More Signs Of Resource Restriction

LA has a homelessness problem:

Homelessness increased in the last year in the city and county of Los Angeles, leaving nearly 47,000 people in the streets and shelters despite an intensive federal push that slashed the ranks of homeless veterans by nearly a third, according to figures released Wednesday by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority.

Nearly two-thirds of the homeless people tallied countywide, or 28,000, were in the city of Los Angeles, representing an 11% jump in January from a year earlier, a report from the agency stated. The county’s homeless population grew 5.7%…

The county has budgeted $150 million for homeless programs, but county Supervisor Sheila Kuehl said, “If people think L.A. city or L.A. County can solve this, when all the economic forces are forcing people out of their houses, then think again.”

Germany has problems too:

On Tuesday, Germany’s Federal Statistics Office released figures showing that 1.038 million people were receiving basic security benefits at the end of last year — the highest number since the benefits were introduced in 2003 and 3.5 percent more than in 2014.

Anyone over the age of 18 who is unable to work more than three hours a day under normal working conditions, and those whose age pensions are inadequate to live on, are eligible for the benefits.

The statistics office reported that more than half of the recipients — about 536,000 people — are senior citizens, while around 502,000 receive the benefits because they have reduced earning capacity following illnesses or disabilities.

This would indicate an increasing level of resource restriction and that Conservatism is poised for a resurgence. These are all people who are seeing their amygdala triggered mildly on a fairly constant scale, developing the structure, and shifting the psychology of the populace toward K-selection.

The problem is the rabbits are programmed to try and avoid the real K-selection this is heading toward, at all costs. We already see them telegraphing their play:

Helicopter money may be on the horizon, but if Deutsche Bank has its way, there is at least one intermediate step.

According to DB’s Dominic Konstam, now that the benefits QE “have run their course”, it is time for the next, and far more drastic step: “the ECB and BoJ should move more strongly toward penalizing savings via negative retail deposit rates or perhaps wealth taxes. With this stick would also come a carrot – for example, negative mortgage rates.”

What looks like clear economic suicide appears as just common sense to the rabbit. If everyone puts their savings into the system, and borrows and spends on top of that, there will be more resources flowing around and that will take us one step further toward r-selection. Notice how neither rabbits, nor grasshoppers, nor any r-strategist are programmed to look to the future consequences of their actions. They are programmed simply to exploit the glut frantically, and not think about the future. Look at any human, rabbitized by resource availability, and you see the exact same thing. The programming even overrides simple logic.

The more you see of these events, the more you see an r-selected reproductive strategy in the liberal mindset. It is quite literally the only explanation for the otherwise illogical decisions we see on a regular basis.

This entry was posted in Economic Collapse, Europe, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] More Signs Of Resource Restriction […]

8 years ago

Finally, money grows on trees. Hurray!

8 years ago

The LA and Las Vegas homeless scene is a different paradigm than most people thing. Remember the climate — it doesn’t do a lot of raining, and the weather is in a reasonable “comfort zone” for most people the vast majority of the year. “Living rough” in LA and LV is not nearly as rough as in the vast majority of the country, so sqatting wherever is much more rational choice than most places, especially if you plan to spend your money on a mind altering substance.