More Gender Dysphoria In California

A very odd state of affairs from the perspective of K:

More than a quarter of California schoolchildren between 12 and 17 believe their peers see them as “gender nonconforming,” meaning those boys are perceived as more feminine and the girls as more masculine, according to a new study that is among the first of its kind in the U.S.

The study made public Wednesday found that the 27 percent of California children perceived as gender nonconforming are more than twice as likely to experience psychological distress, such as bullying, as their gender conforming counterparts.

The study did not find that gender nonconforming children have statistically significant higher levels of suicide, but psychological distress is a risk factor for suicide, said lead author Bianca Wilson.

The study, conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles, was among the first of its kind in the nation and the first representative survey measuring gender expression among California’s youth population, Wilson said.

What strikes me as strange is how this is accepted innately by everyone. If I didn’t know about r/K Theory, my immediate response to news that 27% of children have malfunctioning gender systems in their bodies would be to assume some sort of chemical spill, or women being exposed to a gender-altering version of thalidomide. This would seem like something bad is happening and it needs to be addressed as a health crisis. But everybody else just accepts it. Very strange.

Regardless, it is more evidence that if you add resources, men turn feminine while women turn masculine. When you are in the transition period, where there are K’s that are traditional, and r’s that are breaking the old molds, everything is just disjointed and disordered.

There is not a whole lot to say, beyond documenting it for the later generations that live in times of K. I’m sure the GI’s coming home from WWII would find the whole thing absolutely confounding, but if you are reading this hundreds of years from this publication date, this is how it is now, and you don’t even blink at it. Everybody accepts this as perfectly normal.

Obviously once the Apocalypse hits, all of this will reverse, and traditional gender perceptions will return. Until then, this will only get worse.

Spread r/K Theory, because you like being right

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7 years ago

I don’t believe that 27% of CA teens are “gender nonconforming.” I believe that they believe that they are, because they’ve been fed such a line of bullshit.

I was in HS in the 90s. Silk shirts were a thing. (You remember.) My favorite silk shirt was a pink one that I had. That shirt was bad ass. If someone called me a fairy for wearing pink, the response was “real men can wear pink.” And we moved on.

If a teenage boy wants to wear pink now, NOW it’s some sort of gender crisis, where he starts questioning if he’s actually a man, or is he a woman, or is he some kind of Otherkin of whatever bullshit ideas they had this morning of what the 863rd gender is.

It’s not a crisis. It’s a pink shirt. When you wear it, you aren’t “gender fluid.” You’re a guy in a pink shirt.

Cecil Henry
Reply to  everlastingphelps
7 years ago

True. But here’s how it works—- some of those will get caught in a phase of ‘gender fluidity’ like this and be damaged and effected for years or life.

The damage will be done. Lots of vices are like this… its why in a healthy society they are discouraged strongly.

What’s cute or just a phase to some WILL be poison for others. A 5% effect ends of being HUGE.

You would give you child every chance to go right, to choose the right path: this creates another change to go wrong— and smiles at it.

Cecil Henry
7 years ago

This is precisely how you destroy a society with ‘diversity’. This is success.

Even just 25% of kids having gender and therefore personality and therefore future stability and success PROBLEMS is a great way to destabilize, control and destroy.

Its a massive attack.

“Conservatism starts from a sentiment that all mature people can readily share: the sentiment that good things are easily destroyed, but not easily created. This is especially true of the good things that come to us as collective assets “- Roger Scruton

7 years ago

Imagine it’s WWIII. China is invading with their Islamic, North Korean and Mexican mercenaries. They’re unleashing terminator kill bots, killer drone swarms and mini nukes on California. Envision the kind of troops that would be drafted into the US Army to defend all of that valuable terrain. Now you can see why the feminization of men always precedes the fall of a civilization or society. In this case, hopefully it’s just Cali that falls.

7 years ago

We could exterminate about 80% of the population and experience nothing but positive outcomes.

They have to go…..there’s no other solution to this much degeneracy and uselessness.

7 years ago

Gee, I was called “fag”, “sissy”, “gay”, etc. all the time in school, so I clearly wasn’t “conforming to the norms of my gender”. However I don’t recall any grown-ups suggesting that I might actually be a girl, so I got through middle school with my genitals intact.