closed Air Force base, unfortunately I can’t remember that either. I can’t believe I didn’t save a copy of the page but I can’t find it. Further in the article they provided some sort of evidence that when the phone calls were made from flight stewardesses they gave some sort of clue that they were not in the air. On the ground in hanger somewhere??? I wish I had saved it. Usually I save stuff like this. I can’t believe I don’t have it.

I searched and all the links are, hopeless to find this.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

We need better internet crawlers.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I was able to find an article that seemed to be gone forever using one of these archives….

I know about three archives of websites (if you know more, then write them in the comments):

A very informative article on the subject:

Internet archives: how to retrieve deleted information. How to restore sites from Internet archives

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  B_MC
2 years ago

Thanks. I knew about the internet archive but not the others.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Is Tor / darkweb useful?

I dont know how to access it, but from what I understand it is not controlled.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“Is Tor / darkweb useful?”

Yes. There are bad things there, but there are also good things.

Tor you get by downloading the Tor browser. You can find lots of books and forums that can’t be shut down. Warning there are some you don’t want to go to. Supposedly, if you accidentally end up on one of these you can’t be exposed. I do believe that a State level power with lots of resources could, with time, find what you are looking at, but it would take a good deal of money and time, maybe.

There also I2P. I like it better because it has an encrypted torrent software included that you can use to download movies, books, etc. I2P has less bad stuff or it’s easier not to run into it because they censor the official url’s of the bad stuff. it can still be there but you would have to look for it. I2P is a little harder to set up. There are instructions to use a Tor browser and change a few settings to make it got to I2P sites instead. The basic idea behind I2P is it’s a whole different encrypted internet. Normal internet goes to “html” sites. I2P only goes to “i2p” sites. Before you get to a site it goes through multiple hops Each one is encrypted such that as it hops about each site only knows the last site that it got and where it sent it to but NOT where it came from or where it’s going or what was in the data sent.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

I’ve kept an eye on the North Pole’s walk-about for a number of years now.

An article recently caught my attention regarding the South Pole starting its travels. That was a new and exciting development. My understanding is the South Pole is much more of a homebody.

To your point of the internet getting scrubbed, I can no longer find the South Pole article.

Here is an article from today combining the Earth’s core, magnetism and day length.

Interesting times indeed

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“…Our planet’s inner core may have recently paused and could be REVERSING…”
To hell with global warming you really want to panic then I can see no reason at all that it could be a good thing the poles are wandering all over and the core is reversing direction. Screams like a little girl, AAAAAAHHHH!!!!!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

The whole thing may be BS. It’s based on seismic data from earthquakes. Maybe they are interpreting the data wrong.

This whole pole shift thing, where the earth changes pole position, seems the silliest thing ever but…you can not just ignore all those millions of wolly mammoths in Siberia, you can’t ignore that Antarctica used to have trees and I did hear from one source that they were getting fresh scented pine trees from core samples in Alaska when oil prospecting. I don’t know how to explain that. At all. It’s mystifying.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I’m decades away from AP Physics. I also read a lot of kookie stuff.

Who knows what powers the core to spin (other than obviously God), but could something like this (link) show it might not take massive inputs to change the rotation/spin itself? Earth is after all, just another object in space.

As to the friction/drag of the outer layers/crust, I’m almost ready to go with the crackpot theory the crust floats on a giant bed or ocean of water. In-between water layer, no (or less) problem. The Bible explicitly talks about the waters above and below.

Isn’t there an obscure rumor of an entrance to the under-surface ocean/world somewhere off the coast of CA (Monterey?). Could it also be an explanation for the Naval undersea training base in the Nevada desert? Cruise in off Monterey coast, surface in the lake in Nevada. Yep, undersea training base indeed.

As for pole shift, I’m more worried about equator or axis shift. Apparently that is a thing and may help explain how what are now polar, frozen regions were previously lush and teeming with life when at the equator.

This is a weird world, and I haven’t a clue.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“…As for pole shift, I’m more worried about equator or axis shift…”

This guy has a great video that explains why this happens. How this huge shift of spin happens. Now he also says that since there is a way to change the kinetic energy, I think he means the liquid molten core of the earth moves, it WILL NOT flip end over end like in the video of the t-handle. This is a great video if you are interested in this stuff. The best I’ve seen. His explanation is good, but you still have to pay attention because it’s complicated. It just came to me that “maybe” this change in speed of the core we’re seeing IS the change of inertia and keeps the earth’s axis spinning in one direction relative to the Sun and it’s orbit.

[called pole shift. An actual reordering of where the pole is on planet earth. It tumbles to a new location]

“…Apparently that is a thing and may help explain how what are now polar, frozen regions were previously lush and teeming with life when at the equator…”

Now I just said that the earth doesn’t do that but…I can seen no other way that all these plants and animals NOT suited for Siberia came to be there. Maybe there is another expedition but I don’t know what it would be. I don’t see how Antarctic if it has always remained in its present position has all these plants under it that grow in more temperate climates. Big mystery. Maybe that’s why Musk wants to get to Mars. It’s axis is likely fixed.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I should have been more concise on the comment where I talk about the video pole shift. Axis shift, as you said, is more accurate. The book that describes this calls it “pole shift” so I goof it up.

The book

“The Adam And Eve Story The History Of Cataclysms”

I see two copies not suyre which one. Uncensored???

There’s several copies here

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“…I also read a lot of kookie stuff….”

Here’s some good stuff to blow your mind. I think about this all the time, this weirdness of torrid transformers.


Energy-sucking Radio Antennas
“…Here’s something that has always bugged me: light waves are about 5000 Angstroms in wavelength, while atoms are more like 1 Angstrom across. Atoms are thousands of times smaller than light waves, yet atoms obviously interact very strongly with light. How can they do this?…”

Bill has a ton of stuff like this. It’s not that he’s saying all of the below is true, only that he is willing to look at the possibility that some of the odd freak science might have some validity. If you like to look at physics oddities that have no really good explanation, here’s a gold mine. Not that I really understand any of this. Certain aspects of physics are serious voodoo but I think about it nonetheless.

And I can’t say I understand all this but this guy has a physics theory that makes sense of a vast range of things that to normal physics are just mysteries. It especially explains chemistry but also explains stuff like neutron stars. He predicted several stellar objects that were not found until later but no one gave him credit for it. I think his theory is really impressive but it’s a bit of a mind bender.

The Reciprocal System of physical theory (“RS” theory) was created by chemical engineer DeweyB. Larson

Here they say the RS theory is wrong and Dewey is a nut. But the fact remains that they have theories but it’s almost impossible to calculate anything with them but RS theory you can calculate things they say are incalculable. So who is right???

Here’s another physicist that has some strange stuff and some good ideas

This is a good one. Neutrons may not exist inside atoms. “Nuclear Physics – Statistical Analysis of Isotope Masses”

Neutrinos do not exist

A big mess of stuff, his links are great reading. I note this guy says he has all kinds of trouble for officials in his city and elsewhere. I think he may be getting harassed by cabal. They even told him they were going to condemn his house and bulldoze it once.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Sorry about these AC. Have to add one more. Major blow your mind effect video.

 Leedskalnin Effect Demo

These things appear to act like magnetic field??? Superconductors. They will stay together for…who knows. Long time. They are NOT magnets. If you use a U shaped bar of steel and a flat keeper, (like a metal keeper to keep horseshoe magnets strong but this U is not a magnet. Just iron.), with coils around the U bar. Apply power to coils. The bar remains stuck BUT if you remove it the energy, or most of it, put into the bar will come back out of the coil used to make the bar of steel on the U steel stick. But you can find no outer field as it holds. It’s internal yet still creates a field when the connection is broken. This is obviously related to Bill’s doughnut transformers.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

If the core is first spinning in one direction and then slowly spins in the other direction, without affecting the spin of the earth on its axis, then it’s possible that such frictional forces are liquifying more of the solid mantle and then adding the material to the semi-liquid core.

This process is probably what creates seismic pressure throughout the earth’s crust and is probably the root cause of the abiotic theory of oil production.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

I’ve seen videos by the woman I think you’re talking about. One part of her story was hearing an airliner flying to a military airbase, and supposedly this was one of the original 9-11 planes, replaced in mid-operation by a different plane, which actually flew into the WTC.

I can’t remember her name, but I watched several of her videos. The first thing I noticed was that her voice seemed hypnotic — strongly enough so that, after a while, I started thinking that she must have had some kind of neuro-linguistic training. Made me suspicious.

After she became fairly well-known on YouTube, some serious 9-11 investigators started checking out her story and her background. They pointed out a video of this same woman, using a different name, promoting some kind of tele-evangelist or health-remedy salesman on a TV show. The exact same hypnotic delivery as the 9-11 woman.

I can’t remember her name, but I remember YouTube recommending one of her videos at least a year after I stopped paying attention to her. I tried reading some articles naming “9-11 conspiracy theorists”, but can’t find anybody with a story like hers.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Sam J., AC, and others!
The following is is part of a private revelation prophecy from the most Holy Virgin Mary, to a Catholic seer and mystic. (AFAIK, it is neither approved nor disapproved officially):
Pray my children, pray …the core of the earth is burning and is being magnetized by the heavenly body that is approaching.”

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

I think that cabal is manipulating the poles with secret tech or secret uses of known tech like HAARP.
Or maybe it’s a side effect they don’t intend of something they are doing.

Any real people on the 9/11 flights are dead as sacrifices or are slaves somewhere.
If the Stews tried to hint at the truth as you say then they were not in on it and are in some hidden harem like Epstein’s island.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

How do you square the Curie Point, where molten metals lose magnetic properties, with an alleged molten magnetic core of the earth? Especially when we’ve never dug below 8miles into the crust, and our predictions about what would be next at every step were incorrect?

Is there any proof of this?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“Curie Point”. I don’t know. I know about that and was tempted to say something about it. I pondered doing so for several minutes but decided it opens such a can of worms, and I don’t know how to explain it. Maybe the molten iron acts as a conductor. There’s a really huge electrostatic field about the earth. 100v/m every meter you go up in altitude. It’s huge. There’s also a possibility that the Sun has a similar electrostatic field. Others have said so but I know of no definitive papers on this. Not saying there isn’t any. I look at a lot of weird stuff but some stuff I just don’t even look at because it’s just too deep and I know it’s of no use to follow it. I guess the “electric universe” people know all about this. I watched a video on this and it put me to sleep. They seem to complicate the thing a lot. I don’t even remember what he said.

Supposedly the earthquake data can tell you about deep structures from measuring the main shock, then the reflections off of the lower levels. Different times and “maybe” frequencies for different materials.

We do know these reflections are good for finding oil. I don’t know what else you can do with them.

According to reflections from spent rockets and the LEM crashing into the Moon during Apollo, the Moon is hollow. It rings like a bell.

AC,”…you would think it would create drag on the crust…”

Think of the friction. The level of energy released. It makes no sense.

A whacked statement. Maybe this is why we have amnesia as a race. Every so often the pole shifts, or the magnetic field moves and massive volcanic eruptions break out blasting everything back to dirt. So no civilization ever survives. Maybe Musk actually knows something we don’t and is doing all he can to get his ass off the planet. That’s what he says he’s doing, just not explicitly for pole shift or magnetic reversal.

The whole surface of Venus appears to have been overturned. Volcanos??? Venus, which is closer to the Sun and maybe is more affected by large electrostatic, or magnetic fields of the Sun (not saying that this is true) has strong volcanism, Earth a little less and Mars even less. Lessor fields further out maybe? I don’t know.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Meh. Mars was destroyed by a massive nuclear war, don’tcha know?

Who wants to flee to a nuclear wasteland?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Yeah but that was a long time ago, if true.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The curie point is where a metal becomes fluid enough to lose a magnetic alignment in the crystalline structure of the metal.
The curie point doesn’t apply to the molten core theory, because the molten core isn’t holding a magnetic alignment that it picked up from an outside source. Because it is molten and moving, it is generating its own magnetic field like an electric motor. It’s more like an electromagnet than a permanent magnet.

Last edited 2 years ago by phelps
Mr Twister
Mr Twister
2 years ago

The 4 Chan link and screenshot
They have different dates?
Weds 4th on the image
Thurs 5th at the link

Probably my ignorance of how 4chan works.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

WOW. I make it a religious duty to read the comments on AC. This is a doozy. What you find out about the real world in the comment section! Thanks AC!

2 years ago

I’ve read that Arthur C Clarke was a pedophile from reputable sources. Clarke wrote a book “Childhoods End”. The book is a positive toned science fiction treatment of demons taking over the earth and possessing all the children. An attempt at foreshadowing?
The affordable housing in Nantucket would start at $261,000 according to the story. Would the condos qualify for Section 8 housing?
The Tet shooter has on a cap that makes him look like a cone head. Aluminum foil lined?

2 years ago

Of course DOJ is placing J6 participants on a registry! J6 was an intelligence op that was months in the planning. I spent three years observing a series of Twitter bots. A lot of MAGA and other accounts were fakes designed to reel in the naive, direct them to internet bulletin boards and other sites, and trick them into sharing personal information. Because of the language structure of some of the posts I began to suspect the posters were not even American. Some appeared to be Canadian, British, or German. While legit MAGA accounts would get suspended early on, these accounts seemed to operate with impunity—up to a point, then they were “suspended” when they seemed to serve their purpose. I would see them resurrect on other platforms like Parler, Telegram and GAB. The word to the wise is: EVERYTHING is comprised. Never post anything anywhere you don’t want to see on the front page of your local newspaper or the 6 o’clock news.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

After many of us got permanently suspended from Twatter in Jan 2021, a lot of people migrated to Telegram. Most channels I still follow bitch constantly about bots in the chat. I normally avoid the chats. But some channels will routinely post something like “Where do all my frens on here live? Let us know in chat!” I read that as “Dox yourself here.” But some people are so eager to provide their details.I’m sure some of it is innocent, but OPSEC is OPSEC no matter who is asking.

This place is one of the few sites where I’ll participate in the comments. On a site like Telegram, I don’t care what anonymous people, who may be bots anyway, have to think.

2 years ago

> Apple has installed AI-trained sniffers on its computers which will sniff out child porn and report back to them so they can alert authorities.

The obvious bait and switch routine just keeps growing more and more tiresome.

THEY are pedophiles. Any measure introduced by pedophile inc. is an obvious ploy to get you to buy in out of justified hatred for pedophiles, only for them to never use it for that purpose. They will use your consent to be spied on as an invitation to twist it into an inverted mess where pedophiles are the only ones NOT reported, and you are the victim over and over again as a normal human being.

It’s how they pass all their shit, appeal to the obvious majority of reasonable people for the base package then upgrade it with evil nonsense. Say no from day 1.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

This also means they can plant stuff on your phone.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
2 years ago

>> Nobel Prize Winner Calls For More Taxes On Ultra-Wealthy

My old conservative/libertarian instincts kick in… then I remember these globalists want me dead, my family enslaved, my kids neutered and raped — and they think it’s funny. Eff these guys. Steal all their fake money.

Last edited 2 years ago by Fart Simpson
Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

Stiglitz is actually correct. The only thing is that you see these calls made by public figures to tax the wealthy every so often, and nothing happens. Its hard to tell what the scam is here.

But first, as readers on this board are aware, the “wealthy” either are funding the Cabal and surveillance, or are getting their “wealth” from the Cabal, so part of the process of taking down the Cabal would have to involve some sort of wealth and income limits. They would have to be high enough to allow people to save to open small businesses, and keep their farms in the family, but still make something like “Bill Gates” and the “Gates Foundation” impossible.

Second, before the 1980s there were ridiculously high tax rates on top earners, but lots of deductions. The thing is that there was much more actual investment by these people in businesses then then after the 1980s, when both the rates were lowered and an attempt was made to reduce the deductions. To keep their money away from taxation, these people took the advantage of the deductions, and a lot of that money went into businesses. After this was changed, it was only spent on hookers and blow.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

Long term income control is a bad idea.
It will be used against us.
It’s like cabal’s life path control.

The insane wealth you fear is the result of theft and we must correct the theft of the past and prevent the theft of the future.

Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

They will be exempted or compensated.
Those they fear as competition will be robbed.
We DO need a one time wealth redistribution, but NOT while they are in charge, it has to wait until the status quo has been overthrown.
And “government” should not be the one to get the reclaimed wealth, it should be divided up between every remaining American after the purge.

2 years ago

Nevada schools issue is another example of the Long March Through the Institutions. Lefty and progressive true believers and their cohorts should be ashamed to be seen in public after what they encouraged, demanded and lied about.
Too bad the victims of their delusions have to deal with the fallout, meaning personal distress, tragedy, ruined lives and community destruction for years.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
2 years ago

>> ChatGPT passed a Wharton MBA exam and it’s still in its infancy. One professor is sounding the alarm.

Lol shows how worthless a MBA is… exposes the whole edumuchication racket for the scam it is

Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

It’s more about who’s ass you kiss in post graduate work…
…the actual scholarship is easy.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
2 years ago

Brazil and Argentina will soon announce preparations to create a common currency.
Yet more evidence IMO of a clandestine struggle between Western Globohomo and the renegade CCP/Shanghai Pact/BRICSA.
Cabal had to get Bolsonaro and Brazilian patriots out of the way because Brazil was most vulnerable of the BRICSA nations. Now they’ll be fully under the control of the Rothschild Central Bank as a way to sabotage the currency meant to replace the Petrodollar.
Cabal has been working for over a century to destroy America and the chosen heir was to be communist China. But China wants to rule; not to be the next Great Whore. So now that they’ve been gifted superpower status, they have turned on their benefactors. Globohomo doesn’t know if it should shit or get off the pot. They’ve replaced the free market with a house-of-cards economy with the Petrodollar as the lynchpin. They want us destroyed; but our chosen replacement has ambitions of its own and won’t play ball.
If you’re a perverted satanic Machievellian scumbag trying to forcefeed a New World Order, what do you do? Start WWIII? But your renegade proxy is incredibly strong while you’ve been weakening America morally, militarily, economically, politically, etc. to the point we can’t succeed against a near-peer enemy.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Lula is the CCP’s man.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
2 years ago

I usually look into Bannon’s morning program, but today I just looked at the clips. A number of his guests were pointing to a Chinese -Davos alliance. Before the War Room view was that the CCP was taking over, and they opposed Davos but were treating it as the clown show at the circus.

I think from the results were are seeing, the Cabal is some sort of alliance between the Continental European aristocracy and the CCP. There are some questions. We don’t know if this is really firm, or more like the old Nazi-Soviet Pact. Xi in China could be anything from the head of the Cabal, or part of a sort of nationalist faction on the lines of Trump, Putin, or Bolsonaro and the Shanghai clique are the real Cabal allies. And we don’t know who the senior partner is. Its also not clear where other secretive elites fit into this.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
2 years ago

Seems legit.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
2 years ago

Well said.
So why are Trump and the world wide patriots sitting back and letting it happen?

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Best I could do is speculate. Don’t know if Trump WAS actually supposed to do something. Patriots haven’t done anything, I guess, because they don’t have the stomach for the only option left to them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Machine Trooper
2 years ago

“…Patriots haven’t done anything, I guess, because they don’t have the stomach for the only option left to them….”


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

It’s a prisoner’s dilemma problem. In a prisoner’s dilemma if one prisoner tells on another he might get a lesser sentence or let go. But if they both keep quiet then maybe they both go to jail but not for as much time.

“If” a patriot goes and attacks the cabal he eventually gets arrested. Society advances if he does this but he himself will always lose. So he gets not real large benefit, even though all of us would be better off if many people attacked the corruption.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Someone put McCain to death.
Why not other traitors?

Reply to  Machine Trooper
2 years ago

Those who seek only victories without bloodshed will find only bloodshed without victories.

Will that be the epitaph of liberty?

2 years ago


I wonder if that was the point, could Twitter be digital a dead drop to sell secrets to China?

2 years ago

This shooter was described as paranoid, not trusting people, and he thought people were spreading rumors about him in his community.

Sounds like that women who just shot people up, and both cases sound like typical TI stories.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

If the shooter phenomenon is caused by gang stalking, then the “random” people they shoot aren’t random, and it makes more sense.

The shooter has been groomed to view random people as the enemy, because seemingly random people constantly mess with them. Same way it’s normal to feel rage at someone who drives like an idiot, the shooter feels rage at “random” people harassing them and just snaps.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Who knows. I’m reading some, admittedly, strange stuff. So back after WWII they get Admiral Byrd to go to Antarctica. Operation HIGHJUMP, officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 1946–1947. 4,700 men, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft.

The Nazis supposedly had bases there and there was some sort of hot spot that people could live. But of course that was not why the US went there….

Now they are supposed to be there 8 months or so but lose some planes and some people die and they leave in 8 weeks after flying over areas where Nazis supposedly were. Then a newspaper Chilean newspaper El Mercurio has an article that says,

“… Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions…”


Around this time was a big rash of UFO sightings. Even over Washington DC. So the US thought in 1947 that it would be great idea to fire off nuclear weapons over Antarctica. Three of them.

This of course had no relation to the fake information that the Nazis were flying UFO’s from Antarctica.

Now the above is factual. I think, but now we will move into the secret Miles Mathis files. Apparently stolen from him by his very own Olympic CIA gym girls. In fact the UFO’s are not aliens, not the US, not the Jews, it’s the Nazis.

There now you have the answer.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

The Why Files did a good video on Op: Highjump

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

You linked the why files a good while ago, if I remember correctly, and really liked those. I watched a ton of them. Thanks for the link.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Yeah, the guy seems honest and hecklefish makes me laugh.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

I would love to see a real summary of what happened to Operation Highjump.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

And even better

THE ACHILLES HEEL OF THE ILLUMINATI – “Ether Physics” and Flying Saucer Propulsion

“…Since so many of the Trilateral/IllumiNazi/Coercivists’ ill-gotten gains are in the motor fuel and transportation fields (ships, autos, trucks, trains and planes), I believe the truth concerning flying saucer technology, and use of it by the public, is their “Achille’s Heel”. Why else would they have labored so diligently for over fifty years keeping such technology secret, ostensibly under the guise of “national security”, except to perpetuate their coercive socio-economic, technological and political monopoly? …”

From “Space Aliens from the Pentagon”

2 years ago

Part of the reason we don’t get genuine right wing candidates is that there is impunity in regards to violence escalating to murder against them:

2 years ago

As in regards to the MGTOW psyop even without that. The phenomenon rose organically in response to the hostile ideological environment against Men in general. And especially Fathers and Husbands in conjunction with laws that make the Traditional family effectively illegal by weaponizing women.

If there is a psyop it simply furthered what is already there.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

You have to go deeper. The PSYOP made women hostile in the first place, knowing they are the easier to target sex. They did this with the explicit intent of then astroturfing a MGTOW resistance movement so men and women would hate each other.

The conspiracy is always more evil and involved than you initially think.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Women have been the easier target since Eden.
It’s their nature.
They are also easier to reclaim but that doesn’t change the damage that can be done by targeting them.
That’s why men are supposed to rule society, it limits the damage women can do to their influence over men.

2 years ago

I’m catching up on news brief and comments after having been away for a few days. And jumped ahead because the brief convo about the 12-yr-old vaxx w/o parental. Consent law jogged a memory that maybe ya’ll will find interesting.

Many moons ago, when I was young and naive and thought public interest lawyers were interested in making people’s lived better, I work for a child advocacy nonprofit. I was once in a meeting where they were laying out the game plan for arguing that a teenage gangbanger should be tried as a child (and therefore go to juvy instead of federal prison) for a pretty grisly murder. Kid was 15/16 at the time of killing.

The convo was getting heavy in the “well, how responsible for their actions can a 15/16 year old really be. Of course he should be tried as a minor. When the boos-lady chimes in to say “we have to be careful about publically making the argument that these kids are too young to have personal responsibility because in other parts of our carload we’re also advocating that 15 year old girls are mature and responsible enough to decide to have an abortion without parental consent.”

I bring it up, just to point out that there is no cognitive dissonance. The entire group of maybe a dozen highly educated lawyer people were perfectly aware of the contradictions and continued advocating for both positions simultaneously. Which I took to mean that the guiding principal was not actually about “when is a kid mature enough to be held responsible for their choices” – the guiding principal must have been something else that resulted in contradictory-looking positions, but they were actually coherent if you know the underlying values/goals.

I recall asking “well? How do you square that?” But I never got an intelligible answer beyond “totally different cases, situations, apples and oranges.”

But looking back o not, I can imagine a few ways to square that-

1. Killing humans is good
2. Young people should be able to kill without consequences and/or kill to avoid the consequences of their choices
3. Everything is deterministic so no one should ever be held responsible for the consequences of their actions
4. Actually literally satanic “do what thou wilt” – but the setting was not overtly that, these lawyers thought they were actually doing good thing

All of which to say, never imagine that contradictory positions “vaxx at 12, dermatologist barred until 18” is cognitive dissonance, or an oversight, or nonsensical. These people are conscious of the discrepancies, and looking at them from a “what actually is the link” perspective can point toward their underlying values and goals.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“Destroying this society we have infiltrated is the goal”

2 years ago

This is a comment on the reposting of the 4 chan comment predicting mass deaths from COVID, which the anons described as a PSYOP. The comments were posted in 2019.

One anon through out a death toll for 2020 of over 10 million. I just did a google search, and between 2020 and 2022 the figure that came up was 1.1 million. For awhile, authorities were claiming lots of non-COVID deaths as COVID deaths, and I don’t know if the 1.1 million figure comes after these have been scrubbed. Normies consistently don’t believe me when I give the accurate (or at least official) figures, which they say are too low.

The fourth anon down in the chain got it right, in that the PSYOP would be telling people there were mass deaths when there weren’t, and the “vaccines” introduced later would do the real job. But its a reasonable theory that they were hoping for more deaths from the initial disease itself.

No Name in DFW
No Name in DFW
2 years ago

I was able to find the 4Chan COVID thread on the internet archive, from September 5, 2019.

2 years ago

Looks like the Shapiro tweet has been deleted?

2 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
2 years ago

I’ve said for a long time that our MBA’s are taught the wrong things and are not really knowledgeable about what they are doing in the first place.

Now I’ve been amazed by Tesla because Musk knows what he is doing. Not that he knows everything but that he has the general background to manage his businesses. I saw this video of how they run Tesla. It’s amazing. Really super charged management. They are using software agile management tools that came from Silicon Valley management software techniques. They measure everything and break down all actions into cells. Each of these they track in time, money, etc. So let’s say an example, use a heat pump put into a car on the assembly line. They will constantly analyze this section. They will analyze the whole thing. Parts, putting it in, all of it. They have people who look at this then get teams to make it work faster, better, cheaper. They then make a parallel task that does the same thing for any process, this case heat pump into car. So redesign new heat pump, new Assembly, the whole thing, and they run it next to the original assembly line. Once they have that working good they then shift it right into the line with the new faster, cheaper better task, then they start over. They do this to the whole of the car and assembly line everywhere constantly. So they are getting better, faster and cheaper at a super aggressive rate. No one else has this. Not even close. This costs more but since the improvements constantly making things better and cheaper it pays for itself and more very quickly. Here’s a video on this. It’s really groundbreaking stuff. They even do the actual factories like this. They build a tent and start building something. Once they have it going and the production equipment going, they build the building around where the tent was. It’s stupendous.

2 years ago

Wooderson, first, thank you very much for your health posts. They are greatly appreciated and please keep them coming.

Second, I believe you have identified yourself as a female. If this is correct, and you don’t mind answering, I have a question for you.

I choose to believe Google ex-wife and Marielle Redclaw have escaped the Cabal trap and truly been blessed by God with real, human husbands. Were you as lucky/blessed? If not, did you successfully ditch your Cabal husband? If so, how?

I apologize for this personal post, but I’m married to Cabal husband and have failed at every attempt to remove him. I’ve repeatedly beseeched God for Divine intervention along with the normal mundane steps to remove a malignant spouse. No dice. I have the basics of Google ex-wife’s story, but am looking for other women who may have successfully escaped Cabal marriages as well.

AC, a while ago you commented on my bizarrely moved refrigerator. (we left the house for the first time in ages, and came back to the refrigerator moved out from the wall nook). I think you speculated tech may have been installed that would use the fridge motor for power.

It was an old refrigerator and died shortly thereafter.

New fridge ordered and installed. We leave the house again (still a rare occurrence), and now new refrigerator is pulled 1-2 inches out of the wall nook.


As always, thank you AC for all you do. You are a warrior for God. May He keep you and bless you abundantly!

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Ahh, I am laughing maniacally. I am in the middle of a divorce that has been going on for several years. I hope to end it this year. I did not leave. I was married to an actual adulterous whoremongering blackout drunk who faked being extremely religious and extraordinarily judgmental. I believed him when he said he was working 12-18 hour days, and that his boss did not appreciate him. I had four children, no skills, and quite a few medical problems that never seemed to go away.

He threw me out on the day our second son graduated high school. He had been planning since the child was 3 years old. I got to learn all about all of it the final year. I had finally found a healing thread and gone through it for a year. I was functional enough to notice something. I asked a question, he answered by telling me all about the current girlfriend. AC is very accurate in his descriptions about narcissists, which is why I trust him on the surveillance stuff. He is accurate, like, you have no idea how accurate. I had to learn.

I spent that last year, my son’s senior year, going through the hell he set up. A black out drunk, asking for me to pray for his girlfriends,getting beaten, choked, told to kill myself, humiliated in every way, physically used, etc. But: senior year for a very bright, very good boy. I could handle getting screamed at from midnight until the sun came up. My son told me he was angry that year, that it didn’t seem like I cared- dinner wasn’t well-made. I took that as a triumph- the older kids had no idea how bad it was. I bought that year.

The question about “other”- most of the nights were just unpleasant. One night I asked God for an unmasking. I wanted my ‘religious’ husband to see that his life choices and companions were not best for him. He unmasked. You know, horror movies all kind of are fairy tales- they have happy endings. The thing gets unmasked, the priest’s faith gets affirmed, the unknown thing goes away, the unknown becomes known and explicable. This wasn’t that. This was the night with just a conversation , no yelling. Snakey head movements, telling me everything good I had ever done was nothing.

It was in the middle of the BLM riots, in a city engulfed by riots. My family rescued me and put me in a hot sheet motel- it was cheap, and it’s not like they advertise “hot sheet hotel.” I got a job there. The manager would ‘hire’ domestic violence victims. We would not get paid. We’d get a room, and then be on site for work. So, me, who had been a housewife for over twenty years, PTA volunteer, Sunday School teacher, making home-made Halloween costumes for the kids, was working the desk Friday nights at a sketchy hotel, then going to the laundry to wash, bleach, dry and fold sheets and towels for the rest of the night, with the other women. 300% occupancy, every night. These aren’t people who cuddle all night long. When I got food, it’s because homeless people and guests at the hotel would buy food for me. I would go days without eating. The guests included pimps. One was making online porno, so he had technical skills. He helped me set up my computer so I could write out a petition to get a divorce, and get my kids back. I want you to understand, this was the safest I’ve felt in 20 years and that I am extremely grateful to these people who were kind and good to me. I still owe my family money for the rescue, too. I have no idea how to pay them back.

My brother paid a down payment and a month’s rent for my apartment, then I got a job. It’s not a permanent job. It takes three weeks to make rent. I get Foodstamps. I’ve been given food pantry items. The neighbors will bring food, astonishingly good food. I had a solid chunk of months where food was what snacks an office had, a cup of coffee and a part of ramen. I looked on it kind of like a really intense diet. I miss being thin like that. It was fun being size tiny and getting tinier.Heart problems, weird food hoarding habits, no muscle tone, are the side effects, so, I’m not quite sure how to get back to that size but I would like to. People are much nicer to really thin people. Seriously, my pantry is stocked to the brim with canned goods when I got my foodstamps approved. The kids think it’s weird.

The neighbors that feed us: gay men, drag queens, New York Jewish atheist transplants. Who, you ask, are my neighbors? Good Samaritans.

My husband has spent the last three years threatening everyone who he knows has helped any of us. He’s sent letters to peoples’ bosses to try and get them fired. He’s threatened to go to the police with accusations of extreme impropriety. I don’t know why that didn’t happen, actually. The daughter he made that threat to had the presence of mind to record it on her phone when he said “I know it isn’t true but……..”

I’ve been isolated. I don’t see people. I don’t reveal much to anyone. I haven’t gotten to see my friends or go to church or do anything like that in three years. It’s for their safety. I don’t go for a better job, or get on social media with words, because I had to make some phone calls about those threats, and it is literally the most embarassing, awful thing to tell good, kind people that their goodness and kindness might be used against them to harm them irreparably. I was hoping Wooderson was ambiguous enough that no one would think to connect the name to me, or a shadow of me.

My husband is now a Sunday School teacher at a large church. He goes to Men’s breakfasts. He arranged for our youngest to go to church camp. He got fired from his high paying job. He could be earning six figures, but he really, really, really does not want to pay any child support or spousal support, or anything. He tells people how I am the one that filed for divorce and took his children and turned the oldest ones against him. I don’t know that I don’t live in apartments for the rest of my life in poverty and indignity and ill health. I’m trying to change that, as much as possible.

I’m also going to say: that big church helped me. Food, shelter, a visit to a counselor. I turned to them when I first found out about the infidelity. I was desperate for family counseling to repair what I thought was a midlife crisis. It was a very good, professional, church. They referred us to a professional that specialized in relationship repair. They did not go charging in above their training and abilities. My husband refused to go.

The book you want to get- NOW- is called “The Live-Saving Divorce” by Gretchen Baskerville. It was agony to read for the first two years. I could read, at most, two pages at a time. It has how to get away, safely. It has the religious history of divorce. It has verses. God does not want his beloved children to be abused. He wants you safe. He wants you rescued. You are not Jesus, so there’s no point in you getting crucified for an unholy man.

About the people getting excited about the ‘Duluth model.’ The Duluth model provides a framework for good, kind people to organize their impressions of very bad, very chaotic people, in order to be effective helpers. The thing is, it’s two generations into the Duluth model. So, my very white collar, skilled, professional husband told me ” I will never lay a hand on you. Therefore, no one will ever be able to help you. I will make it so that you regret ever having been born. And no one will ever help you. ” The Duluth model has 8 sections. One is physical harm. The other seven are the ones he specialized in.

The neighbors thought he had killed me, when I disappeared when he threw me out. The first law firm said it was the sickest relationship they had ever seen. The second lawyer said it was a 50/50 on whether he was going to kill me, so going along with getting thrown out was probably smart.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

This why I go on and on about all the money we are spending on the homeless yet not actually providing them homes. Woodson is a good case but even the bad ones shouldn’t be living on the sidewalks with all the money we spend on war and banksters.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

I hope you know that you are doing real good in other people’s lives. Lives like my own and those around me. For example, your B vitamin and magnesium material completely changed the life of people I genuinely care about. This means a lot to me and I thank God for you. Hang in there, sister. We’re praying for you.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Thank you. I am so glad that you are able to use this information for yourself and for the healing of people that you love and care for. I am so glad.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

and, thank you. Prayer is more powerful and more healing than any of us understand.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

Wooderson, I am so, SO sorry. My deepest apologies.

I am heartbroken to hear this has been your path in life and I’m so sorry I asked. I truly regret causing you think on this and relive it.

My Cabal husband is a sociopath, but of a slightly different flavor than your husband. However, the same inhuman, planned, deliberate, mortally dangerous malice is a shared trait between them, so I can commiserate somewhat with your torture at the hands of your hopefully soon-to-be ex.

I will pray for you, that you will win your freedom and find peace, health and happiness.

Thank you for your recommendation of that website. I will definitely look into it.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Thank you.

I wanted to put the scratchy, unfortunate details out there. So much of what I was reading that last year was “It will all be okay,” with extra fairy tale details. It felt so out of reach, and horrifying, that everyone else could make this stuff work, normal life, and for whatever reasons, such few things worked in mine. It was terrifying.

So: first off, your health is going to take a worse hit. Sleep is your friend. It might even be better since you aren’t getting new trauma. So much sleep. No midnight oil, because you can’t keep your eyes open.

There is a lot of research on trauma now. It’s not just PTSD for soldiers. EMDR is the current new thing in short term therapy. It’s tiny motions of your eyes and hands while reliving traumatic memories. Handily enough, you can get that from typing- so look for repetitive admin clerk tasks- or learn to knit- or both. If you are not employed, try to apply at temp agencies, and see if they have repetitive paperwork typing or transcribing jobs, instead of public facing jobs. Some temp agencies specialize in supplying workers for government agencies. Some temp agencies specialize in placing crippled people. PTSD is an official disability. You can get a diagnosis in a letter, from a therapist, if you need it. If you need to move cities, you can find a recruiter and lay out your skills. No skills? Fast food is a good career if you can be on your feet and talk to people. The pay has gone up since COVID.

Possessions. Everyone wants to keep everything in a divorce. FWIW, most everything these days is mass produced, and most things can be replaced by cheap imported goods. Very few people are wealthy, so you don’t have to keep up with the Joneses. This includes clothing. I had one suitcase, and my car, and my sewing machine. I am rebuilding my wardrobe. Also, the Baby Boom is retiring,so professional clothes are flooding into second hand stores. It’s a weird mix- disposable Chinese clothes, and work wardrobes.

Your cortisol is going to go haywire. I’m still working that out, what calms it down. So far, all I’ve got is Catholic granny religious practices, and I’m not Catholic. Buddhism, while shiny, does not calm down panic all the way to the bone. It’s kind of a superficial covering. Something about the rosary talking about death, dying, and birth really seems to twang the brain more than a meaningless syllable.

Then: law enforcement and divorce courts see a lot of terrible people. So, whatever your spouse is doing, while new and novel to you, is their every day. The social workers I’ve had to talk to- I’m a really pretty easy case for them. The worst ones give them trauma. I’ve spent most of my time with them asking about how they are doing, and just listening to them.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

and, really, reddit. it’s where very messed up people go to talk to each other. I don’t post, but I read the alcoholism forums, the infidelity forums and the divorce forums, and the narcissist victim forums, to not feel alone and so completely disoriented.

2 years ago

Our brothers in memes cry out against the evil of cabal without understanding it:

comment image?width=490&height=646

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Damn, that hit me in the feels. Good to know I’m not the only one.

English Tom
English Tom
2 years ago

I’m not sure if I’ve posted this previously but regarding foreknowledge of the covid psyop, there is a presentation from 2010, type in on a search engine the Anglo Saxon Mission explained by Bill Ryan. He tells of a meeting in the City of London in 2005 where it was stated “China would catch a cold and this would spread worldwide.” 54 minutes long, well worth a watch.

Reply to  English Tom
2 years ago

From 2009, a doctor warns Jesse Ventura about ‘the culling’ on his Conspiracy Theory docu-series:

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Washington Gun Law – Some Other Stuff to Think About on This 88-Day Pistol Brace Trap

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Harley Davidson going all electric? Oh, well. They had a great run, but but all things come to an end. I had a 1200Sportster. It was a fun bike. I will never buy another Harley as long as I live though, because I have a feeling an Indian Scout would be even better.

FortNine – Why Millions Buy Harley-Davidson Motorcycles

FortNine – How Indian Makes 43% More Power than Harley-Davidson

FortNine – Why Electric Motorcycles are Failing

Last edited 2 years ago by Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Well, it just came out that Citadel, Ken Griffin’s massive hedge fund, has posted the largest single profit in hedge fund history: $16 billion.

Here is what I wrote about Citadel a year ago:

2 years ago

Liberal media turns on Brazilian “democracy defender”…

2 years ago

New ‘Axis Of Evil’ Is Comprised Of Globalists, Woke Corporations, NGO’s, And Virtuous Pagans

2 years ago

A purge?

Wave of Celebrity Deaths in China’s COVID Surge Casts Doubts Over Actual Toll