New Graphic

The below graphic is designed to be posted as a way of quickly conveying the r/K ideology idea, and pointing others to this site. Libs won’t like it, since they don’t want to be bunny rabbit people, but what can you do?

Feel free to stick it wherever you like.

The code to post it is:

(shift-comma)img src=”” /(Shift-Period)

The (shift comma) will produce a less than sign character on the screen, while shift-period produces a greater-than sign. If I had posted those symbols, instead of the shift-representation of them, your browser would have immediately posted the image, instead of the text you need to type top get the image to appear.

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12 years ago

Good work. You forgot one for the rabbit people though: “tastes like chicken”

12 years ago

Indeed. Keep up the good work. It has been enlightening. The next time I have a suitable example, I would like to get your take on how to respond to a legal motion drafted by a rabbit whose intended audience is a judge who bears a striking resemblance to Peter Cottontail. Much of the law, especially common law and its derivatives, was developed during periods that favored k-selected types, so there is often a notable disconnect between what the laws actual say and how they are applied in the rabbit warren of our courts. Let me know if you are interested. It could provide an interesting practical application for your work as well as providing a good example to be used in your writing (suitably redacted). Regardless, your work is much appreciated.

12 years ago

^probably the best comment on the site. much to think about. To AC- I love this blog. Hoping I can put together enough to purchase the book (Does it come in pdf by chance?) I’m wondering if you have more practical applications/examples/ideas pertaining to thrashing the amygdala.

12 years ago

This is a great graphic, going to post on my blog. Spread the word!

12 years ago


Think this guy has been reading your site? Toward the back half, I kept thinking of your post about Mike Wallace.!