Mosul Is Safer Than Sweden

From a report on the ground:

Award-winning war correspondent Magda Gad has tweeted from Mosul that the war-torn city is safer for women and more peaceful than Sweden’s capital city.

“There’s no law on the Islamic veil here, and it’s safer for a lone woman to be outside than Stockholm,” the war journalist said on Twitter.

Asked by another user to clarify whether she “feel[s] safer outdoors in Iraq than Stockholm”, the Expressen reporter — who has been covering the fight against Islamic State in Iraq since June last year, said “Yep”.

Gad said Stockholm on a weekend evening is “much worse than any night in Iraq”, in response to a suggestion by the user ‘Per Anders Englund’ that it “can’t be easy being a good looking woman” in Sweden’s capital with “groping” men about.

In another tweet, the multi-award winning journalist described Iraq as “quiet, apart from the war”.

“In cities unaffected by fighting, it’s very quiet and no one bothers you when you walk the streets,” she wrote.

Iraq, like the rest of the Mideast and Africa, is exporting all of its r-strategist scumbags to Europe. They all have high DRD4 7r carriage, and thus are prone to rape, infidelity, addiction, probably criminality, and perhaps worst of all, r-selected political leftism.

What’s left behind in Iraq is a population of Mideast K-strategists, who didn’t flee at the first sign of hardship. As a result of this, Sweden is filled with Mideast and African migrant scumbags, while this reporter marvels at how much safer Mosul is.

Those migrant genes will have to be purged at some point, and hopefully when it happens, we will get rid of their fellow travelers the Cucks who imported them, as well.

Embrace the Apocalypse, for it is what will save us.

Spread r/K Theory, because people need to understand why r-strategists are scum and how they destroy nations

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8 years ago

[…] Mosul Is Safer Than Sweden […]