Mexicans Dislike Crimes Commited By Economic Migrants

The first impulse is to say it is ironic:

Residents of a Mexican city are upset about immigrants causing crime, according to a Tuesday report from El Universal.

The report said that there was a press conference was held in Tapachula by a leader of a local group called: “For a different Mexico.” The group’s president, Victorino Alvarez Fuentes, said that immigrants were also masturbating in public and sexually assaulting women and minors.

Tapachula is near the Guatemalan border and besides immigrants from Central American countries, there has been a recent influx of African immigrants entering Mexico seeking to eventually get to the U.S.

The El Universal story centered around a home for immigrants called “Bethlehem,” and said just a couple weeks ago a immigrant staying there was arrested for sexually assaulting a five-year-old boy.

The reality is this is what we write about here all the time. Mexican have K-strategists, and in this environment their r-strategists are migrating out to where resources are higher, namely here. Now the Mexican K’s who stayed behind are getting irritated by the Guatemalan r’s who are flooding from their own even poorer hell-hole into Mexico.

We don’t see this as much in America, because we are so rich. But imagine if the Lost City of Altantis rose up out of the ocean, and it was even richer, and more advanced than the US. There, every resident was given a luxury beach house, and free six figure stipend, and free gourmet meals made by private chefs. Every day was spent in complete ease. Imagine word spread to the inner city welfarite r-strategists, that all they had to do was get to this land, and they could live like kings.

Donald Trump, a midwest conservative rancher, a Republican coal miner, or your average NRA member would never leave for there. But imagine Shaniqua, Laquanda, and Putana, huddled in the projects with several of their baby-daddies, all speaking excitedly about how wonderful it will be if they can only get there. The migrants would be a specific type of human.

We K-strategists exhibit a disdain for foreigners not because foreigners are bad, but because we are not designed to deal with them. We deal with foreigners in only two situations. Either we are pitted against their K-strategists in group competition during times of war, or our populations are being infiltrated by their r-strategist criminals and rapists during times of r. Obviously rabbits will love both types of foreigners, because they are trying to destroy us. But we will not.

Xenophobia is a mark of superiority, because it is a mark of the K-strategy, and an expression of one’s loyalty to one’s own.

Spread r/K Theory, because we need to identify ease-seeking migrants, and their Cuckservative enablers, for what they are

This entry was posted in Cuckservatives, Immigration, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Pedophilia, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Mexicans Dislike Crimes Commited By Economic Migrants […]

7 years ago

There is a sub-type of war called trade. That’s why K’s want good negotiators/businessmen. I hate trade deals where the USA always gets reamed yet cuckservatives are still so eager to deal with Chinese or mooz who hate our guts.

7 years ago

If r’s love foreign K invaders and kneel submissively to them… why can’t they love domestic K rulers and kneel submissively to them? I think you are wrong there. The problem is that when Ks get weak (or in other words, r), they lose respect/fear for them. It’s not the fact they are foreign, its the fact they are less corrupt/disorganized and therefore actually dangerous. If K’s simply stopped treating r’s with kid gloves, they (the extreme delusional cases aside) would stop bitching and throwing temper tantrums. There are some lectures by a russian defector talking about soviet subverssion strategies, and he pretty much makes this case: first you weaken a society by encouraging r and discouraging K until there is a sharp collapse, then you step in and “normalize” the situation, and the actual idealists (the extreme delusional cases) that you used to push the destablization along, those you exterminate ASAP. The soft types you make a show of force and that’s pretty much it.

I’m constantly amazed when I see “conservatives” complain about muslim migrants because… they aren’t feminist enough. Oh the horror, those muslims think our women are whores! What on earth gave them that notion? Isn’t it perfectly normal for a woman to spend her fertile years getting drunk, stripping naked, then passing out on the floor of fraternities? What’s wrong with having a kid and an abortion out of wedlock? That is exactly why the feminists don’t mess with them but do mess with “you”. It’s not the fact they are foreigners, it’s the fact they know muslim communities have strong K traits and even the most conservative western communities are cucked to the brim.