Muslims Bring Mideast Cultural Enrichment To Europe

Diversimified excellence in action:

Money quote; “Police spokesman Jens Møller Jensen told TV2 News that the 21-year-old man is a resident of Amager and is of ‘a different ethnicity than Danish.’” Uh huh.

The mental gyrations the media goes to to avoid the “M” word and the “I” word would be funny if they weren’t so dangerous. The media speaks in sharia-complaint language, the language of the conquered.

These fires have been raging for weeks. The enemedia is silent. And it’s not new: a few years ago Muslims set tens of thousands of cars on fire in Paris. And car fires have been raging in Malmo and Stockholm, Sweden.

Don’t believe it was just this sole jihad arsonist. The fires continued after his arrest.

So they have:

Car fires continue to plague the Copenhagen region as an additional eight vehicles were torched in the early hours of Wednesday…

The eight new cars that suffered fire damage early on Wednesday follow six that were set afire on Tuesday. Since August 19th, there have been around 40 reported vehicle fires.

The burned out shells of cars strewn about the city weren’t enough though, so to really give you the flavor of a romantic walk through Mosul, genuine ISIS members are working hard to randomly decorate the streets with blood spatter and dead bodies too:

The 25-year-old man who shot three people in Christiania on Wednesday night has alleged ties to terrorist groups, police said late on Thursday.

“He apparently has ties to [militant Islamist group] Millatu Ibrahim and sympathies for IS,” police said in a statement, using one of the many names for the Islamic State terrorist group.

Saying the man was a Danish citizen who had come to the country from Bosnia when he was four years old, police said there was “currently no evidence that [his alleged terrorist sympathies] has influenced the shooting incidents.”

I think it is racist and culturist to call that terrorism. These Muslim immigrants are trying very hard to create ambiances that remind them of home. Who are we to judge their culture. We should be supplying them with explosives so they can recreate the bomb craters they remember playing in as children, and blast a few buildings down to rubble, just for effect.

We can only hope that with time, they will develop the ability to recognize Christians in their company, so they can begin crucifying a few, and hanging their dismembered body parts from wooden posts in the town square. Then if they can just get a few snipers randomly killing people in the city at unpredictable times, and throw a few gays from buildings, to add to the gang rapes, the entirety of Europe will be fully diversified with real Muslim culture.

Because these Muslims are the future of Europe. I heard Angela Merkel say so.

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8 years ago

[…] Muslims Bring Mideast Cultural Enrichment To Europe […]

8 years ago

Ahh the sarcasm. The wonderful sarcasm haha.