Millennial Students Experiencing Mental Problems

Leftists melting down:

After Donald Trump won the presidency in November, liberal college students were pretty upset as they took part in cry-ins, walkouts, and marches. However, a psychiatry professor at Michigan State University believes that a lot of millennials upset with the election results are now developing mental health problems.

Dr. Farha Abbasi, who’s an expert on mental health post-election, told the Spartan Newsroom that some millennials are becoming more anxious as they struggle with their identities while depression is worsening for others…

Most of these mental health problems are seen in women, LGBTQs, minorities, and non-white immigrants. They can experience anything from fear, shame, or helplessness.

All rabbit constituencies.

What I suspect is going on is that r-strategists are designed to migrate. Their brains detect the incoming K-selection and throw out all the signals and emotions designed to drive migration.

K-strategists are increasing in number. They are all around the r-strategists. Aggression is everywhere. So the r-strategists first come to hate the K’s, then feel repulsion, and then feel anxiety so severe that it is nearly unbearable. Where that all meets the helplessness of facing unstoppable K-selection, all of it combines into an urge to go somewhere else – somewhere filled with a foreign people the r-strategist is instinctually designed to feel are wise and kind, compared to their own countrymen.

In a natural state, like where the urges evolved, the leftists would be driven to migrate out. Then having landed in an r-selected environment, the urges would abate and the rabbit would feel satisfied, causing them to cease their migration. In its natural environment the programming would work, maximize survival advantage, and thus produce happiness. But living in the US, all other nations would be a step down in terms of resource availability. Additionally, due to global interconnectedness, economies are linked, and so is the K-selection. It is everywhere at once. There is no place to migrate to.

So now, here the leftist r-selected rabbits are, programmed for a world where they should migrate to a richer land with increased resource availability. But there is no such land, so they can’t relieve the emotional drives. So their brain keeps throwing out the signals, making the leftists ever more uncomfortable but their brains are unaware that there is no way to relieve the discomfort.

In short, I do not view this as liberals going insane, so much as I view this as robots that have a programming that is not well designed to function in this world, and as a result it is melting down. So these robots short circuit, spiraling down into a programming loop that feeds off itself and appears totally dysfunctional because it is.

Leftist Operating System

10 If miserable, find richer land with foreigners.

20 If no richer land, feel more miserable.

30 Goto line 10

Of course many rabbits will respond by eventually trying to import the foreigners, without actually migrating, to at least satisfy part of the programming. But all along the way, they will seem absolutely insane and miserable, mainly because they will be.

Broken robots should really be recycled.

Spread r/K Theory, because we have a duty to put leftist rabbits out of their misery

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Decline, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Millennial Students Experiencing Mental Problems […]

7 years ago

30 Goto line 10

7 years ago

Sorry, too busy GMAO to properly reply.

7 years ago

You talk a lot about migration as being r behavior. Have you given much thought to when people feel an urge to migrate away from rabbits (as individuals), or to the phenomenon of organized conquering migrants (the huns, the mongols, european pioneers into the New World, maybe the arabs during the islamic expansion)? I look at history and at places like Venezuela or South Africa, and we may talk about a k resurgence, but to me it looks like the r’s are drowning out the K’s. Sure, they will die off once they can no longer prey on them, but… I really don’t know how we are going to deal with this. These r’s used to free resources, once they have nothing to turn back to, and they gather into a crowd, are fearless and vicious. How do we prepare logisticaly? Is it vital to move away from the urban centers? What about those that don’t have the capital to go off the grid and are locked in this social network, struggling to survive as their work is funneled to support everything they despise?

7 years ago

You talk a lot about migration as being r behavior. Have you given much thought to when people feel an urge to migrate away from rabbits (as individuals), or to the phenomenon of organized conquering migrants (the huns, the mongols, european pioneers into the New World, maybe the arabs during the islamic expansion)? I look at history and at places like Venezuela or South Africa, and we may talk about a k resurgence, but to me it looks like the r’s are drowning out the K’s. Sure, they will die off once they can no longer prey on them, but… I really don’t know how we are going to deal with this. These r’s used to free resources, once they have nothing to turn back to, and they gather into a crowd, are fearless and vicious. How do we prepare logisticaly? Is it vital to move away from the urban centers? What about those that don’t have the capital to go off the grid and are locked in this social network, struggling to survive as their work is funneled to support everything they despise?

7 years ago

In the US the imports have been out of control since 1965, but really sped up with the end of the Cold War. The damage is already done. Leftists are going to find themselves in increasingly dysfunctional cosmopolitan communities right up to the financial/pandemic collapse. It just amazes me how certain types of people can only feel comfortable in what amounts to a kill box, to borrow some Cold War lingo.

7 years ago

Ironically they’d probably be happier in a lot of these third world countries once they got used to the level of resources. The feminists could wear burkas, the blm folks could do cheap under the table jobs, and the white leftists could stop feeling guilty for all those pumpkin spiced lattes!

7 years ago

“Dr. Farha Abbasi, who’s an expert on mental health post-election, told the Spartan Newsroom that some millennials are becoming more anxious as they struggle with their identities while depression is worsening for others…”

Shrink martketing pitch.
Most millenials voted trump. Plastering the entire generation with a purely age-related label is complete propaganda.
Similarly most young Germans are NOT Gutmenschen or communists but REALISTS.