New Cultural Diversity – I’m Tired Of Eating Human Flesh

South Africa:

A community meeting following the arrest of four Estcourt men for allegedly killing a person and eating human flesh saw hundreds of residents allegedly confess to having eaten human body parts procured from one of the accused.

The four men, Nino Mbatha (32), Sthembiso Sithole (31), Lindokuhle Masondo (32) and Lungisani Magubane (30), appeared in the Estcourt Magistrate’s Court on Monday on charges of murder and conspiracy.

This after one of the four men allegedly walked into the Estcourt police station on Friday, holding human body parts and confessed to being “tired of eating human flesh”. When he was questioned, he produced part of a human leg and a hand. Further investigation led police to a house in the Rensburgdrift area in Estcourt where they were met with a foul smell, and more human remains were found.

KwaZulu-Natal police spokesperson Colonel Thembeka Mbhele said on Friday that one of the accused, also an nyanga (traditional healer), was arrested in Amangwe area where more body parts were found…

Majola said the community had said at the meeting that the nyanga had told them that digging up the graves would make them strong and protect them from harm and that bringing him the bones would bring them wealth in the future.

Colonel Mbhele said that the provincial Occult-Related Crime Unit was investigating the matter.

The African cannibalism defense:


The truth is, when they say it, they did live in places where everyone did it all the time.

Obviously these are sub-par candidates as neighbors or citizens. But imagine if you were an elite. These imbeciles will do anything, for any retarded reason. Just tell them the spirits will bring them wealth in the future, and they will kill and eat whoever you want.

This is the army the elites hope will supplant the average conservative in the nation:


Oddly enough, that leg looks like it has a little saran wrap on it near the ankle. I think that might actually be leftover leg that he just pulled out of the fridge. He isn’t even eating fresh cooked leg. He’s eating leftovers he pulled from his fridge. Imagine opening his fridge to grab a Perrier, and having all those body parts wrapped up in saran wrap staring at you. As if the world needed to get more surreal.

If the Bush family could just have imported more of these characters, Jeb Bush could have been President now instead of Donald Trump, and the replacement of our kind could be continuing as we speak.

Think about it. That is the only reason that would explain the cucks’ perpetual desire to import more and more third-worlders.

Spread r/K Theory, because we don’t want a country where people do that all of the time

This entry was posted in Cuckservatives, Decline, Immigration, ITZ, Migrant Crime Deniers, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

It’s the start of a new trend, as Africa’s population booms from 1.2 billion to 4 billion by the end of the century. Just imagine, 4 billion of those little darlings. Well minus a few from the 4 billion but hey- who’s counting anyways?

7 years ago – Democrat Plan To Launch Second Bolshevik Revolution Discovered


Also, a brief explanation why the left is so getting so desperate to kick off a civil war in the USA:

Read this, the man knows his stuff:

Here’s a snippet:

“First you need to ask the following questions:

Why is the left going absolutely insane about one unfortunate woman in Charlottesville?

Why is Nancy Pelosi pushing to formally censure the president for his simple, commonsensical, and decidedly uncontroversial rebuke of all the bad actors involved?

Why is the media pushing this story 24/7 while Russia got dropped like a hot potato?

Why are the MSM and most of the Democratic Party egging on Antifa?

Why did a Missouri State Senator openly state on Facebook that she wishes for an assassination of Trump?

Why are web hosting services kicking alt-right websites off their servers? Why are conservatives on Patreon and YouTube getting both demonized and demonitized? Why is the First Amendment being targeted BECAUSE OF ONE NEO-NAZI ASSHOLE?

But the even more important question is:

Why now?

Because the Deep State are scared absolutely shitless and they are emptying the last chambers of their political revolver.

They know what awaits them in the future. They need to bring about 1984 soon or lose power forevermore.

Or worse. They fear the awakening populace.”


A more TL;DR explanation:

The alt-left domestic terrorist groups are going to go ultra violent soon, and it is because they are the paramilitary group of the Democratic party. And why would the Democratic party want what amounts to their own version of the brown-shirts to go ultra violent soon? Well, have you heard about PizzaGate? The open source investigation that was targeted by a smear campaign by all MSM outlets, the same outlets that are saying that Antifa are only peaceful heroes trying to fight fascism by using violence? Well, I’ve got some news for you, that shit is real, and I’m going to prove it to you and you’ll understand why shit seems to be escalating so fast with these alt-left groups. First of all, watch this short 5 minute video:
Now read this 15 minute long read website:
Now read this court case about Haiti children traficking:'s_Refuge_case
Now see these pictures:
Now take this into account: Antifa is the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party. Democrats have nothing to lose. They are cornered. They are fighting for their own lives right now, because they know their biggest wrench in the cog, Trump, knows all the dirt they’ve been up to, from the corruption to the human trafficking rings. And they know Trump knows because he taunted them in what regards the human trafficking they take part in (aka: PizzaGate), and they know that he knows of the relation between Clinton Foundation and the human trafficking of children from Haiti. Don’t believe me? Fair enough, I can prove it, watch this video, starting at the 14:39 mark to 14:51:
“Hillary famously said it takes a village. Which is interesting, because in Haiti she’s taken a number of them”
Trump had suddenly excluded Epstein from his social circle over a decade ago without explanation and then in his famous Al Smith roast speech following the third presidential debate he’d made that odd quip about Hillary.
If you have done any kind of research on the PizzaGate case you know that confirms that Trump knows for a fact what we also ended up finding out about.
Trump. Knows. Therefore, he must fall for the Democrats to be safe. Democrats need Trump to fall, or they all get exposed not only for the massive cases of corruption, but most importantly, for the high profile rings of human trafficking and pedophilia amongst the highest of highest world elites. Ex-president Obama, Hillary and Bill, both Podesta brothers, Epstein, James Alefantis (which, via a investigative work of an anon on infinite chan, we came to know is a Rothschild, which suddenly explained all the jewish paid shills trying to take down PizzaGate).
And in case you do not believe Clintons are related to the trafiking of children from Haiti, I suggest you start doing your research on PizzaGate. I’ve given you enough bread crumbs for you to start your own research.
————— – This image is wrong in the sense Hillary never told this in an e-mail, she told it during a conversation that was being recorded. Welcome to the real world, get ready for a wild ride.

Also, James Alefantis is a Rothschild

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Thank you. To be quite honest, I just compiled information from here and there. Credits to Krauser on for the tip on the charity video and this bit: “Trump had suddenly excluded Epstein from his social circle over a decade ago without explanation and then in his famous Al Smith roast speech following the third presidential debate he’d made that odd quip about Hillary.” was completely plagiarized from him by me, you can see it on this post of his blog:

Have a great day!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Shit, they just shutted down the image server I used for the links. HAHAHAHAHA, they are getting scared.

7 years ago

They have enough of this going on that they have a standing Occult Related Crimes Unit.

7 years ago

More info on the domestic terrorist left:
Tl;dr: if you’re white, you deserve to be beaten and can’t have an opinion because muh privilege.

This is what the left is, hatred and racism.
Full version:

Far left militia group, Redneck Revolt, offers training manual on “kidnapping”, “executions”, and “terrorism”

Antifa training with ISIS:

Antifa attacks woman for having a USA flag:

CNN manipulators trying to spin the narrative:

BAMN (By Any Means Necessary, an Antifa branch which uses brainwash cult tactics on their members and whose leader Yvette Felarca as been arrested for assault) related Berkeley’s Mayor lies about anti-Marxist protest being a far-right protest even thou event organizer is a trans-sexual patriot woman who disavows the far-right:

Robert What?
Robert What?
7 years ago

The problem the elite have, or will have, as they replace the White Christian male population with low IQ savages, is that historically, in the West it is the White Christian male population that inhabit the productive, tax paying classes. The low IQ savages produce nothing and are only a drain on resources. It is utterly impossible to run anything remotely resembling a modern society with them. So as the productive classes are being systematically vilified and demotivated, where do the elite think the wealth engines for the future will come from?

7 years ago

Nigga wut