Mystery Illness Killing Kids In California

Government’s attitude is, “Well, that was a weird one…”:

A Santa Monica High School student has died of an unknown illness for the second time since October…

Her death was the second since Oct. 25, 2016, when tenth-grader Vanai Jelks died after falling ill following a cheerleading tournament. A cause of death has not been determined.

It also comes on the heels of the Feb. 3 closing of John Adams Middle School due to an outbreak of a mysterious illness…

The school was cleaned over the weekend and reopened a week ago today.

They don’t even know what it is, though in the article they deny it is norovirus, so I would assume it was a diarrhea producing pathogen.

Right near LA. I can’t help but think that if we had closed our borders back fifteen years ago, so many of these kids would have grown to adulthood without ever knowing major illness, let alone death.

It is another example of how rabbits have no love for their fellow citizens. If I advocated for something, and a neighbor’s child died as a result, I would be crushed. The last thing you would see me doing is telling the neighbor that their child’s life wasn’t important, or that we should continue on that path, even though other children might be killed.

But rabbits will pursue rabbit urges completely undeterred by any suffering they inflict on others.

Brace yourselves, because the pandemic is coming. I truly believe there is nothing we can do to stop these morons from making it happen one way or another.

One addendum: I hope they do not fixate on disease. I can think of one chemical agent, easy to produce and extract with merely time and privacy, which can mimic the lethal effects of an extreme infectious diarrhea pathogen with extraordinarily small, imperceptible quantities. I have no doubt, of all the controls government has put in place, you could easily acquire what was needed to produce it outside of the biopharmaceutical sector, and entirely under the radar.

Additionally, I could easily see an adult narcissist fixate on pretty young girls with exciting futures ahead of them, and feel driven to “make things more fair.” I could also see a beautiful young cheerleader at a fun cheerleading tournament triggering an old, unattractive narcissist female, and then ingesting food at a party following the competition.

Things are not always as they seem.

Spread r/K Theory, because there is a lot of evil in the world

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8 years ago

[…] Mystery Illness Killing Kids In California […]

8 years ago

They’re probably just too shy to say it’s Typhus…
Maybe consider moving…