Merkel Wants 12 Million More Migrants

Is this logical, or emotional/instinctual?

A leaked report from Mrs Merkel’s government said Germany would need to take in 12m migrants over the next four decades to keep Germany’s population size stable.

But the staggering figures unearthed by the Rheinische Post are only set to infuriate far-right voters who are already reeling after almost 2.2 million migrants flooded into the country in 2015 alone.

According to local reports a new report drafted by the Government has admitted the issue of migrant integration is a thorny subject.

The report on refugee integration states: “According to the experiences this will not be easy and will last longer than initially often hoped.

If resources had collapsed, both Merkel and her kind are programmed to take off to another land. She has drives to be surrounded by foreigners, to be repulsed by her own people, to curry favor with the outsiders, and so seek ease and comfort. Given she has no reason to flee, these drives manifest as a deeply held belief that for some reason, Germany can only survive if it imports millions of foreigners. The logic follows the emotion.

This is another reason r/K Theory has to catch on. The problem Germany has is the r-strategist’s low-rearing urge. German rabbits do not want to have children, or expend resources rearing them. If there were no birth control or abortion, or knowledge of how to have sex without having children, this would not be a problem. The increased sex drive would produce increased numbers of offspring, who would just be reared less intensively.

But with birth control and abortion, and a conscious ability to have sex without producing children, that r-strategist lack of desire to rear simply means German rabbits have lots of sex, while making sure they do not produce any burdensome offspring in the process.

If you understand that the urge to reproduce is controllable, based on one’s exposure to K-stimuli during developmental periods, then suddenly this silly argument about immigration, which cucks like Merkel and Kristol make is totally meaningless – and even a sign of their own ignorance of the underlying biological mechanisms and lack of intellectual curiosity.

If you understand the mechanism, then you would advocate for simply exposing the next generation to K-stimuli, so their brains will rewire to want children – even adapting to desire the smell of babies more, according to the research.

Notice that as that realization hits, the entire perception carries with it the idea that the r-strategy is not only the producer of bad policy and societal economic collapse, but it is also the destroyer of reproductive rates. It literally kills the society in every possible way.

At that point, the very desperate reason that Merkel is using to try and argue for the importation of 12 million migrants, suddenly reverses 180 degrees, and becomes a desperate reason to imbue the next generation with the K-selected reproductive strategy, so they will have a burning desire to expend their energies rearing offspring.

If reproductive rates are important enough to support the import of 12 million hostile Muslims by those ignorant of the mechanism, then clearly the issue is important enough that once educated, we can argue that instead we need to actively imbue that K-strategy in the young, starting today.

Begin the mandatory Mixed Marital Arts training starting at an early age with yearly mandatory tournament competition, do mandatory tactical firearms training, do the mandatory military service, DO part-time Law Enforcement patrolling in communities, and most of all eradicate all equality-based, anti-competitive, sexually-lax SJW educational programs. r/K theory destroys every single leftist argument, and advocates for programming children to be K, from the perspective of the very science liberals love to extol.

r/K is the most subversive idea political science will ever see. Think Marx, or Locke, or Lenin, or Reagan, or any other political thinker in history will change the world? It isn’t even close. No idea past, present or future will do what r/K will. And it is totally unstoppable.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because we need more babies

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Cuckservatives, Europe, Immigration, K-stimuli, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Rearing Differences. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Merkel Wants 12 Million More Migrants […]

Timothy Zak
Timothy Zak
8 years ago

I tend to suspect you implication that “ideas” per se don’t change the world in the way intellectuals suppose. The theory that natural selection underpins remains a powerful taboo. In the area of biology, humans are bless with a field of study whose complexity defies the human intellect – and hence cannot be effectively filtered for political implications. (In the way say, political science research can be.)

It is ripe with the intellectual fruit of information that has unintentionally provides pertinent information. You’ve certainly opened my eyes to the amount of research on selective pressures and epigenetic mechanisms carries political implications.

This reoccurred to me recently when I was reading one of Canada’s terrorism “experts” deplore the rise of right wing groups in Canada. I read some of his academic work. It never seems to have occurred to him that biological competition is a way to see Islamism.

He is perplexed that people who are materially successful, who are educated and “integrated” turn to violence. The psychological profiles suggested in CVE don’t seem to work. He proposes, among other things, a (generic and inclusive) war of ideas. The trouble with that proposal is that if the objective is non-violent ideas, the logical response to violent ideas is surrender.

8 years ago

Isn’t the solution to just ban abortions; birth control, and possibly adultry/fornication? If societal collapse isn’t enough of a rational basis to do so, then there are serious individual health issues with all three.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  mrboxty
8 years ago

Its been done. Romania did it back in the 1980’s or so.
People still refused to participate so there were fines, mandatory gyno inspections for young women without children and probably rape.
This got larger families sort of but no one reared the children and when a certain critical political mass was achieved Ceausescu was executed by the generation he spawned
The TFR in Romania now is 1.5 pretty standard for Eastern Europe
Also anyone hoping for a broad religious revival, it won’t happen. Abortion is illegal in Poland more or less, they are quite religious and nationalist and conservative . Its TFR is 1.3 much lower than Atheist Feminist Leftist Sweden which is 1.9 or so, maybe a bit lower among natives
There are no short cuts, once the population becomes urban in modernity TFR will decline and no policy can change that . If something changes in the culture and people want children , they’ll have them, Not before than.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

That’s a terribly interesting idea to start with early martial arts training and the other training regime. I wonder if the amygdala is the main functioning organ that controls r/K? I wonder if there’s an easy way to measure it, say without brain scans? If so could you monitor progress while comparing the different types of training?

8 years ago

AC, Infowars and Breitbart can be your outlets. Texas A&M and BYU are probably the best larger schools for academic study of r/K within human society- outside of the service academies. This theory should upend Sociology, Political Science and even Management. Politically conservative faculty has to pick this up though, that’s the hard part, but K’s like challenges.

8 years ago

Merkel is exactly on track. Currently a quarter million get imported a year.