Mien Kampf Makes A Comeback

It is returning:

A YEAR after Germany allowed the reprinting of Adolf Hitler’s hate-filled autobiography Mein Kampf it remains a bestseller.

It has sold 85,000 copies and is now in its sixth print run at a time of rising xenophobia and mistrust of refugees in the country.

Now a version in English is being considered for the UK and American markets.

This was a book designed to resonate with a frustrated populace that felt the elites were screwing them, and that was looking for targets to focus the societal rage upon. And now it is resonating again.

Imagine the hatred that was focused on the Jews in WWII, and ask yourself, might that hatred re-emerge and focus on the Muslim migrants this time? To my eye, it is unavoidable, once the economic collapse starts.

The only question is will the rampaging citizens hunt down the domestic cucks who brought the migrants in, as well.

Tell friends about r/K Theory, because we need fewer cucks in the long run

This entry was posted in Economic Collapse, Europe, Immigration, In-grouping, ITZ, K-stimuli, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Mien Kampf Makes A Comeback […]

8 years ago

Hi Anonymous Conservative,

What is your position in the JQ?

Keep up the good work.


8 years ago

*tinfoil hat time* It all seems so prearranged… Why republish this now? At the absolute worst time in history to publish such a manifesto. It’s obvious (at least to me) that the elite are trying to stir up another war. They need conflict to consolidate power.

Michael Kumpmann
Michael Kumpmann
Reply to  IMGrody
8 years ago

Hitlers book was forbidden not based on special censorship laws, but based on copyright law. The german government transferred hitlers copyrights to a ministry in bavaria and this ministry then banned the publishing of the book based on copyright grounds. And now, the copyright duration came to an end. Thus, technically, anybody can publish it now. The officially published version was made to counter abuses.

8 years ago

It seems to me that Fascism has some elements of r to it. Genetically born K would never have let it get this bad in the first place. I would posit nearly all of the German K genes died on WW2 battlefields (valiantly I might add) while their r leaders didn’t know what to do (and may have secretly enjoyed the casualty reports coming in). Hitler and Freidrich Paulus come to mind. While Germany is likely still more K than the migrants coming in, it isn’t K enough to handle the situation without great damage. I would expect the most r Germans to leave (and likely come to the States).

Reply to  Pitcrew
8 years ago

Ludendorff and Hindenburg were no rabbits.
2 factors:
Entry of US into war via the Lusitania incident – which did carry ammunition – and 2 years of propaganda after that.
Creation of the American Army Flu – excuse me, “Spanish” Flu – to wipe out the Germans.
After CEASEFIRE the allies ILLEGALLY continued naval blockade – a naval blockade is an act of war – to starve Germany to death.

8 years ago

On this matter, I dare imagine, that no matter how much the EU governments provoke the taxpayers to extremes, the taxpayers will find legal ways to get out of the violent-refugee situation because most people haven’t lost self-preservation instinct completely. Besides, it is none of our business anyway: http://www.france24.com/en/20160510-interview-adel-al-jubeir-saudi-fm-arabia-syria-assad-yemen-iran-israel

8 years ago

If you don’t want a Reich, it would be wise not to have a Weimar.

Cuthalu (@cuthalu)
8 years ago

It is probably an (((edited & revised))) version.

8 years ago

I suspect its mostly being purchased by Muslims.

8 years ago

Native born Germans would just download it. Id be surprised if most of them havent already read it online. However the immigrants are not tech-savvy. So Im suspecting they are the ones actually buying the book. Of course I could be wrong.

bob sykes
bob sykes
8 years ago

Hall is apparently unaware that English translations of Mein Kampf have been available in the US and UK almost from the git-go. He should visit his local Barnes and Noble if he wants a copy of his own.

Reply to  bob sykes
8 years ago

Get the Ford translation, it’s the best.
From a review: … I would say it is infinitely the most readable and accurate. Clearly Ford’s active knowledge of German coupled with his excellent English make his work by far the easiest to read. He also has a link to a .pdf you can download in which he analyses the faults in previous translations and explains how his choice is better and more accurate.

Ford has produced a complete and uncensored translation that actually sounds like decent modern English and is easy to follow.
(A paraphrase of) an example Ford gives: Hitler writes “Sheep’s Head.” Lessers made an insult: “mutton-head” or left the German phrase. Ford translates it Sheep’s Head and points out it’s the name of a CARD GAME! In that sentence, Hitler ALSO references another card game. So, DUH!!

8 years ago

It’s still the jews. Muslims wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the hook nosed traitors stirring them up and flooding them into western countries. The saddest thing about the holohoax is not that it didn’t happen but that it is used a psychological weapon to guilt the German people into embrassing their own destruction.

Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
8 years ago

Lots of lies and disinformation about Hitler and his National Socialist régime. The biggest one being that the concentration camps were “death camps” and not simply labor camps.

It takes a lot of coal to reduce a human body to ashes, especially the dense bones of the skull and femurs. It would have taken a ridiculous amount of coal to turn 6 million bodies to ash, train loads, upon train loads, upon train loads. Yet, Germany did not have any coal to spare, all of it was converted to diesel for the war effort. Germany lost the war mainly because they ran out of gas, especially during the Battle of the Bulge.

There are no mass graves and Germany simply didn’t have enough coal to burn that many bodies. If you conduct actual independent research, you’ll find none of the “Holocaust” numbers add up. It’s a fairytale.

Reply to  Mr. Frosty
8 years ago

I hardly believe a ww2 narrative these days!

We supported Stalin ffs!

“History is written by the victors!”

8 years ago

Trying to push all their opponents into being Nazis is business as usual for the Left. Adolf Hitler is their Emmanuel Goldstein.