Mitt Romney On The Two Sides

You don’t even have to look:

No, not the same. One side is racist, bigoted, Nazi. The other opposes racism and bigotry. Morally different universes.

Spoken by the man who openly admitted he was a willing racist, right up until his religion told him he didn’t have to be, at which point he stopped his car and cried tears of joy. As if he has any moral that he holds himself, and wasn’t told to hold by somebody else.

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7 years ago

[…] Mitt Romney On The Two Sides […]

7 years ago

When it comes to Mittens, there is no there there.

Bob Sturmandrang
Bob Sturmandrang
7 years ago

poor mitt, no one loves him the big phony turd. it’s kind of funny how the left hold him up and shake hi around every so often, like a doberman’s chew toy. and he willingly goes along with it hoping this time it will end differently. and of course his “analysis” is totally wrong.

7 years ago

The average person looks at that mess and says, “a pox on both their houses.” There is no way to watch the video and not notice that as soon as he stops, they attack his car with weapons and cause serious damage to it. No one carries a baseball bat to not do violence.

So when Trump says, “they are both shit” America nods. And when perennial losers like Romney and Ryan say, “nuh huh, just our side is shit” it tells America, especially right America, that Romney and Ryan are on the other side.

7 years ago

Another traitor. Well, the preppers for SHTF will need another 6 feet of rope now.

7 years ago

Friendly reminder that Romney was called a “nazi” when running for POTUS, and his “47%” comment was denounced as “bigoted and racist.”

Julian L
7 years ago

Exactly. I wish one of these journalists would ask him if statues of Joseph Smith and Brighan Young should be taken down, since both advocated that blacks had been cursed by god with black skin. Indeed the LDS church said blacks didn’t have souls until the late 70’s. Consummate cuck every time.

I should add that I am actually a huge fan of Mormons though. I just think a lot of the church’s current leaders are just like Romney, and they are going to cause their religion to lose the immense strength and high asabiya it has had for the last 100+ years, and end up with the same problems of modern evangelical christianity.