Mexican Ford Workers Blame Trump

Mexicans are not happy:

Word spread quickly through cellphone messages and shouts between co-workers that Ford Motor Co. had canceled its new $1.6 billion car plant at its sprawling 700-acre high desert site in north-central Mexico.

“When I saw it on the phone, (I thought), ‘Well, no, it can’t be,'” said Higinio Salazar, a security guard who spent the past five months logging traffic into and out of the site and hoped to have steady work for months to come. “It was on orders of Mr. Trump,” he said bitterly…

Part of the problem now is we have conditioned the rest of the world to expect that we will shoot ourselves in the foot to bring them happiness. You can see that r-selected expectation of free resources in the quote. An American company plans to hire Americans rather than foreigners, and that is something to get angry about. In this guy’s mind, it should have been Mexicans Trump helped.

On the other side of the equation will be happy Americans who will be able to support their families rather than lose their jobs, but we won’t hear about that from the leftist media.

I must confess that I am extraordinarily curious just what America will be like once we have a President who is actually putting Americans first, rather than trying to screw over his own people to appease every angry foreigner he lays eyes on. It is sad to say, this will be a very unusual period in our nation’s history.

Of course it is no coincidence the nation chose this path as K-selection approaches. Minds are being molded by environmental conditions as K-selection approaches.

Tell others about r/K Selection Theory, because we need out leaders looking out for us more often

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Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

“…I must confess that I am extraordinarily curious just what America will be like once we have a President who is actually putting Americans first…”
