More Q Posts

More Q early this morning:

Be alert next 10 days.
FF attempts may be carried out in attempt to change narrative (neg optics).
High possibility of ‘multiple day’ coverage event forcing pause on news.
See something > Say something.
In the past, what was the punishment re: a TRAITOR?

You have more than you know.
It’s all there.
Future proves past.

Remember the cover story for this?
Coincidence re: AF1 re: CA route NK?
Bigger than 25th amendment attempt to remove.
Depth of this is very serious.

Wife of burned, amputee Veteran here..we are ready, we are with you… we will continue to fight. God speed Q+++

Your husband answered the call as a brave and selfless Patriot.
We are forever grateful for his service & sacrifice to this Country.
May god bless you and your family.
Honor & respect.

Think McCabe [#2] interview re: meeting re: 25th amendment
Think [RR] wear a wire re: attempt to entrap re: 25th….
[2] accounted for?
IDEN remaining coming.
Note ‘Border Open’ context same drop.
Border has more importance than what is publicly disclosed.

Posted mainly for the false flag warning, though it is nice to know something big enough to produce a 9/11 type false flag is in the immediate offing.

Personally, the curiosity about what they are so dependent on getting across the border, and just how deep this goes, is almost unbearable.

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6 years ago

[…] Source link 2019-02-15 13:50:15 […]

6 years ago

The missile picture, IMHO, is the easiest Q proof to redpill on. Most people have never heard of it. Which is really phase 1. Phase 2 “skyking” most people have heard of. I just add questions to the narrative. Is that a helicopter search light? Have you see a space shuttle launch? What’s the likelihood some ground guy can figure out the process to get a plane with this cockpit air borne with no one stopping him? Queue pic of cockpit. What’s the likelihood he crashes said plane? What’s the likelihood we have the cockpit and tower radio immediately available? Black box? Why didn’t his parents talk to the camera? Why does his uncle look military down to the haircut? Where is his gf? And the “bakery” they started??? Then hit them with this…..How would you destroy a missile launch platform. Fly F-15’s in and drop a laser guided bomb on American soil? Or remote control a plane and crash it into the launch site?

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Bman
6 years ago

The island that the plane crashed on is substantially south of the location where the missile was launched. The missile appeared to be coming from the vicinity of Whidbey Island NAS. The airplane crashed on an island in southern puget sound near Tacoma.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

What kind of missile do think it was?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
6 years ago

“… What’s the likelihood some ground guy can figure out the process to get a plane with this cockpit air borne with no one stopping him?…”

I’d say close to 100% because he did it. Planes don’t have locks and have starters on board. I think he said he used pilot computer games to learn to fly. It’s my understanding that these are 100% realistic except for the fact you’re not flying everything else is the same. If you could ignore the g forces and just pay attention to the instruments there would be no difference between the computer and the real plane.

“…What’s the likelihood we have the cockpit and tower radio immediately available? …”

100% it’s an airport. It’s not like they step out for coffee at a controlled space airport and then no one answers.

Reply to  Sam J.
6 years ago

He didn’t fly it. It was remote controlled and was crashed.

Reply to  Sam J.
6 years ago

Q400 start up sequence:

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

One possibility is that the purpose of the wall is to keep bad actors from escaping over ground if their passports are flagged.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

I think that it’s entirely possible that the purpose of the wall is to keep bad guys from escaping what is coming. Consider the 70,000 sealed indictments. It could mean that a lot of people are going to jail. Or worse.

Passport flagging would eliminate runs from official ports. Canada? Well, Canada’s system is functioning; even if they snuck across the border they’d eventually be found. But Mexico? There’s plenty of Cabal owned resorts and quiet towns, and Mexico would be able to rapidly create new passports/identities.

70,000 sealed indictments is a lot. And we can presume that many of those people will rat out those above them. Bad guys will be identified, and they will be in all parts of society. Those who can’t be legally brought down may just find themselves on the receiving end of a hijacked civilian surveillance infrastructure that subjects them to something along the lines of what they’ve subjected others to. They could find themselves informally blocked and isolated and powerless. Eager to escape to someplace that would offer them a chance to spend their offshore savings.

If this is true, it could be that the pain incoming is far greater than many us initially imagined. Many of these people might be surprised at just how angry our current and former military leaders are over how things went in Iraq. How ironic that the people they sent to do regime change and a culling of the elite in Iraq may just happen to come back to apply their freshly developed skills on the home front.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

It is not true, at least with respect to the quantity of 70k.

Anyone can go to PACER, follow their steps and verify that you can get those numbers. However, you will also note that the search is for every sealed document of every type. It is not restricted to criminal court cases but includes everything from civil cases, administrative cases and patent disputes. You will note it is for every document that was originally sealed, and does not net out documents that have already subsequently been unsealed. And most damning of all, it is for every sealed document. Any 1 case under seal will produces several score of filings, motions, counter motions, orders, judgments etc before it is completed. The search method behind the 70k number counts every one of those documents, not necessarily even in criminal court, as ‘an indictment’

It is simply impossible that there have been zero sealed documents in the entirety of the rest of the federal court system. which is what it would take to get into this zipcode of ‘indictments’

It is dumb and foolish hype, and probably disinfo designed to discredit. There may be a few sealed indictments in there, but certainly measured in three digits or less. Less than 1k, and likely less than 100.

If the right 60 people or so are indicted under seal, that should be considered a huge win. But this is set up for that being a huge disappointment. It is disinfo.

Reply to  No
6 years ago

One of rhe DeQoders i follow (can’t remember which) made the case that there xould be upto 90+ names on ONE indictment, i haven’t bearified that though.

Also, isn’t the yearly average no. Of sealed indictments <2000?

6 years ago

This is priceless by Potus this morning. Troll level-above expert…

You’re gonna love this. Libtards are trolling with heads exploding.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  JAG
6 years ago

I don’t understand. Who’s this guy? Someone fill me in????

6 years ago


Maybe you could aggregate this (or not) into my previous post; hate to be a comment hog but I hit publish too quick. An anon has some very interesting info on the Nat Emergency declaration which activates, or can, activate a dozen EO’s that give Fema control over everything if needed. I think it was GWB who put these in but coulda’ been barky O.

comment image

The OP Anon is on the negative on this series of events but I think Anon is on the wrong track given the following:

Peter Gaynor

Prior to his experience as an emergency manager, Director Gaynor served for 26 years as an enlisted Marine and Infantry Officer in the United States Marine Corps. During his tour in the Marines, he was assigned as the Executive Officer responsible for the security of Presidential Retreat, Camp David; was assigned as the Head of Plans, Policy, & Operations at the Headquarters Marine Corps during the September 11, 2001 attacks; and was deployed in support of Iraqi Freedom with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, where he coordinated combat operations in the Al-Anbar Province of Iraq for Multi-National and Marine forces.

In February 2019, Brock Long announces his resignation as FEMA Administrator, effective March 8, following questions over his use of his government vehicle. His deputy, Peter Gaynor, will serve as acting administrator.

Then there is this threadreader app which is worth a look regarding the Nat Emerrgency and signing the funding bill.

6 years ago

yes, ketron island. another trafficking point owned by pau allen. did allen die like mccain “died”?

6 years ago

Nobody noticed that Q showed a picture of F-15s and then warned to be on the lookout for some false flag event and then there is a big shooting with 5 dead and 5 cops wounded on Feb 15 (F-15).

Sounds like an epic confirmation to me.

6 years ago

Syrian rebels running out of ammo as countries cutoff supplies in northern Hama

More Cabal operations running on fumes?

6 years ago

Your book says that the amygdala is involved in reading emotions from facial expressions so I think you might be interested in this:

Birth Control Impairs Women’s Recognition of Complex Emotions

The pill could be blurring your social judgement — but perhaps not enough so you’d notice.

By challenging women to identify complex emotional expressions like pride or contempt, rather than basic ones like happiness or fear, scientists have revealed subtle changes in emotion recognition associated with oral contraceptive pill (OCP) use.

Published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, their study found that OCP users were nearly 10% worse on average than non-users in deciphering the most enigmatic emotional expressions, raising questions over the possible impact of OCPs on social interactions in intimate relationships.

To further investigate the effects of OCPs on women’s emotion recognition, the researchers administered a special emotion recognition task to two similar groups of healthy women: 42 OCP users, and 53 non-users.
“If oral contraceptives caused dramatic impairments in women’s emotion recognition, we would have probably noticed this in our everyday interactions with our partners,” suggests Lischke. “We assumed that these impairments would be very subtle, indicating that we had to test women’s emotion recognition with a task that was sensitive enough to detect such impairments. We, thus, used a very challenging emotion recognition task that required the recognition of complex emotional expressions from the eye region of faces”
The results were, as expected, subtle — but very clear: OCP users were less accurate in the recognition of the most subtle complex expressions than non-users — by nearly 10%, on average.
“Whereas the groups were equally good at recognizing easy expressions, the OCP users were less likely to correctly identify difficult expressions.”
The effect held for both positive and negative expressions, and regardless of the type of OCP or the menstrual cycle phase of non-users.

More at:…plex-emotions/

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Here is a response I got on another site from the person who introduced me to your book:

Birth control pills are weird stuff. Let me list off just three top weirdnesses:

1. They make women’s brains shrink (The Journal of Human Brain Mapping, April 2, 2015) So yes, to answer you question: I would be very surprised if it somehow left amygdalae unaffected while shrinking, reconfiguring, and remodeling the rest of the brain, as it does.
2. They make women’s ovaries shrink (Science Daily, July 1, 2014)
3. The tiny trace amounts which get into the wastewater system and from there into waterways in general are causing a massive amount of “intersex” fish and amphibians. (The studies on this are Legion)

Mister Quigg
6 years ago

Trump has been insistent, and seemingly under time pressure on two points: increased funding for the military; and the Wall. After 8 years of Obama you might think it could wait a bit longer but he acts like something very bad could happen if the military weren’t quickly rebuilt, and if the Wall isn’t erected soonish.

Q’s “Plan Z” is so extreme I presume the military saw something in the works, something so terrible it was worth a military coup if Trump didn’t win. Perhaps large numbers of armed men would have crossed the Mexican border and spread havoc at the same time as a foreign power attacked the US, possibly with a nuclear weapon whose provenance would seem to lead back to Russia.
There could also be plans to smuggle dirty nuclear weapons or infected migrants (bioweapons) across the border to destabilise the US from within.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

It could possibly be something big, but not as overtly catastrophic. Hillary was deeply involved in the destruction of Honduras. Consider the caravan situation. That had obviously been in the planning for some time. The population of Honduras is just over 9 million.

What would Hillary’s reaction had been if the original plan for the caravans was for 100,000 or 500,000 migrants? One could imagine the hubbub of how a Hillary administration would handle this. Anyone who opposed the influx would have been deemed racist and xenophobic. The “crisis” would have produced lengthy sermons about American compassion. Seeing that they were welcome, migrants from surrounding countries would join in.

Migrants would then be strategically relocated to important congressional districts and electoral college states. And cabal would have a half-million or so highly compliant workers. A complete catastrophe dressed up with fake talk about compassion and “diversity is our strength.”

6 years ago

Something interesting came up from Maricopa County AZ. Some muslim got shot by a cop and arrested last month, and now he is being charged as an ISIS terrorist. Here’s the vid of the incident:
