News Breifs – 03/25/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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Electric field question –  I do not know if anybody knows this, but I have the EMF 390 measuring electric field. Sitting on a counter, it measures 2-6V/m. But if I touch it, it rockets up to 90-130 v/m. At a spot two feet away, next to a wall, untouched, it will measure about 30 V/m, but if I put my hand on it, it rockets up to 300-454 V/m. I am in sneakers, a T-shirt and jeans, not statically charged that I am aware of, and not touching anything metal or grounded. Should that EF reading be that affected by me touching the meter?

Some other observations, maybe relevant, maybe not. rF in that tri-field mode says .00 mW/M2 there, but just twelve feet away, it bounces between 2 and sometimes 90 mW/M2 or more, and seems relatively unrelated to proximity to the router or lights, unless you go right up to the router. EMF is fairly consistent around 2-2.4mG. I have tried rf Browser mode, with an 8″x16″ piece of sheet steel, to figure out where the rf is coming from, but it is not easily figured out. If it drops when the steel is between me and one house, it is only for a moment (and looks like the steel blocked it) but then it picks back up, which makes me wonder if the other house begins releasing some to confound the process. I have to get another piece of steel, and try blocking multiple directions, however between the poles and the houses, I have about al 4 directions as possibles. I have ordered an IR thermometer gun, so we will see what that says in terms of ironing out exactly where this is coming from, if it can pick it up.

First Swine Influenza Vaccine to Use Sequivity Platform is Now Commercially Available. This is an mRNA vaccine which may very well leave mRNA particles in the meat which could end up in you, even being amped up inside bacteria in your stomach to increase the dose you are exposed to. And it is now being put in pork.

Biden is building a ‘superstructure’ to stop Trump from stealing the election. Basically lawyers to try and sue his way to victory. Article is massively lefty-biased.

Wisconsin investigators allege illegal aliens are flooding the voter rolls in swing states.

The gap in the race for Cook County State’s Attorney has narrowed as the Chicago Board of Elections added more than 10,000 votes to its total count on Saturday after its director of public information said he mistakenly left out some vote-by-mail ballots.

I cannot guarantee this video is unedited, but it appears to show Obama admitting he was born in Kenya. UPDATE – apparently this is a Deepfake. It seemed a bit too perfect, though Obama is still pretty clearly a CIA operation, and I assume we know nothing of his true origins.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski signals openness to leaving the GOP. Everyone is open to engaging in treason openly because they feel protected by the surveillance. Remove the surveillance, and I bet all of these assholes would begin pretending to represent American interests again very quickly.

Pressure builds to get Mike Gallagher out before the 9th of April.

By nearly 2-to-1, voters believe Joe Biden is using the Justice Department to hobble former President Donald Trump and jail him so that he can’t win the fall election.

Former Republican National Committee chairwoman and NBC News contributor Ronna McDaniel said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that “there were problems” with the 2020 election.

CNBC rates different types of hidden camera detectors.

Alex Jones admits that his family belonged to high-level Freemasonry, stating that he originates from a classical Enlightenment family associated with the real Illuminati.

Illegal alien lists all the things New York City is giving him for free — and it’s shocking.

Michigan offers homeowners $500 a month to house ‘newcomers.’

Geiger Capital analysis – in February alone, a staggering 1.2 million immigrants, both legal and illegal, secured jobs, while 500,000 native-born Americans lost theirs.

As the Establishment is medicalizing schools, offering medical services to kids, and billing Medicare or Medicaid for services such as therapy, and it is seeking laws to allow schools to offer the services without parental consent or notification, these services are generating billing codes attached to the child’s social security number, which may later prevent them from entering the military or law enforcement, and which could even impact their ability to purchase guns at some point. Basically they are seeking the ability of the school to label certain students crazy in their official medical file without the parent able to do anything.

FDA admits COVID vaccine leads to ‘significiantly elevated’ risk of seizure in toddlers.

As Princess of Wales reveals diagnosis, doctors warn of mysterious abdominal cancer ‘epidemic’ among the young.

Biden nominated judge supported ‘assault weapons’ ban but cannot define them.

Man dead, brother injured after mountain lion attack in California. Never regret killing a predator.

FDNY Firefighters forced to remove “red line” flag from fire truck hung to memorialize their fallen brothers in 9/11 after politician complains about it supporting first responders. Who hates firefighters? You think the population is electing these assholes?

Attacks in NYC transit jump a massive 50% as subway murders surge: stats.

Man found with arrow in his chest hospitalized in Fresno County. No other info. Dude was walking down the street with an arrow sticking out of his chest, and was not very talkative.

South American ‘crime tourists’ infiltrate at least half of US states to target the rich: Thefts ‘way, way up.’ I will bet these are Cabal operatives on official ops, tacitly supported by the same elements in government supporting the migrant surge. All part of amping up the tension as we head to the climax they have planned.

Between November 2019 and October 2023, there have been a shocking 270,000 overdose deaths from synthetic opioids – or about 80,000 overdose deaths per year in the US.

There is a decent chance the story of William and Kate is not two kids who purely by chance happened to cross paths and link up spontaneously and organically. There is a good chance she was a part of something, daughter of a Mason, Order of the Eastern Star, something, and adults were plotting events and trying to control things:

King Charles’ nephew has revealed he (KC) is in ‘good spirits’ but his recovery is taking a ‘little longer’ than expected.

New twist in Westminster scandal: 114 secret files on pedophile cases missing, admits Government.

Pedophilia appears to be a requirement for UK ruling elite.

The former head of Britain’s police watchdog has been charged with sexually abusing a second child.

Winston Churchill’s UFO cover-up as declassified ‘X-files’ show ex-PM’s fears over leaks. Silver UFO shadowing some aircraft, Churchill said it would cause panic so should be classified However interesting is Britain was destroying records of UFO sightings. That feels like recruited agents of whatever is behind the UFO’s trying to make sure we stay clueless about what it is.

IDF Brig.-Gen. (res.) Amir Avivi: A US State Department official claimed that Israel “systematically” sexually abuses Palestinian women.

Despite an agreement with China to give safe passage to all Chinese shipping in the Red Sea, the Houthis struck a Chinese ship with a ballistic missile on Saturday. We might have spoofed a Western ID on the ship-tracking, so they would think it was one of our’s.

More evidence is indicating that ISIS claimed responsibility for the March 22 Crocus City Hall terrorist attack in the Russian capital, Moscow, only to cover up for the real perpetrators who appear to be the Kiev regime and its backers in the West. So somebody can pick up a phone, and ISIS suddenly seems to operate in a coordinated fashion to protect its enemy, the big satan, the United States. Nations, and terrorist groups are memes.

US urged Ukraine to halt strikes on Russian oil refineries because Biden fears higher gas prices will hurt his selection chances.

Russian forces torture Moscow terror suspect by hooking his genitals up to 80v battery leaving him foaming at the mouth. Some would say this is a result of existing in a harsh environment, but the truth is, it is the natural state you end up in, in the real world. The enemy of good is that strange creature Eric Hoffer described when he said those who “bite the hand that feeds them, lick the boot that kicks them.” They are not like you, and you should not pretend they are. If you are good, your enemy is not the good, with whom you could exist under a regime of moderation and mutual respect of rights. Your enemy is an enemy which will exploit all demonstrations of morals and principles as weakness, in a relentless quest to ruin everything good. Eventually you will learn to show them no quarter, and extend them no courtesy. It is a war, and only one of you will remain. Make sure, at all costs it is you. I suspect you will one day need to have leaned that lesson. Learn it now before learning it comes with a cost.

Video which shows pro-Ukrainian sources pushing misinformation, misidentifying where the terrorists were caught to try and hide the road they took only head to Ukraine. If we warned Russia, and this was a Ukrainian op, which is the best possible scenario, then we failed to give enough info to stop the attack, since we surely knew everything. And it is still not clear it was not an outright CIA op.

Flashback to one month ago – The US is recruiting jihadist fighters to carry out terrorist attacks on the territory of Russia and the CIS countries, the press bureau of the Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) told TASS on Monday.

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova noted that a number of factors directly and indirectly indicate the US authorities’ involvement in sponsoring the Ukrainian terrorism.

House leaves for a two-week break — without addressing Ukraine aid.

McCaul says Johnson is committed to put a vote for Ukraine funding on the floor after Easter. Not if MTG manages to get rid of him by then.

Ukraine’s battered army grapples with growing troop shortage.

Poland activates air force as western Ukraine and Kyiv come under ‘massive’ Russian attack.

Something Cabal does not like seeing said out loud:

Pride flags banned at all US embassies under $1.2T spending bill.

Donald Trump’s social media company, Truth Social, was formed, and shareholders of the shell corporation that controls it have voted for the company to go public, giving Trump up to $4 billion in cash at a pivotal point in his continuing criminal and legal prosecutions.

Spread r/K Theory, because free speech has to be free

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Q jr
Q jr
10 months ago

Interesting how the link can’t be reached (at least by me). Definitely something that Cabal doesn’t want out, whatever it was.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago used to not work for me for maybe a year but started working again maybe around 3-4 months back.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

The important question to ask is, why the fuck anyone wants to talk about homophobia transphobia globohomo garbage at a UFC presentation.

This shite has infected literally every fuckin thing going. It’s so vomit inducing.

Reply to  English Tom
10 months ago

They can’t find enough homophobia, transphobia, etc. and just like racism they have to try and create some.
They’re scraping the bottom of the barrel and now have to make up stuff like expecting someone to show up to work on time is racist white supremacy. Or the Jussie Smollet caper. Or sending a dude to walk around with his penis out into the ladies locker room and bathrooms.
I guess how else can they divide and conquer if they can’t divide? Their anti-racism and anti-homophobia campaigns worked too well in the past and they aren’t happy about that so they up the ante or just plain make up stuff.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

LOL Dana gave it to that reporter good

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Q jr
10 months ago

It loaded just fine for me as well. Maybe update your browser?

Reply to  Q jr
10 months ago

I’ve had that happen before, but it got fixed when I reloaded the page.

10 months ago

Regarding your meter: our bodies may be good insulators, but we’re able to conduct fields around us. When I took electronics classes, I’d put my finger on the O-Scope probe and look at the signal that was conducting through my body. It was probably the 120Hz from the fluorescent lights in the room. We are able to conduct fields in the air around us.

10 months ago

I’d love to get Lowell’s opinion on this design:

The Rare Surefire MGX: A No-Recoil Light Machine Gun (LMG)

10 months ago

Creatures that bite the hand that feeds them and licks the boots of those who kicks them need to be completely annihilated root and branch. Those who respond to kindness with kindness need to be preserved.

10 months ago

Russia is a brutal country. The people are brutal by nature. In WWII, they conducted human waves. Only the front ranks had rifles. The Germans lost positions because they ran out of ammunition! I have book by a wife of a German officer who was horrified by the brutality of Russian tactics.

Culture defines politics. Brutal Environments produce Brutal people. Culture defines politics. Look at the Russian Revolution, though led by Jews who are brutal on their own accord, the Russian revolutionaries were just as brutal.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago

In WW2 the Soviet Union fought the National Socialist Germans.

The leader of the Soviet Union was Georgian. The top party members were Jewish with some Ukrainians.

The Soviet Union was brutal, but dont blame the Russians.

10 months ago

Regarding your EMF and RF measurements. I have a background in this field, both theoretical and applied, and I would suggest you take some advanced courses in both before trying to interpret your readings.

The problem is you are trying to treat these instruments as idealized isolated instruments when in practice they are nothing but. Everything is coupled to everything else, everything affects everything else. You have to actually understand the details of the device in terms of its circuitry and EM characteristics to do anything useful.

It’s not like in a movie where you wave a device in a certain direction, take a reading and say so and so is coming that direction with a certain strength.

You’re basically just taking random readings the way you’re doing it

It’s a problem for everyone starting out in practical EM work. But you learn and learn to deal with it. But it takes practice and experience. It’s not rocket science but it is work and effort.

You really need to gain that before making any conclusions from what you are doing.

Reply to  Dundee
10 months ago

I absolutely hate how many alleged “experts” in this field come to the site and just say “no you’re doing it wrong lol” then fuck off.

Give useful input, advice, anything other than just shitting up the comments with useless negging, or I’ll just assume you’re a liar and a disinfo agent sent to shove AC off the tracks of this hunt.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
10 months ago

Re: Your enemy is an enemy which will exploit all demonstrations of morals and principles as weakness, in a relentless quest to ruin everything good. Eventually you will learn to show them no quarter, and extend them no courtesy. 

You have perfectly defined why God required the Hebrews cleanse the land they were taking possession of. Those who have chosen evil are evil and will play every game in and out of the book to get around just retribution.

Last edited 10 months ago by I am not crazy, but you may think I am
10 months ago

There is a good chance she was a part of something, daughter of a Mason, Order of the Eastern Star, something, and adults were plotting events and trying to control things”

On what basis do you assert ANY of this? Order of the Eastern Star is a purely American originating organization. And it’s only been shrinking and contracting in influence for decades.

You might as well be saying, “it’s possible her parents were involved in 4H and Future Farmers of America, and arranged her marriage to control the British Crown!”

I really do not understand why you come up with this stuff.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

The shhhh sign is a Masonic symbol? Wow.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Altiyan Childs. Link to video AC references is here; 5 hours long, but very well worth watching:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Off the top of my head I can’t recall seeing Dianna making any of those gestures. Do any pictures exist?

Captain Chaos
Captain Chaos
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

The Royal Family is a 100% Masonic organisation starting with the Duke of Kent a third degree freemason. Do you really think they would let the future King of England marry outside the order?

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago


You have a few more rabbit holes that you need to explore.

You’re being taken for a rube by the elites. And you have fallen hook, line, and sinker for what they are feeding you about Kate.

Start here: her mother was a Goldsmith. Also, a Jemima Goldsmith (Khan) is related to her, who may or may not be related (extended family) to Diana, Princess of Wales.

Reply to  Carrie
10 months ago

This guy frequently posts here in defense of Masons. Don’t waste your time on him; he’s not listening.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Mason guy detected.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Well, aren’t you astute? I’m pretty easy to detect here. Reasonable questions, informed comments and not pulling shit out of my ass do make me stand out.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago


Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Sure you do, all those ridiculous anti Catholic comments you make are totally coming out of your ass.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Answer my fucking question about whether or not Masons worship Lucifer for bringing knowledge to mankind then, “reasonable” commenter. You’ve only ducked it 12 times now you damned soul.

10 months ago
Reply to  Ajah
10 months ago

I’m pretty sure it will just be a normal eclipse. A full solar eclipse happens between 2 and 5 times a year somewhere in the world. Its only if you sit in the same spot forever that it takes a lifetime to see one.

10 months ago
Reply to  TemporalShadow
10 months ago

Try describing what it is you are linking.

10 months ago

Should that EF reading be that affected by me touching the meter?

Probably. The human body has a healthy amount of capacitance (that’s how smartphone screens work) and you also act as an antenna. I know that in ham radio, holding the antenna changes its characteristics drastically compared to free air.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I would say check the manual. There may be a way you are supposed to hold it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

I read parts of the manual and you are supposed to hold it from the bottom. There’s a diagram of the area to hold. I had to think about this a little and while I have no solid conclusions. There’s a 100Volt, more or less, per meter voltage difference in height in the earths’ atmosphere, yes 100 volts, it’s astoundingly high. The fact, and it is one, always mystified me.

“…The electrostatic field and the difference of potential of the earth field according to investigations, is in summer about 60 to 100 volts and in winter 300 to 500 volts per meter of difference in height, a simple calculation gives the result that when such a collector is arranged for example on the ground, and a second one is mounted vertically over it at a distance of 2000 meters and both are connected by a conducting cable, there is a difference in potential in summer of about 2,000,000 volts and in winter even of 6,000,000 volts and more…”

So just you touching it, if it uses you as a field source, could give you all sorts of whacky readings. The voltage at your head and feet would differ by several hundred volts. I wonder, just how does this thing work. In my understanding, to measure voltage, you must have a difference. So you measure from a source to ground, usually, well when you hold a meter…where’s the ground level measurement come from? I’ll have to look this up. I know an electrostatic electroscope uses leaves of foil and the separation between them shows the charge. BUT note that they start the foils at zero, earth ground, THEN the charge is introduced to them. I wonder if your meter needs to be grounded to start, THEN used to measure???? Maybe it has some sort of reference built in charge???

BTW I think these “electric universe” guys are onto something. They say that there is also the same sort of high voltage between different areas of space with the planets being charged at different levels depending on the distance from the Sun. I’m sure they’re right about this, though I can’t prove it, but there’s a LOT of data showing this likely to be true. I also think this fact is likely to have a GREAT deal of meaning as to how the Sun works. The standard model has problems. Noting that the outside of the Sun is hotter than the inside as just a start in how things are not exactly as they say.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

I don’t think Tesla was wrong about aether.

10 months ago

Attacks in NYC transit jump a massive 50% as subway murders surge: stats.

This is hardly the most important link today, but its a good lesson in how not to be fooled by things like this. You see them all the time. Knowledge of how to read statistics is underrated. It would have saved a lot of people from falling for the COVID hysteria.

I grew up in New York, and I remember when people were scared to ride the subways, though å statistically the chances of getting robbed and/ or assaulted in the subway at that time (1970s/ 80s) was less than that happening on the streets. I remember reading stories like in the New York Post in the 1980s. I’ve seen and experienced some wild stuff on the subway, but really not any more frequently than anywhere else.

So a jump of 50% in subway attacks and a surge in murders sounds scary. But this is the key data, but you have to read the story and past the first paragraph:

“The number of attacks on trains that left victims injured jumped 53% from 2023’s 570 felony assaults to the 373 reported in 2019, according to stats.

“Those 200 extra felony assaults meant that attacks resulting in substantial injury accounted for 25% of 2,285 major crimes reported on trains and in stations in 2023, compared to just 15% of the 2,499 major crimes in 2019, the data show.”

Later in the article, you learn that 4.4 million people were on the NY subway last year. So out of these 4.4 million rides, there were 373 assaults, increasing by just under 200 to 573 assaults. “Major crimes” actually decreased by 316 crimes, from 2,499 out of 4.4 million to 2,285.

This data indicates that riding the subway is actually pretty safe, and at least not any more dangerous than in 2019.

The headline refers to murders, and they also provide the number of murders, further down in the body of the article:

“There were three murders underground in 2019 compared to 10 in 2022 and five in 2023, according to the analysis.

“There have already been three murders in the first three months of 2024, the data show.”

This comes just after referring to a “surge” in murders. This is getting pretty close to outright lying. Out of the millions of rides, there were 3 murders in 2019, then 10 in 2022, then 5 in 2023. If there are 3 murders in the first three months of 2024, that is one murder per month, so if that rate continues, that would be 12 in 2024, as opposed to 5 in 2023, and 10 in 2022. That is not a “surge”. But you can say that murders are on pace to double from 2023.

There is some useful information in the article. There are fewer police and more mentally ill people in the subways, which we sort of knew, but they are using all sorts of tricks to exagerate the danger. I don’t live in New York any more, but this wouldn’t keep me from using the subway if I visited for some reason.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

No, they have always done this. “If it bleeds it leads”.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

This reasoning isn’t at all that good.

First, this is always the problem with “the tyranny of small numbers.” Picture a small town of 100,000 people where murder went from 1 last year to 2 this year. This is an increase of 100%. Yet, it may still be unusual enough to warrant attention.

Second, the nature of risk is not just limited to the probability of something happening. It also includes the cost of something happening as well. What is the cost to you if you are a victim of an assault on a train? Remember, a train is a very dangerous, high-risk environment. People are right in each other’s personal space. There is no time to react to an assault, no room to maneuver, and nowhere to retreat to. You are a sitting duck from a security perspective.

Third, because of number 2 above, citing a few thousand cases of assault as trivial is not the proper comparison. Who is riding these trains when the assaults happen? At what stations to they occur? Is there any clustering going on? Furthermore, millions of people drive their cars every day. When was the last time you heard someone getting assualted in their car.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

I’ve ridden the NYC subways a few times in the last few years and my experience was fine.

A potential tip to anyone who, like me, can’t get out of going into the city every once in a while: Consider avoiding the cars everyone else is avoiding. You’ll notice right away if this is the case. I ignored this one time and was met by the pungent stink of a sleeping drunk who shat his pants, sleeping on his side across an entire bench. It was formidable. I don’t know New York very well, but I think this might be common. On a subsequent trip, I saw everyone avoiding a car. It, too, had a lone individual sleeping in the same position. I didn’t bother to go in and check if my assumption was correct.

10 months ago
10 months ago

I have tried rf Browser mode, with an 8″x16″ piece of sheet steel, to figure out where the rf is coming from, but it is not easily figured out. If it drops when the steel is between me and one house, it is only for a moment (and looks like the steel blocked it) but then it picks back up, which makes me wonder if the other house begins releasing some to confound the process. 

A sheet of metal isn’t going to block RF like it is light. First, the size that you are using isn’t going to block anything under 1 gigahertz. The wavelength of 1 ghz is 11.8 inches. On top of that, you are going to get a skin effect on the sheet itself, so the waves will sort of flow around it. You have to really enclose something to block it from RF.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

For gigahertz frequencies, yeah. Not for UHF and lower.

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

If you see signal attenuation by orienting the sheet steel in some particular direction, that’s a good hint of directionality. But do not count on seeing significant attenuation from a 16x8in sheet of steel against an unknown signal frequency.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

An idea. Make a “horn” out of aluminum foil. Use cardboard lined with aluminum. The meter would be in the horn. Make the front not so big and rotate around to find direction. The smaller the hole you look at the meter reading though, the better. Could put a little led keychain flashlight in the box with a tiny hole you look through to read the meter. You could make it out of cardboard, aluminum foil and packing tape.

Empty paper towel roll wrapped in foil…maybe?

10 months ago

“so somebody can pick up a phone, and ISIS suddenly seems to operate in a coordinated fashion…”

ISIS appeared with Obama, disappeared with Trump and reappeared with Biden.

ISIS is a CIA front

Reply to  Annonymous
10 months ago

It is something that during Obama they were running wild committing atrocities and Obama pretended he couldn’t do much about it but then when Trump came in he said he wanted them destroyed, and like a light switch being turned off they were.

10 months ago

King Charles’ nephew has revealed he (KC) is in ‘good spirits’ but his recovery is taking a ‘little longer’ than expected.

He has pancreatic cancer. Recovery is unlikely.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

Is that a rumor or has it been officially announced?

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
10 months ago

It’s been rumornounced.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

Or, they are just pushing Charles and kate having cancer as there has been a massive increase in cancers due to the vaxx and this bonds them with the British people.

Andrew Bridgen a UK MP called for the death penalty for promoters of the vaxx. An elder statesman of the Tory party said to him “Andrew you’ve been vaxxed. You’ll be dead from cancer within a year.”

Something to ponder.

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

could also be to promote the new cancer vaxx…maybe the royals take it and, viola! cured!

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

Gonna be really hard to find a body double to stand in for that homely ffer

10 months ago

My gift to Trump – guaranteed devastating campaign slogan. Dialectical as all hell, which oughta DQ it, but it also has the advantage of being sub-12-word Uncut Pure Rhetoric; always a big deal for the dumbshit brigades. Also has a magnificent track record of Victory under real-world combat conditions. Pass it on.

“Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?”
Run that slogan nonstop for 6 months, {radio ads are cheaper than dirt} hammer the living dogshit out of biden {or whoever} with it, maybe tie it in with an earworm jingle, then add the 2-word killshot: “Why not?”

pass it on

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

>My gift to Trump

If your influence was as big as your ego, we might be on to something

10 months ago

Some ideas for … and these can be mix-n-match, just thoughts to ponder, mine for content as you can do best. I abbreviated the website name since we all know what it is, anyways.

Fighting commies/nazis was elementary compared to resisting the American Stasi, get your degree in 1776 style FREEDOM for AMERICA

COMMIE/NAZI crimes are kiddie tier

AMERICAN STASI is graduate level, devious and traitorous

What is worse than 1984 + BRAVE NEW WORLD and is working to hold our AMERICA DOWN?

See american……com


The Founding Fathers had TORIES, traitors embedded

ACTIVE SUPPRESSION of children in school

future corrupted for YOUR CHILD, LOST HOPE

study amer….com resist FREEDOM STEALERS hidden in YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD

Nosy Neighbors can’t compare to America’s internal embedded spies hiding even next door, those pushing our DOWNFALL.

WHY our pathetic “leaders” are so corrupt


English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I don’t think anyone will mind you taking ideas AC. We all want Americanstasi to be a great success.

I for one will definitely be buying the book and possibly some merch.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

AC, you have been keeping this site up with new content every single day for YEARS, while heroically moderating the comments. You are entitled to use ideas freely given to aid your cause, even for products you sell. Most here are Anons, anyway.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Another difference we have is a willingness to pitch in for the cause with no demand for a reward for doing so, even to the point of self sacrifice.
You are a prime example of this virtue.

I can only speak for myself, but anything I contribute is a free will gift.
And some may wish to remain anons without creating a monetary trail to their identities.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Your reward will be in the next life.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

When I said “these can be mix-n-match, just thoughts to ponder, mine for content as you can do best”, I should have also stated that these could be the germ of ideas other readers use to make even better sound bytes, and I am wanting everyone that can string two sentences together to try and get in on the act. We learn by doing, so let’s beat those rat-bastards any way we can. (comedy writers get better over time, especially in a team environment since one kernel can be sprouted into multiple branches of funny with plenty of brains seeing/hearing and wanting to better the other dudes in the meeting)

Everyone, pitch in and try your luck, use what is there, add to it, make another version, we work together to get the most effective slogans for AC to use. Maybe even get an informal poll here AFTER we have done the brainstorm for some time, perhaps a month or so, can we get a ton of ideas before commie day (May Day)? Just a thought, is all.

FREE FOR ALL, and no attribution necessary, thanks for all you do and put up with, AC, bless you.

10 months ago

The opioid overdose ‘crisis’ is excellent for organ harvesting ghouls. The following is only the numbers they’ll admit to.

10 months ago


Four terrorists, all non Russians, carried out the attack which claimed the lives of at least 133 people and left more than 154 others wounded. The terrorists used knives and guns to attack some of the victims who were attending a concert at the time and later set the whole hall on fire, causing more casualties.”

“133”. I don;t like the look of that number…33.

10 months ago

ETA on when new site will get populated w/content? Tempted to get magnetic placards for truck now, but if there’s chance you might change name I’ll hold tight. Rather use your logo anyway when you go final on tshirts.

Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
10 months ago

There seems to be a -1 er today.

Reply to  Pebble skimmer
10 months ago

Lately, everyday. AC, are they logged in, or just a bot clicking the thumbs down on every comment?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
    and you make the Most High your dwelling,
10 no harm will overtake you,
    no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
    you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

14 “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
    I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble,
    I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him
    and show him my salvation.”

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

The believer can claim the promises of God for himself; for we live by Faith and the promises of God.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

There may be enough non-downvotes to confirm that it’s a human being physically clicking downvotes. If that’s the case, he must have a terrible grasp of human nature. If it’s a bot, then perhaps it’s some sort of auto-blacklist. If that’s the case, then regular commenters would be incentivized to get downvotes, which would ultimately help our cause.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I’m disappointed my drivel usually only gets one downvote.

“I wish to complain to the management…”

Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Can you use the thumbs without logging in?
I don’t think you can.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Yes. I gave you your first thumbs up.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

I just checked. You can.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

I’ve never logged, but can see the thumbs move up a number when I press, so for me, it’s working for anon votes.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

It shows on the screen without logging in, not sure if it actually tallies it on the back end or if it’s just a placebo to placate un-loggers

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

It lets me do it, and I’m not logged in.

Reply to  Pebble skimmer
10 months ago

I recall being the first person to thumbs up a comment some time ago and saw the downvote occur instantly so I think is a bot

10 months ago

comment image

10 months ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

A lifetime of steroid abuse will also do that to you.