Millennial are r-strategists, Unadapted To Hardship

Millennials have adapted to ease:

Leadership consultant Simon Sinek has been told that millennials – people born after 1982 – are ‘entitled, narcissistic, self-interested, unfocused and lazy’ – but he believes it is not their fault…

He explained millennials grew up in an environment where ‘every child wins a prize’ only to find the ‘real world’ after school is much different…

‘(They were) thrust into the real world and in an instant, they find out they’re not special, their mums can’t get them a promotion. And by the way, you can’t just have it because you want it…’

He says using social media constantly can be compared with having an addiction to alcohol, cigarettes or gambling.

He said dopamine is released from the brain when people interact with each other on online platforms – making it addictive and insisted if people are checking their phones before saying hello to their partners they ‘have a problem’.

This isn’t all millennials. I don’t even think it is most. On the whole, evidence would indicate younger generations are actually going K. But nobody notices the quiet K who isn’t a problem. They notice the whiney assholes who always cause trouble. There is a segment of the millennial population that has continued to go r as the rest have begun their transition to K. When encountered, the r’s are so aberrant, they are what people are noticing and they are what everyone is puzzled by.

Regardless, everyone is seeing parts of the problem. The only thing missing was an understanding that this mechanism is actually a programmed part of the system, with a purpose. These kids would function better – reproduce better – in an environment of free resource availability. Moreover free resources and lack of threat is precisely why they formed this psychology.

r/K Theory is coming, and nobody can stop it. The sea is receding from the beach, and the tsunami of truth is on its way.

Spread r/K Selection Theory, because it will catch on since it explains all this weirdness

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8 years ago

[…] Millennial are r-strategists, Unadapted To Hardship […]

8 years ago

several random thoughts on r/K and here is as good a place as any to put them.

A talk station I listen to was mentioning about how ‘nudism’ is on the rise, complete with nude cruises. The hosts didn’t like the idea… disgusted would be appropriate word to use. And it makes sense, the human body leaks, and nudity increases chance for disease spread. They went on about how you can do ‘nude eating’ either eating in the nude, or having a nude model as the buffet table. Again a K response of disgust because well, ceramic or metal, heck even wood isn’t to hard to over clean – soap, hot water, bleach for the over enthused.. But try that on a person.

Which brings up the idea, looking at the laws passed down by religious, is the god in that religion relatively r or K?
The old testament God with all of his rules on eating? There is major K there keeping people healthy and avoiding food that can’t be properly cleaned or cooked. Also major in grouping and young protection.
New testament? Not sure although a continuation of that old testament is seen there. Which brings up to the modern interpretation of the Christian God. That guy has major r issues, and is inconstant with the one from about AD100.

I’m not versed enough on other religions, nor is this a full catalog/examination of the beliefs of the ancients or moderns. Just one more thought on it. Setting aside questions of God being or not being. How the God is in large part is reflected in or reflects the culture. So modern Christianity is r and the understanding of that God is r.

Reply to  ACThinker
8 years ago

“Nude cruises,” brought this to mind:

Nudity must be ‘hot’ right now. Walgreen’s (At the corner of happy and healthy.) is running a commercial aimed at (rabbity) boomer women showing two of them preparing for a trip to a nude beach. I cringe every time I see it.

Duke Norfolk
8 years ago

I have an interesting observation from the other day. I was at a 40th birthday party for my niece (wife’s side). Somehow there arose a discussion about my wife’s family’s childhood (7 children, born from ’53-’63; dad-plumber, mom-stayed home) and drinking powdered milk, and hating it. My niece’s daughter, about 14 yrs, who “identifies as male” said, “why didn’t they just buy regular milk?” Answer, “because we went thru 4-5 gallons a week.” Retort: “Well, just buy 4-5 gallons then.”

A small thing, but reflecting the real lack of any sense of limitation of resources that exists now. And this isn’t coming from a kid whose family is well off. They’re lowish middle class, at best (dad-warehouse worker/truck driver, mom-beautician). But she/he still doesn’t have any clue about what it means to make tough decisions and why you can’t just buy something if you want it.

It just really struck me as a perfect example of an r outlook on things.