News Breifs – 08/29/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q, and the withdrawal has really taken ahold. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

FBI studies two broken cameras outside cell where Epstein died. So now two cameras just happened to malfunction. It gets better every day.

Epstein’s lawyers say the evidence they have seen is much more consistent with murder than suicide. It doesn’t help he said they tried to kill him the first time too.

A poll finds only one in three Americans believes the official story about Jeffrey Epstein’s death. It is probably the one third of the public who never heard of him.

This is interesting. DARPA put out an immediate request for any existing underground tunnel system which ideally included rooms, atriums, and multi-level complexes that span several city blocks. Interesting in two ways. One, DARPA is not plugged into an intelligence operation which knows where all of those qualifying complexes are, who owns them, who is able to loan them, and their contact info, so it could approach them quietly itself. There are people in this world who could pick up the phone and have all the info in about one minute, while they wait on the phone. And two, it is preparing for combat in massive, multi-level underground facilities which contain atriums and complex structures that span several city blocks. It could be China, but the Rofschild who was answering questions way back alluded to entire cities having been constructed underground for Cabal.

In Canada, a white guy with an Italian sounding name began vandalizing the Epoch Time’s Newspaper delivery boxes right around the time the paper began special coverage of issues relating to Huawei and Chinese Human Rights Abuses. The guy used counter-surveillance detection techniques when he was operating, so he was trained. More interestingly, he must not have feared the normal mesh-surveillance deployed in populated areas, indicating he felt it was on his side. Chinese agent, or Cabal agent? Also the same vandalism is occurring in other cities and countries as well, so it is a trans-national network responsible, doing it on orders. Which means either all of those countries are allowing Chinese spooks with contrary agendas to operate on their territory freely, recruit networks from among the locals, and the foreign spooks don’t fear local surveillance, or they are all part of the same operation and working toward the same ends. It is one or the other.

FEC complaint filed against Ilhan Omar for illegally using campaign funds to pay for a sex romp with another woman’s man.

Actress Paz de la Huerta, who says she was raped by Harvey Weinstein, has named Disney, Bob Iger and Michael Eisner in a new federal lawsuit for sex trafficking.

Fake-branded gold bars slip dirty gold into the world markets. This is interesting. We know Cabal has stolen a lot of gold from places as diverse as Khadafy’s hidden stashes, to the Ukraine’s official reserves. Hillary’s brother even bought a gold mine, presumably so they could recast and repaper the gold and officially enter it into the market as fully official, freshly mined bars. Now real high-purity gold bars are turning up which didn’t even bother to try and falsify a history, they just copied an existing bar and slipped it into the market in China. Also notice how they use the meme of a “conflict” mineral to justify having to officially paper and register a valuable, so they can control it. That way, if you stumbled on a store of it, you could not just sell it, because they will control the point of entry into the market. Either you declare it to them to get it into the market (and probably have it confiscated), or you might as well not own it. Very clever mechanism of control, and all they need to do is start a small conflict in an area where the material is found. Or not. I am not even sure there is a conflict in an area which produces significant amounts of gold, but they still use that as an excuse to exert control over the entry of the material into the market.

Justice Department inspector general has done a separate report on James Comey. Some have said it may come out as soon as today, and it will include criminal referrals. Interesting they are hitting him first, as compared to Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, and ultimately Obama and Jarrett, I would think he is small fry. Maybe they want to turn him?

Video interview with Hannity where John Solomon reveals the Trump Administration will create a special office of transparency to release stalled DOJ docs. Like Q says, once the dam bursts, expect a flood of shocking reveals. They don’t want this to be like the Kenneth Starr probe of Clinton.

Your Ward News editor James Sears sentenced to one year in jail for promoting hate in Canada. He says his lawyer threw the case, and failed to defend him. Like I have said, things didn’t work the way you thought. This is the problem Trump and Q face – Cabal infiltrated the legal system to get control, and in your trial it may be a Cabal prosecutor, a Cabal judge, and your own fucking defense attorney is taking orders, and following other people into grocery stores after he gets done at your trial. That is why I think Trump and Q are doing the sealed indictment dance, so they can unseal everything in one day and purge everyone in the system out of it to get justice in the cases. If you fall afoul of the system now, you probably have only one choice, and that is to make a beeline to the Russian Embassy/Consulate, and seek some sort of help from their intelligence service in finding legal representation which is not compromised, and maybe Russian media attention on your case. I don’t know if they would give it to you just for the possibility of having an American or Canadian who owed them a favor, though it would not surprise me if they did as part of a Putin-effort to form closer relationships with the online right in America. Ideally you would learn something about the Cabal domestic intelligence operations of use to the Russians which you could trade. Though after that you are probably going to need asylum and citizenship in Russia, so be sure to negotiate that as well. It probably wouldn’t end up badly for you, as being American they might just recruit you into some position in SVR or GRU and throw you back into the game from the other side, probably training their operatives in fitting in, and functioning within your nation. Obviously Russian citizenship with a plug-in to Russian intelligence (and probably a hot Russian FSB girlfriend to keep an eye on you to boot), beats US citizenship while in opposition to Cabal’s intelligence operations, and I am pretty sure you’d be on the right side morally as well. And ironically, in fighting the Cabal from the Russian side, you would probably be doing more good for freedom, your country, and the West than you would ever do on the other side, outside of some small, rebel clique inside military intelligence and NSA. Hopefully that will change. If you see the local intelligence matrix aired out publicly to everyone’s profound horror, then we will be back from Wonderland. Until then you are in hostile territory.

In another case looking at it from the other side – 6 Antifa who shut down Portland ICE facility for 10 days get sweetheart deal. NO criminal prosecution. NO jail time. A slap on the wrist: $100 fines, 10 hrs community service. You can see how Q and Trump, starting cold, bringing charges as they generated them, and trying to try the cases in this system would end up blown out by Cabal’s long-formulated mechanisms of control. But indict everyone, force them all to recuse, and it will be like a totally different justice system. And the rest of us will eb double-motivated to see to it Cabal is convicted and purged completely from the system.

California Child Protective Services rocked by a child molestation and child prostitution scandal. They always name things exactly the opposite of their purpose. Anything with freedom in the name is about limiting freedom. Anything with patriotism is about betraying the nation. And Child Protective Services increasingly looks like it was not about protection of children.

Macron warns the world that it is living the decline of Western hegemony.

Tulsi Gabbard is out of the next Democrat debate. Basically, if she had enough donors, she could have gotten in, but they set the number of donors so high, no normal person could make it. But if you had access to a network of millions of regular citizens through the nation who take orders from a centrally controlling authority… The machine is out there, and it controls who succeeds on social media by ordering its people to follow and trend social media personalities it controls. It controls who wins primaries by flooding the party apparatus. And it even controls who gets to deliver their message through the masses at things like the Democrat party’s debates. If Tulsi was one of (((Them))), the order would have gone out, and she would have amassed those donations effortlessly, just like Kamala and Joe. The evidence is all around you. All you have to do is let go of the limitations on the possible which they have imbued you with to keep you blind.

New government takes shape in Italy, sidelining Salvini and the hard right. According to an Italian anon this is actually part of Salvini’s plan. According to him, the left forced Salvini to take on additional spending before they would give him his immigration policies. Soon, taxes will have to be raised massively to pay for it. Salvini was at a crossroads. He was very popular now, so if they held an election, the right would have won even more power, and the left would have lost short term, but then the taxation would have hit, the right would have been blamed for it, and the country might have swung very leftward long-term. Instead the desperate r-strategist left took the short term gain of getting rid of Salvini now, but this means the left will be hit with a nuclear explosion when it gets the blame for raising taxes and crushes the economy, and after that the hard right will be even more popular than they are now as they head into an election. And the public, which already hates the left, and which wanted elections now, will be ready to smash the left at the next election even more than they would have now.

British surgeon says Brits should all have to pay to transplant wombs into male transgenders so they can have babies.

Cabal MK Ultra-windup toy interrupted in North Carolina before he shot up a college.

Uncle of Italian girl murdered by migrants threatens to show photos of her dismembered body if immigration laws loosened.

Chinese state media shows tanks and armed personnel carriers making a late-night patrol through Hong Kong.

16 year old climate activist arrives in New York on “Zero Emissions” yacht. I would bet the few hundred people who assembled to meet her were Secret Society members from the network, showing up on orders. But nobody says that, just like nobody asks how it can cost $20,000 a week to rent a normal 40′ shallow draft sailboat b3a.reback for a Bahama’s excursion from Florida, but nobody asks how much it cost her to rent a 65′ transoceanic Deep draft, “zero-emissions” luxury eco-yacht plus four or five crew, for a two week trip across the Atlantic, plus a second crew to fly over, and spend another two or three weeks for the return journey. What did that cost, and who is picking up that tab? Bear in mind, her actions have to have been calculated to yield more than what it cost, in profits for some companies somewhere else. People don’t just blow six-figure budgets on giving the little 16 year old girl they never met a fun life experience. That is the Network.

The little firm that got a big chunk of D.C.’s lottery and sports gambling contract has no employees. It will get more than half of a $215 million contract.

Trump administration ends automatic citizenship for some children of military, federal workers born abroad. Basically, they will have to apply to get them citizenship if they fit three criteria: Children of non-U.S. citizens adopted by U.S. citizen government employees or service members; children of non-U.S. citizen government employees or service members who were naturalized after the child’s birth; and children of U.S. citizens who do not meet residency requirements.

PA Gov. Tom Wolf converts to Islam. Apparently some people still think the Cabal is going to win.

Facebook eliminated the slogan, “It’s free and always will be.” People think they may start charging to use it.

Archeologists find an even bigger child sacrifice mass grave, making the biggest ever found. Again, why do so many, all over the world, in geographically isolated areas, all come to the same conclusion that you need to kill your innocent child, basically do the most painful and evil thing you could possibly do, to get supernatural help?

Colin Kapernick is banging a transgender model.

USA is on the verge of losing measles elimination status according to the CDC. Just don’t ask if it has anything to do with the migrants.

In Britain, a Pakistani doctor who blamed his sexual assault on a student nurse on different “cultural norms” is back at the hospital and in a position to threaten the safety of other nurses and also of female patients in the hospital.

Cockroaches at Washington Post latest in infestation woes. This wave of infestations has /pol’s fingerprints all over it.

Shocking video shows touch-screen polling machine malfunctioning and repeatedly changing votes for one candidate to another in a Republican primary.

China is deploying Huawei cameras in foreign countries, where they are able to perform facial recognition and tracking for PRC. Rubio said he saw the cameras all over Kenya, as one example.

Now in addition to facial recognition, we will have lip reading surveillance cameras. Watch what you say about the local politburo while out at the mall, or the video’s insta-transcript will pop a flag, you will be ID’d by your face, and no more twitter for you. Bear in mind, there are people in this country who would think that was a good thing. And we will never, ever be able to let a leader they desire get into power without losing the entire nation.

The President’s personal attorney tells NBCU brass that legal proceedings could be pursued if there’s no retraction or apology for Laurence O’Donnell stating that “Russian oligarchs” co-signed loans to Trump. It had to kill O’Donnell to have to go on air and bow to Trump’s force of will and apologize.

F.B.I. raids U.A.W. chief’s home as financial/bribery inquiry widens. The more you take, the higher you rise, as Q says.

Italy’s Salvini bans latest migrant ship from entering Italian waters.

Charges filed against dozens who worked for pill mills that diverted 23 million opioid painkillers.

UK Government asks the Queen to suspend Parliament so it cannot interfere with Brexit. The Queen has agreed. Makes me think she may not have really had any idea what exactly happened to Diana, meaning her bloodline is not at the top, or near it.

US Economic confidence soars to a 19 year high even with the Fake News telling everyone a recession is happening.

DHS Secretary McAleenan signals potential cooperation with El Salvador on migration and gangs.

NYC police union approves ‘no confidence’ resolutions against de Blasio and the Commissioner.

President Donald J. Trump nominated twelve new federal judges Wednesday.

Poll shows an increasing number of Republicans and Independents see colleges as bad for America. I might see where this is going. One of the most amazing changes we may see now is a move to get rid of expensive universities and colleges, and replace them with online courses. At a major university a common STEM Course like Genetics can have 600-800 kids in the class. Biochemistry I or Molecular Biology I will usually be about 2/3 of that. Teaching assistants are usually useless, and you have no real interaction. Lab work could just as easily be done as interships at real biotech companies, which you get by doing well on standardized tests you take after finishing an online course. And those tests could be run like the SAT. Eliminating all of the costs of the university would eliminate student debt, and remove the gatekeepers who foment the leftist indoctrination. All in all it would radically change the educational topography in a way that would encourage raw accomplishment, eliminate indoctrination, make it easier for kids to get degrees, give them a foothold in the door at the companies they intern at, and even work at the pace they want, maybe while amassing wealth at regular jobs. Big things will come from that little election that put the God-Emperor in office.

New Mexico revenue levels booming to an all time high. So the Democrats promptly raised their taxes.

Democrats are whining about the Remain in Mexico asylum policy.

Brass knuckles, other self-defense items legal in Texas starting Sept. 1. Another sign of increasing K.

DHS bars Dem staffers from visiting border facilities after ‘rude’ and ‘disruptive’ behavior.

DNC members are panicking, saying Trump is defeating them on every issue. One says, “Where’s all the support? People generally are feeling Trump is beating us on all fronts right now.” So much winning, I don’t know if I can take anymore…

Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Fund may now begin moving billions into US markets. Now that I think about it, with Cabal leaders trying to make us lose and destroy us, we have been way undervalued for a period like this when we have a non-Cabal leader dedicated to winning. If the whole world begins investing here, that market might not have an upper limit.

Spread r/K Theory, because it’s only withdrawal if you haven’t acclimated to it.

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Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

“Jones-ing for Q” The next hit from the Mamas and Pepes?

5 years ago

“Poll shows an increasing number of Republicans and Independents see colleges as bad for America.”

Yes. People have got to realize that colleges and universities are Marxist indoctrination camps. But ask your self “Why”. Why did this happen. It was America’s own ideology of Free Speech and tolerance. When I was in college in my thirties, Marx’s Communist Manifesto was passed out like candy in the Western Civ course everybody had to take. If you can’t control the parameters of one’s culture, you’re done in. Realize this: America’s own ideology led to this. Moreover, this change was brought politically when Modern Republicanism, i.e. the American and French Revolutions, ended Western Civilization; modern republicanism was the vehicle for Jewish Civilization. The whole of the Enlightenment done by European Atheists was influenced by Jews who taught hierarchy is oppression, tolerance and diversity was good and to end social prejudice. All of those values are Jewish—Not European. You undermined yourselves.

Educational institutions are the carriers of Culture. One must indoctrinate one’s people in one’s culture and the most efficient way is thru a shared environment called a school. It was the hyper-traditional foundational European group, the Doric Greeks, the Spartans, who created public schools in the first place to ingrain Virtue and education to further their culture. Schools are a European invention. But then again, the Doric Greeks engaged in Xenelasia, the prevention of Foreign influence in their societies which also interdicted atheists.

The problem is NOT Colleges and universities per se but in the Jewish Values of Tolerance and anti-discrimination—of allowing Free Speech to Foreigners.

The purpose of Education —IS NOT JOBS—but Citizens who know their Heritage, Values and are habitualized in Virtue. —IT IS NOT ABOUT ECONOMICS OR JOBS. It is about passing down one’s Heritage to continue the Race. It was the Classical Education that produced Victorian England that made the British Empire and its rich culture.

You have to jettison the whole of the Enlightenment. If America is the product of the Enlightenment—and now all can witness the failed state of America, then it is clear that the Enlightenment was just a bag of lies and idiocy and must be jettisoned en toto. You judge a Tree by its Fruit. Ask yourself—-Tell a success story of the product of The Enlightenment.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

Interesting to see that the local cabal shill is back to visit with us.

The spirit of the enlightenment that you so loathe is equally loathed by cabal.

5 years ago

Thanks AC

As of now I’m unsure whether Q Team will be able to move against the Deep State. I hope so but, as the saying goes in investing, “hope is not a successful strategy.” Maybe any move will now have to be postponed until after November 2020 and, even then, only take place if Trump wins again.

The Deep State has been regnant since at least JFK’s assassination, which means they have very deep roots. Realistically, Q Team would never go for Plan Z because, IMHO, it would mean the collapse of all global stock markets, commodities markets, bond markets, etc. It would be a total global financial systemic meltdown, which would lead to the US losing reserve currency status. Whats comes after that would also be very bad.

All of the above is coming anyway but probably not for 8-10 years, which, personally, I prefer because it gives me more time to prepare.

Hang tough!

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

“… kill your innocent child, basically do the most painful and evil thing you could possibly do…”

Painful only to K.

5 years ago

16 year old climate activist arrives in New York on “Zero Emissions” yacht.

Pretty much any sailboat these days is “zero emissions” if you don’t run the engines. Assuming you are good at sailing and are willing to take the time, you don’t have to go in and out of port under power, but most people do. (That’s some minimal emissions.) Once you are out in the blue and are in the trade winds, of course you shut down the engines and sail. Running a watermaker might happen on solar or you might need to run the engine, depending on your setup.

So yeah, she could have done the same thing on a 40′ sailing catamaran if she was serious, and could have just had the same crew go both ways. But it’s about the appearance of suffering, not actual suffering. (Not that living on a sailing cat is suffering. If the wife didn’t crave gardens and roots, I would be all about living on board and sailing the world.)

5 years ago

Cabal MK Ultra-windup toy interrupted in North Carolina before he shot up a college.

Note the face bifurcation. Right side is placid, left side is shocked and panicked.

5 years ago

Colin Kapernick is banging a transgender model.

This one has been out in the background for a while, not new. Get the timeline right, though — he did this before he suddenly got limelight. In other words, he paid his sodomy toll and got fame and endorsements.

5 years ago

The Queen has agreed. Makes me think she may not have really had any idea what exactly happened to Diana, meaning her bloodline is not at the top, or near it.

Or the EU was an attempt to usurp that she wasn’t able to block then, but sees an opportunity now.

Reply to  Phelps
5 years ago

I suspect Q …”we have everything” has more to do with it.

Her Sons

Charles …surrounded by Paedophiles
Jimmy Saville
Clement Freud
Bishop Peter Ball

Andrew….Nuff Zed!

Edward – Likely Sodomite (fake marriage)

Her Staff:
Palace employees “Butlers” and many Gay/Pedo orgies regularly reported in MSM over the years.

Past members of her Parliament
Elm Guest House

Honourable mentions
Lord Mandelson
Tom Watson

Bottom line

Sodomites Paedophiles

As far as the Royal eye can see!

(Aren’t people vetted around the Royles?)

Who are Trump/Q targetting ultimately


So we….
Extricate ourselves calmly (relatively) from the EU..this year.

& then

Royal family to abdicate next year….

…is my prediction.

And my desire?
ENGLISH Parliament.

Reply to  Mr_Twister
5 years ago

And don’t forget Lord Mountbottom.

Seems like Archie Bunker had it right:

5 years ago

Brass knuckles, other self-defense items legal in Texas starting Sept. 1. Another sign of increasing K.

Since my father was a truck driver, I’ve always carried a tire knocker by the drivers seat.

Not a club. It’s a tool.

(It’s funny to me that I can go days without commenting and then some days I’ll have ten things to say.)

5 years ago

CPS=Child Procurement Services

5 years ago

Trump holds up Ukraine military aid meant to confront Russia

5 years ago

Trump’s executive assistant resigns from White House

5 years ago

‘Very graphic’ evidence, including satanic elements, in Ohio child porn case

5 years ago
5 years ago

Uganda says a traveling Congolese girl has Ebola

5 years ago

El Salvador busts alleged migrant smuggling network, nabs 25

Anon 083019
Anon 083019
5 years ago

Just a technicality that I wanted to point out regarding Tulsi Gabbard’s debate status, as it has an impact on the way in which the DNC’s corruption is being implemented.

Gabbard did actually get the required number of donors (130,000 donors, with at least 400 unique donors per state in 20 different states). However, Gabbard did not get to 2% in enough “qualifying” polls–as she only had 2% or higher in 2 qualifying polls, whereas 4 are required. According to RealClearPolitics ( ), Gabbard got 2% or higher in 7 polls during the debate qualification timeframe. However, as per DNC rules, only polls from the following organizations were counted:

-Associated Press
-ABC News
-CBS News
-The Des Moines Register
-Fox News
-Monmouth University
-NBC News
-The New York Times
-National Public Radio
-Quinnipiac University
-The University of New Hampshire
-USA Today
-The Wall Street Journal
-The Washington Post
-Winthrop University.

So Gabbard’s polls from other major polling groups, such as Emerson and the Economist, did not count.

Tom Steyer is in a similar position to Gabbard. He has enough donors (as he was able to access lists and data that he already had from other organizations), but only has three “qualifying” polls at 2% or higher. (Honestly, I didn’t expect this to happen to Steyer; I figured it would only be Gabbard and Williamson).

Marianne Williamson also managed to get enough donors, but she does not have enough 2% polls to qualify. (Unlike Gabbard and Steyer, however, for Williamson, it is not an issue of the polls where she got above 2% not qualifying–but rather, simply not having enough polls above 2%).

One other interesting point that these candidates have pointed out: qualifying polls can be either national or in one of the first four states to vote; however, very few qualifying polls were taken in the first four states during the qualifying period. (I wonder if that had anything to do with the fact that the “preferred” candidates qualified early on national polls…)

On a different note, I recently saw a movie with many references to r/K theory that I think you would find very interesting, if you haven’t seen it already. The movie “Idiocracy” is a science-fiction movie set in a dystopia in which society has gone 100% r. Also, the beginning of the movie makes a fascinatingly convincing elevator pitch for r/K in terms that almost anyone should be able to grasp.

Anon 083019
Anon 083019
Reply to  Anon 083019
5 years ago

Opening Scene with r/K elevator pitch:

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

” If you fall afoul of the system now, you probably have only one choice, and that is to make a beeline to the Russian Embassy/Consulate, and seek some sort of help from their intelligence service in finding legal representation which is not compromised, and maybe Russian media attention on your case.”

And weren’t many Russian consulate offices closed after Trump was elected? Not suggesting that the push came from the White House but probably from high level cabal connected to various DS players in the federal government.

I think that it would be hard for the Russians to be to interested. It’s doubtful that one could reveal to them things about Cabal that they don’t already know, other than ones experiences with particular local infestations, which the Russians probably care very little about. I’m sure the Russians know that they could be inundated with swarming attacks from low level cabal operators just wasting their time.