New T-Shirt Design?

I do not know if the resolution is good enough, but we will see:

What do you think?

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6 days ago

I don’t think many of them look like him.

6 days ago

It’s a great image for the print/web sites, where you can explain it more and give additional images for context. too vulgar for public display. No one is going to want to wear a pic of some guy grabbing his junk in public, and anyone who sees that will associate the message with the gross image.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 days ago

I get it, as I said it’s a great image with the appropriate context and background we here have. just not how a normie will see it.

Better off tagging surveillance houses with a spray paint graffiti stencil of the image, you don’t want the good guys wearing the gross imagery.

6 days ago

Honestly? I don’t really want to wear a shirt with a guy grabbing his crotch on it lol. I’d be more willing to buy some stickers and stick them places than wear that out. I would be unlikely to buy a t shirt with this design.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 days ago

Stickers on gas pumps. This image would work well for that

Reply to  anonermouse
5 days ago

Yep I agree

6 days ago

What just happened to Sept 11 post?

6 days ago

No news brief today

Hope you’re ok AC

6 days ago

Love it. Honestly shocking, which is how it should be. That guy with the binocs will make everyone look twice.

One suggestion: put the image on the front and the website/tagline on the back. This feels a little cleaner design-wise, as there’s no blank back of the shirt, but relevant info (almost like band T-shirt tour dates).

Vendat Tunicam
Vendat Tunicam
6 days ago

He is buff, handsome and heterosexual. Our enemies are weak, ugly and gay. I would feel bad for them but they made their choices. Sucks to suck!
More seriously, it is a good idea but it works better as a meme than a T-shirt. Although it really should be a pencil necked dweeb grabbing at his shorts instead of a buff jock. I won’t wear that around, it’s too lewd and makes the wearer look like a pervert too. If you wear a symbol you approve of the symbol. At least that is how it will be perceived by those not familiar with your work.

Just Me
Just Me
6 days ago

I would rather see a shirt with just the subtitle displayed.
And I’m wondering if it would be better with “Your Neighbors Know What You’re Talking About” underneath

“We” may not be talking.
Or, I’m just being too literal.

Marielle Redclaw
5 days ago

It’s a bit crude, and will put normies off. They’re the ones we need to wake up.

5 days ago

From a hard-core semiotic analysis pov, there’s way too much going on for the message to be informative, let alone clear, especially for a t-shirt. Every individual part is too striking/meaningful for the overarching sense to coalesce.
I suggest “I know my neighbours watch me. Do you?” Then the website underneath.

Reply to  Reanderthal
5 days ago

Alternative text:
“The new Neighborhood Watch…they are watching you.”

Reply to  Anominous
5 days ago

Nice handle.

General's Addition
General's Addition
5 days ago

There are Shit Tier Printers that will print 300 DPI JPEGs and consider that “hi rez” …

But generally you want to do at a minimum at least twice that even for bumpersticker vinyl.

5 days ago

I’m truly torn…I would TOTALLY wear this to work, but the crotch grab would prolly get me some looks (and not good looks). Is there way to maybe have a design without the crotch grab but equally eye-catching?

5 days ago

I think it’s hysterical! I also think that image would be awesome as stickers, and even those posters on telephone poles, like concerts back in the day.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 days ago

American stasi
in theater near you

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 days ago

You heard it many times and I repeat – this dude looks WAY too masculine. Ask yourself – are your stalkers have familiar posture to him? But this is just detail.
@Vendat Tunicam write I won’t wear that around, it’s too lewd and makes the wearer look like a pervert too.
And I think it is the best explain of most part of ppl’s criticism. It is not bad for exposing survillance, they are afraid how environment will see them.
Is this design doing his job? Yes of course.
Is it quite embaracing to wearing this? Yes it is.
But this is the cost of sending the message.

5 days ago

Funny , but Meh . I like the cover of your Book tho.

Ugly Naked Fat Guy
Ugly Naked Fat Guy
5 days ago

Hand off the Patushka plz.

4 days ago

Maybe repurposing the “Neighborhood Watch” logo would be more applicable?

4 days ago

Maybe repurposing a “Neighborhood Watch” logo like this one would be applicable?

4 days ago

I was thinking that if a dweeb was used, maybe with his hand down his pants while he held the binocs with the other, might look more like a peeping tom, and we want a different type of creep to come to mind, one not caring of the sex of the target, as long as there is a target, they get off on the power trip and lording it over us.

If brainstorming is to be done, choose that end result for the stimulus desired and work backwards from there.

Perhaps we need the guy to hold a microphone or parabolic dish with the other hand, and leave the third hand for the crotch grab or self-fondling aspect. A third arm would also put them into a non-human aspect for a better “whoa” factor.

Just thinking, and you know how dangerous that can be…

4 days ago

Pic of a guy raking a yard
“Why is your neighbor raking his yard when there are no leaves?
He’s waiting to watch your kids get off the bus”

3 days ago

I saw a girl with this shirt a while back and asked to take a photo.

a n
a n
Reply to  kid
2 days ago

What does it say-what does it say-I just can’t read it from this far away…

Reply to  a n
2 days ago

Targeted Individual