Narcissist Tells Kids Santa Claus Doesn’t Exist

This was not accidental:

Maybe, facing the combined power of Disney and Christmas, orchestra conductor Giacomo Loprieno should have just let it go.

At the end of a musical adaptation of the children’s movie “Frozen,” Loprieno stood up after the last notes had died away, with an urge to convey to his young audience an unpalatable truth.

“Santa Claus doesn’t exist,” he said.

Stunned parents who had taken their kids to the event in Rome on Thursday took to social media to express their fury, the press reported on Saturday.

The narcissist loves the “WHoops… I accidentally say something that screwed everything up for you?” It is an r-strategist urge to take shots at people and degrade their happiness, while avoiding all consequences by pretending it is innocent and accidental.

This was not an accident. This was a narcissist seeing lots of little kids and young parents happy, and it irritated him so much that he had to take some action to fix the situation, and make everyone as unhappy as he is. It would not surprise me if he had some sort of triggering event that irritated him and set his amygdala in high gear earlier in the day.

Now think about that psychology, and picture the leftists of the EU leadership, filling happy Europe with the Muslims and migrants which will bankrupt the states and devolve the entire continent into a violent mess. It is the exact same psychology – it just has far greater power, and a greater ability to plan.

Narcissists are the scourge of the planet, and they are no different than leftists.

Help r/K theory spread, because we need fewer narcissists in power

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8 years ago

[…] Narcissist Tells Kids Santa Claus Doesn’t Exist […]

8 years ago

They live in a consequence free environment. As yiu say, in r selected environments, conflict avoidance is the optimal strategy, when K selection environment returns, or better still when we understand how the consciously train a K selected mindset in a high resource environment, then guys like that will get punched in the face every time they do it,

For nkw, as you sya so often, we wait.