New Q Drop – Trump To Seize Off-Books Deep State Resources?

Holy Fucking Shit:

Read slowly and carefully.

Will become critically important in coming weeks.

Continue to track those who are resigning across all platforms.

Where there was once darkness, there will now be LIGHT.


He also linked to a pdf of the Attorney General’s ruling allowing the military to detain American civilians as hostiles.

The order:

>I hereby determine and order:

>Section 1. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in:

>(1) corruption, including the misappropriation of state assets, the expropriation of private assets for personal gain, corruption related to government contracts or the extraction of natural resources, or bribery; or

>(2) the transfer or the facilitation of the transfer of the proceeds of corruption;

I believe in this for reasons I won’t go into, but there was a good post on 4Chan here, which detailed why Q likely is real. Click on each link to go up the thread to each individual example of why Q seems real. If this thread is archived when you click it, try this one, at an archive site. Trump tweeting a photo with the file name “doitq.jpeg” was pretty conclusive that there was some linkage.

They have all the data on the bank accounts from the NSA, and if Q is dropping it, they are set to scoop it all up in one fell swoop.

It is also worth noting that if, as Q asserts, Google and Twitter are involved, Trump can seize both in their entirety.

No money, no operators. No operators, no operations. No operations, no reason to not move on them. I would not be surprised if he shuts down all government comms they were using, kills their satellites, and locks them out of their computer networks. If he has the NSA data he can probably make AT&T and all the other carriers block calls from their cells to their operators, cutting them off from their network.

Just in time for the State of the Union? Trump is a showman, and there would be no better way to Blow-The-Fuck-Out all the petty libs who bring illegals and sexual harassment victims to the State of the Union than to make the Topic du jour how Trump just saved American freedom singlehandedly from a massive conspiracy to destroy it.

If this is true, Deep State was self-funding through the intel and power they were gathering. How is anybody’s guess. Were they running the drug industry behind the scenes? Were they running the tech companies like Google and Twitter through proxies? Doing insider-trading? Asset forfeiture? Blackmailing the rich? Human trafficking? Running the entertainment industry? Could Randy Quaid’s Celebrity Star Whackers be real?

This does look interesting.

just r/K Theory, because this is so big, nothing can even compare

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Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I’m very skeptical but it sure sounds great.

7 years ago

Any speculation as to why Q would drop hints?

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I got really excited at this news at first but #1 it’s on 4chan. I really wished this was true. Don’t get me wrong I REALLY wish it was true but I don’t know. Q moved from 4chan to 8chan. Now this post by a board owner of “/cbts/ – Calm Before The Storm” says Q’s code is wrong and that he hasn’t posted since the 5th of Jan. Q said that he used the same IP and would use the same IP but…then it changed and the BO of /cbts/ said he believes it’s faked now. Whether any of this is true. I have no idea. An interesting single post is,

leading to a lot of speculation that the chans have been bought by the Clowns and it’s all B.S. Once again I don’t know.

Here’s the thread where the board owner says Q hasn’t been there and his code is cracked. Reading it I think code monkey is the owner of 8chan.

The real test is there mass arrest very soon. Let’s give it a month. It’s been a year already and nothing has happened. I keep hearing about sealed indictments. What good are those? Everyone knows to catch the people at the top you bust the little guys and lean on them. Where are they?

What really turned me on Trump is Las Vegas. The story is so obviously foolish. I even found a good explanation once on the chans. The video of guy walking through the casino(tropicana I think) with the guards telling everyone to hold their hands up looks just like one of the Saudi Princes that would be killed in a power struggle to get rid of the present ruler(he’s in command after him). It sounded great as it explained all the shooting but…why shoot up a bunch of country music fans??? Not realistic. If they wanted to get the Prince then shooting up CMF wasn’t going to do it. It seems Trump has no way of protecting us and allows “whoever” to just mow us down. If Trump had control of the situation he would either not allow this or would take revenge. I don’t think he cares. He’s just a great actor.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Since you linked to GA, referencing /cbts/ just shows someone is not keeping up or misdirecting.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

Hell maybe I’m wrong. Here’s a post that says different and that “/cbts/” is the shill, I need to just wait.

The former CIA director Casey, I think, said that when Americans didn’t believe anything they will have done their job. Well for me he succeed. Apologies for posting so much confusing stuff. Sorry.

7 years ago

How is anybody’s guess.

All of the above, along with straight old embezzlement and conversion. (Why do you think audits are resisted so heavily?)

7 years ago

This is so heavy, Im finding it hard to believe. All that I’ve been reading for the last 25 years tells me, in my gut, that its fully plausible and true. However, the rational, “sane” and logical side of me is telling me no. After all, when you look around, despite the frayed and tattered seams, everything here stateside still seems marginally normal.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Exactly correct and I hope everyone reads the implied in what you have written so much that I had to point to it. 😉

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Evaporate, or be co-opted? Or even AI, fed years of a person’s online presence and spoofing them? The ‘real’ person posts their usual whatever they were going to write, it’s intercepted on the way out the pipe, then changed before the www sees it? An upgraded version of shadowbanning sort of thing? As was mentioned above, when we can see multiple, yet contradictory, plausible possibilities, the work is done. As Pete (WRSA) says, Meatspace, Baby.