Much Of Paris Is Now A No-Go Zone

The wonders of diversity:

Five large areas have been reduced to no go areas for the past five nights as masked men cause mayhem on the streets…

Residents have been on lockdown as armed police tried to tackle the rioters who have caused millions of pounds of damage…

Police were hit with molotov cocktails and the heavy metal balls used in the French game Petanque.

And after setting cars and even a disability vehicle on fire the police have been forced to fire live rounds of bullets.

The areas of Aulnay-Sous-Bois, Aulnay, Argenteuil, Bobigny and Tremblay-en-France in the Saint-Seine-Denis district have all been affected…

Last night it was claimed rioters shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ during violent protests in Paris where a car was set on fire.

Front National (FN) MP Marion Le Pen tweeted the amateur video which shows chaotic scenes including of clouds of smoke after cars were set on fire and a man yelling “Allahu Akbar”, Arabic for God is Greatest, three times…

The niece of the FN leader Marine Le Pen tweeted: “Rioters yelled “Allah Akbar” in Bobigny yesterday night”.

Marine Le Pen might as well begin prepping to move into office and take over now. This is going to be a major K-stimulus.

There is literally no way that Europe does not go hard right at this point. The longer the delay until it happens, the worse the economic system will get and the more of this chaos and anarchy we will see. The more chaos and anarchy we see, the more rightward we will be pushed, until we see a right aggressive enough to not just stop the left’s agenda, but to repel them forcibly and reverse all that they have done.

It is tough to say conclusively, because I have never seen this level of leftist-induced chaos meet a K-shift of this magnitude before. But it appears this will progress, with an increasingly extreme minority left exploiting media and leadership advantage over an increasingly agitated rightist majority of increasing size. The more aggressive the pushback the leftists face, the more extreme and oppressive they will become. That is a prescription for inevitable civil war, and possible leftist extermination camps.

I am beginning to think that the real amazing periods in history occur when one environment shifts to another, leaving people’s reproductive strategy maladapted to the reality they are living in. It is probably at its most extreme in the K-shift, when r-leaders are still flush with power and money long after the K-shift has progressed to total anarchy.

That maladaptation, where r-leaders are trying to lead using r-instincts as K-selection roars on the ground, is what is required to create these periods of tumult that are almost unimaginable in any other period. Here, if everyone had become adapted to K right now by the economic downturn, these migrants would be kept out, spending would be adjusted to avoid the debt-fueled collapse, and the next century would probably be quite boring by comparison.

Instead we have r-strategists running things. As the collapse closes in, they are increasing spending beyond all measure as they import ungrateful, violent r-strategists who expect free resources provided to them and total submission of everyone else to them. As the migrants riot, their answer is more police body cameras and restrictions on law enforcement. In essence, the r-strategists took over at the very moment that they can make the coming economic Apocalypse even worse than it would have been otherwise.

This is the K-shift.

Spread r/K Theory, because it would be wrong to throw gasoline on the Apocalypse, and trigger the death of all leftists

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8 years ago

[…] Much Of Paris Is Now A No-Go Zone […]