News Briefs – 01/17/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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‘This country needs a dictator!’ Trump fans at Iowa rally say ‘absolutely.’ They want Dictator Trump over Biden.

So Alan Dershowitz is throwing Lynn Rothschild under the bus. Alan Dershowitz says Lynne Rothschild is “at the center of the entire (Epstein Island) Enterprise.”

Why did the U.S. State Department lease an upscale New York City apartment to disgraced pedophile Jeffrey Epstein? Didn’t Epstein’s jet periodically use State Department tail numbers?

Putin says past U.S. elections were rigged“In the United States, previous elections were falsified through postal voting … they bought ballots for $10, filled them out, and threw them into mailboxes without any supervision from observers, and that’s it.”

Illinois voters assert Biden ‘ineligible’ to run for office, move to strike him from ballot claiming he has “given aid or comfort to the enemies” during his time as a U.S. senator, vice president, and president.

Gates Foundation will donate $8.6 billion in 2024, including millions to Planned Parenthood abortion biz. Cabal is moving its money into the 2024 election. None of that is really Bill Gates’ money.

Donald Trump repeatedly shook his head in disgust as a New York judge told potential jurors in his defamation trial that he sexually assaulted columnist E. Jean Carroll. There is no right or wrong, only this thing, and what it does to people.

Slate complains – On Friday, District Judge Aileen Cannon issued a new order in the Donald Trump classified documents case adding to the mountain of evidence that she is firmly in the former president’s pocket and is sabotaging the prosecution’s case.

MSNBC, CNN refuse to air Donald Trump’s victory speech in Iowa but air Haley and DeSantis speeches.

Old Guard approved:

Hunter Biden’s gun pouch tested positive for cocaine last year after sister-in-law-turned-lover Hallie tossed weapon in trash in ’08: So the case will determine if you can have your Constitutional rights as a citizen taken away entirely after the use of a chemical, and whether one time is enough to make you cease being a citizen, or if it  takes more times to revoke your Constitutional rights as a citizen.

IRS moves to dismiss most of Hunter Biden’s lawsuit alleging improper tax disclosures.

Art dealer told Congress that Joe Biden called and met him while he sold Hunter Biden’s paintings, and unusually, Hunter wanted to know who the buyers of his art were, putting the lie to Biden’s claim they didn’t know who was buying the art.

Paul Sperry: BREAKING: Records reveal president’s brother Jimmy Biden–the mastermind behind family’s shakedown racket–also has a habit & long history of not paying his taxes going back to ’90s: IRS lien $56,750; IRS lien $144,644; PA Dept of Revenue lien $1,364; PA Dept of Rev lien $12,954. It is fascinating they make so much money, and then fuck with the IRS when they don’t have to. The only explanation I can see is, the money is not theirs, it is a prop that have to give to the command, and they are actually so tight they cannot afford taxes.

In a new court filing today, the DOJ confirms Hunter Biden’s laptop is real, that he left it at a computer store, and that the contents matched what they obtained from a search warrant of his iCloud.

A new book asserts that “an early Soviet active measures campaign took on a life of its own and survived the collapse of the USSR. It provided the philosophical and strategic bases for a cultural Marxist revolution so profound that it penetrated the cores of the CIA and FBI.”

Dick Morris was giving an interview on Newsmax from his computer, when a fat guy in a tank top and tight black underwear strides into the scene behind him, going about his day.

DC suburb expands voting rights to minors.

Georgia Credit Union bars customers from purchasing guns with their own money. On Twitter, bank claims the provision was only for person to person sales.

George Soros is pouring money into local Democratic parties in Texas in a ploy to help Democrats turn the state blue, according to the Texas Tribune.

Migrants turn New York into a crime pit.

NYC to roll out next round of migrant budget cuts as mayor vows to spare libraries.

New York Democrat Gov. Eric Adams imposing 11 PM curfew on illegal aliens.

Border Showdown: Texas must give feds access by Jan. 18, or else, says Biden admin. Isn’t this how they said the real Civil War starts? Texas vs the federal government?

Virginia Democrats are expected to push numerous gun controls this legislative session, including an “assault weapons” ban, expanded gun-free zones for concealed carry, and gun lock requirements.

A 43% drop in white recruits caused the Army’s ‘recruitment crisis.’

Claim: Gonzalo Lira’s torturers were allegedly trying to extort $500,000 from him, killed him after he told his lawyer.

Boeing taxiing for takeoff collides with another plane in Chicago. Just some Tards leading kick-ass lives.

Japanese researchers say side effects of COVID vaccines linked to 201 types of diseases.

All My Children star Alec Musser died by an apparent self-inflicted shotgun wound to the chest on Saturday, January 13 at his Del Mar, California home. I would think that would have to be a bullpup, but why would he ever want to do it like that?

Maine considers bill allowing state to take a child if parents refuse trans-butchery surgery.

911 caller asked for no lights, sirens for defense secretary’s ambulance. “We’re trying to remain a little subtle.”

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, 90, is receiving antibiotic infusions for an infection at an area hospital.

Women use competitor manipulation as a form of intrasexual competition, and highly competitive women advised hypothetical salon clients to cut their hair as short as possible.

Electric vehicle owners in the Chicago area have not been able to charge their overpriced method of transportation in the bitter cold this week, leaving scenes of dead electric cars littered across public charging stations.

Samsung to build all-AI, no-human chip factories.

World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and chairman Klaus Schwab has called for members of the general public to be excluded from election processes, arguing that voters could be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI). If you view all of this as a big WWE, Vince McMahon production, it makes a lot more sense.

Chinese scientists ‘create’ a mutant coronavirus strain that attacks the BRAIN and has a 100% kill rate in mice – as they admit there’s a ‘risk it spills over to humans.’ Land of the infamous routine Chinese workplace surveillance camera catastrophe.

Va. Dept. of Health warns travelers a traveler with highly contagious measles passed through Dulles and Reagan Airports last week.

World War 3 fears as Xi Jinping ‘purges China’s military and brings in generals willing to go to war in move that could lead to Taiwan invasion and drag US into global conflict.

US carries out another strike on Houthis in Yemen.

Thousands of tractors flood Berlin’s streets in massive farmer protest.

If Russia beats Ukraine, America will have to massively rearm NATO’s eastern flank. If the war continues, defense contractors win. If the war ends, defense contractors win.

German MEP demands answers over death of US journalist Gonzalo Lira in Ukraine.

Majority of Black Americans approve of Supreme Court striking down race-based admissions: Poll.

Biden on Iowa caucuses: Trump is inevitably going to be GOP nominee.

Bill Ackman warns Democrats after landslide Iowa caucus win that ‘Trump is going to crush Biden.’

Trump’s Iowa win helps fuel big surge in stock of SPAC buying Truth Social as DWAC surges 25%.

Poll: Donald Trump dominates Joe Biden in Georgia.

Spread r/K Theory, because a storm is coming

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1 year ago

US officials: American facilities not affected by Iranian missile strike on Iraqi Kurdistan

1 year ago

Finally watched 1971 movie The Conversation. Worth watching.

It is no The Lives of Others, but is on the same wavelength, and exposes the totalitarian nature of surveillance. It also has the warning (spoken to the protagonist) “be careful.”

Having been alive and somewhat grown up in 1971, I can say that the technology, which looks primitive now, would have looked futuristic or highly sophisticated then.

The “message” of the movie is congruent with the pov of this site, and includes a couple characters who are the sort of amoral retards who can enjoy doing surveillance.

The protagonist, who has a conscience (he is Catholic), begins to understand the highly consequential implications of surveillance.

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

The recommendation is appreciated. Where did you find the movie? Youtube and Amazon Prime won’t let me see it (wrong geographical region, they say)

Reply to  Jimmy
1 year ago
English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Jimmy
1 year ago

You should be able to torrent it.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

A great film. Gene Hackman gives an amazing performance, losing,his mind to paranoia in the end.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

I read somewhere that Gene Hackman’s character in Enemy Of The State is basically his character Harry Caul from The Conversation twenty-some years later.

1 year ago

– Putin says past U.S. elections were rigged – “In the United States, previous elections were falsified through postal voting … they bought ballots for $10, filled them out, and threw them into mailboxes without any supervision from observers, and that’s it.”

After the 1980 election of Reagan, the Left knew it couldn’t win. They upped their cheating–which was noted as early as when Harry Reid took office. It was in Reason magazine (iirc) that boxes showed up at the end of the night that took him to “victory.”

That game has been played for a very long time. It also became clear that the best tactic was to have control of both candidates, then they could foster the charade of the country being “split right down the middle.” But when you look at the data of how people live their lives, the overwhelming majority have always leaned toward the Right.

So, if a blockchain system were used for voting, patented in Trump’s first term, what would be the outcome? What would happen if people found out that less than 20% of the country is on the so-called Left at any given time? Does it become clear why the fearmongering of the “conservatives” is their personal fear and a projection of what they know they need to do if they don’t want the truth to come out? They know what comes next and their guilt has made them paranoid and irrational–and by definition you cannot reason with the irrational.

Reply to  Snafui
1 year ago

Burke’s observation: “Anyone who is not a republican at twenty casts doubt on the generosity of his soul; but he who, after thirty years, perseveres, casts doubt on the soundness of his mind.”
The terms have changed to liberal/socialist vs conservative but the sentiment remains.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Reanderthal
1 year ago

I think you got thios wrong, isn’t it,”“Anyone who is not a [liberal] at twenty…”

I used to be like that, and still have a lot of socialistic ideas related to the wealthy using their advantages to cheat at the game. Monopolies, propaganda, outright theft, not living by the same rules and cheating. We should all be equal under the law, even while recognizing this will not always be so, we should strive to make it possible. And a social welfare system is not inherently evil.

There are many people who are wealthy due to making better things and cutting cost for the public. I don’t begrudge them anything, but a LOT of wealth is unearned, and they use, monopolies, unfair and outright criminal tactics to keep it. Many of these people have no social redeeming valve. Hunter Biden be a fairly good example. His only attribute is telling people his daddy will be mad at them if they do not do what he asks.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

“There are many people who are wealthy due to making better things and cutting cost for the public.”

After they take a (((ticket))) or before? 😉

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Peter
1 year ago


Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Reanderthal
1 year ago

Anyone who is not a “Nazi” by age 40 has not been paying attention!

Reply to  Snafui
1 year ago

The problem with “blockchain” is that it relies on computers, whose application software, operating system, firmware, and even its hardware may be compromised.

Paper ballots, cast personally, and counted by hand under supervision from both sides. It worked in the 1700s, it still works now.

Old Scroll
Old Scroll
1 year ago

Gonzalo Lira was murdered. Biden regime is complicit.

A new administration needs to make arrests in US & Ukraine to protect US citizens

1 year ago

So it looks like vivek is out of the running for president.
You said he was a snake. I really don’t know much about him beyond his excellent speaking skills and potential appeal to moderates. Trump’s next VP?

Reply to  TheFeebleClone
1 year ago

Do you understand the meaning of GATEKEEPER?

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  TheFeebleClone
1 year ago
Reply to  TheFeebleClone
1 year ago

That would be asking for Trump to be killed and Swampy to give us nothing but hot air.

Anon please
Anon please
Reply to  TheFeebleClone
1 year ago

You should take a look back about 15-20 years ago when Vivek and Buttigeg were part of the same Chris Mathews audience asking planned questions. A WEF guy, and you think he’s legit? His team is pulling him now to use him later when his script dictates it.

Reply to  TheFeebleClone
1 year ago

He’s a stinking street shitter pajeet from not-America. If he’s Trump’s VP pick we might as well put the ole scatterblaster in our mouth and see if we can pull the trigger 2x before we go.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  millerized
1 year ago


1 year ago

That’s a tee shirt begging to be made: use your octopus logo and caption it “The Storm is Coming”

Reply to  Jimmy
1 year ago

I keep envisioning an octopus with its arms arranged like Kali.

1 year ago

I think most commentators and lurkers here are going to hate this, but I thought it was well reasoned:

At least pay attention to the first half of the essay, where the author pretty comprehensively debunks the trope that the elites want depopulation. No, they just want depopulation of white people, not for anyone else.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Those of us paying attention know this is true.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

The age of production which needed producers gave way to the age of consumption which needed consumers. That is giving way to an age when qualities trumps quantities.
That is why They have set up this ongoing set of Rube-Goldberg idiot traps. Just keep dodging the traps, and your genes will inherit the Earth.
White people, including northern asiatics, have a higher ceiling, so selecting against stupid whites is not a bad thing.
Remember, the higher the melanin, the higher the dependance on some form of socialism. So, when the state shrinks in the coming age, and K-types thrive, all those r-types will suffer (demographically).

1 year ago


A couple days ago I repeated Huck’s observation about the car-at-intersections phenomenon, that the drivers refuse to make eye contact or in any way acknowledge your presence, against all human instinct.

Today, exactly at an intersection, I did my usual turn toward the driver to see who was there. The driver turned her entire body toward me and waved vigorously.

About half the block down was a car parked on the street with lights on. I chuckled. Just before I got there, a kid shot out of the nearby house and got in the car, and exactly as I got abreast of the car it pulled away.

OK, that was just a coincidence I immediately thought, but just as immediately an emergency alert came blaring on my cell phone. Oh well, maybe not a coincidence.

1 year ago

Border Showdown: Texas must give feds access by Jan. 18, or else, says Biden admin. Isn’t this how they said the real Civil War starts? Texas vs the federal government?

They also worded it to threaten criminal charges against anyone “impeding” federal agents.
Please please PLEASE start charging National Guard troopers for following orders. I really would like to avoid WW3, and mass desertion seems like a good way to ensure it.

1 year ago

911 caller asked for no lights, sirens for defense secretary’s ambulance. “We’re trying to remain a little subtle.”

Big Country says that the RUMINT is that Austin got zapped in Ukraine in a huge missile strike and this is all coverup of that. Guess we will see.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

I think he’s dead.
But the Ukraine thing started on known fake news sites so I don’t believe that part.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I read it on several days ago. I don’t believe it is a fake news site. It is an aggregator site.

Reply to  English Tom
1 year ago

I saw people posting links about it from Real Raw News and Hal Turner days ago, both are known fake news sources and I’ve seen both used by aggregators, they are probably the source for your aggregator.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Fair enough

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

I think he had complications from trans surgery.

Reply to  Pojar
1 year ago

That is the region of his anatomy that was being worked on in the official story.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

They don’t have his clone/ body double ready yet

Reply to  Rizzo
1 year ago

I was honestly thinking the same thing.

1 year ago

Talk about Predictive Programming.
The Second American Civil War (1997)
Here’s the gist:
Pakistan got nuked.Refugees are being sent to the US, specifically Idaho.Governor of Idaho closes the border and posts National Guard.President of the US sets a 72 hour deadline to accept the refugees.US Military ramps up and sends troops into Utah/Idaho border.A few years before Chinese immigrants overran Rhode Island, due to famine.Idaho citizens sign up in militias.A large number of Mexicans pour over the border in Texas.Mayor of LA pops out and gives a speech that’s completely in Spanish. The news reporter who’s covering the Idaho govenor (also his mistress and pregnant) goes off talking about how Los Angelos was always Mexican land and whitey stole it.Then the black gangs open fire on the Spanish Mayor in the middle of the speeches.The Mexicans in Texas burn down (blow up) the Alamo. The Mexicans are partying and shooting. The reporter interviews one of the Mexicans and she can’t speak Spanish. He says, “HAHAHAH, Alamo gone. No need to speak English anymore.”President basically hands out gimmes to every racial group possible to get their support.Comedic relief they interview Congressman Singh (from Alabama) speaking in a Indian/Alabama accent about how the president gave him gimmes.News crew spots non-Idaho national guard troops at the border. Montana, North Dakota, and others rallying to Idaho’s defense.Governor of Rhode Island was also getting refugees from mainland China. He supports Idaho is closing its borders.“Patriots for Farley” (Idaho Governor) blow up the Statue of Liberty. Their response: “Remember the Alamo”.They cut to the US Military at the Idaho border. The news people embedded are playing the Statue of Liberty mess and a Major comes out and tells them to shut it off. A lower rank soldier says, “I don’t think so, Major. My sister lives in Idaho. I didn’t get into this army to fight another Americans. Especially for this bullshit.” The Major pulls a gun on the guy who spoke up. Another soldier smokes the Major on live tv.Desertions are happening everywhere in the US Military. They are trying to redeploy more troops, but there are no parts for the equipment. The president signed a free trade talks with Taiwan. Everything was outsourced to Taiwan. President evidently pissed of the Taiwanese and now they won’t ship us parts.Pan back to the soldiers that shot the Major. They line them up in a firing squad and smoke all of them.Back to the President, the PR guy fucks up and tells the President that Idaho wants to secede from the Union.President goes balls out and invades Idaho.American Civil War 2 starts.Remember this from 4chan:

Last edited 1 year ago by Bman
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The Idaho governor is Clinton, IMO. The way they portray it blowing out of proportion is fake and gay. I was more interested in the melt down of the “melting pot”, in fact they mention it constantly. They essentially were all looking out for their identity group. IMHO, this was the goal of the melting pot bullshit in the first place (to melt down).
The Mexican presstitute whore talks about being an immigrant and then when pissed off goes full LA RAZA, while sleeping with a white dude. She’s loco.
The Mexicans overrunning the border burn the Alamo….no need to speak English GRINGO!
The LA Mayor has his speech in Spanish.
The Gangbangers, who understand territory war, open up on the LA Mayor and the Mexicans in LA to actually defend their territory.
The “Alabama” Indian Sikh just wants more gibs for temples and other crap.
The Muslim blacks Uncle Toms James Earl Jones’s character for marrying a Jew.
Desertions in the US military occur, once the military is turned on it’s citizens and family bonds mean more than getting shot.

1 year ago

Reporting from the Soviet State of MIchocaun (formerly known as Michigan).

Well, I start my day with the local news, mostly Channel 3 which is CBS. On many segments, they run a national segment from CBS itself about things national. Well, this morning, talking about the Trump victory in Iowa—OF ALL the people that they asked to give “analysis” was a Dante King (Black guy) who authored a book entitled THE 400-YEAR HOLOCAUST: White America’s Legal, Psychopathic, and Sociopathic Black Genocide – and the Revolt Against Critical Race Theory

Yep–Analysis from a Leftist Freak who writes that garbage above is going to tell me, a WASP, what to think!

If anything bespeaks of the total depravity, lunacy, and Clownword that America has become–it is that example. So Blacks calling us Psychopathic??? When the Slave Trade was mainly run by Jews!!!! Critical Race Theory is Jewish–but the WASP is Psycopathic and Sociopathic! —And we are to “come together”???? Really, there anon?

CBS picks Dante King to give analysis to the Whole nation.

Blacks have it better here than they do in their homeland of Africa–and he calls it “genocide” and a Holocaust!!! When people are this deceived and lunatic, we live in a very dangerous world. America has become very very dangerous.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Ch 3, Wkzo, Kalamazoo direct to you?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Critical Race Theory”

I love critical race theory. It’s all about defining affiliation by race. I think Whites should totally control the US and deport as many non Whites as we can. Jews first.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“So Alan Dershowitz is throwing Lynn Rothschild under the bus. Alan Dershowitz says Lynne Rothschild is “at the center of the entire (Epstein Island) Enterprise.””

Basic conspiracy theory 101 has become a standard history course. We’re not quite to shouting it on rooftops yet but, we are getting close.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

And Q Team “can hear (her) breathing”.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Chinese scientists ‘create’ a mutant coronavirus strain that attacks the BRAIN and has a 100% kill rate in mice – as they admit there’s a ‘risk it spills over to humans.’”

Normally I agree with guys like Putin, Vox Day, G. Lira and alot of the guys over at UNZ. But when I get new information like this, if this is true, I throw up my hands and say we’re all fucked. If this is true and the CCP just wants to do stuff like this or allow it, then there is no bright future for anyone, everything we are working towards is for naught and there won’t even be countries in a few years. No China, No Russia, No USA/WEST, No Caliphate, No India, No White ethno state, No Wakanda, we will all be dead besides some people in bunkers or an eccentric billionaire or two floating in space. Billy Gates and Zuck the cuck will have killed themselves trying to download their consciousness into a crappy exascale computer and every tech nerd will be dead as a pile of rocks.

People seem incapable of learning from mistakes, smart people even more so. That’s called pride and you will never get into Heaven with your pride, so many call in Jesus’s name but he won’t hear them because of their pride, and Jesus is the only one who saves, no other.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

It’s called the Great Filter.

One thing to keep in mind about the Great Filter is that the criteria for identifying potential alien worlds with technology is that by the time they develop this technology, their biggest fear will likely be one of discovery, because they’re ripe to be taken over at the point where most of the hard work has already been done.

And of course the same applies right here on Earth.

So don’t let the future bother you too much: the smartest creature in the galaxy probably lives in a Vault and believes houses are so much wishful thinking that you may as well live in a cardboard box.

People not learning from mistakes as a mass phenomenon is what creates interesting little “evolutionary choke points” where people in the future wonder how they could have been so ignorant.

Well, ignorance is baked into the species, isn’t it?

What if Noah’s Ark is the remnant of a long-lost tale of a divine plan to seed the Earth with sufficient water to make life more sustainable, that Noah was a biological archivist tasked with preserving as many species as he can, and that when the giant meteor made mostly of frozen ice slammed into what is now the Gulf of Mexico …

The people who were to follow didn’t have the mental capacity to imagine the engineering effort involved with making such plans into reality.

And that’s still true, except we have some people who can imagine that Vaults are needed in the future rather than expensive boxes made of wood that are not much better in terms of structural strength than living in actual cardboard boxes.

Bunker up, shit storm’s approaching, pack your rice, ITZ COMING.

(oh, and hi Tex 🙂 )

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  General's Addition
1 year ago

Wtf happened to “do not fear”?
That’s the biggest dollop of fear porn I’ve ever read on this site!

There wasn’t any Pandemic it was ALL faked ffs.
.just like the next one will be.

Man up.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Mr Twister
1 year ago

The last manufactured Corona virus had a 100% kill rate in mice in a bunch of the experiments. Doesn’t mean they’re not going to release something extremely virulent this time, but it doesn’t mean even if they intend to that it will be a plague. Then again, I don’t put it past this thing to be trialing these weapons on people in some bunker somewhere just to be sure.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Steve Morris
1 year ago

See the novel, I Am Pilgrim.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“If Russia beats Ukraine, America will have to massively rearm NATO’s eastern flank. If the war continues, defense contractors win. If the war ends, defense contractors win.”

Defense contractors always win. All of Romes armorers survived the collapse and made armor for the barbarians. War is a racket, even if you don’t pay one guy now you’ll pay another guy later regardless of nationality. The US, EU, China and Russia all have the largest arms industries/exports so all are winning right now. New countries are joining the mix: both Koreas, Iran, others. That’s just how the world works, assuming it doesn’t end of course.

You can always beat your swords into plowshares but, Jesus hasn’t come back yet, so that’s apostasy. The world has a way with dealing with peaceniks. Like the Beatles song ‘Imagine’ but with a kind of hot ending. The soundtrack gets hotter from there know what I’m saying? We should just follow Biblical advice/examples, love God with all your might and love thy neighbor by being ready to defend your community (your neighbors) in the day of turmoil. You need weapons to that, sometimes a lot of weapons. Put on the full Armor of God. Hey, even the Angels are armed.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

What were angels armed and armored to fight against, anyway?

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Smith is indeed a common name.

1 year ago

the pretty-boy soap opera star who suicided via a shottie to his chest, “why would he do it like that?”

not to speak ill of the man – although I’d never heard of him – but actors are nuts. {best I can tell, the last successful actor who wasn’t a loon was Harold Lloyd} and by and large, in the main, they’re all chock-full of fucked-up thought processes. one of which is ‘the enduring critical importance of my good looks.’ cops know that it’s extremely rare for a woman to kill herself via a bullet to the head. very rare. the theory being, ‘women have been told since they were babies about how pretty they were, i.e., ‘the enduring critical importance of her good looks.’ so even in their last act, they don’t wanna do anything that might damage those looks. just like that guy did.

I’m not mocking suicides. I have an idea about being in that level of pain/desperation, and – with the exception of the public “See what you’re making me do?” suicide/lifelong punishment suicides – they have my prayers & pity. but. I gotta believe pretty much any man except an actor or a gigolo who decides to die with a gun will shoot himself in the head, no?

Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

Our honored elders are not going to leave the world in a non blown up state, are they?

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

We are seeing the final stages of a full blown global epidemic of malignant narcissism. Old men who hate the world and want to see it burn, especially if they’re dying. Who knew there were so many of them everywhere and it was one of the requirements for holding power at all these past few decades? Nobody wants to build anything that will outlive them, they’re even offended if something they didn’t build has the ‘gall’ to stand after they’re dead. What vanity, all is vanity.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

It’s the only way they remain in power when r-selection has to yield to K-selection.

It’s even better when you can find some pretext upon which you may condemn the r-selected, who merely occupied the spaces provided by the excesses produced by effective and efficient K-selection.

Because, of course, they didn’t build that either.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago


Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

I don’t think I disagree, but the world will be fine, maybe even better, after some things get blown up. I wouldn’t miss an urban center full of soy people and Tiktokkers. I wouldn’t miss a hundred of them.

General's Addition
General's Addition
1 year ago

“New York Democrat Gov. Eric Adams imposing 11 PM curfew on illegal aliens.”

It’s Eleven PM … do you know where your government supported wetbacks are?

1 year ago

Following up on the MLK posts, WesternRifleShooters….comment image

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Not to keep repeating myself, but MLK was an asset who strayed off the reservation one too many times, so they took him out.

King was part of the implementation of a race war narrative to further divide what was up until the 1960’s, a deeply conservative and largely homogenous country.

We are still living in the ruins of the aftermath of the chaos and disorder unleashed in the 1960’s.

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

He spearheaded and made culturally significant the movement to elevate the sacred negro above the actual heritage American citizens of the nation of America. The fact that it’s not obvious to all he was an agent of the enemy is a bit mind-boggling at this point.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

Gonzalo Liras’ great video on the leadership/elite class and its inevitable self destruction.
Why The Western Elites Are Foolish and Amoral

Last edited 1 year ago by Teo Toon
1 year ago

Trump better grow some fucking balls soon. I’m done with this bullshit, and I’m not fucking alone.comment image

Last edited 1 year ago by Bman
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

All true…and this was an old story but a goodie. It’s a good reminder that scientists do not work for you. They work for DuPont.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Spread r/K Theory, because a storm is coming

40 years ago this year, the movie “Terminator” came out. At the end, Sarrah Connor was talking about “a storm is coming.”

Maybe, just maybe, this day and age is later than we think……

1 year ago

How Vivek Ramaswamy Got Richer While Pumping Millions Into Failed Presidential Campaign

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

He made his money on a shit pharmaceutical he wrapped in a bow, falsified the tests on, then pulled his shares out before the trials were rerun. He’s by definition cabal because he wasn’t busted for it. Hell, he was praised in the tec sector rags.

1 year ago

Kind of a throw away thought: all the gossips and scandals about famous celebrities? It’s always women throwing themselves at talented artists: singers, painters, craftsmen. I’ve seen science girls trying to get the attention of winning technicians & science guys. If anything came of any of these interests, the children would be smarter, prettier, more talented than not. Like, five minutes of alpha, if you will. Maybe that’s enough for that girl.

Meanwhile, the creepy elites are having to come up with elaborate theories about forcing young women to bear “superior” genes- the ones that administrators and ‘elites’ have.

Nothing is more eugenic than a girl who knows she’s pretty. “Bitch shield” is eugenics.

I like that humanity wants to be creative, sing beautifully, dance well, be athletic, play music to perfection, create amazing new things, more than they want power or money.

1 year ago

Pakistan has conducted strikes inside Iran – intelligence official

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Things are really getting hairy all over. If you’re inclined to panic now is a good time to start.

1 year ago

Reporters GASP live on-air as Americans most powerful Banker praises Trump policies, defends the MAGA movement and BLASTS Biden for demonizing 75 million Americans.

“Trump was right about NATO, immigration, the economy… Democrats need to GROW UP”

Jaime Diamond, JPMorgan CEO

We are winning and the rats are jumping ship and trying to board ours.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

The woke response to the Israeli actions in Gaza has helped heritage America in many ways. It’s the one thing that’s finally opened the eyes of many powerful jews. They’ve realized the anti-white golem they created is intent on eating them and now they’re switching gears.

Guys like Jaime Diamond and Bill Ackman are putting financial pressure on woke institutions to reform or be destroyed. I only hope this sentiment extends to Blackrock. If so, we may finally start seeing some real changes.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Jaime is in the position to have Intel that most Americans will never see, and someone is telling him things aren’t going to go well for the Biden Op/urban Liberal agenda.

He sees the writing on the wall and is sounding the alarm.

1 year ago

Trump Vows To “Never Allow” A Central Bank Digital Currency

1 year ago

So I’m reading the above article from Unz. Basically, it’s an alternative JFK assassination theory that it was fundamentally the Israelis that had Kennedy killed. They did this because they needed Lyndon Johnson in office to back their plans to build/acquire nuclear weapons, something JFK opposed Israel having.

It’s an interesting theory, but that is not what makes the article worth reading. What is interesting is how it goes into detail describing Kennedy as an ardent opponent of nuclear proliferation. I’m reading this hefty preamble to the article’s main point, and then something dawned on me that never really occurred before:

Why exactly was JFK fighting with all of these people?

Along with all the theories over who killed Kennedy and why, it is never explained why Kennedy had a beef with all of these people in the first place? Why would Kennedy, for example, oppose Israel having nuclear weapons? Why would Israel having nukes be controversial? For that matter, why would Kennedy oppose the CIA’s “Bay of Pigs” operation? Why fight with Hoover over the FBI’s powers and purviews? Why fight with Castro, or the Mob, or the Soviets? On the one hand, the media is trying to portray the Kennedy’s as the closest thing thing to American royalty, the new “Camelot,” a frivolity if I’ve ever heard one, but then the media is trying to tell us that Kennedy was some geopolitical maverick. This is, after all, almost one hundred years after Lincoln was assassinated. Cabal was already firmly in control. No president since, and certainly not Kennedy, was entering office without being a firmly vetted puppet to play along with Cabal’s agenda. Yet, we somehow believe that Kennedy was all about bucking the system.

The Kennedy assassination was not only meant to be a conspiracy, it was meant to look like a conspiracy and it was meant to be found out as a conspiracy, with the Warren Commission reinforcing the idea using the negative. The grassy knoll mistake and other anomalies could’ve been easily avoided if the lone gunman narrative was designed to stick. Heck, you put your real shooter off the grassy knoll and into the book depository, extract him at the right moment, and then go arrest your patsy. Oswald never needed to be anywhere near Texas to pull that off.

What is left is motive. The purpose of the Kennedy assassination was to burnish the name of the Kennedy family, away from bootlegging criminals toward populist revolutionaries looking out for the little guy. This is what everyone today thinks when they hear “Kennedy.” The assassination was designed to reboot the Kennedy image to make use of it at some point in the future. The same can be said for the RFK.

Enter RFK Jr, for here we see the advantage of Cabal thinking in 50-100 year cycles. With the Kennedy image burnished as such, you can now plausibly position them as a new gatekeeper, which is exactly what RFK Jr. is.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  map
1 year ago

You’re trying waayyy too hard.

Why does Israel need nuclear weapons, and why should we support that?

Why should we support Israel at all?

The Israelis have been blackmailing American politicians for two generations, all while running large scale Intel ops in all of our major cities, most of whom packed up their bags and left right after 9/11.

JFK wasn’t a sweetheart, but neither were the psychos running the military industrial complex, and they were far worse than JFK. He had all the right enemies, despite his failings.

Start reading Michael Hoffman for a well documented breakdown of the larger occult implications of the JFK/RFK assassinations.

It’s actually much uglier, and darker, than you imagine.

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

I think you are missing my point here. I am not arguing that Israel should have nuclear weapons. I’m arguing, from the perspective of a Kennedy, a man installed into office like every other president, why would he find Israel having nukes controversial?

There is nothing about the Kennedy background that would lead him to be at odds with these entities. More than likely, the conflict was manufactured.

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

My point is that every JFK assassination theory is predicated on Kennedy taking iconoclastic positions against the existing power structure that seemingly sprung out of nowhere, with no antecedent indicating why he would adopt such positions in the first place.

They are even now spinning stories that Kennedy would have handled the Israeli/Palestinian conflict differently. JFK has become a Rorschach test of people seeing in him what they want to see.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  map
1 year ago

I heard he was slotted by the banksteins because he wanted to take away their power to create money and take this power back to government. Given that since 1963 the US is now 34 trillion in debt, it makes sense.

Also, debt collapse is an integral part of their parasitical system, allowing them to leave a wasteland behind, which cannot go after them, as they move onto the next host.

Reply to  map
1 year ago

Interesting idea. Coming alongside this, the book Dr Mary’s Monkey: How the Unsolved Myrder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK Assasination & Emerging Global Epidemics, author Edward T. Haslem, is an interesting read.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
1 year ago

“…The purpose of the Kennedy assassination was to burnish the name of the Kennedy family, away from bootlegging criminals toward populist revolutionaries looking out for the little guy…”

This so brain damaged it had to come from the Miles Mathis Committee or even worse, all that reading of the MMC has permanently damaged your thought processes.

“…No president since, and certainly not Kennedy, was entering office without being a firmly vetted puppet to play along with Cabal’s agenda. Yet, we somehow believe that Kennedy was all about bucking the system….”

You say this after listing all the myriad of ways Kennedy was thwarting the Jews. BUT you forgot to mention the biggest, the baddest, the absolute total terror threat to the Jews from Kennedy. He minted money based on US silver stocks and bypassed the FED. Their greatest weapon is being able to issue unlimited finds…for nothing, from nowhere, and then charge us interest for it and even channel it to their proxies. THAT was the final straw that got him killed. The rest they could work around, but that was a death sentence for their power.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I think JFK Sr. and Jr. and maybe RFK Sr. were defecting and the rest of the family have always been part of the cabal.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I think the only defections you are going to get is within Cabal itself, not its various puppets.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Lets make guide about “how to expose stalker friend in your life”. Treat it like your regular series about shoots from google car.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You don’t even have to go as far as RFK Jr. not revealing surveillance. How did he maintain a professional career as a lawyer being an open anti-vaxxer? That would not be possible to maintain.

RFK Jr. has all the hallmark features of a gatekeeper. That is the real legacy of the JFK assassination and what it was trying to accomplish.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

But Kennedy wasn’t thwarting anyone. If he was that kind of threat, then he would not have gotten anywhere near the presidency in the first place.

For that matter, why wasn’t the entire Kennedy family destroyed if they were such a breeding ground for iconoclastic figures?

Reply to  map
1 year ago

Maybe he was killed because he got that far and then turned on them. (or forced into a faked death)
And quite a few of his relatives were killed, starting with his brother in WWII.