More Stuff Going South as the Collapse Approaches

Nutjobs are cutting fiber optic lines in California. I read in a comment they don’t just snip the line. The lines are underground, and pop up in service boxes that are loosely secured. They hit a box and cut all excess wire inside, so the line can’t be spliced, and all new line needs to be laid. Probably a fiber-utility worker looking for overtime, but when the collapse truly hits, you will see the nutjobs who pop off due to stress. Some will kill their families, some will try to shoot up someplace filled with innocents, some will just vent at work by sabotaging stuff, but some will take out infrastructure, so they can feel better knowing others have it worse than them. Fiber will probably be a big such target, since the risk of electrocution is nil. I’ll bet youtube videos pop up with how-to’s. It will be interesting once the money is gone watching people gradually go back to the way things were done in the fifties.

Italy has gender identity freaks too. Basically the article says Italians are protesting new school programs where boys have to dress like girls, and girls have to dress like boys, so they will see transvestitism as normal. It is one thing if a guy grows up and wants to dress like a girl. It is another thing to actively try to screw up healthy kids with this crap, so the screwed up people will feel more normal.

The FBI can knock out your phone, and then pose as a phone company guy to come in your house and snoop around without a warrant, although they can’t then use that info to get a warrant. These articles are about the ruling in a case of asian bookies who aroused hotel suspicions in Vegas. The FBI came in, knocked out internet to the room, then posed as internet repair guys, went to the room with hidden video cameras, and videotaped everything in the hotel rooms for later review. Note how the proliferation of super-cheap, ultra-concealable 1080p video cameras is changing surveillance. You can buy a unit for 50 bucks on Ebay which would have cost $50,000 ten years back, if you could get it made. Those cable repair guys probably had hidden button video, ballcap video, watch video, dufflebag/toolbox video, sunglasses video, car remote video, organizer video, cellphone video, and maybe a couple of others, all running simultaneously. There was not much in that room that wasn’t recorded and noted on the technical review.

I am not sure how that entering-to-snoop-on-a-ruse is different from planting a bug and camera in the coffee maker you ordered from Amazon, and listening to and watching everything private that happens in your house. I mean you brought the coffeemaker in, so you gave the feds free access, right? Are we allowed to do that to each other, too? I guess like most Intelligence Division policy, they can go where they want, invade what they want, they just have to hide it from the defense at your trial, lest your defense have a fair shot at honestly defending you.

On the Asian bettors above, note the FBI undoubtedly had mics up against the hotel room walls (and maybe even ceilings and floors) from adjacent rooms giving them ears inside for weeks, they may have also had video snaked through the air vents, and I’ll bet they were illegally scavenging web activity and phone calls. I’ll also bet that whenever the Asians went out, they got their share of the copious air, vehicle, and foot surveillance phased coverage that loiters in sectors all over all major cities 24/7. Their associates were also covered, and if FBI had been stymied, that coverage would have gradually increased, and gradually worked more and more into the illegal realm. Just because they can’t use it to get a warrant or prosecute doesn’t mean they don’t hoover it up anyway, for background intel, or later coercion. Note that if the FBI had seen this court ruling coming, they would have still done everything they did, they just would have found another reason to get the warrant, and lied about their activities.

So now it is policy. What happens in a private hotel room in Vegas can be put on your official record. Privacy is dead. Government can go anywhere and invade anything in your life they want, even breaking the law in ways we would be imprisoned for. This is why we say the CIA can’t work domestically on our citizens, but given the FBI is doing everything the CIA would have done, all we have done is see to it that such spying is done by an agency that will lock up anyone who opposes it.

Flashy wealth is going out of style. If the economy is so great, why would rich people feel bad about their out-of-work, down-on-their-luck friends seeing ostentatious displays of wealth? Or are they afraid of attracting the savages? But if the economy is great and we are in recovery, why would it matter?

Remember the handicapped sex orgy promoted with a 14 minute video of an artist painting a sign with his penis? It gets better. It is taxpayer funded by Canadian citizens. Taxpayer money, spent on a sex orgy as Western Civilization collapses. You can’t make up the weirdness that happens when r-selection begins in a society. I think it is better than going to war, only to at the last minute order the army gather seashells for the emperor instead.

All r/K has to do is affect one nation’s political process at one point, and it will go global, because we are all facing the same freaks, produced by the same root causes, all over the world.

All of this will go away on its own soon anyway. Right now we are just waiting on the trigger.

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9 years ago

[…] More Stuff Going South as the Collapse Approaches […]