Milo Confirms The Twitter Shadowban of Trump Supporters

Milo finds a source who confirms it:

According to the source, Twitter maintains a ‘whitelist’ of favoured Twitter accounts and a ‘blacklist’ of unfavoured accounts. Accounts on the whitelist are prioritised in search results, even if they’re not the most popular among users. Meanwhile, accounts on the blacklist have their posts hidden from both search results and other users’ timelines.

Our source was backed up by a senior editor at a major digital publisher, who told Breitbart that Twitter told him it deliberately whitelists and blacklists users. He added that he was afraid of the site’s power, noting that his tweets could disappear from users’ timelines if he got on the wrong side of the company.

Shadowbanning, sometimes known as “Stealth Banning” or “Hell Banning,” is commonly used by online community managers to block content posted by spammers. Instead of banning a user directly (which would alert the spammer to their status, prompting them to create a new account), their content is merely hidden from public view…

However, Twitter isn’t merely targeting spammers. For weeks, users have been reporting that tweets from populist conservatives, members of the alternative right, cultural libertarians, and other anti-PC dissidents have disappeared from their timelines.

Among the users complaining of shadowbans are sci-fi author and alt-right figurehead Vox Day, geek culture blogger “Daddy Warpig,” and the popular pro-Trump account Ricky Vaughn. League of Gamers founder and former World of Warcraft team lead Mark Kern, as well as adult actress and anti-censorship activist Mercedes Carrera, have also reported that their tweets are not appearing on the timelines of their followers.

Vox had already confirmed that people who signed up for his tweets weren’t getting them:

Apparently the Twitterthorities have deemed that I, too, am a threat to the innocent minds of the Twittership:

Dharma Warrior ?@India_empower
@voxday strangely, your tweets don’t show up on my TL. I have to visit your Twitter page to read ur tweets.

Supreme Dark Lord ?@voxday
It’s the Twitter shadowban. They’re trying to limit the reach of the Alt Right because we are too appealing.

Makes you wonder how many of Donald’s followers hear all of his tweets.

It would seem if pro-Trump tweeters like @Ricky_Vaughn99 , @Chateaumissary, or @VoxDay are being shadow-banned due to support for the Donald, the Donald’s campaign could sue Twitter for not supplying equal time to his Twitter supporters. This is attempting to illegally influence an election through illegal support contributions, in the form of technical manipulation of their system expressly designed to purposely deny Trump supporters the ability to hear pro-Trump tweets they signed up to receive. It might be most tactically advantageous to wait until it is Donald vs Bernie, as I am sure by then discovery would show no Sanders tweeters being banned, vs a lot of Trump tweeters banned with no viable reasoning. It would also allow a lot of time to reach out to affected pro-Trump twitter-ers to amass evidence in the interim.

This would fuel the conservative desire to fight, expose Twitter to legal discovery and embarrassment, promote supporters like @Ricky_Vaughn99, @Chateaumissary, and @VoxDay, highlight all the Americans who are fighting the machine to support Donald, highlight the corrupt machine doing everything it can to hurt Donald, maybe get Donald’s campaign a settlement with some equal time in the form of free twitter advertising, and be one more example of where the Donald is taking the fight to conservative’s enemies in ways nobody else would dare.

It would also be free media galore, because it would feature Donald suing Twitter for something embarrassing that Twitter doesn’t want exposed. It would lead every newscast. I’m sure just the thought of that would have Twitter’s asshole in a nervous pucker. After that, watch facebook go out of its way not to fuck with the Donald.

Anybody know how to get an idea out to Team Trump?

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9 years ago

It’s Chateau Emissary actually Heartiste, or just an “emissary”?