Migration Linked To Promiscuity

So unsurprising:

If your partner is about to go travelling, you might want to read this first.

Although getting away from it all might help to clear the cobwebs, it also makes people more likely to cheat.

Researchers believe exposing individuals to diverse cultures means they lose some of their moral compass.

Migrants are r-strategists. Migrants tend to have high carriage of the 7r allele of DRD4, which itself is linked to promiscuity and infidelity. Also, migration is linked to novelty seeking, which is a stimulus-craving that makes the individual need the stimulation of a new partner to sufficiently stimulate the amygdala during sex, and thus render sex fulfilling.

Of course, r-strategists have fewer morals, due to diminished amygdala capability. This makes it much easier to operate alone to optimize your own personal reproductive ability, since in r-selection loyalty to a group is actually disadvantageous.

The evidence on r/K comes together from so many angles that all you need to do is understand a few core concepts, and you can extrapolate all of the other observations which science will take decades to catalog and ponder.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because all of the science supports it

This entry was posted in Dopamine, DRD4, Liberals, Morals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Migration Linked To Promiscuity […]

Laguna Beach Fogey
Laguna Beach Fogey
8 years ago

Think of all those young women on online dating sites who brag about their extensive travels and show off photos from exotic locales.

Agent J
Agent J
8 years ago

“Although getting away from it all might help to clear the cobwebs, it also makes people more likely to cheat.”

Exhibit 1: my ex-wife, who got serviced by the tour guide on a “service trip” to a Central American eco-paradise and announced upon her return that she wanted a divorce.

Don’t let your women go abroad without you. They’ve all read that loathsome “Eat, Pray, Cuck” book, and they’re all eager to live that fantasy. Every. Last. One.

Jolly Jaded Jurist
Jolly Jaded Jurist
8 years ago

Perhaps this is how outgrouping affects the sexual marketplace.

I find when I travel that I think subconsciously of the locals as “them”, which slightly dehumanizes them. Were I the philandering kind, it would be way easier to justify screwing a native because it wouldn’t really “count” as faithlessness, similar to how it wouldn’t count if I had humped a sex doll.

Jolly Jaded Jurist
Jolly Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

This may also help explain conquering soldiers’ propensity to rape, especially after being steeped in anti-enemy propaganda. It certainly explains rapefugees’ actions (well, that and losing their minds finally being, for the first time in their lives, within groping distance of a blonde).

8 years ago

I read a profile ol travel-writer Paul Theroux in the newspaper and AC I kid you not, he seemed like a character straight out of your imagination. Right off he talked about how he liked being an old man because nobody cares about old people and so are more open to telling him things for his books. (I couldn’t help but think he was implying people don’t want to have sex with him though, based on the rest). His novel “Riding the Iron Rooster” about travel in china has a part where he argues with a chinese war veteran about how the death penalty and killing is wrong. It’s like if r met K at a cafe. He was also deported from Malawi for criticizing the government.

There’s also a frequent theme of sexual degeneracy in his work, including affairs and mysterious overseas passion. If anybody wants to read about this stuff from a rabbit’s perspective just look for one of his books that mentions an affair or sex of any kind on the back cover. Example: In the book “My Secret History” which he admits is semi-autobiographical, most of the six stories feature affairs or having sex with numerous foreign women, and in one story he contracts gonorrhea!