It’s a great image for the print/web sites, where you can explain it more and give additional images for context. too vulgar for public display. No one is going to want to wear a pic of some guy grabbing his junk in public, and anyone who sees that will associate the message with the gross image.
I get it, as I said it’s a great image with the appropriate context and background we here have. just not how a normie will see it.
Better off tagging surveillance houses with a spray paint graffiti stencil of the image, you don’t want the good guys wearing the gross imagery.
5 months ago
Honestly? I don’t really want to wear a shirt with a guy grabbing his crotch on it lol. I’d be more willing to buy some stickers and stick them places than wear that out. I would be unlikely to buy a t shirt with this design.
It was there, I think, people were replying to it, I was approving replies, and then all the replies on the backend showed as going to a blank post, and the 9/11 post had disappeared. I just hit the update post button, and it looks like it is back for now.
I wonder if the first observation about 9/11 led to somebody somehow deposting it on my backend somehow? I mean nobody could have replied to it if it was not marked as posted in the database.
Thank you, I am as good as it gets under these conditions. I put the brief up, but for some reason it delisted itself, and I had to repost it.
5 months ago
Love it. Honestly shocking, which is how it should be. That guy with the binocs will make everyone look twice.
One suggestion: put the image on the front and the website/tagline on the back. This feels a little cleaner design-wise, as there’s no blank back of the shirt, but relevant info (almost like band T-shirt tour dates).
Vendat Tunicam
5 months ago
He is buff, handsome and heterosexual. Our enemies are weak, ugly and gay. I would feel bad for them but they made their choices. Sucks to suck!
More seriously, it is a good idea but it works better as a meme than a T-shirt. Although it really should be a pencil necked dweeb grabbing at his shorts instead of a buff jock. I won’t wear that around, it’s too lewd and makes the wearer look like a pervert too. If you wear a symbol you approve of the symbol. At least that is how it will be perceived by those not familiar with your work.
Just Me
5 months ago
I would rather see a shirt with just the subtitle displayed.
And I’m wondering if it would be better with “Your Neighbors Know What You’re Talking About” underneath
“We” may not be talking.
Or, I’m just being too literal.
Alright, Clearly my amygdala has been deadened by this whole thing. I need some normal people who can pitch an image, which hooks passerby’s eyes with a shocking aspect, an amygdala trigger which flags their attention strongly, but which would not turn normies off.
I kind of want something which normal people look at, and think “That guy is massaging his dongle while peering in my bedroom window? We have to do something!”
5 months ago
From a hard-core semiotic analysis pov, there’s way too much going on for the message to be informative, let alone clear, especially for a t-shirt. Every individual part is too striking/meaningful for the overarching sense to coalesce.
I suggest “I know my neighbours watch me. Do you?” Then the website underneath.
There are Shit Tier Printers that will print 300 DPI JPEGs and consider that “hi rez” …
But generally you want to do at a minimum at least twice that even for bumpersticker vinyl.
5 months ago
I’m truly torn…I would TOTALLY wear this to work, but the crotch grab would prolly get me some looks (and not good looks). Is there way to maybe have a design without the crotch grab but equally eye-catching?
Maybe crop it upward, to get rid of the crotchgrab for those who prefer it.
I put the crotch grab in, as it is overtly threatening in a sort of funny way, since the guy looks both dangerous, and funny when you map out what the photographer must have been thinking was coming from that. Both of them will catch the eye through a sudden amygdala flag based off the danger and unexpected/unusual aspect, and then that will precipitate the person reading the text with curiosity, and then later maybe being curious and looking it up online. I want them saying, “That was weird. What the hell was up with that??!!” It has to be amygdala-flagging and not make sense in some way, ideally some way funny to add a pleasant/amusing sensation/aspect. I find the guy funny, but then again, I am unusual.
If you are just a straight-up message on the shirt which people understand when they see it, and it all fits and makes sense, they will not look it up later, as in their mind everything has been comfortably stowed in a mental cubbyhole and is done with. You say to yourself, “It was a shirt opposed to surveillance. Cool, I oppose that too.” And then you are done with it.
The crotchgrab is a shocking/curious/funny aspect, which maybe doesn’t fit anywhere well in the brain, people will wonder if there is a funny story behind the photo, and I think that will keep their mind coming back to it, until they look it up and scratch that mental itch of “what the fuck was up with that dude?”
My problem is I am not really triggerable in ways normal people are. I don’t get offended, I don’t spend time worrying what people think of me, I don’t judge regular people who aren’t malicious toward others much. I see everything as a mechanism, and so if somebody doesn’t like me, or if they are doing something weird, I assume there is some reason behind it. I do not really judge Charlie Sheen, as there was a mechanism which led to the debauchery and the drugs, and maybe there but for the grace of God go I, had I been caught with millions of dollars as a teen. So I see a weird, even an offensive shirt, I am more curious how it came to be there than anything. But as others here say they would not want to wear it, I can see that mechanism too, and obviously if we want to be free, if we want to be rid of the surveillance, if I want to be able to let myself fall asleep on the sofa or in a recliner some day, and not religiously sleep underwater, I will need to adjust to that, as it is a reality on the ground. We need to aim to please. It is just difficult, as I am on the outside looking in on normal people, myself. I really need the help here to bounce things off of, in a lot of cases.
5 months ago
I think it’s hysterical! I also think that image would be awesome as stickers, and even those posters on telephone poles, like concerts back in the day.
I thought it was too, but I am constantly second guessing myself.
I accept I probably started a bit odd personality-wise, I’ve had a decade of pretty high stress which has desensitized my amygdala to more nuanced adjustments and minor triggering, especially social and fashion, and I am quite certain this thing is using tech to try and damage parts of my brain to make me less functional. It is tough to know how normal people think now.
I’ll be wearing this, just because this is between me and my coverage, but whether it will get wider play, I suppose time will tell.
You heard it many times and I repeat – this dude looks WAY too masculine. Ask yourself – are your stalkers have familiar posture to him? But this is just detail. @Vendat Tunicam write I won’t wear that around, it’s too lewd and makes the wearer look like a pervert too.
And I think it is the best explain of most part of ppl’s criticism. It is not bad for exposing survillance, they are afraid how environment will see them.
Is this design doing his job? Yes of course.
Is it quite embaracing to wearing this? Yes it is.
But this is the cost of sending the message.
5 months ago
Funny , but Meh . I like the cover of your Book tho.
The thing with this is, we have to set aside all other concerns and look at the purpose. I get what you are saying, but the shirt is not a fashion thing. Likewise Peter says the guy is too masculine and gangstalkers are fags in real life. True. But it is not trying to be accurate to real life either. In my mind, gangstalkers will see it and grit their teeth somewhat at the image probably, as it is silly and ridiculous and makes fun of their culture, but even that is not the purpose.
The goal of the shirt is to one, get flagged by the amygdalae of passers-by almost instantly as data to be assessed, and once assessed, irritate them with a sense they do not understand it, or have not successfully completed the analysis, and have to click to the site.
I will probably stick with this design, and maybe offer one with the crotch-grab cropped for others here. But all of the designs are going to have to fulfill that criteria, while also fulfilling the criteria of something people would not mind being seen in, as obviously people will need to wear them too.
It will be complicated to map it all out, I may need to bring in an expert in some form at some point.
Ugly Naked Fat Guy
5 months ago
Hand off the Patushka plz.
5 months ago
Maybe repurposing the “Neighborhood Watch” logo would be more applicable?
Maybe. But again, somebody sees that and it feels to me like their mind completes the circuit from curiosity to conclusion and puts it all away for good. I want them walking away with a nagging itch somehow, something stuck in their head that keeps popping back up until they visit the site.
5 months ago
I was thinking that if a dweeb was used, maybe with his hand down his pants while he held the binocs with the other, might look more like a peeping tom, and we want a different type of creep to come to mind, one not caring of the sex of the target, as long as there is a target, they get off on the power trip and lording it over us.
If brainstorming is to be done, choose that end result for the stimulus desired and work backwards from there.
Perhaps we need the guy to hold a microphone or parabolic dish with the other hand, and leave the third hand for the crotch grab or self-fondling aspect. A third arm would also put them into a non-human aspect for a better “whoa” factor.
Just thinking, and you know how dangerous that can be…
A lot of it will depend on the tech available to. Screen printing is cheap, but you get limited colors. Other more resolved photographic methods like film printing, where the image is printed to a film by an inkjet printer, and then transferred to the shirt by heat, or actual printing to the shirt, can allow an actual photo to be put on the shirt. But it is not common, is more expensive, and does not last as long.
Though the actual picture of that guy peeking around the corner of the brick wall is much better than that grayscale I did there for a screen print.
5 months ago
Pic of a guy raking a yard
“Why is your neighbor raking his yard when there are no leaves?
He’s waiting to watch your kids get off the bus”
I don’t think many of them look like him.
It’s a great image for the print/web sites, where you can explain it more and give additional images for context. too vulgar for public display. No one is going to want to wear a pic of some guy grabbing his junk in public, and anyone who sees that will associate the message with the gross image.
I was actually trying to associate the American Stasi with the gross image though.
I get it, as I said it’s a great image with the appropriate context and background we here have. just not how a normie will see it.
Better off tagging surveillance houses with a spray paint graffiti stencil of the image, you don’t want the good guys wearing the gross imagery.
Honestly? I don’t really want to wear a shirt with a guy grabbing his crotch on it lol. I’d be more willing to buy some stickers and stick them places than wear that out. I would be unlikely to buy a t shirt with this design.
My amygdala must be really fucked from this last decade. I will be wearing this one everywhere.
But thank you for the normal, sane perspective. I actually never, ever thought about that.
Of course I am wearing mine as much for my surveillance’s appreciation, as for anyone else.
Stickers on gas pumps. This image would work well for that
Yep I agree
What just happened to Sept 11 post?
It was there, I think, people were replying to it, I was approving replies, and then all the replies on the backend showed as going to a blank post, and the 9/11 post had disappeared. I just hit the update post button, and it looks like it is back for now.
I wonder if the first observation about 9/11 led to somebody somehow deposting it on my backend somehow? I mean nobody could have replied to it if it was not marked as posted in the database.
No news brief today
Hope you’re ok AC
Thank you, I am as good as it gets under these conditions. I put the brief up, but for some reason it delisted itself, and I had to repost it.
Love it. Honestly shocking, which is how it should be. That guy with the binocs will make everyone look twice.
One suggestion: put the image on the front and the website/tagline on the back. This feels a little cleaner design-wise, as there’s no blank back of the shirt, but relevant info (almost like band T-shirt tour dates).
He is buff, handsome and heterosexual. Our enemies are weak, ugly and gay. I would feel bad for them but they made their choices. Sucks to suck!
More seriously, it is a good idea but it works better as a meme than a T-shirt. Although it really should be a pencil necked dweeb grabbing at his shorts instead of a buff jock. I won’t wear that around, it’s too lewd and makes the wearer look like a pervert too. If you wear a symbol you approve of the symbol. At least that is how it will be perceived by those not familiar with your work.
I would rather see a shirt with just the subtitle displayed.
And I’m wondering if it would be better with “Your Neighbors Know What You’re Talking About” underneath
“We” may not be talking.
Or, I’m just being too literal.
It’s a bit crude, and will put normies off. They’re the ones we need to wake up.
Alright, Clearly my amygdala has been deadened by this whole thing. I need some normal people who can pitch an image, which hooks passerby’s eyes with a shocking aspect, an amygdala trigger which flags their attention strongly, but which would not turn normies off.
I kind of want something which normal people look at, and think “That guy is massaging his dongle while peering in my bedroom window? We have to do something!”
From a hard-core semiotic analysis pov, there’s way too much going on for the message to be informative, let alone clear, especially for a t-shirt. Every individual part is too striking/meaningful for the overarching sense to coalesce.
I suggest “I know my neighbours watch me. Do you?” Then the website underneath.
Alternative text:
“The new Neighborhood Watch…they are watching you.”
Nice handle.
There are Shit Tier Printers that will print 300 DPI JPEGs and consider that “hi rez” …
But generally you want to do at a minimum at least twice that even for bumpersticker vinyl.
I’m truly torn…I would TOTALLY wear this to work, but the crotch grab would prolly get me some looks (and not good looks). Is there way to maybe have a design without the crotch grab but equally eye-catching?
Maybe crop it upward, to get rid of the crotchgrab for those who prefer it.
I put the crotch grab in, as it is overtly threatening in a sort of funny way, since the guy looks both dangerous, and funny when you map out what the photographer must have been thinking was coming from that. Both of them will catch the eye through a sudden amygdala flag based off the danger and unexpected/unusual aspect, and then that will precipitate the person reading the text with curiosity, and then later maybe being curious and looking it up online. I want them saying, “That was weird. What the hell was up with that??!!” It has to be amygdala-flagging and not make sense in some way, ideally some way funny to add a pleasant/amusing sensation/aspect. I find the guy funny, but then again, I am unusual.
If you are just a straight-up message on the shirt which people understand when they see it, and it all fits and makes sense, they will not look it up later, as in their mind everything has been comfortably stowed in a mental cubbyhole and is done with. You say to yourself, “It was a shirt opposed to surveillance. Cool, I oppose that too.” And then you are done with it.
The crotchgrab is a shocking/curious/funny aspect, which maybe doesn’t fit anywhere well in the brain, people will wonder if there is a funny story behind the photo, and I think that will keep their mind coming back to it, until they look it up and scratch that mental itch of “what the fuck was up with that dude?”
My problem is I am not really triggerable in ways normal people are. I don’t get offended, I don’t spend time worrying what people think of me, I don’t judge regular people who aren’t malicious toward others much. I see everything as a mechanism, and so if somebody doesn’t like me, or if they are doing something weird, I assume there is some reason behind it. I do not really judge Charlie Sheen, as there was a mechanism which led to the debauchery and the drugs, and maybe there but for the grace of God go I, had I been caught with millions of dollars as a teen. So I see a weird, even an offensive shirt, I am more curious how it came to be there than anything. But as others here say they would not want to wear it, I can see that mechanism too, and obviously if we want to be free, if we want to be rid of the surveillance, if I want to be able to let myself fall asleep on the sofa or in a recliner some day, and not religiously sleep underwater, I will need to adjust to that, as it is a reality on the ground. We need to aim to please. It is just difficult, as I am on the outside looking in on normal people, myself. I really need the help here to bounce things off of, in a lot of cases.
I think it’s hysterical! I also think that image would be awesome as stickers, and even those posters on telephone poles, like concerts back in the day.
I thought it was too, but I am constantly second guessing myself.
I accept I probably started a bit odd personality-wise, I’ve had a decade of pretty high stress which has desensitized my amygdala to more nuanced adjustments and minor triggering, especially social and fashion, and I am quite certain this thing is using tech to try and damage parts of my brain to make me less functional. It is tough to know how normal people think now.
I’ll be wearing this, just because this is between me and my coverage, but whether it will get wider play, I suppose time will tell.
American stasi
in theater near you
Yes! Maybe even theater masks.
You heard it many times and I repeat – this dude looks WAY too masculine. Ask yourself – are your stalkers have familiar posture to him? But this is just detail.
@Vendat Tunicam write I won’t wear that around, it’s too lewd and makes the wearer look like a pervert too.
And I think it is the best explain of most part of ppl’s criticism. It is not bad for exposing survillance, they are afraid how environment will see them.
Is this design doing his job? Yes of course.
Is it quite embaracing to wearing this? Yes it is.
But this is the cost of sending the message.
Funny , but Meh . I like the cover of your Book tho.
The thing with this is, we have to set aside all other concerns and look at the purpose. I get what you are saying, but the shirt is not a fashion thing. Likewise Peter says the guy is too masculine and gangstalkers are fags in real life. True. But it is not trying to be accurate to real life either. In my mind, gangstalkers will see it and grit their teeth somewhat at the image probably, as it is silly and ridiculous and makes fun of their culture, but even that is not the purpose.
The goal of the shirt is to one, get flagged by the amygdalae of passers-by almost instantly as data to be assessed, and once assessed, irritate them with a sense they do not understand it, or have not successfully completed the analysis, and have to click to the site.
I will probably stick with this design, and maybe offer one with the crotch-grab cropped for others here. But all of the designs are going to have to fulfill that criteria, while also fulfilling the criteria of something people would not mind being seen in, as obviously people will need to wear them too.
It will be complicated to map it all out, I may need to bring in an expert in some form at some point.
Hand off the Patushka plz.
Maybe repurposing the “Neighborhood Watch” logo would be more applicable?
Maybe. It probably would get worn more.
Maybe repurposing a “Neighborhood Watch” logo like this one would be applicable?
Maybe. But again, somebody sees that and it feels to me like their mind completes the circuit from curiosity to conclusion and puts it all away for good. I want them walking away with a nagging itch somehow, something stuck in their head that keeps popping back up until they visit the site.
I was thinking that if a dweeb was used, maybe with his hand down his pants while he held the binocs with the other, might look more like a peeping tom, and we want a different type of creep to come to mind, one not caring of the sex of the target, as long as there is a target, they get off on the power trip and lording it over us.
If brainstorming is to be done, choose that end result for the stimulus desired and work backwards from there.
Perhaps we need the guy to hold a microphone or parabolic dish with the other hand, and leave the third hand for the crotch grab or self-fondling aspect. A third arm would also put them into a non-human aspect for a better “whoa” factor.
Just thinking, and you know how dangerous that can be…
Good ideas.
A lot of it will depend on the tech available to. Screen printing is cheap, but you get limited colors. Other more resolved photographic methods like film printing, where the image is printed to a film by an inkjet printer, and then transferred to the shirt by heat, or actual printing to the shirt, can allow an actual photo to be put on the shirt. But it is not common, is more expensive, and does not last as long.
Though the actual picture of that guy peeking around the corner of the brick wall is much better than that grayscale I did there for a screen print.
Pic of a guy raking a yard
“Why is your neighbor raking his yard when there are no leaves?
He’s waiting to watch your kids get off the bus”
That could work.
I saw a girl with this shirt a while back and asked to take a photo.
What does it say-what does it say-I just can’t read it from this far away…
Targeted Individual