News Blurbs

Spider phobia cured by excising part of the amygdala.

This is interesting. This guy had an irrational fear of spiders. You could say his amygdala was firing off too easily in response to a spider stimulus. His brain was also firing off too easily in other ways, because he was having epileptic seizures, which were beginning in his amygdala. He had a surgery to remove the part of his amygdala which was firing too easily, and when they removed the hyper-sensitive part causing his epilepsy, with it went his fear of spiders. Of course that will not serve him well should he move to an area where Funnel Web Spiders, Brown Recluses, or the like are endemic.

Lockheed Martin Engineer says he has talked with aliens.

I find this funny. According to him, the aliens diverged into two groups. One grows food, works hard, and is easy to deal with. The other group is so entitled that they don’t work to grow food, they steal the first group’s food, and they are very unpleasant to deal with. r/K is everywhere.

I have always marveled at the stories of aliens and anal probes, because I think I know how our future will play out. Somebody will develop an edible antimicrobial concoction, which will go a long way towards sterilizing our GI tracts, or at least reducing bacterial growth immensely. They’ll mix it with Vitamin K and B12, and some other micronutrients and biochemical molecules we currently get from bacterial metabolism. With vastly less bacterial activity in our GI tract, systemic inflammation will plummet, and everyone will do it, because it will feel great. People who would not have reproduced due to GI-related immune defects will live normal lives, and reproduce. In two million years, we will have lost the ability to control what grows in our GI-tracts due to the genetic de-evolution this will produce.

I imagine we will then realize that such dysgenisis is bad, perhaps because bacteria will adapt around the sterilant, and begin making us really ill. Then we will begin a massive research project to try and understand how functioning GI immune systems regulate what grows down there, so we can reintroduce what we lost. We’ll head to other worlds, find organisms with functioning enteric immune systems, and guess what we will do to them?

But how could those crackpots possibly know that, when they create those ridiculous stories about aliens traveling millions of light years to strap them in to a big anal probe device?

Sex at 13 is normal, according to the government.

Drinking Godiva liquer has to wait until 21, though. Were the drinking prohibition only on the Macallan, I would understand fully.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Porcine Zona Pellucida, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

I could have predicted this.

We don’t want too many of those populations we don’t want too many of, as Ginsburg so famously noted. I have no idea if this assertion of vaccinating Africans with a sterilant is correct or not, but if it were, why is it I just know when they found out who put the sterilant into the vaccine, it wouldn’t be an evil Christian Conservative.

Arithmetic is racist

It’s the greater than sign, which is waging an unfair war on equality (I think somebody else said that years back in response to a similar article, but I forget who).

What you see in this article is a rabbit’s amygdala forcing the rabbit to ignore basic math and common sense. In truth, your amygdala does the same thing but your amygdala is triggered by falsity, whereas their’s is triggered by rabbit-fear. Both produce the same response, though. If your amygdala doesn’t like it, you look to your chain of logic, calculations, and deductions, to try and find an error. In rabbits, if the amygdala doesn’t like it, the rabbit does the same thing, for the same reason, just they will forcibly create an error if they have to.

Gamergate poisons the rabbit well with liberalism.

This is one thing I have noticed about rabbits. They want equality for all, except where they themselves strive. I wonder what would happen if we divided our forces, delegated responsibility, and sought to forcibly bring liberalism to each rabbits’s personal world, so they would feel compelled to fight it off.

Not quite sharks with laser beams, but close.

This seems bad, but I am informed by someone that they may have seen a small drone hovering nearby on their way into the bank, so I see this more as citizens evening the odds against government. Where government meets private sector, all the money in the world can’t keep up with a motivated American, as this guy has shown.

Now, I need to go drone shopping.

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D. Keyes
D. Keyes
10 years ago

Hey AC, I thought of you when I read this post.

The most deathcult.txt part:

To quiet the crowd, the presenter turned on a 20/20 clip featuring Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen advocate who is nothing short of amazing. I smiled at Jazz, her supportive family, her mermaid swim fin and her happiness.

“Those parents are playing God!” a mother said loudly as she crossed her arms angrily over her chest and shook her head in disgust.

“Yeah, and now that poor thing is sterile!” said another mom. Like a child is broken if it can’t procreate. Like there’s no other way for a family to form.

Her reaction to the PTA “gang” is very interesting to me and seems to reinforce some of your ideas.

10 years ago

”Sex at 13 is normal, according to the government.

Drinking Godiva liquer has to wait until 21, though. Were the drinking prohibition only on the Macallan, I would understand fully.”

Strange that our culture is partly infantilizing young people:

and treating them like adults at the same time. My personal view is if young adults want to have sex they should marry and be responsible for their sexual choices.

You may be interested in the last 30 mins when this conservative reactionary talks about this very issue: