New Mini-Ice Age Due To Solar Cycles?

As if there wasn’t enough about to go wrong:

Astonishing images from NASA reveal no visible sunspots are currently visible on its surface.

This has caused the star to go into “cue call” mode having entered its quietest period for more than a century, Vencore Weather claims.

Decreased activity is not unusual as solar activity changes the volatile star’s surface in 11-year cycles, astronomers say.

But researchers are warning this current cycle could have a devastating impact on Earth’s atmosphere, possibly ushering in a second ice age, similar to the one which began in 1645.

Paul Dorian of Vencore Weather says the blank Sun is a sign that the next solar minimum is approaching.

He said: “At first, the blankness will stretch for just a few days at a time, then it’ll continue for weeks at a time, and finally it should last for months at a time when the sunspot cycle reaches its nadir.

“The next solar minimum phase is expected to take place around 2019 or 2020.”

The one thing about this world is that it changes. Temperature, sunlight, precipitation patterns – even the very lay of the land changes as the tectonic plates shift.

It is entirely possible that there will be a mini-Ice Age, as Vault-Co has long predicted. Personally, I think it more likely than not. It has happened before, it is surprisingly aligned with solar activity, and given the idiots who support Global Warming, it would make perfect sense if we entered an Ice Age.

But I see the biggest risk as a change in precipitation patterns. If areas that are presently arable suddenly become deserts for a decade, the agricultural operations trying to grow food there will not immediately move. They will wait, and see if next season is any better. And if it isn’t they may wait another season. Before you know it, you can have five or six seasons of negligible food production. That was basically what the Dust Bowl was, and it was aligned time-wise with the last Depression quite closely.

Given how the whole precarious house of cards that is Western Civilization is being artificially propped up by the skin of the teeth of the elites, it is not impossible that such a food shortage would trigger the economic Apocalypse, perfectly timing the two Apocalypses with each other, and maximizing the yield of ITZ, to a degree nobody now could imagine.

Add to it disease, due to malnutrition, breakdown in the machinery of civil society due to currency collapse, and tribal and street warfare due to the food shortages, and you have a nice little well-rounded Apocalypse there.

Am I the only one who looks at all of that, and is put in a better, more optimistic mood going forward?

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8 years ago

[…] New Mini-Ice Age Due To Solar Cycles? […]

8 years ago

There are a lot of good arguments that the current Solar activity indicates some cooling ahead. And as policies are in place for warming weather, we will have bad policies besides. Think of it this way, when driving, you need time to go from gas to brake, or brake to gas. When the truck turns in front of you, it takes reaction time. How long and how much space you have determines the results. So it will be with whatever comes up.

Colder than expected for a few years? it could be one or two at least before people begin to adjust their behavior, let alone the bureaucracy.
Plague breaks out? again, how long before we remember to wash our hands and avoid the sick people? Right now post AIDS we are told “there is no problem.” It could be a decade of outbreaks before we get public health measures needed – ever wonder why caning is a punishment in Singapore for spitting? Public health.
EMP? Well this one is truly frightening. Everything I’ve read on it is all “and then the food supply is messed up as everything moves on electricity”…. Um.. yeah, so does the cooling for about 120 US High pressure Water cooled nuclear reactor – so think Fukashima across the country (focused on the East coast). It is a gift that keeps giving. Especially since it is A. predictable and B. if not preventable, they can mitigate it largely.

8 years ago

Winter is coming.

8 years ago

The blog puts me in a better, more optimistic mood about the future. My only hangup is I want a safe, secure world for my young daughter. But I’m getting prepared for apocalypse just the same. 🙂

8 years ago

3 or 4 years to prepare and then 3 or 4 years before the effects are fully felt. Plenty of time.

8 years ago

Meh, I don’t need colder. Who do I sue for my global warming plan not working out? ;o}

Bill Anderson
Bill Anderson
8 years ago

We need Vault Co back right now!

8 years ago

Last time the world entered a Little Ice Age, it was enough to cause civilizations to collapse, I.E. Ming Dynasty China from 1635 to 1644 went through the Plague, Peasant Uprisings, Failed crops, famines and etc, if people thought Global Warming was dangerous, then try a Little Ice Age or Long Term Ice Age