Migrant Crime Deniers Continue to Deny Migrant Crime

On Norway and rapes:

SANDNES, Norway – When he first arrived in Europe, Abdu Osman Kelifa, a Muslim asylum seeker from the Horn of Africa, was shocked to see women in skimpy clothes drinking alcohol and kissing in public. Back home, he said, only prostitutes do that, and in locally made movies couples “only hug but never kiss…”

Henry Ove Berg, who was Stavanger’s police chief during the spike in rape cases, said he supported providing migrants sex education because “people from some parts of the world have never seen a girl in a miniskirt, only in a burqa.” When they get to Norway, he added, “something happens in their heads.”

Yes, that something is ancient genetically selected-for programming produced by an evolutionary history including inbreeding, a conquest society, and high DRD4 7r carriage, triggering a rape instinct. Sexual education is just going to get them thinking about all those lovely blode-haired white girls they need beat brutally and spread their genes into.

He said, “there was a link but not a very clear link” between the rape cases and the city’s immigrant community. According to the state broadcaster, NRK, which reviewed court documents, only three of 20 men found guilty in those cases were native Norwegians, the rest immigrants.

It is time to label the proponents of immigration Migrant-Crime-Deniers. Though lacking the panache of Cuckservative, it is still a good one, because every time you see a statistic you realize, “Holy shit, they really are in denial!” It completely disqualifies everything they say on the issue from that point on, and they will know it – I mean, how can you debate if you are in denial of the truth?

The left loves using phraseology this way, it is high time we enjoyed it too.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

Migrant-Crime-Denier aka “Rape Culture Supporter” aka “Denialst”

9 years ago

Pregnancy resulting from rape is one of the few cases where I have no problem with abortion. Of course, the rapist must be killed too.