Milo On The Year’s Most Eligible SJWs

I am so horrified I can’t even excerpt this link.

It lists seven notable SJWs, but what caught my eye was how many are skinny men with beards in female makeup and dresses, or women who look like a more manly version of Conan O’Brien, crossed with an axe murderer. And that ignores the tranny’s.

Most here know it, but for the newcomers, inherent to r/K Theory is a concept of reversing sexual dimorphism. When times are harsh and K-selection is in force in animals, males and females bond to raise young as a pair. The males become aggressive and masculine to protect and provision their young, and the females become feminine and conflict averse, so while the males fight, the females guide offspring away from danger, while both parents provision the young.

In r-selection, males don’t hang around to help raise offspring. So females grow scary, becoming big and masculine and adopting an aggressive attitude to be able to provision and protect the offspring they raise alone for short periods. Males grow more easily frightened and smaller and begin to adopt an attractive feminine appearance to facilitate their strategy of fleeing from conflict, while appearing flashy to stand out and attract numerous mates quickly.

As this happens, manly female r-strategists, seeking the best r-males to father their children, so their children will be maximally fit in the r-environment, will begin to prefer feminine features in mates. Males, seeking the fittest females to impregnate will begin to favor masculine traits in their mates, since masculine females are the fittest in r-selection. As r-selection adaptation progresses in humans, and this scheme increases, it can overshoot, where males prefer masculine traits so much they begin mating with males, and females prefer feminine traits so much they begin mating with females. It is not surprising that in these occasional accidental overshoots of the r-strategy, sexual activity is a dominant feature in their life, promiscuity is the norm, and they tend to be leftists.

As I peruse this motley medley of mental defectives, I am struck at the reversals in sexual dimorphism, and the outright sexual confusion. Even more interesting is the way that as things turn r-selected, these characters are becoming not just unashamed of their sexual confusion, but proud of it. It is almost central to their identity. There is almost an awareness of the fact their phenotype is becoming more congruent with an increasingly r-selected environment.

This sexual strangeness arising now, as resources are flush and threat is minimal is not by chance. Its association with leftism is not by chance. The amygdala’s involvement in sexual preference, sexual arousal, political ideology, threat assessment, and stress adaptation is not by chance. All of this is not only understandable, it is predictable.

When the coming Apocalypse is interspersing short periods of terror and rage with our daily activities, and our amygdala is growing big and stress-tolerant and strong, our population’s sexual norms will revert to the more traditional form of masculine men and feminine women, engaging in long term relationships with the goal of raising children carefully.

And when that reversion produces enough wealth, stability, and safety, for a long enough period, we will begin another descent into r-selection which will be marked by feminine men, masculine women, homosexuality, confused sexual preferences, and a lack of desire to rear offspring which will manifest in fewer cases of people allowing conception to result from sexual activity. And that will destroy all the stability that created it.

It is amazing how everything in these historical cycles is fully explained by one small idea, namely r/K Selection Theory. And despite it being the most shocking idea in political science, which explains everything we see, look at what we are going to have to overcome to get this taught in universities, and universally accepted in society.

Sometimes it seems that nothing these days is as it seems, and almost nothing you are told is about truth. Everything is about manipulating the masses to cede power and resources to those who want to control the dialog.

Let’s change that around.

Tell everyone about r/K theory, because you want to rid yourself of the freaks

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Homosexuality, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance, Sexual Dimorphism. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

Holy crap, this link should have come with a trigger warning! Ickkkk. Eye bleach needed.

Supreme irony: the whole thing has gone full retard to such a point that some trannies (not those in the link, mind you) are hotter and more feminine than genuine females of the retarded left.

I have no words…

Cecil Henry
Reply to  Bob
7 years ago

They may look hotter. But its a lie.

Its counterfeit like so much in the liberal, diversity enforced society.

That’s the danger and the evil here. All this pretense claiming reality.

Robert What?
7 years ago

Looks like a freak show from years past.

7 years ago

Boy does this ring true, on so many levels.

I wonder what the implications of this are in terms of raising children in an r-selected environment where such sexual strangeness dominates. My child has innocently absorbed by osmosis such a wide range of delusions. Claims of differences between the sexes are seen as proof only of misogyny. Men are not needed for protection, women can “kick ass,” physical courage and strength are not sought-after traits in a male mate because a woman can possess them. Since few of these misconceptions are ever tested for accuracy in real life, my words to the contrary as a parent fall on deaf ears.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

What is Heartiste but another less screwed-degenerate rabbit, just like a lot of men in manosphere/PUA community. Yikes.

7 years ago

And God that link is a freaking nightmare.

7 years ago

Milo himself is a less screwed r-strategist, like a handful of others in the right wing. K-selected ideology has become washed with rabbit’s tendencies.

7 years ago

Went through that link going ew.ew.ew..until that last comedy gold person. It’s like, “I want to call myself nonbinary but present myself as a really, really creepy guy who can’t get a date.” They were all creepy. Second guy…there’s a reason womens clothes are designed the way they are, moron. You look ridiculous squeezing your hairy man body in something designed for cleavage.